Re:Fund - My Vacation Is Ruined By Getting Sent Into Another World!

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Heroes of the New World (Characters)
"Though they started perhaps plain, perhaps simple-minded, perhaps just a regular nobody, once they ventured into the New World, they become something else... Something more  than they first began."

~ Clio of the Muses, Goddess of History

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Last post: May 05, 2021, 09:56:57 PM Re: Sergeant Cook, Carri... by Erynn

The Book of Laws (Mechanics)
"Every world; be it mundane, or one full of magic, or one full of technology have their own laws and systems. While many things are interchangeable, and may even work better in some worlds than others, a basis should first be known. Herein lies those laws of the New World."

~ Clio of the Muses, Goddess of History

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Last post: June 19, 2019, 06:49:26 PM Relationships by Throndir

Index Historia (Setting Information)
"My private book I keep to myself! But just this once, I'll tell you what you want to know. I keep records of all worlds, of course, I have a series just for the New World. Important people, locations, historical events, and anything of the like. If it's happened, its written here."

~ Clio of the Muses, Goddess of History

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Last post: August 11, 2018, 03:53:51 PM World Map of the New Wor... by Throndir

Tales of the Heroes (Side Roleplays)
"A hero's journey is fraught full of many things. Obstacles, hardships, and perils. But so too does it include those moments that make life what it is. Laughter, joy, and happiness. Here are the records of those stories."

~ Clio of the Muses, Goddess of History

Moderator: Throndir

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