[Hanako] Chapter 3: Herr Klein's 'Properties'

Started by Throndir, December 03, 2018, 09:44:35 PM

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"Ok, lets do this then. Invite him and whomever he comes with in like normal and we'll try to catch him off guard. If we can pay him off lets try and do so, but if that fails, we capture him, make him talk and then I guess make him disappear. It would probably work best if those bringing him inside pretended like they still had collars on to avoid suspicion. If he catches on before we can lure him in just detain him as best as possible and I'll offer any slaves he comes with their freedom to keep them from fighting. If he brings a demon, then well, I guess we kill it.

She sighed and crossed her arms. "Tell everyone that if they want to make a break for it, I won't judge them and they are more than welcome to return here if it looks like the coast is clear. Personally I will be making good on my promise to free those people in the basement and I won't abandon them. If anyone wants to stay and help, lets get into position. It would be best to try and get him inside the house so we can control his movement. That's all.

She knew this was likely to fail, and tried to steel herself for the very strong possibility of needing to torture and kill a man. What's one in exchange for many? Some hero I am...


The soldier saluted.

"I will tell the others." Before he could march off, Trudy halted him. She then placed a hand on your shoulder.

"It'll be alright Hanako. You're the hero, and we have your back. Besides... if its come to the worst, we'll protect you, I'll protect you." Trudy said reassuringly. She then looked towards the soldier.

"Bring some of the collars. Anyone who plans to move around is required to put them on. It's just for the volunteers." The soldier then nodded, then headed off.

Trudy looked back towards you.

"You can reactivate the collars too, right? Are you able to change who it sees as the owner? Personally... personally I don't mind if you were my owner. I know you'd treat us well. The slaver would be able to tell if a collar isn't properly placed after all."

Around 10 minutes later

The soldier eventually came back with a couple of collars.

"Frau Hero, I've talked with everyone, we all decided that we'll stay here. Everyone's volunteered to put the collar back on too, if it helps with the negotiations with the slaver."


"I should be able to, probably with my powers. I think i use up a fair amount of mana when do do anything with them however I'm not exactly sure if I've got enough currently to put them on everyone. Just a second..." She turned away from Trudy to face empty space and said aloud: "Status."

[info]I'll continue the 10 minutes later after finding out what the status is.[/info]


A window popped into view. You noticed that the title was different.

[okay]Hanako Okita
Level 15

Condition: Uninjured, Drowsy

HP: 28/28
MP: 9/34
STR: 18
DEX: 22
CON: 18
INT: 22
WIS: 12
CHA: 10
MAG: 22

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate All, Personal Status, Item Speaker, Slavemancer[/okay]


Hanako frowned. "Oof, yeah I'm running pretty low. Is there any way to like... restore mana sort of quickly?"

Quite a lot of this plan hinged on her being able to switch owners, reactivate the collars, and then still be able to fight. She was useless with a sword so she was hoping some magic might be useful but there was a strong chance she would be totally drained by the time the slaver arrived.


"Restoring mana quickly? No... it's much like resting. Once you get low on mana, the more tired you get. You already experienced this, but once you run out, you go unconscious. You restore more mana asleep, than awake, but even just resting for awhile without using mana, you should be able to regain a little bit of it back." Trudy said.

"The other countries in this world use similar magic that we do, that is guided by our goddess. But, we never really had much contact with them due to the war with the demons. But at least, I haven't personally heard of any fast way to restore it yet."


"Mmmm... if that's the case then the number of collars that get reactivated is going to have to be limited and then after everything is over I'll probably have to rest a while before I can remove them again. Which I will, people aren't property, full stop."

After stating the situation she waited for the soldier to return.

Once the soldier was back, and expressed that everyone would stay and even put the collars back on to fool the slaver she thanked him and then turned back to Trudy.

"Most of these are gonna have to be deactivated, so anyone that wears one that isn't on needs to put some distance between the slaver and themselves. As for who will meet him... I think I could probably reactivate a few, do you know of anyone in particular among the soldiers that would be good at subduing him if negotiations break down?"


Trudy nodded.

"How many are you able to reactivate right now?" Trudy asked. "Among the soldiers we all should have had similar training, even if we came from different platoons. I can probably get the ones best with close combat and subduing, or maybe even our best shot, if you'd like, I can get out best mage too, but keep in mind magic is a bit destructive for closed spaces like this. What kind of combination would you like? Or who would you like me to get?"


Hanako scratched the back of her head, thinking a moment. "Go ahead and get the ones that are able to fight close up, I think that should be enough if we have the advantage in an enclosed space. Also I'm not sure exactly let me see how much it takes to put on one. Uhh, on you I guess If you're okay with that."


"Yes of course!" Trudy said eagerly. "I was actually wanting to... because it'll be of use to you. But I wasn't sure if you wanted me to be part of the group that was with you during the meeting..."

Trudy then began to wrap the collar around her neck.


"As long as you're okay with it." Hanako confirmed, watching the girl slide the collar back around her neck.

After it was on, Hanako reached out to touch it and focused on changing the owner and reactivating the device in that order.

Hope this works. she thought.


The collar snapped shut by itself once you focused on it. There was no indication that you were the owner however.

"Did it work? You... can try to activate it on me. It's thought-based, so if you will it, it should work. Besides some damage would make it more authentic." Trudy suggested.


"Uhhh... Right... Ok..." Hanako said, hesitating a little. There was almost something dirty about what she was about to do.

Ok just like, a real light zap. she thought, without using her powers. Presumably she wouldn't need them if she was the one that "owned" Trudy now.


The collar triggered then. Sparks of electricity shot through it, as Trudy fell to the ground gasping in pain.

"I'm fine... They're designed to cause more pain than damage... But it still hurts." Trudy said=, beginning to pick herself up.

"Atleast we know it worked!" She looked up at you beaming.

"What's next, master?"

QuoteRough Status
Hanako: Uninjured, Drowsy
Trudy: Slightly Injured, Refreshed
[include u=2]Hanako Dmg Taken: 0
Hanako Non-Lethal Dmg Taken: 3
Hanako MP Used: 25
Trudy Dmg Taken: 6[/include]


"Ah right... that's good." Hanako said, sweating a little.

Is she... a masochist...?

Hanako coughed and then continued: "Right uhh, next I need to see how much that actually drained me and then I can figure out how many more people I can put these on safely."

"Status." she said again, turning to empty air.