[Hanako] Chapter 12: Idyllic Days

Started by Throndir, April 23, 2019, 07:42:11 PM

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Location: Klein's Estate
Date: Day 14 - 2:30 PM

Asking around you eventually found out that Trudy was with Falah, showing Falah around and helping the demon girl work on chores. Currently they were in the kitchen. As for Kari, one of the soldiers mentioned she was listening to the lecture from Carol Graf, specifically about the type of magic that was used to transfer mana.


Hrm... I don't want to bug Kari if she's in the middle of learning something, so Trudy it is.

Having made up her mind, Hanako went to meet up with Trudy and Falah. She would have to speak with Kari too, but figured she could get the two of them in the same room later tonight to hash out the plans for tomorrow.


You quickly made your way to the kitchen, and once there you found both Falah and Trudy. The lunch time rush was just about to be ending, so it was around this time that cleaning took place. However, instead of cleaning, they were both in front of one of the stoves. To the side, you saw some brooms, and some wet clothes, so at the very least they had been cleaning.

"My mother used to say that the best way to a person's heart is food... so I think this would be perfect for everyone!" Trudy said matter-of-factly as she watched Falah worked. Falah herself was stirring something in a large pot. It didn't take them too long to notice you. When she turned, you noticed she was wearing something similar to a French maid outfit. A moment later, Falah did a curtsy towards you.

"H-Hanako! U-umm... Welcome... master..."


"O~oh. Naisu meido." Hanako replied with a thumbs up. She knew that Falah was doing some housekeeping chores, but this was an unexpected scene to come across.

"Falah, can you do me a favor and make a heart shape with your fingers and say 'moe moe, kyun~!' please?"



"Yes, excellent. This is the peak of maid power" Hanako said matter-of-factly. "Really though, what are you two up to?"


It was Trudy who responded first. "W-well... It would actually have been for you, too..." Trudy glanced at Falah, but Falah nodded positively.

"I wanted to do something for everyone so they would stop glaring at me... Or maybe so they can be friends." Falah admitted as she fiddled with her fingers and looked downwards. "So... I asked Trudy, and she had this idea..." Falah said pointing at the pot on the stove.

"It's chocolate. They're something nobles give to their friends on Lover's Day. Other people would too, if they can afford it. There was some we found, and there were already molds for them too. Since we're all leaving the estate before the next Lover's Day, I thought that this might be a good way for Falah to let everyone else know she doesn't mean any harm, and that she wants to be friends with everyone." Trudy explained.

Falah nodded and smiled happily as Trudy explained.


"That's not a bad idea, I can't think of anyone that doesn't like a little chocolate every now and then. How's the process going?"

Hanako hoped the answer was "good", anything that could provide a positive impression on the others in regards to Falah would be nice.


"It's going well... This is our first batch, but we have to make... Maybe 200 pieces altogether for everyone, so I hope we'll finish before they need the kitchen for dinner."

"I want to surprise everyone with it! And this is the first time I tried chocolate... It's really really good." Falah said.


"You've never had chocolate before?" Hanako asked, genuinely curious. Though she expected the reason for that was either it was a luxury item in this world, or perhaps Falah's outsider status with her own people ended up denying her access to something as simple as a piece of candy.


Falah shook her head. "We didn't have these kinds of food in our own lands." Falah explained. "The lands of demons are different from here... The skies are always grey, the rivers are red, not clear and blue like yours. The few plants that grow on our land range from purple to blue to grey. The food we have doesn't taste as good as the ones they make in human lands. Everything here is... a lot tastier."

"Most demons don't care though. A lot of them eat humans, and I was told that was plenty tasty to them. But for me... I always felt weird thinking about eating things that can think? Like umm... well... Some of the other demons have their minions eat each other, or rival demon lord's minions..."


"That sounds... uhh... pretty rough..." Hanako replied, silently thanking her luck that Falah wasn't inclined to eat people. The revelation that the demons use people as food, while not particularly shocking (considering that they are demons after all), was still an important piece of information to learn.

Mental note: Do not get captured by demons. she thought.

"Glad you've come to enjoy the food here. I'm sure the others will be happy to receive a tasty treat, and I hope they come to like you better for the gift."


Falah smiled brightly. "I hope so too!" She quickly turned back to her cooking, then grabbed the ladle. When she pulled it back out, it was coated in chocolate. "Do you umm.... want to try some...?" Falah asked hopefully.


"Sure, I'd love to" Hanako answered with a smile and moved closer to get a taste.


"Okay, I'll make sure you have the best one." She said, dipping it into the pot again, she pulled it out quickly again. Unfortunately in her excitement she had a bit of spill and splatter on her face, dress, and cleavage. She seemed to smile still though, and proceeded to hand you the ladle. It was already started to drip, and you knew it wouldn't take long to cover her fingers that held it too.