[Amelia] Chapter 12: Cave of Goblins

Started by Throndir, April 14, 2019, 02:02:38 PM

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"So the corpses in dungeons do act like those in videogames after a while," Amelia mumbles to herself. Remembering the location of the previous trap makes sure to avoid the space passing right by the red crystal.

After a moment she waved it off, "Better to leave that treasure for the next people in case its trap then risk me getting caught up in something stupid. As they begin to leave the second chamber she remembers the spear trap and makes sure to stay out of it's firing radius. "Don't forget the spike trap. Just in case it reset." She called.


By the time you got back, you noticed that the spear trap was definitely reset. The protruding crystal, which was most definitely the crystal spear was pointed back towards the hallway. This time around, everyone kept close to the southern wall of the hallway.

QuoteYou can do another perception check, and you'll get a circumstance bonus to find out exactly its trigger point if you'd like.


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 6 + 5, total 11[/blockquote][/info]


It was Nyx who caught sight of the trigger. It was a pressure plate near the center of the floor in the middle of the room. As long as no one stepped there, it was safe. Soon enough you found yourself back in the first room.


At that moment, an arrow shot forth. It was unexpected, and it hit Kurt right on his back. He paused. It didn't particularly hurt, but he immediately withdrew his blade and turned around. There was nothing that could be seen.

"I can't see anything... Thyra?" Kurt said. Thyra shook her head in response while also drawing her weapon at the same time.


Amelia whipped around as the arrow hit Kurt, expecting to see a goblin and yet she knew that Nyx would have said if one had spawned. So something else must be going on. "Who the hell fired an arrow at you?!" she said exhaustion, surprise, and confusion mixing into anger.

"That's just plain spiteful!" she yelled to the room "It doesn't even follow the damned theming!" she said strangely even more insulted that they used an arrow for the final pot shot. As if the dungeon was trying to flip them off one final time and egg her on for a final fight.


"Amelia...?" Kurt asked. "Dungeons normally don't respond back..." He said carefully.


"Fuck, that last one someone is trying to mess with us, and unfortunately I can't Judo flip a dungeon. Be prepared, If they are willing to keep going they may have more tricks ready!" Amelia said seething at this point.


"Mayhaps twas a trap that was missed? Thy prince did hath told us that dungeons change... Mayhaps is it in the middle of one such thing?"


"Nyx if you feel anything drain that shit. If the dungeon can spawn dudes behind us without trap doors. It's sentient" she responded to Kurt. "We may need to get ready for more cheap tricks


"The sentience of dungeons... It was theorized as such, though, no conclusive evidence had ever been found for it. Instead, we've been learning how to live and co-exist with them. They provide a constant source of monsters, loot, and treasures for adventurers. I'm not fully convinced of their sentience... More that it's simply a part of how they exist. In the same way perhaps animals would feed, dungeons like these create monsters." Kurt replied.


"No one takes cheap shots at my friends like that!" Amelia seethed opening friend's list. she sends a message to Thyra

"I'm Hurt if things go south we will need to run like hell."

Thyra nodded.


"For a brief moment I felt mana from where the bolt came from."


"Amelia... We should hurry out of here. There's too many strange things happening in the dungeon. The Guild should know."


"I'll help you track it," Amelia said focusing her rage like a spear. "This is not one of those games where we beat the boss for there to be a second stage, I came her to see if I could talk to the dungeon core, and clear the monsters. Now it decides poison traps aren't enough but that its gonna take pot shots at us."