[Escort] Book 1 - Chapter 1.2.1: To Kill A Battle Boar

Started by Throndir, September 17, 2019, 09:16:54 PM

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I'm pretty sure I made a mistake.


Vesali was eager to kill a battle boar as it would make him more experienced at upcomping battles he could face, the boar would make a great centerpiece for the festival (that he just remembered). It's hide would make a great leather, it's fat could be made into tallow and it's tusk could sell as ivory. He knew the usefulness of it.

Upon seeing it he realized that the battle boar was large enough to gain the title of battle boar. Hearing of what could be the size of it before Vesali was not too surprised but surprised enough to have a little rush of adrenaline. Vesali quickly readied his greataxe, removing the leather guard, wielding it with two hands and flexing his muscles a little. He was positioned near the hole but not too near that he could be hit from an upcoming flying debris of splinters.
I'm pretty sure I made a mistake.


Elidia steeled herself. She had seen battle before, so it was nothing new. Hearing the boar coming, and seeing her companions arrive sent a clear signal. She positioned herself by a bush close to the hole, hoping to get a sneak attack on the boar before it went plummeting down into the pit that they had worked so hard to craft.

Rolled 1d20+1 : 20 + 1, total 21

Rolled 1d20+7 : 4 + 7, total 11


Rei's Pitfall Trap
Day 5

Four days of digging. After her rounds back at the Troupe's Choice, Naomi would make her way back towards Rei's pitfall trap with a villager or two in tow, helping dig away at the pit they were building. It wasn't the most pleasant of things at all, but Naomi figured it wouldn't hurt giving aid to Rei. That girl was from the same country as she was, so there was an underlying connection there that Naomi couldn't help but acknowledge. Along with the Momochi clan, there were the Kanade clan as well, though between the two, she found the Momochi clan just a bit more friendlier than the martial Amazoness from the Far-East that made up the Kanade clan.

The festival would be in another 8 days. She herself was already busy with all the preparations the Troupe's Choice had been having her do, slaying a boar though? That's something else altogether.

Too bad that meat-head isn't here. He'd probably help bash the boar's head while I just watch from the sidelines. Naomi thought, thinking about that particular weretiger who had left for Orario just a few days prior. Those kinds of thoughts had been happening more often lately. Everytime one of the female patrons would look around the Troupe's Choice, Naomi knew they were actually looking for him. At times, she would find herself up early in the morning as well, before the bustle of the festival preparation, staring at the wood chopping block at the back with no one manning it. She let out an inward sigh.

I wonder what he would think if he saw me on this little hunting escapade with the rest of the villagers, crossbow in hand. Deftly, she loaded the bolt into her hand crossbow. A simple weapon that she could fire with a single hand if needed.

Rei soon arrived, followed by Tella shortly after. In the distance was that thundering beating of something large plodding it's way towards them. With a few snorts mixed into the cacophony of sounds, Naomi knew exactly what was coming. There was a sense of rush, much different when she would play as host to various men and women at the Troupe's Choice. It didn't take much to identify what it was though: Adrenaline.

"He probably wouldn't believe it." Naomi said out loud to no one in particular.

Naomi's Stealth
Rolled 1d20+2 : 10 + 2, total 12

Naomi's Initiative
Rolled 1d20+2 : 1 + 2, total 3


Tella, after she was sure she had caught the Boar's attention, had taken off with a exhilarated laugh that seemed to carry across the field they ran upon. She felt no real fear against the large beast, only soaking in the experience of running for her life and doing it with friends and Familia. She had really only broken this behavior when it had seemed her partner in boar luring would be hurt, but they managed to avoid danger and they both made it to the hole.

With everyone else attempting to hide, Tella stood on the side of the Pitt opposite of the boar and began to shout at it, waving her Scythe in the air, trying to keep its attention on her "Hellllooooo You hulkin mass of bacon, come and get some!" She shouted, altogether happy she had left the inn for this occasion.

Rolled 1d20+7 : 11 + 7, total 18


Thalia Village

Sneaking up on a boar was more difficult than Rei had anticipated. As they neared it, it sensed them. Maybe it was their footsteps...Or their scent. Possibly the wind had blown their scent downwind and straight to the boar. Whatever the case was, it knew they were there and it did not appreciate being hunted! It immediately went on the attack, bashing through small trees and bushes as it charged at them. Both of the hunters knew it was a bad idea to try and fight the beast in their environment... plus they already had several other hunters and a trap. Maybe the two looked at each other and silently agreed to... RUN!

It was early in the run that the boar gained a lead. Rei's partner ran ahead, as Rei seemed to stumble briefly. That was when the boar made brief contact with her. It swiped its head sideways and its tusks barely grazed Rei's armor, but with enough force to send her flying a little ways. She quickly regained her footing. The adrenaline of the rush got her lungs pumping as she ran at full speed. She quickly out-paced the boar and then her ally. She made it back to the trap first and around the pit and waited on the other side as Tella was almost there. She pulled out her bow as she waited for the boar to reach the hole and fall in. Once inside, she would attempt to shoot it with her bow.
Initiative Roll
Rolled 1d20+2 : 6 + 2, total 8


The boar came charging in, it immediately spotted Tella and began to make her way towards her. It noticed Naomi who was hiding in the bushes. But it completely missed both Sieg and Elidia.

Sieg and Elidia to take Surprise Round actions
Initiative: Tella: 18, Vesali: 15, Elidia: 11, Sieg: 10, Rei: 8, Naomi: 3
Surprise Round
Elidia to take surprise round.
Sief to take surprise round.


Sieg seeing that the boar had noticed some of the others felt his hand begin to shake. He needed to do something to make sure that it went towards the trap and not the others. He knew what he had to do, but if it went wrong he could be in BIG trouble.

"Don't be a wimp Sieg, if you let the others get hurt and you could have done something you would never be able to forgive yourself."
he mentally chided himself.

While the pig was distracted he stood from his hiding space behind the trap and got ready to heft his spear. "Hey, Ham shank! Come over here!" he yelled as he threw the spear.

the goal is to try to get the pig to run into the trap and he will position himself so that the pig will hopefully charge overtop of it in response. Would be willing to forgo damage to make a check to enrage the pig and get it to charge

thrown short spear
Rolled 1d20+1 : 12 + 1, total 13

Rolled 1d6 : 2, total 2


The boar came crashing through the forest, focused on her ally and oblivious to Elidia's hiding spot. "This is my chance, I've got to take it." She moved her hands through a few gestures, concentrating on the boar in front of her. "ICE SHARDS!" Fragments of ice formed in the air before her, and shot off towards her target.

Elidia is using the spell Ice shards.

Armor spell failiure check (20% chance)
Rolled 1d100 : 90, total 90

Ranged touch attack roll:
Rolled 1d20+4 : 16 + 4, total 20

Damage (Ice):
Rolled 1d6 : 5, total 5


Sieg's spear is thrown, then glances off the boar's naturally thick hide.
Elidia's Ice Shards hits, deals 5 ice damage.
Tella to take turn.
Initiative: Tella: 18, Vesali: 15, Battle Boar, Elidia: 11, Sieg: 10, Rei: 8, Naomi: 3
Surprise Round
Elidia casts Ice Shards, hits and deals 5 damage.
Sieg attacks and misses.
Round 1
Tella to take turn
Status & Map: roll20


Seeing her team begin the ambush, and wanting to ensure the quarry kept on its path towards their pitt, Tella put down her Scythe and pulled out one of the javelins held on her back, took aim, and threw one with a might effort at the boar.

Ranged Attack with Javelin
Rolled 1d20 : 2, total 2

Rolled 1d6 : 6, total 6


Tella's aim was off, and the javelin missed.
Vesali to take turn.
Initiative: Tella: 18, Vesali: 15, Battle Boar, Elidia: 11, Sieg: 10, Rei: 8, Naomi: 3
Surprise Round
Elidia casts Ice Shards, hits and deals 5 damage.
Sieg attacks and misses.
Round 1
Tella throws javelin and misses.
Vesali to take turn.
Status & Map: roll20


Jumping and attacking at the downed boar is a bad idea, No one would want to be stuck with a hole full of wooden spikes with a pig. So the best action Vesali could think of was to throw his shiny new throwing-axe that he bought alongside with his greataxe.

Throwing axe roll
Rolled 1d20+0 : 12, total 12

Rolled 1d6+5 : 3 + 5, total 8
I'm pretty sure I made a mistake.


Vesali's aim was off, and the throwing axe missed.
The boar came rushing in, it was headed straight into the throng of the three people. It was snorting in an angry huff when it approached, at least until the trap triggered, and the large boar came tumbling into the pit. It's snorting quickly turned to squealing as it landed at the bottom.

Battle Boar takes 9 falling damage.
Battle Boar pierced by 2 spikes, taking 5 piercing damage.
Elidia to take turn.
Initiative: Tella: 18, Vesali: 15, Battle Boar, Elidia: 11, Sieg: 10, Rei: 8, Naomi: 3
Surprise Round
Elidia casts Ice Shards, hits and deals 5 damage.
Sieg attacks and misses.
Round 1
Tella throws javelin and misses.
Vesali to take turn.
Status & Map: roll20


The boar went crashing through the floor and Elidia sprung into action, moving towards the edge of the pit, looking down and preparing to cast another spell. "Ice Shards!"

Elidia casts Ice Shards! Spell fail check (20%)
Rolled 1d100 : 72, total 72
Hit roll:
Rolled 1d20+4 : 5 + 4, total 9
Rolled 1d6 : 2, total 2