[Rosalie] Chapter 2: The Velothian Dragons

Started by Throndir, August 06, 2018, 02:28:18 PM

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A-ah... well... How about after we finish our contract? Valeriya said hesitantly, being caught off guard by the question.

B-but I'm not old! Since you're thinking it! W-well... in dragon years... I am actually pretty young... Valeriya continued, flustered and trying to cover up.

How about you?


"That's fine, in the end it doesn't make a difference. I'm 23." Rosalie was surprised that Valeriya was hesitant, but everyone has hang ups about something. "So for this war against the demons, how bad is the situation, be honest. I know before you said humans were in trouble, but what about your people currently?"


I'm... 169. Valeriya said. Which is pretty young for a dragon's age! The Elder herself is probably thousands of years old!

This war affects everyone... We've been in conflict for about 100 years now. They came primarily from the north and south then. The kingdom of Hierdsvain, with the blood of the goddess running through their veins were the first to meet the summons of battle. They were the most effective as well, but they also supplied most of the troops for the rest of the world. But our own kingdom of Antwarch were called in too, the humans of this kingdom have close ties with the Valkyrie of Hierdsvain. Their relationship, in some ways, are similar to my people and the Antwarch humans. In that way, us dragons were called in as well There used to be many, many more of us... She sighed.

Our mountain here, where the Elder lives, is the last safe-haven for dragons such as us. We used to have many peaks throughout the world... But they've since been overrun by demons, or simply... vanished when the countries to the south appeared in their place.

We have to help the other races of this world though...  It's not just their fight, it's our as well. It's everyone's who isn't a demon.


"That's a long time for a human. You must have seen all sorts of things."[color] Rosalie listened to the situation, taking in every word.

"So with this situation do we have any time to train? There is still so much that I don't know about your world, or about my own capabilities. It feels like it would be a bad choice to go out unprepared, but I don't know if we have any time to prepare. Maybe these aren't questions that you have the answers to, but its on my mind when I hear how dangerous the world is."


I haven't actually... Valeriya responded. Only in the last decade or so have I been exploring further than our country... and visiting the new ones in the south.

We'll be able to train... but it won't be very long. Perhaps two weeks at most. The Hierdsvain Valkyrie have almost all been annihilated... The Antwarch kingdom would have sent troops their way, but we're already too occupied with fighting the front on the west. If the demons breath through the north... We may need to cut short our training and defend, while Antwarch calls for aid from the southern nations. But as such has been the case for the last 100 years, whenever a bastion is lost, humanity retreats further. Our mountain used to be far from the battle lines... But now... It's close.

Don't worry, you have me, Rosalie. I may not seem like much, but I'm actually pretty strong, ya know? I'll teach you all I know.


"Is there a lot of other countries in this world?"

Rosalie tried her best to understand the situation. "I don't think that you're weak or anything, but if I have the capacity to use so many different kinds of magic, I'd like to learn as much as I can to be ready for many situations. I definitely think I can learn a lot from you as well. Where would be the best place for us to learn quickly?"


Before? No... Valeriya said. On our continent we used to have 3 major countries. The Kingdom of Hierdsvain, the Antwarch Dragon Knight Kingdom, that's us, and the Felenthia Kingdom. Now... there's at least 15 separate countries. Probably a lot more if you are to count every single village or town that mysteriously appeared here.

The Hierdsvain Valkyrie used to cover the entire northern regions of the continent. While the Antwarch Kingdom's territory included much of the west, and further south as well. The Felenthia Kingdom... Once the largest human kingdom has had it the worst however. Their territories were primarily the ones that were replaced by other sovereign nations. Their lands simply vanished, replaced with many other smaller countries as time went by. The latest largest kingdom to appear out of nowhere is one called the Kingdom of Bürsteig. Though, I'm sure there are many other smaller plots of lands that are replaced here and there. All that remains of the once mighty Felenthia Kingdom are now two disjointed regions called the Felencorp United Alliance. These days it consists more of the remaining survivors of their kingdom, along with a loose coalition of many smaller countries.

The encampment down below us contains various training grounds and places to sleep in... But... Rosalie... If we are to be contracted partners, then you are always welcome in my home.


Rosalie listened to the history of the world. It seemed that there were all sorts of countries forming out of nowhere and that seemed quite interesting compared to what she remembered from her own world. "It sounds like the entire world needs help.. It's really a bad situation huh. Rosalie waited for a moment. "I had figured I would be staying with you after all of the talk of this ceremony, Valeriya. I'm just wondering where we will be able to find people that specialize in different things. Do you guys have all of that here?"


Valeriya shook her head.

Many of our world's best fighters are still out there on the front lines... Many of them too, have already perished. Is there... something you are specifically looking to learn?


"I don't have anything particular in mind, but since I seem to have an affinity for magic I'd like to learn as much as possible. It seems like magic also works with my Enchant keyword, so the more I learn the better! If I can learn enough I might be able to keep your people safe."

[info]Continue to Chapter 3: The Antwarch Dragon Knights[/info]