[Rosalie] Chapter 3: The Antwarch Dragon Knights

Started by Throndir, August 19, 2018, 12:15:45 PM

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Other than spells... and learning what you can cast, there are some techniques too I can teach you. But... here we are!

The camp that the humans of Antwarch kingdom was more than just a regular camp that you would have expected. There were actual cabins arrayed in the area. There were also a variety of training dummies, and grounds. There were a lot of empty spaces as well, and it was one of these that Valeriya was aiming for.

Finally she landed, while she did so, she transformed back into her human form. It was unexpected for you however.

QuoteAcrobatics, DC 10, once you have +9 or more on your sheet, we can treat this as an auto success from then on.

"Hail, Valeriya!" Said a man in armor.


"Who is...?" The same man asked, staring at you.


After hitting the ground, Rosalie took in the sights. It almost felt like a summer camp from her childhood. She eyed the armored man a bit suspiciously but at least gave him  her name. "Rosalie. A hero."

[info] Acrobatics
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 2 + 8, total 10[/blockquote]


"A hero? Don't joke with me! You're a girl." The man said flatly. "No really Valeriya... Unless you mean she's a hero of some sort, but not the actual Summoned Hero."

"She's the actual Summoned Hero." Valeriya responded.

"I think I misheard you, what?" The man asked.

"She's the actual Summoned Hero."  Valeriya repeated, but you could tell she was getting a bit peeved.

"Girls can't be the Summoned Hero... They're kinda weak." The man replied nonchalantly. "Also, what's with the weird outfit and that... thing on your back? A blunt axe?" He said, pointing back at you.


Rosalie sighed. This armored guy reminded her all too much of the boys in martial arts when her parents had her try it out. She was decently competent but they always seemed to think that she would be a push-over. Perhaps she would have some fun. She let out a sly smile before starting her incantation:

"Oh fire and air! Frolic to and fro about the heavens and strike down those before me! Lightning Strike!"

[info]Rosalie is casting a single target lightning spell on the man in armor that is mocking her.

Spellcraft: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+12 : 17 + 12, total 29[/blockquote]


[info]New Spell Learned
Keyword: Lightning Strike
Attributes: Fire, Air
Elements: Lightning
Spell Base: Single Target
Spell Effects: Electric Damage vs Agility x10[/info]The lightning bolt randomly came from the skies, striking the armored man.

[info]You deal 43 damage.[/info]He fell down in a heap.

"Urk..." The man groaned.

Valeriya stared in shock.

"I guess I don't have to tell you that was the captain of new recruits to the Dragon Knight order?" She laughed.


"Oh, I thought he would be able to handle it. He was convinced I was weak and that wasn't a strong spell or anything. Do you think people are going to be mad?


"He had it coming to him. You would think they would be... nicer. But you have to realize we've been at war for a hundred years now. All the good ones are either already on the front lines or are long gone." She was a bit somber.

"I wouldn't worry about it. Some of my people are pushed too far too, and when they do... Well, sometimes its worse than what you just did. But Rosalie, what you just did was pretty strong." Valeriya was grinning. Bashfully she reached out to hold your hand again.

"Ugh..." The captain groaned.

She stepped over the maybe-unconscious man as literal wisps of smoke blew off from him.

"I... can't feel anything..." He continued to groan.

"So hero, is there anything you'd like to see or do?" She asked, completely ignoring the armored man.


Rosalie stepped over the fallen man as well, trying her best not to giggle as he laid on the floor in a heap.

"If this is an important spot for your people or for our immediate future I'd like a tour to know what they have around camp and maybe meet some of the other local people before the ceremony."


Valeriya grinned, and while still holding your hand she started leading you to each of the locations at the camp.

QuoteThe list below will be each of the potential scenes. If you want to roleplay out any of them, we can fork the threads out. But forked threads will take less priority than the main story threads. We can assume each of these scenes takes enough time added up to be able to make it for the ceremony.

Campground Kitchen

"I need to bring you to my favorite place here." Valeriya said as she stood in front of one of the cabins. She was happily grinning when she pushed the door open.

Inside you see a girl hastily preparing a lot of dishes.

"Mary! Can you get us something yummy?"

"No! You got me sooooo in trouble the last time you were here!"

Campground Arena Circle

Another area that Valeriya took you to was an open field. Though you noticed that there were markers on the ground, and it made it look like some sort of playing field. Valeriya described it as an arena. At the center of the arena was an armored lady holding up a staff. In front of her was an armored man who panting on the ground.

"Tis not the Antwarch Knighthood a strength to be reckoned with? Why art thou on the floor, man. Pick up thy weapon, and try oft. Taketh me down!"

She noticed Valeriya and you.

"Valeriya! I hath heard that thou shalt take the ceremony for this eve'. Hath thou already decided? Or tis the machinations of thy Elder? Who art is the one next to thee?"

Campground Trails

"The fresh batch of recruits get to pick their dragon later. Man, I wish I picked a different one... The one I'm saddled up with isn't nice at all. Plus I heard some of the younger dragons are in it for this year's ceremony... Their human forms are adorable." The man had a lewd face.

"They're not too bad... I'm actually pretty happy with the fact we haven't been sent to the front lines yet- Oh if it isn't Valeriya." The man cocked his eyes towards Valeriya hungrily.

"I heard the Elder is forcing you to participate this year. If I get to go first, you're going to be mine. I doubt anyone would contest me anyways. Hahaha."


Rosalie followed Valeriya along on the tour. At the kitchen, it seemed like the girl cooking, Mary might be a bit too busy for whatever Valeriya had planned. "Maybe we can come back and eat something here after the ceremony? She looks pretty busy."

At the arena, Rosalie looked on with curiosity, wondering who the armored woman was. "Who's this lady? She seems a lot stronger than the other people that we've seen here so far." When the woman called out, Rosalie replied. "I'm Rosalie, I've been summoned here as a hero."

Walking down the trail, Rosalie was taking in the sights and sounds of nature. It kind of reminded her of home. Then the two not so respectable soldiers ruined the tranquil scene. She listened as they talked, and they seemed intent on becoming dragon-knights in their own right. She pulled Valeriya closer and smiled. "Sorry boys, the elder already decided that Valeriya is mine." She winked after she finished speaking and continued to walk on with Valeriya.

[info] Most interested in forking the Arena circle.[/info]


Campground Kitchen

"B-but... Rosalie!" Valeriya sighed. "Fine. Mary, make sure you save us something nice, okay?"

"Okaaaay! Please tell the captain I need more chefs..."

"I would, but he's rather indisposed right at the moment. He's got the bad case of the 'Lightning Strikes'."

"Lightning Strikes?" But it was too late, Valeriya had already left.

The chef looked at the piles of various ingredients, and multiple stove tops that were still cooking a dish. A few of them were just about to be done. Panicking she started to work again.

"Come back to help next time!" The chef, Mary, called out.

Campground Arena Circle

"Her name is Hertha. She's one of the Valkyrie within our Kingdom helping with defense. Her main station here is training new recruits on their martial skills. That said, she herself makes a better mage... Though the teaching role for that is usually kept with the Idorian Academy mages that are here."

"Tis true, thy mages from the Idorian Academy claim that role, however... in combat tis sure that I, Hertha, shall prevail o'er the likes of them." Finally she was in front of you as she studied your face carefully.

"Thou art the summoned hero? The one that Valeriya's people hath brought upon this world... Ever doth I hope that mine own people, the Valkyrie, hath summoned theirs... And perhaps even the Antwarch knights... Truly, hath they found a summoning circle yet even?"

The Valkyrie reached out to hold your hand at that moment, then bowed down to a single knee.

"Tis a pleasure to have laid mine eyes on thee, hero Rosalie." She kept her hands held as she pressed on it slightly.

"Tis a pity that thou is woman..."

Valeriya coughed.

Campground Trails

Valeriya blushed as you pulled her closer.

"Rosalie..." Her face had was slightly tinged with pink, as she simply looked at the ground while the both of you walked.

The two recruits however, glared at you.

"You're not even an Antwarch knight! You have no right! I dare you to contest my right at the ceremony!"


Rosalie gave a timid wave as they left the kitchen. It seemed like the kind of place that she would be visiting often.

Rosalie listened to the Valkyrie. It looked like everyone was summoning heroes, and not just Rosalie's people. That idea hadn't dawned on her but it made sense. "Why is it a pity that I am a woman, Hertha?" It seemed everywhere they went, everyone was disappointed that she was a girl, but maybe one of these times, there will be a good reason for it.

"Considering I gave your trainer a love tap and he's still out cold, challenging me might not be in your best interest. However, if you would prefer it that way, I would not mind giving you a taste of my full strength. It was difficult for Rosalie to keep a straight face as  she thought of the dragon knight training officer laying on the ground in a heap. She whispered to Valeriya. "Do you think they'll do anything?


Campground Arena Circle

While still kneeling Hertha smiled. Still holding your hand, she stood up.

"Truly, if thou art a man, mayhaps indeed I can be one of thy companions in thy beddin-"

"Hertha!" Valeriya was blushing. "But she is not a man, so hands off, alright?" Valeriya frowned, showing her protectiveness.

This only made the Valkyrie grin however, and even giggle from Valeriya's outburst.

"Tis not that long ago when thou, Valeriya, hath said that thou would never go through with the contract. Mayhaps indeed what we needed was a girl."

Valeriya didn't respond, but seemed to only blush and look at her feet in defeat.

"It's not like-" Valeriya started, before suddenly being interrupted mid-sentence.

"But tis indeed so! Thou is flustered so... Hath thou even tried this yet?"

Still holding your hand, Hertha then grabbed it to pull you closer, with her other hand venturing towards the nape of your neck.

QuoteYou can attempt to resist with Agility or Strength. Or she'll steal a kiss! Opposed Agility and/or Strength in that case.

Campground Trails

"Captain Charles? A love tap? Why, aren't I jealous." The man said sarcastically, completely misunderstanding what you had just said.

"Perhaps I want one too, girlie."

The other man beside him laughed.

"Give me some of your full strength love taps too!" He said lewdly, he pointed to his cheek. "Right here."

"Haha. How about..." The man pointed towards his crotch. "Here?"

Beside you Valeriya was starting to tense up.

QuoteInitiative requested


"From what I can see, most of the good men seem to be gone, maybe she was just holding out for a hero." Rosalie felt a little bit bad for Valeriya, everyone seemed to have it out for her today.  Before she knew it, the valkyrie was getting forceful. Whatever she was doing, it looked like it would probably make Valeriya upset. Rosalie did her best to duck out of the way.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 7 + 9, total 16[/blockquote]

Rosalie sighed. "Valeriya, is everyone here so stupid? Is it okay if I don't hold back on these guys?"

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 4 + 5, total 9[/blockquote]


Campground Arena Circle

As Hertha reached out to kiss you, you managed to quickly turn your face, instead the kiss landed on your cheek. Hertha stepped back, with Valeriya glaring at her.

"Worry not dearest Valeriya. I saved the lips for thee." She winked at the dragon-girl.

Campground Trails

"LIKE HELL I'M HOLDING BACK!" Valeriya rushed forward surprisingly fast, you swear it's like she almost teleported. A moment later, Valeriya's foot smashed into the second man's crotch.

It was so fast, the move didn't even register, and the man was still completely stunned smiling and still pointing at his now crushed balls. His face was ever so slowly turning from complete lewdness into complete pain.

"Hey Rosalie..."

Valeriya's eyes moved slowly towards the other one.

"I think this other one wanted something on his face."