Book 1 Chapter 3.2 - Beneath the Barrow

Started by Asta, November 09, 2020, 05:14:11 PM

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"I'll give it a try. Let's see what this potion is"

[info] Detect magic activated, using spellcraft to examine the bottle of liquid.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 6 + 8, total 14[/blockquote]


[info]Spellcraft 14:
You are unable to determine the properties of the oil, if any.[/info]


"Sorry, can't tell what this one is, but either way its worth bringing with us."


     "Could be useful nonetheless." Said Thedrin as he stuck the vital into his belt pouch. "Let us move on." He continued as he gripped his hammer and opened the door on the northern end of the room.


Beyond the door, a short hallway proceeds north before hooking west and then south. It terminates in a dead end, where you find once more a basin. As with the one before, there is another keystone resting at the bottom.


     "This must be for the other door." Guessed Thedrin as he took the final stone from its basin before heading back to the last unopened door.


The door slides smoothly downward to meld with the floor, opening up passage into yet another room. The chamber is largely undecorated, two more doors are set in the north wall but that is the least important feature of the space.

Across the room, from the stone chair upon which it rests rises an armor clad skeleton. Cold blue light burns in the empty sockets of its skull, trailing wisps of magic as it moves. It regards you silently as it stands, examining you, judging your strength and motivations. Slowly it picks up the shield that leans against the seat before turning to face you once more. From it's hip it draws a longsword, gleaming in the witchlight and clear of rust.

Oddly, the skeletal knight doesn't charge you. In fact it raises its blade before him as a salute, or perhaps a challenge before falling into a ready stance to wait for your attack.


     Thedrin watched the skeleton. "How... Chivalrous." He said as the skeleton saluted. He returned the salute from the doorway with his hammer. He thought about the journal entries he had read so far. "I am Thedrin Ashewake, knight errant. Do I have the honor of knowing your name good sir knight?"


The skeleton continued to stare at you a moment, behind his raised shield. The searing blue lights burning in the gloom seem to pierce your very soul.

At last there was a noise, strained from ages of disuse and flat, echoing with an unnatural reverberation as a word escaped the skull's unmoving jaw.



Rhenri stayed quiet at the exchange, though relaxed her muscles and focused her ki for a potential fight.

[info]Ensure her Stance, Stance of the Piercing Rays, is active.

Look into the room without moving past Thedrin for any other signs of danger apart from the skeleton.

[blockquote]Perception 1d20+7 : 18 + 7, total 25[/blockquote][/info]


[info]Perception 25:
Aside from the well armed skeleton you see no other signs of danger.[/info]


     "Well Eiltin, it would seem your tale ends here. May you fight with honor." Said Thedrin as he stepped into the room and bowed before taking a ready position.


"With honor..." The skeleton knight, Eiltin, replied.

[info]Roll Initiative[/info]


[info][blockquote]Initiative 1d20+5 : 12 + 5, total 17[/blockquote][/info]


[info]Initiative[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 10, total 10[/blockquote][/info]