[Hanako] Chapter 12: Idyllic Days

Started by Throndir, April 23, 2019, 07:42:11 PM

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"I'll have to look into that then" Hanako replied. "The alternative is we can slap some telescoping lenses on top to make distance shooting easier..." she trailed off without bothering to explain further. "Anyway, I take it things are currently well with Sofia? I imagine we would have heard if something out of the ordinary were to have happened."


"Telescopic lens... on a rifle... That's... actually pretty genius..." Elyse shook herself out of her thoughts. "Anyways, yes, Frau Leiningen doesn't keep me informed of everything, and she only tells me what I need to know. But my usual duties are helping manage the Birkensen company as Frau Leiningen's aid. I would be surprised if I haven't gotten wind of anything too out of the ordinary. Since coming here though... Well, I'm taking this time spent with the Klein company, you, and Aki-, the others, as a short break from my regular work."


"A change of pace can be nice once in a while, your assistance in training is much appreciated as well. The road ahead isn't going to be an easy one but preparing for it like we are should certainly keep it from being harder than necessary" Hanako said, with a smile. "At any rate, how are you doing?"


Asked how she was doing, Elyse started to list off a status. "The men have been keeping up with my pacing and training. There's a few soldiers who are exceptional at marksmanship, they should be finishing their training soon, perhaps even tomorrow. The soldiers Carol was teaching are still busy with their own studying of the technique Carol is teaching them. The rest of the soldiers that Birkensen are bringing onboard here have arrived. Everything is operating well, Frau Hero."


Hanako laughed heartily, then gave Elyse a smile anticipating what would surely be a look of confusion or maybe even annoyance that had yet to reach her face. "That response was, almost exactly what I should have expected from you Elyse." She wiped away the dampness that had started to form at the corner of her eye and grinned at the serious woman before her. "I meant like you, personally. How have you been? We're both busy doing what needs to be done around here so we don't have many chances to speak. I wanted to make sure things were well on a personal level."

In the short time she had been here, Hanako had come to accept that it was important to make sure that the people that worked with her were doing well. Maybe it was Falah's "unintentional' near betrayal, or perhaps the influence of becoming so close to Trudy and Minette, but she had come to learn that the relationships she was forming with the others were going to be key for everyone's survival in these trying times.


[info]Heroic action point earned.[/info]Elyse paused and blinked her eyes a couple times. Her face a mixture of surprise and being caught off-guard. "I-I see..." She stammered, perhaps the first time you've seen her do that. She cleared her throat. "That's not a question Frau Leiningen asks, I thought you meant a status of our operation... But... personally... y-yes. I am doing well." You could tell there was a hint of awkwardness at the end. But there was a hint of a smile that flashed on her face too.

"And you?"


"All things considered, pretty good. It's been a very... exciting week, but I can't say it hasn't been rewarding in it's own way." Hanako said, chucking a little at her understatement about the week's events. "I'm glad to hear you're well. I've only been here for a short time, and the situation in this country is pretty stressful. I couldn't begin to imagine how it's been for people that have been living here longer. It's important to me to know how people are doing. Your happiness is important."

After she said that last part Hanako realized how leading the statement sounded. Truthfully she meant it in a friendly sort of way, and Elyse didn't seem like the kind of person to misconstrue what she said. Although, it wouldn't be bad in either scenario. The stern onee-san type had its charms.


"These are trying times." Elyse admitted. "Harder still for those who don't have the protection of soldiers... or a hero like you." Her eyes lingered on you for a moment, seemingly seeing you in a new light. "Your own well-being is important too, Frau Hero. Whatever is at the top influences those underneath. I've been a soldier for years now, and then after the occupation, an aid for a company driven with it's goals. I admit at times I'm envious of how it's like here... You wouldn't see this level of fraternity and friendliness at the Birkensen Trading company. The men I'm training too are more driven than any I've drilled before."

In the next room over, you heard Akime and Minette. Akime conversing with others, while Minette translated for her. Elyse didn't look at the commotion, and only continued to stare at you. The ex-captain smiled wryly. "I have my own duties too." She said nodding her head in confirmation as a determined fire burned brightly behind her eyes. A moment later however, they softened. "But yet I wish my station here could be more permanent... Well, by that I mean following the hero... you."


"To tell you the truth, I'd prefer if you were able to come along as well. Though I would imagine Sofia would be upset if I stole you away, and I don't think I could afford to lose her backing at this point in the game. She and I are together against a common enemy, but we certainly don't see eye to eye on some fundamental issues" Hanako replied with a sigh.

She folded her arms over her chest and looked downward with a furrowed brow. "She is a businesswoman though, after all... I wonder..." she muttered more to herself than her conversation partner. A moment later a mischievous smirk crawled its way across her face and she looked up. "I have an idea. What do you think you're worth to Sofia? The remaining stake in Klein's businesses maybe?"


In the span of a few seconds, Elyse's expression changed from one of surprise, to disbelief, and finally to something that could only be described as gratefulness. "I'm..." Elyse began, not knowing how to respond, understanding what you meant by your question. "First, I don't think that's a very sound business proposal." Elyse finally said. "I handle a lot of the operations at the Birkensen company, and have enough autonomy to make some decisions of my own. So I would be worth a lot." She sighed. "But... the remaining stake of Klein's businesses though? That's... well... I don't have to run the numbers to know that's too good of a deal for Frau Leiningen to refuse. Do you... really mean that...?" Her eyes softened for a bit, but seemingly realizing, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, only to face you again how she normally does.

"Frau hero, you're someone important to this country, and Klein's assets only work to your favor. It wouldn't be right of me to have you squander that away." She paused for a moment as her eyes took your form in. "But... I do appreciate it though..." There was some regret in her voice.


"I wouldn't say it would be squandered. From what I understand you're quite an administrator as well as a formidable soldier and a leader to boot. Between you and me, I can say with some certainty that I'm not very experienced with leading others. My status as a 'hero' gives me some clout but beyond that, my actions are really only guided by the convictions I happen to hold."

However few those are... she thought, privately.

"Your experience and companionship would be invaluable to what will definitely be a bitter struggle. So I'd say it would be more than worth it. Aldric was right in the meeting the other day, holding on to all of these properties and businesses will make it difficult to keep up appearances despite them being a source of income. I decided I was going to relinquish them to Sofia for a price anyway, and now I know that price is you."

Hanako chuckled softly. "I'm going to try and haggle a little anyway, so maybe we'll get a little gold out of it as well."


"I'm not going to convince you otherwise, am I?" Elyse said smiling wryly. "Very well then... I pledge my services to you." The captain said saluting. She grinned a moment later. "That is, whenever we make this change of occupation more formal with Frau Leiningen."


"Glad to have you" Hanako replied with a smile. "I'll probably extend an offer in the coming days and get things sorted from there. By the estimates I've been given we will have our preparations to leave Refedora complete in a couple weeks time, so surely before then."

She clapped a hand on Elyse's shoulder. "I look forward to continuing our work together."


"As do I."

She spoke softly and hesitantly, and you noticed a very slight blush on her features. She cleared her throat a moment later however.

QuoteCurrent time is 2 PM on Day 14. You've had your 8 hours of free training for the day already. If you plan to do more, roll CON checks with each.


Hanako felt compelled to clear her throat as well, shifting her gaze to the side to hide her embarrassment. "A-anyway... I should go talk to Trudy and Kari about my little excursion tomorrow. I'll see you around, Elyse."

After parting, Hanako wandered off to find either of the girls. Tomorrow was going to be the first time she had gone on an "adventure" in this new and dangerous world and wanted to be prepared.