Book 1 Chapter 3.2 - Beneath the Barrow

Started by Asta, November 09, 2020, 05:14:11 PM

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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+6 : 15 + 6, total 21[/blockquote]


Cecilia steps into the room with much less chivalry than the others. she lines up next to Thedrin and whispers a small apology before launching an acid dart towards the skeleton.

[info] Using Acid Dart at the skeleton warrior fellow. Ranged Touch attack.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+2 : 11 + 2, total 13[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d6 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


The dart whipped through the air, striking only a glancing blow as the skeletal knight tried to avoid it.

[okay]Cecilia shoots Skeleton Knight, hits, dealing 1 damage.[/okay]
[info]Rhenri to take turn.[/info]

[spoiler=Combat Info]
Initiative Order: Cecilia, Rhenri, Scathach, Skeleton Knight, Thedrin

Round 1:
Cecilia shoots SK, 1 damage


[info]Move: A bit closer
Swift action: Trigger boost Horizon Wind Lancet
Standard action: Attack

+1 Point Blank
[blockquote]Attack vs AC 1d20+6 : 12 + 6, total 18[/blockquote]

+1 Point Blank
[blockquote]Piercing 1d8+1 : 5 + 1, total 6[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Piercing 1d6 : 4, total 4[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Fire 1d6 : 4, total 4[/blockquote][/info]

[spoiler=Horizon Wind Lancet Reference]HORIZON WIND LANCET
Discipline: Solar Wind (Boost)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instant
The tenets of the Solar Wind have taught the disciple how to place more force behind his attacks. The initiator inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage on a single ranged attack he makes this round. If the initiator is making multiple attacks in this round, this bonus applies to the first attack the initiator makes.[/spoiler]


Rhenri's flaming arrow streaks through the air, straight on target. However, in a surprisingly deft maneuver the skeleton bats the projectile from the air with its shield, rendering it harmless. In spite of the defensive act he is left open for a moment, allowing Scathach to score a hit with an arrow of her own. Though the effectiveness of the attack is debatable, as it merely chips off a small section of bone.

Ignoring the minor damage from the volley of projectiles, the skeletal knight strides across the room to close the distance between himself and Thedrin. Lashing out with his longsword he cuts horizontally at Thedrin's midsection, only to have the blade turned aside by Thedrin's own shield.

[error]Rhenri shoots Skeletal Knight, misses.[/error]
[okay]Scathach shoots Skeletal Knight, hits, dealing 1 damage.[/okay]
[okay]Skeletal Knight attacks Thedrin, misses.[/okay]
[info]Thedrin to take turn.[/info]

[spoiler=Combat Info]
Initiative Order: Cecilia, Rhenri, Scathach, Skeleton Knight, Thedrin

Round 1:
Cecilia shoots SK, 1 damage
Rhenri shoots SK, miss
Scathach shoots SK, 1 damage
SK attacks Thedrin, miss


     Thedrin hesitated on striking back with the odds so against the knight. He stared into the skeleton's sockets, looking to see if there was any nobility left in the knight.

[info]Move Action: Detect evil on the skeleton

Free Action: Knowledge (Religion) to see if I can identify their stats[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 3 + 4, total 7[/blockquote][/info]


The skeleton locked "eyes" with Thedrin as combat raged around it. The faintest aura of darkness was detectable, radiating weakly from the animate bones.

"Free... Me... Free me from this hell!" The impassioned plea reverberated through the room, breaking the previously flat tone that the knight had spoken with before.

[info]Knowledge: Religion
You are unable to recall any information pertaining to this creature.[/info]


     "Then free you I shall!" Announced Thedrin as he raised his hammer over his head, a faint nimbus of light dimly emitting from its head. He brought the hammer down, hoping to batter through the skeleton's guard if not its whole rib cage.

[info]Swift Action: use Smite Evil on Skeleton Knight

Standard Action: Attack Skeleton knight with warhammer[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 9 + 8, total 17[/blockquote]Damage (bludgeoning)[blockquote]Rolled 1d8+5 : 7 + 5, total 12[/blockquote][/info]


"UUUURRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHH!!!" The skeletal knight, Eiltin, roared as he brought his shield up to stop Thedrin's holy stroke. Retaining the prowess he must have had in life, his shield did not fail him and turned the blow aside with a resounding crash.


[error]Thedrin attacks Skeletal Knight, misses.[/error]
[info]Cecilia to take turn.[/info]

[spoiler=Combat Info]
Initiative Order: Cecilia, Rhenri, Scathach, Skeleton Knight, Thedrin

[spoiler=Round 1]Round 1:
Cecilia shoots SK, 1 damage
Rhenri shoots SK, miss
Scathach shoots SK, 1 damage
SK attacks Thedrin, miss
Thedrin attacks SK, miss[/spoiler]
Round 2:


Cecilia continued her magical assault, launching another dart.
[info] Acid Dart ranged touch attack.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+2 : 11 + 2, total 13[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d6 : 6, total 6[/blockquote]


Cecilia's acid dart finds its mark, splashing on an exposed section of Eiltin's skeletal body and begins to burn away at the bone.


[okay]Cecilia shoots Skeleton Knight, hits, 6 damage.[/okay]
[info]Rhenri to take turn.[/info]

[spoiler=Combat Info]
Initiative Order: Cecilia, Rhenri, Scathach, Skeleton Knight, Thedrin

[spoiler=Round 1]Round 1:
Cecilia shoots SK, 1 damage
Rhenri shoots SK, miss
Scathach shoots SK, 1 damage
SK attacks Thedrin, miss
Thedrin attacks SK, miss[/spoiler]
Round 2:
Cecilia shoots SK, 6 damage


Rhenri focused her inner Ki once again, breathing in deeply as what had been taught her. The skeleton's defenses were tight, so she honed her senses towards the re-slaying of this skeletal warrior. Every slight movement from the skeleton and every moment in time was almost tangible to the archer. She imagined how and where the skeleton would move once she unleashed her arrow; all she needed to do was aim.

[info]Move: 10 ft. West
Swift action: Murderous Insight, Ki points remaining: 2 of 3.
Standard action: Attack

Active Buffs: Stance of the Piercing Rays, Murderous Insight (4 rounds remaining)

+1 Point Blank
[blockquote]Attack vs AC 1d20+6 : 6 + 6, total 12[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Attack vs AC 1d20+6 : 4 + 6, total 10[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Piercing 1d8+1 : 2 + 1, total 3[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Fire 1d6 : 1, total 1[/blockquote][/info]

[spoiler=Murderous Insight Reference]Murderous Insight (Su):

The stalker designates his combat senses towards ending the lives of his opponents and gains momentary flashes of insight in how to best accomplish this. By spending one point of ki as a swift action, the stalker makes an attack and rolls twice for that attack and uses the better of the two results due to the stalker's precognitive abilities. This art has a duration of 1 + the stalker's Wisdom modifier in rounds.[/spoiler]


Noticing Rhenri's arrow, the knight swiped backwards with his longsword knocking the arrow astray. Firing nearly at the same time, Scathach also loosed an arrow, but it plinked harmlessly off the skeleton, failing to make an impact.

Continuing to ignore the mostly harmless ranged assault Eiltin hammered down a crushing blow on Thedrin, making a wicked cut into his forearm.

[error]Rhenri shoots Skeleton Knight, misses.[/error]
[warning]Scathach shoots Skeleton Knight, hits, deals no damage.[/warning]
[error]Skeleton Knight attacks Thedrin, hits, 7 damage.[/error]
[info]Thedrin to take turn.[/info]

[spoiler=Combat Info]
Initiative Order: Cecilia, Rhenri, Scathach, Skeleton Knight, Thedrin

[spoiler=Round 1]Round 1:
Cecilia shoots SK, 1 damage
Rhenri shoots SK, miss
Scathach shoots SK, 1 damage
SK attacks Thedrin, miss
Thedrin attacks SK, miss[/spoiler]
Round 2:
Cecilia shoots SK, 6 damage
Rhenri shoots SK, miss
Scathach shoots SK, 0 damage
SK attacks Thedrin, 7 damage


     "Sorcery seems the most effective attack so far." Grunted Thedrin as he took the skeleton's blow and tried to counter attack with a low swing into its femur as he edged around the Knight.

[info]Move Action: Combat Advice to give Cecelia +2 to hit Skelton Knight

Free Action: 5 ft step

Standard Action: Attack Skeleton Knight with hammer[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 9 + 8, total 17[/blockquote]    Damage (Bludgeoning)[blockquote]Rolled 1d8+5 : 8 + 5, total 13[/blockquote][/info]


The knight circled his longsword wide to parry Thedrin's swing, preventing it from connecting.

[error]Thedrin attacks Skeletal Knight, misses.[/error]
[info]Cecilia to take turn.[/info]

[spoiler=Combat Info]
Initiative Order: Cecilia, Rhenri, Scathach, Skeleton Knight, Thedrin

[spoiler=Round 1]Round 1:
Cecilia shoots SK, 1 damage
Rhenri shoots SK, miss
Scathach shoots SK, 1 damage
SK attacks Thedrin, miss
Thedrin attacks SK, miss[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 2]Round 2:
Cecilia shoots SK, 6 damage
Rhenri shoots SK, miss
Scathach shoots SK, 0 damage
SK attacks Thedrin, 7 damage
Thedrin attacks SK, miss[/spoiler]
Round 3: