[Rosalie] Chapter 5: Little Sister's Demand

Started by Throndir, December 08, 2018, 09:25:17 PM

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Hertha had grinned, then offered up her services.

QuoteGo ahead and state how many training sessions you want to do, if they are expedited or not, then roll a Training check. That is 1d20+WIS+INT.

Longsword Proficiency: Learn DC: 15, Required Successful Training: 8


[info] will start with one session and see where to go from there, trying not to delay the story too much and there can be alternative threads as well.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 11 + 5, total 16[/blockquote]


You spend the next few hours sparring with Hertha, with Hertha teaching you proper form and handling the blade.

QuoteFeel free to spawn other threads if you want. Or just do a whole bunch of things all at once! I can always interrupt it if need be. Assuming that was a Regular training session, and not expedited.

Longsword Proficiency: 2/8


[info] gonna roll a bunch of training sessions to continue practicing long sword as needed, assuming its happening while other things are not happening.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 10 + 5, total 15[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 3 + 5, total 8[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 2 + 5, total 7[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 10 + 5, total 15[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 12 + 5, total 17[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 10 + 5, total 15[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 1 + 5, total 6[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 8 + 5, total 13[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 8 + 5, total 13[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 8 + 5, total 13[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 18 + 5, total 23[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 5 + 5, total 10[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 19 + 5, total 24[/blockquote]


QuoteGoing to assume you will just use the Free training hours, if you want to do more than 8 hours per day, go ahead and roll some Constitution checks.

Apart from Training with Hertha for Longsword Proficiency, is there anything else you want to do in the next week before Pringer's arrival?

Day 2
Training Check: 16 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 16 - Success
Training Check: 15 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 10 - Fail

Day 3
Training Check: 8 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 12 - Fail
Training Check: 7 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 3 - Fail

Day 4
Training Check: 15 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 15 - Success
Training Check: 17 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 17 - Success

Day 5
Training Check: 15 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 4 - Fail

At the middle of Day 5, you were able to use the sword well. Choose another thing to learn.

Training Check: 6 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 12 - Fail

Day 6
Training Check: 13 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 19 - Success
Training Check: 13 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 8 - Fail

Day 7
Training Check: 13 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 10 - Fail
Training Check: 23 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 11 - Fail

Day 8
Training Check: 10 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 12 - Fail
Training Check: 24 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 14 - Fail


[info] Constitution rolls

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 3 + 5, total 8[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 9 + 5, total 14[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 19 + 5, total 24[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 13 + 5, total 18[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 15 + 5, total 20[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 11 + 5, total 16[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 3 + 5, total 8[/blockquote]


Day 2
Training Check: 16 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 16 - Success
Training Check: 15 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 10 - Fail
Forced Training Constitution: 8
Training Check: 8 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 12 - Fail
Fatigued Status - Take 15 damge non-lethal

Day 3
Training Check: 7 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 3 - Fail
Training Check: 15 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 15 - Success
Forced Training Constitution: 14
Training Check: 17 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 17 - Success

Day 4
Training Check: 15 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 4 - Fail

At the middle of Day 4, you were able to use the sword well. You begin learning to Sense Ki.

Training Check: 6 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 12 - Success
Forced Training Constitution: 24
Training Check: 13 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 19 - Success

Day 5
Training Check: 13 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 8 - Fail
Training Check: 13 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 10 - Fail
Forced Training Constitution: 18
Training Check: 23 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 11 - Fail

End of Day 5 you learn Sense Ki.

Day 6
Training Check: 10 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 12 - Fail
Training Check: 24 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 14 - Fail
Forced Training Constitution: 20

Day 7
Forced Training Constitution: 16

Day 8
Forced Training Constitution: 8


[info] more training

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 2 + 5, total 7[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 17 + 5, total 22[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 4 + 5, total 9[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 19 + 5, total 24[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 6 + 5, total 11[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 4 + 5, total 9[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 16 + 5, total 21[/blockquote]


Day 2
Training Check: 16 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 16 - Success
Training Check: 15 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 10 - Fail
Forced Training Constitution: 8
Training Check: 8 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 12 - Fail
Fatigued Status - Take 15 damage non-lethal

Day 3
Training Check: 7 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 3 - Fail
Training Check: 15 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 15 - Success
Forced Training Constitution: 14
Training Check: 17 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 17 - Success

Day 4
Training Check: 15 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 4 - Fail

At the middle of Day 4, you were able to use the sword well. You begin learning to Flash Step.

Training Check: 6 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 12 - Success
Forced Training Constitution: 24
Training Check: 13 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 19 - Success

Day 5
Training Check: 13 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 8 - Fail
Training Check: 13 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 10 - Fail
Forced Training Constitution: 18
Training Check: 23 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 11 - Fail

Day 6
Training Check: 10 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 12 - Fail
Training Check: 24 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 14 - Fail
Forced Training Constitution: 20
Training Check: 7 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 17 - Success

End of Day 5 you learn Flash Step.

Day 7
Training Check: 22 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 13 - Fail
Training Check: 9 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 11 - Fail
Forced Training Constitution: 16
Training Check: 24 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 19 - Success

Day 8
Training Check: 11 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 14 - Fail
Training Check: 9 - Fail
Training Check (Hertha): 16 - Fail
Forced Training Constitution: 8
Training Check: 21 - Success
Training Check (Hertha): 22 - Success
Fatigued Status - Take 18 damage non-lethal

QuoteNeed to know what actions you take up to Day 8. If nothing, then I'll have to throw in some events at you, and we can wait til the Wind Temple shows up.

?: 7/8
