[Rosalie] Chapter 5: Little Sister's Demand

Started by Throndir, December 08, 2018, 09:25:17 PM

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《Chapter 5: Little Sister's Demand》

You stirred awake, the mana crystals embedded into the ceiling and walls were glowing bright enough to mimic the early morning rays, a notification appeared in a translucent green window.

[okay]You have gained a new title 『Contract Holder』
You have gained +1 WIS[/okay]However, there was one sight that was off in the otherwise picturesque scene. A little girl with light purple hair, was snuggled in-between you and the sleeping Valeriya. When you woke up, she seemed to stir.


As her eyes opened, Rosalie stared at the sleeping girl. She looked to Valeriya, then back to the sleeping girl. Definitely two people here. She rubbed her eyes and focused on the stranger. Reaching out, she touched the purple haired girl's shoulder gently and whispered "Who are you?"


When you touched her shoulder, the girl lazily opened her eyes and blinked when she noticed you. She then attempted to bite you.

[blockquote]Little Girl Bite 1d20+4 : 13 + 4, total 17[/blockquote]


The girl moved fast, too fast. One moment you were gently waking her up, the next moment her mouth was clamped on your hand. She clamped down hard, but it didn't quite draw any blood.

She seemed to mumble.

"Mmm... Why are you sleeping with sister?"


It took every ounce of patience to not raise her hand at a child. She looked down at the girl gnawing on her hand and told her what was going on. "I'm sure you've heard that your sister has a new dragonknight, the hero. That's me. Now if you could stop biting me it would be wise. You should see what I did to my competition at the ceremony."


The little girl's eyes flared instead.

"Sister is mine! You can't have her!" She said, her voice muffled as she continued to clamp on your hand.


"You'll want to take that up with your mother. I just showed up in this world and followed orders." With that, Rosalie attempted to wriggle her hand free of the girl's bite.

[info] Strength, Dex, Agility, you pick what one I can use.

Strength:[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 10 + 4, total 14[/blockquote]

Dex:[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 3 + 5, total 8[/blockquote]

Agility:[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 6 + 9, total 15[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Little Girl Opposed Strength 1d20+5 : 4 + 5, total 9[/blockquote]


You managed to get away from her clutches, and it was then that the little girl instead snuggled up to Valeriya, and clung to her arm. It was at this point that Valeriya woke.

"Rosalie?" Valeriya said sleepily. A moment later she noticed the clinging form. "Wait. Alyona! What are you doing here?"

Valeriya got up then, trying to push Alyona away, but the little girl was attached tight to her.

"No! No! No! That's not fair!" She then turned towards you. "Don't take her away from me!" She said, her eyes nearly bawling with tears.


Rosalie looked down at the girl who looked to be devastated. "Well, you know how the world is. There is a crisis. If your sister was going to be forced to fight either way, you should be glad that she managed to get the strongest person around. We'll go and take care of the problems facing your people and be back before you know it."


"Rosalie is right. Plus we talked about this already... Besides your own ceremony will be next year. You'll find yourself a nice young man..." Though her words were kind, you noticed Valeriya grimace.

She turned towards you while Alyona still clung to her.

"Well, I guess you've met Alyona... Most of the other dragons are my 'sisters', but not quite too... You see, if a dragon and their knight companion have a child, it's either in the form of an egg, or a human. If its an egg, the Elder takes care of it, but if it's a baby human, then it goes to the father. That said, the dragons that are contracted usually stay in their human forms simply because, generally, they live with contracted knight, usually in the town or city somewhere."

"Alyona got attached to me since she was young... She shares my cave, even though she has her own."

"Why can't sister and I have a contract?" She complained, but something in her eyes told you that she probably already knew the answer.

Valeriya didn't answer, but instead ruffled the kid's hair. She glanced at you, in an apologetic grin.


"You guys don't need one. I'm sure that you're already really strong Alyona. And since you're strong, its your duty to help the weak. Now that I have a contract with Valeriya, I'm strong too, so I need to help the people that need help, and she does too. You know, our human friends are having a really tough time with some really bad guys, so we need to do our best to help them out." Rosalie wasn't really sure how to treat this new dragon, she seemed much more like a human child than a dragon.

"So you need to do your part to help as well. Don't worry though, Valeriya won't be in any danger. You can ask the others if she is in good hands or not."


The little girl went from being upset to tears swelling in her eyes.

"But you're taking her away... Everyone goes away after the ceremony..." She seemed to muster up courage then.

"Where she goes, I will go to!" Alyona declared.

Valeriya sighed.


"If you really want to go, you'll have to prove to both of us that you're strong enough to hold your own. We won't be able to keep an eye on you all the time and I know that the elder would probably skin me alive if anything happened to you. Deal?"


QuoteColor change for readability.

"Rosalie is that a good i-"

"DEAL!" Alyona cheered, her frown replaced with a huge smile.

"You'll be glad to have me! I'm the best!"