[Amelia] Chapter 12: Cave of Goblins

Started by Throndir, April 14, 2019, 02:02:38 PM

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"I have to agree with your prince, Amelia... The exit is near, we should hurry on." With that Nyx started to move southwards out of the cavern.


Amelia nods seeing Kurt's reaction, "Let's keep moving and keep our senses open for more attacks. I didn't realize the dungeon would have buggy Iframes like a Bethesda game. For now, discretion may be the better part of valor," Amelia said eagle-eyed but following her head on a swivel.

Amelia with her friend's list still opens sees if anything changes while they are fleeing if any names have appeared which  she doubts


[info]Attempting to use your Friend's List, there was no change to it.[/info]


Soon enough, you made it out of the cave, and back into the sunlight.


Once outside Amelia began to calm down as she felt the pain of her wounds. "Well, that went better than expected," Her town was sarcastic but there was a look of relief on her face as she felt the constant thrumming of her heart. "At least I'll be able to keep my guild card the first month." Amelia chuckled slumping into the grass.

She looked behind her into the darkness of the cave now that she was in the outside world she regretted not taking the risk to break that crystal and grab that treasure. The sour taste in her mouth only intensified when she knew that she had been forced to flee from that place when things were going so well in the first place. But, she knew she was weak if she had stayed home the others could have handled everything in a short time. She had been little more than dead weight the entire time.

"I'm sorry everyone, I really screwed things up. If that was the boss you all could have dealt with him in moments, but you had to protect me. And I forced us to leave the treasure behind. I can't even help clear a beginner dungeon without your help. I guess that makes me even less of a hero than I  thought I was." She sighed feeling moisture build at the corner of her eyes.

"I put your lives at risk for my own selfishness, that isn't very royal behavior is it?"


Location: Outside The Cave of Goblins
Date: Day 12 - 9 AM

"Amelia..." Kurt began. "Even heroes start from somewhere. Not to mention the minor Paradigm Shift of the dungeon... Though things did change in the dungeon from reports I read, even if the dungeon spawned a hundred hobgoblins, I would have protected." Kurt said as he winked then bowed. "Congratulations on completing your first dungeon Your Majesty."

"Tis wilt be fine, hero." Thyra said as she placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Tis the duty of thy countrymen to protect thee. And though, this valkyrie tis not a citizen of thy country, thou art still a hero. And therefore worthy for us to follow." Thyra grinned. "Raise thy chin, for we still hath the day for us."


"Thank you, all of you," Amelia smiled hugging Nyx close for a moment feeling his heartbeat. "It seems like we have most of the day left ahead of us. We might as well spend the rest of the day training till nightfall."

"Kurt, do you know of a good place where I could practice my spirit energy? she asked standing

"We should also make sure to stop by the guild hall before it closes. We need to report the changes."


"Your spirit energy?" Kurt asked, confused. Thyra then spoke up.

"Tis the power of the goddess, grant to the valkyrie... and to thy hero as well." The valkyrie said looking at Kurt. The prince nodded in understanding.

"Is there any requirement in order to train it..?" Kurt asked next. To this Thyra laughed.

"Nay, not but a willingness to train. Even here we can practice if we wish it."


"Like I said, we should do the responsible thing and report to the guild first. I don't want another group with less power walking in there unprepared." She said with a new look of determination.

"After that I private place to train would be ideal. Kurt, do you think you could train Nyx to do some of that fancy footwork from this morning? I saw him get hit when he was surrounded by goblins and i'm sure some professional training how to move will help."


"Let's do that. The dungeon is currently Rank F in the Guild's ranking system, let's propose this to be increased to Rank E. As for what you had seen earlier today Amelia... I've never taught someone else's familiar before. But my sister is quite fond of Nyx too... In that case, Nyx, I formally invite you to my sister and my training sessions each morning. It's in the same courtyard... I'm hoping after this morning's spar, she'll come back again daily.... Like she used to."

QuoteState any preparations and specific actions, and we'll move along. ALso specifically asking what training route you want Nyx to start taking next, do you mean Flash Step (this will take some time), or something simpler like Dodge?


I'm going to go to the guild and report the change

Amelia will train spirit strikes as many times as able

Nyx will start with Dodge then move to flash step once Dodge is accomplished.

While they are walking to the Guild Amelia opens her Friend's list to Nyx, "Hey, Nyx, has anything obvious changed in your status screen? While we were fighting I got a weird message and I can't make head or tails of it. I got something called Full Shared, and it seemed tied to you because it's labeled under Cat." Amelia said.


QuoteWe can paraphrase, I need you to write down exactly what you are reporting about the Cave of Goblins.

For training, roll a Training Check, specify how many hours of training you do. Mark it in your Calendar sheet under the Training column.

Also you don't necessarily know it's labeled under Cat as I don't think you've done any actions yet that can get that information.

Nyx nodded. "I received the same kind of title earlier."


The dungeon has seemed to have undergone a paradigm shift evidence being the number of monsters has increased and grown in power. Specifically, referencing the hobgoblin. Amelia also specifically make note of the deadly nature of the second trap and that an unskilled group could easily end up dying in that scenario. I'll also make note that the dungeon seemed to respond to our presence by spawning goblins in behind us.

I also turn in the hobgoblin trophy as proof.

Training 8hrs (4 attempts dc 15) Thyra is assisting
[info]Attempt 1
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 5 + 5, total 10[/blockquote]

Attempt 2
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 8 + 5, total 13[/blockquote]

Attempt 3
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 4 + 5, total 9[/blockquote]

Attempt 4
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 12 + 5, total 17[/blockquote]

Amelia thought before speaking. "Hey, Kurt, the representatives from the dragon knight is going to be leaving soon right? We should invite them to the party tonight for traveling such a long distance."

[info]Going to add Father Atwood, Angelina, and Bently to the party. Hopefully to get them a plus 1 with them before they leave.


Location: Mendernich Guild
Date: Day 12 - 10 AM

The familiar receptionist greeted you, and eventually took in your report. She had read it and nodded and thanked you for the service. She commented that it wasn't rare for dungeons to go through Paradigm Shifts, but that the guild hoped this particular dungeon would stay low enough that beginner adventurers could attempt it. From how she described it, it seemed that now the Guild would plan to push the dungeon more of a 'completion from a newbie adventurer', and would likewise increase the rewards around completing the dungeon. She also nodded in understanding of the creatures spawning behind, apparently it wasn't so rare, and was something that happened often in dungeon escapades, to which the receptionist used it as a point on ensuring that the adventuring party keep their eyes both in front and behind. Afterwards, she gave you and your party multiple bags of coin. However, both Thyra and Kurt decided to give you their own share.

QuoteReport on Cave of Goblins: 100 GP
Hobgoblin Ear: 4 GP
Please update your own sheet with these under Items

Location: Training Courtyard in Castle
Date: Day 12 - 10 AM

You spent a large chunk of the day training with Thyra. You were glad for her help, as without her guidance, you wouldn't have been able to figure out some of the things with gathering your Spirit energy, and using it in an offensive matter. In the meantime, Kurt was attempting to show Nyx how to initiate a flash step, surprisingly, Nyx caught on rather quickly, and was already able to both sense the flow of Ki, along with slightly manipulating it. Focusing it on his feet though was something completely different for Nyx, and the cat began to learn from the prince. You soon found out that Kurt wasn't really a great teacher, though, Nyx was naturally gifted.

Spirit Strike: 4/8

You finished training when it was 6 PM. It was then that Matilda appeared.

"Siiiiiister!" Matilda called. "And hullo brother. And a pleasure to meet you again Thyra." She said waving at her brother, but showing a bit more restraint and doing a curtsy for Thyra. She turned back towards you.

"Anyways! The rest of the food will be done very soon. A couple of the guests are already waiting too, though, not everyone had arrived."

QuoteCorrect me if I'm wrong, but here are the attendees:
Father Atwood, Angelina, and Bently
Matilda, Kurt (presumably)
Thyra (presumably)
Akari (is her sick brother Takeru invited?)
Castle Staff including: Head maid Corina, Goddard


Location: Mendrich Castle Gardens
Day 12 - 6 PM

All listed attendees including:
The King
Takeru (though we would make sure he had additional blankets and be brought inside after too long.)

"Right," Amelia said with a smile I better go see if I can help set up for everything. "It's been ages since I've gone stargazing!" Amelia bubbled.

Turning to the others, "Please, the rest of you feel free to clean up if you want I can help with this part."

Amelia will then follow Matilda to the gardens, having changed out of her disguise before the training she quickly fell into step playing hostess. She greeted the guests that already arrived made sure there were blankets both to sit on and be wrapped in to avoid the cold. She will also help Conrad set up the telescope and make sure the meals could be all carried out to the garden. She will also grab her cellphone before the party starts,

"Thank you, Conrad, for letting me borrow your telescope tonight,"
she said finding an even spot with a good view of the sky. "I always have loved looking up at the moon,"