Chapter 01 - The Call for Heroes

Started by pringerbeam, April 15, 2020, 08:01:21 AM

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     The fires burning in the back of the hall have at this point not only does across the stage but comes the walls and ceiling beams have caught flame as well and bits of flaming debris are starting to fall from the ceiling. The smoky haze has taken on an orange glow from the light of the fires as they burn hotter and brighter than ever before.

Fire spreads.

Everyone still in the hall takes 4 points of damage from the smoke. Those holding their breath take half damage.

Belsarus to take turn

Combat Info

Initiative: Creature, Belsarus, Riven, Spira, Councilors, Melody, Townsfolk

Fire spreads, everyone takes damage from smoke
Melody picks up townsfolk, casts healing
Council members rescue townsfolk
Spira passes
Riven moves
Belsarus rescues townsfolk
Fire spreads, everyone takes damage
Melody moves
2 council members exit hall, others pick up townsfolk
Spira exits hall
Riven pickes up townsfolk
Belsarus picks up townsfolk
Townsfolk fall unconcious
Fire spreads, everyone takes damage
Townsfolk escape
Council members help townsfolk
Spira extinguishes self
Riven helps townsfolk
Belsarus helps townsfolk
Fire spreads. Everyone takes smoke inhalation damage.
Guards help townsfolk
Melody helps townsfolk
Council Members helps townsfolk
Spira hits and slays Creature
Riven misses Creature
Belsarus hits Creature
Creature breathes fire at Spira, Spira set on fire
Townsfolk escape
Melody helps townsfolk
Council members help townsfolk
Spira damages creature
Riven helps townsfolk
Belsarus helps townsfolk
Creature attacks guard 2, misses
Townsfolk escape
Melody assists townsfolk
Guard 2 engages creature
Council members assist townsfolk
Spira readies
Belsarus and Riven assist townsfolk
Creature moves and ignites more fire


Belsarus elects to pass their turn.

Riven to take their turn.


Riven finishes dragging both people outside clearing his lungs with one solid cough as he did so to get some from the fresh air. He drops both of them out in the fresh air then looks back at the smoke. There was still people inside, he went to hold his breath again as he still raged and went back in a second time.

Hearing Melody's call he rushed in her direction until he toward over her and the unconcious people.


     The town council takes to helping the town guard arrange the fire fighting effort and tending to the injured townsfolk that had been rescued from the hall. Several lines of volunteers were forming to ferry buckets of water from the wells of Monument Square to the burning town hall while guards with halberds were starting to chop and pull at the side of the town hall that the fire had originated in and was fully ablaze.

Melody to take turn


A sense of relief and thankfulness washed over Melody as she saw Riven run up to her in the smoking room.

"Help me get the rest!" Melody said hoarsely, having already one of the townsfolk on her shoulders. She wished she could carry one more, but knew she wouldn't be able to.

Action 1: Stride, 15 ft. to exit, encumbered
Action 2: Stride, 15 ft. to exit, encumbered
Action 3: Stride, 15 ft. to exit, encumbered
Holding breath for 3 more rounds.
HP Log
-1, smoke inhalation
-5, smoke inhalation
-2, smoke inhalation, holding breath (original -5)
+2, heal on self
-2, smoke inhalation, holding breath (original -4)


     The fires continue to rage and burn. To those still inside the hall it is sweltering and sweat stings your eyes as it runs down your brow, only worsening the burning from the smoke. The few remaining unconscious townsfolk in the hall finally succumb to the hellish environment and expire. 

Fire spreads.

Everyone in the hall takes 2 points of damage from the smoke. Those holding their breath take half damage.
Townsfolk remaining in the hall die.

Combat Info

Initiative: Creature, Belsarus, Riven, Spira, Councilors, Melody, Townsfolk

Fire spreads. Everyone in hall takes damage. Remaining townsfolk die.
Melody moves
Riven rescues 2 townsfolk
Belsarus passes turn
Fire spreads, everyone takes damage from smoke
Melody picks up townsfolk, casts healing
Council members rescue townsfolk
Spira passes
Riven moves
Belsarus rescues townsfolk
Fire spreads, everyone takes damage
Melody moves
2 council members exit hall, others pick up townsfolk
Spira exits hall
Riven pickes up townsfolk
Belsarus picks up townsfolk
Townsfolk fall unconcious
Fire spreads, everyone takes damage
Townsfolk escape
Council members help townsfolk
Spira extinguishes self
Riven helps townsfolk
Belsarus helps townsfolk
Fire spreads. Everyone takes smoke inhalation damage.
Guards help townsfolk
Melody helps townsfolk
Council Members helps townsfolk
Spira hits and slays Creature
Riven misses Creature
Belsarus hits Creature
Creature breathes fire at Spira, Spira set on fire
Townsfolk escape
Melody helps townsfolk
Council members help townsfolk
Spira damages creature
Riven helps townsfolk
Belsarus helps townsfolk
Creature attacks guard 2, misses
Townsfolk escape
Melody assists townsfolk
Guard 2 engages creature
Council members assist townsfolk
Spira readies
Belsarus and Riven assist townsfolk
Creature moves and ignites more fire


Encounter over.  Everyone may act freely again.

Everyone gains 135 xp.


Melody carrying the body of a townsfolk came out of the burning building coughing. She glanced back towards Riven, but decided to focus her efforts on the person before her.

List of actions in order:
1) Medicine checks on townsfolk/those injured. Confirm death, dying, or alive status. Heal spell on dying if applicable.
2) Help put out fire, will join a volunteer line of carrying buckets.

Medicine 1d20+7 : 8 + 7, total 15


Riven did his best to bring out the remaining bodies as his green skin was covered in soot and ash. He placed the remaining people gently before the cleric as if they were children napping before he stood up and ran a hand through his hair. He never enjoyed feeling helpless but there was nothing he could do against the flames as they had licked across the room.

He could feel his anger welling up in him again as he spoke, but he did his best to hide it, "Does anyone know what our firebug was? I haven't seen anything like it before." His already gravely voice was slightly hoarse from the smoke so his question came out in the form of a half growl.


Medicine 15
    The townsfolk in your arms has died. Only extraordinary magical rituals might bring them back from the dead.

     One of the townsfolk, the clerk that had been initially chased into the hall by the creature, spoke out.  "I don't know what it was but I know where it came from! It was Calmont. I saw that little bastard was in the hall doing something and that creature appeared in front of him.  Started setting the whole place on fire after he spoke to it." Said the clerk. "Calmont? The bookseller's apprentice?" Inquired Greta, the council president. "What reason would he have to set the town hall on fire? Never mind, the why doesn't matter right now. We'll have to put up a bounty on him and have the guards at the gates keep an eye out. Start a manhunt if we get the chance. In the meantime we still have the matter of the Bumblebrashers that needs to be attended to." She looks at the four of you in turn. "It seems that this call's heroes have made themselves known already. Are you willing to accept miss Warbal's request? The town is willing to pay a sum of 10 gp if you accept. Also, for your help with that creature I have some supplies that might help with your quest. If you meet me at the guardhouse later I can give them to you."


Spira brushed the soot from her considerably singed outfit while half listening to the council president's request. "Hm? Oh, right, nearly forgot. I don't know about the other three but I'll see you there once I've gotten... cleaned up."


"It seems to me that you'll need to put your focus on cleaning up this mess. If these brumblebashers are still a concern I'd be happy to take that problem off your hands. I would also be willing to help with the manhunt if you need it. You have a number of dead after all, and they need a chance for a proper burial once things calm down," Riven said surveying the crowd as he spoke. He had dealt with blood-crazed audiences enough times in the pits to know when to avoid large crowds. Whether this Calmont was responsible for the creature or not he didn't know of any power to just call upon a creature like that.

"If you don't have anybody to do last rites I'm sure this little priestess would be more than happy to do it," Riven said thumbing back to Melody.

I'd like to make a recall knowledge check on brumblebashers if I can


Rolled 1d20+1 : 4 + 1, total 5


The priestess' eyes were downcast. She had been quiet when she checked on the patients that she and Riven had brought out. It didn't take long to realize that those they brought out were already dead. Melody couldn't help but play the events in her head, wondering if there was anything she could have done differently. That small piece of regret nagged at her, reminding her that she wasn't yet strong enough.

Always one to try to look at the positive side of things, she shook herself away from her dismal thoughts and decided then and there, that she would train and grow to be stronger, so that no one has to die again, not when she, a cleric of the most benevolent goddess, was around.

There was some conversation being held, but it wasn't until Riven indirectly mentioned the young cleric that she snapped from her thoughts.

Quote"If you don't have anybody to do last rites I'm sure this little priestess would be more than happy to do it,"

"I really, really, really want to help as much as I can." Melody started, her voice, sincere. "I'm not sure what deities their families followed, but I want to offer my services as a cleric of Sarenrae. To ease their souls into their next journey..."

"After that, I want to help find out who did this, or why one of those... fire creatures were here in the first place!"


"I ain't much of a hero but if ya think that someone like me can help, i'd be glad to do so." Belsarus was honest. "So ya want us to track down this Calmont fellow? Do ya know who he knows? We can start there."