[Hanako] Chapter 12: Idyllic Days

Started by Throndir, April 23, 2019, 07:42:11 PM

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"I can give it a shot, don't be surprised if I get tuckered out though. I really came down here to ask if you wanted to come with me and Trudy tomorrow to investigate this mine. You'd have to disguise yourself a bit, but we can pack away your armor to take with us. You are pretty strong, and can pass as Refedoran so we should be able to get down into the mine itself without issues. However, I am suspicious that there is something down in the deeper levels that warrants taking a look and I'd like to come prepared." Hanako answered, then scratched at her nose as if embarrassed. "If you want to, that is."


Location: Klein's Estate
Date: Day 14 - 5:00 PM

"If thou art tired, then there is tomorrow... Mayhaps I can teach thee on the road then." Kari responded. She nodded when you brought up investigation of the mines. "Mine equipment and gear wilt be ready for our excursion, hero." Kari turned towards Amarille. "Mayhaps... I can bring... some of the tea?" She asked hopefully staring at the elf for permission.

In response Amarille smiled. "Of course... But be sure to share it with the hero as well." Amarille said patting the girl's head. Amarille froze when she realized what she had just done. "Oh I'm sorry-"

"Nay." Kari replied. "TIs mine luck that I looketh like a child."


Hanako had to stifle a chuckle at the scene. "It probably works to your advantage in certain situations I would imagine. People who don't know who you are would probably underestimate you. A fatal mistake I'm sure."

She considered asking Kari exactly how old she was, and if it was a byproduct of the pact with her goddess or perhaps extended through necromancy. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. Emperor Palpatine said in the back of her mind.

"How long exactly have you uhh... looked like that?"


"Truly tis an advantage at times... And at times... indeed..." You noticed Kari stare at Amarille's bust. "Tis an disadvantage."

She shook her head sadly. "Since I let mineself become an immortal from mine own master early in mine own training."


Hanako coughed lightly into her hand. "Ahem. I don't think you need to worry about that too much." she said reassuringly, as a member of the "Flat is Justice" school of thinking.

"I take it that you've been immortal a while then? If you don't mind me asking that is. Do you simply not age?"


She nods her head. "Wounds and injuries can still kill me, but old age nay longer affects me. Tis different from Amarille's people, the elves, whither they age much slower than humans and valkyrie alike."


"Impressive. I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to live forever that way. You must have had quite a life." Hanako replied, interested to know what sort of things this girl had experienced. "You'll have to tell me about the things you've seen and done sometime. If you want, that is."


"Mayhaps some other time, tis many stories of mine life." Kari said.

QuoteIF you have any other plans for the day, let me know.


After playing around with the golemancer ability for a while, Hanako returned to the mansion and made her way up to her room. She was going to have to see if she could somehow get Jitsuko to follow any basic commands given by Minette the following day, as having a pair of identical "Isikawan" women show up at the mine, would probably tip someone off that there was something odd afoot.


Location: Klein's Estate - Hanako's Room
Date: Day 14 - 6:30 PM

It was just you and Jitsuko in your room. Both the girls were still off taking care of things, or training with one thing or another.


Hanako looked around, saw that nobody was here yet and plopped down on the bed and motioned for Jitsuko to come sit next to her. She spent the next stretch of time, prior to anyone else's arrival in the room, doing her best to impart instructions on Jitsuko that tonight and tomorrow she should follow Minette's commands, provided that they wouldn't cause any harm to herself and others. Hanako didn't think Minette would do something of that nature, but it pays to be careful in case she had an evil twin or something.

With luck, the girls would come to the room soon so that she could test out if Jitsuko would even listen.


Soon enough, a tired Minette came into the room, noticing you and Jitsuko she smiled. "Hanako... Jitsuko... Good evening." Minette said as she began to strip her clothing and switch out to her regular sleep wear.


"Oh hey, evening Minette." Hanako replied with her own tired smile. "Before we get in bed, can I ask you to participate in an experiment real quick? I've been trying to make it so Jitsuko will follow some commands from you, since Trudy and I will be out of the mansion tomorrow, and I wanted to make sure you can like... get her to eat and stuff since I won't be able to take her along or watch after her until I get back. If you could, can you try asking her to do some stuff?"


"Oh? Of course... Anything for Hanako..."