Book 1 Chapter 3.2 - Beneath the Barrow

Started by Asta, November 09, 2020, 05:14:11 PM

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     Thedrin backtracked to the last room and looked around. "Hmmm..." He hummed as he looked down at the zombie corpses. "Those medallions... You don't suppose... Could I see one?" He asked from Scathach. Taking the medallion he walked up to the room's glyphed door and tried to place the medallion into the keyhole.


"Yeh sure." Scathach answered, handing Thedrin one of the medallions.

Despite attempting as many potential configurations as possible, Thedrin is unable to insert the necklace into the hole in the door. No amount of jamming, twisting, turning, stuffing, or less forceful manipulation works. "Guess its no that. Good thought though."


"That dog wudden hunt." Rhenri stated as she sighed and watched Thedrin attempt to place the medallion into the keyhole.

"There was a basin in the first room. Might could be somethin' related with that." She turned towards the mage in the group. "Cecilia you don't happen to be able to detect magic of any sorts?"


"I can detect magical auras, yes. And given enough time discern precisely which items are magical and which are mundane. Would you like me to take a look at the first room?"


     "Perhaps the doors have some magic you can identify. Or maybe that bowl in the first room? Or maybe this is all a lark some old loon put us on and there's nothing actually here." Said Thedrin clearly bored at this point.


Cecilia proceeds to go to the bowl in the first room, and focuses on it while using detect magic.


Once Cecilia begins the spell, she becomes aware of several faint sources of magic in the room. The longer she concentrates however, the more clear it becomes to what the auras belong to. The witchlights that illuminate the room, obviously are magic. The stone door also has a weak aura, which could be expected. The basin in the center of the room also has a faint trace of magic to it, but not enough to be noteworthy.

Curiously though, she could feel the presence of a magic aura emanating from the hole in the wall where the rats had been nesting.


"The magic auras seem to be about what we expected, each door is faintly magical, there is a small trace of magic in the basin which isn't anything of note. Most interesting is that the hole in the wall where our rat friends came from is a magical aura, and we should investigate it further."

With that she went over to take a look at the hole.


Within the hole in the wall, is a cluster of refuse that could only be the nest of the large rats slain earlier. With the former occupants gone, searching it is a trivial task. After a few minutes sifting through shredded parchment, chewed tapestry, the bones of smaller creatures, and the desiccated finger of a human you find a few coins and a palm sized stone cut into an elongated hexagon.

The stone, bears the same rune as the door in this chamber and resonates with a magic aura.

[info]You obtain 3 silver.[/info]


Cecilia walks over to the door that had the socket "Think i found something to help with this."   She inserts the stone into the socket.


Upon setting the stone into the socket, the entire door thrums with power. The low vibration is barely audible but it can be felt reverberating through the floor and in your chest. A moment later the stone slab glides downward, sinking into the floor and seamlessly melds with the flagstone.

Beyond, lies a chamber so small it could hardly be called one at all. A stone basin sits on the opposite wall from the entrance, on the floor beneath it are a few scattered and chewed on pages that could have at one point come from a book or journal.


     "Another basin..." Remarked Thedrin as he walked in to room. "Is this one magical as well?"


As Thedrin approaches the basin, it is evident that another palm sized cut stone rests undisturbed at the bottom. The papers at his feet are marked with writing, though a closer look would be required to see if they can be read.


"Well ma'am, looks like we found our bloodhound. That is... with magic instead of course. I reckon we need to find more of these hexagon-shaped stones? Or perhaps that's a key to the rest?" Rhenri asked outloud not really expecting an answer.

The marksman did move towards the now-opened stone door and began to look for any evidence of traps or other dangers as Thedren approached the basin.

[info]Perception into the alcove/room

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 4 + 7, total 11[/blockquote][/info]

"Anythin' on those paypers?" Rhenri asked the Thedrin.


[info]Rhenri Perception:
Rhenri's general search reveals nothing more to the room than what has already been seen.[/info]