Book 1 Chapter 3.2 - Beneath the Barrow

Started by Asta, November 09, 2020, 05:14:11 PM

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     "A long lost journal or something I would guess." Thedrin picked up some of the loose papers and looked them over.


After a moment to look them over it is clear that the pages do indeed belong to a journal of some sort. Many of the pages are ruined by the chewing of rodents and the passage of time but there are a few passages that are still legible, though the sections are undated.

Quote"... At long last, my time spent training and in service of the clan has yielded its reward. Finally I have been made a member of the headman's elite guard. Besides the honor that comes with the position, the increase in wage will finally mean Brigit and our son can live comfortably..."

"... A traveling mage has come to pledge himself to the chief today. I have not heard his name before, but the man does possess an impressive talent for magic. His demonstration was enough to earn him a place within the council. It is not my place to question the decision, but several of the elder members seem unhappy with the choice..."


"This is an exciting find! If nothing else we should make sure to bring these writings with us, they could be an important part of history. I'll see if there is anything magical of note in the meantime."

[info]Detect magic again and focusing on anything interesting.


Unsurprisingly after searching the small room for traces of magic, the stone resting at the bottom of the basin radiates a magic aura.


     Thedrin, originally dismissive of the writings, had his interest suddenly piqued. "Interesting... These seem to be the writings of some kind of courtier, a knight or similar station. They mention what I assume to be the wizard. No information on any treasures or secrets of this tomb though. Any luck on your end wizard?" He asked with a look to Cecelia.


"As expected the stone is magical, we just need to find the next place that needs one. I'm sure there will be more items of interest elsewhere."


     "Well let's see... This must be for the other door. So let's head back there." Hypothesized Thedrin as he took the stone from the basin and headed to the next room where they had fought the zombies. "Hopefully this works." He says as he inserts the stone into the hole in the door.


Once the stone was in place this door too hummed with energy before retreating downward into the floor.

Beyond the opening lie another room, about fifteen foot square. Along the wall to the south sat a table upon which rests a small pile of coins, a few sheets of paper, and an iron box. On the north wall is another door, made of wood.


[info]Perception for traps or danger

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 3 + 7, total 10[/blockquote][/info]


The room appears safe.[/info]


     Thedrin walked into the room and took a look around briefly before picking up the papers to have a quick read of them.


The yellowed pages seem to be from the same journal as the ones you found previously. They read as follows:

Quote"... There was a skirmish with the Uighlilin's today. I didn't see any combat personally, nobody got close enough to the headman. I did however witness the destructive power of Amhra's magics from afar. The man wiped out an entire platoon with a ball of fire as big as a house. There was nothing left of the area but blackened earth and the smell of charred flesh. None of the council question him now, his power makes him a valuable military asset as well as its implied threat..."

"... The headman has assigned me as a personal guard of Amhra. I do as my liege asks of me without question, but the mage frightens me terribly. He speaks to himself often, answering voices only he can hear. More and more the man wanders away in the night, telling no one of where he is going. I think I shall follow him in secret next time, his surreptitious nature warrants caution..."


     "Hmmm... Nefarious..."  Murmured Thedrin as he read the papers. "How much coin is there? Anything else there?" He asked as he flipped through the reading.  "I wonder what happened to the journal to have it scattered throughout this tomb."


"Let's see..." Scathach answered, counting out the coins. "Aboyt fifty gold here. Lemme check the box."

After spending a minute poking and prodding at the box in search of hidden traps, Scathach determines it is safe and opens the lid. Inside is a small unlabeled vial of rust colored oil stoppered with a cork.

"What do we have 'ere?" she says, holding up the vial for inspection.

[info]Party gains 50 gold and a vial of "rust colored oil".[/info]


     "A potion perhaps? Wizard, can you tell what it is?" Asked Thedrin as he looked around the room again.