[Hanako] Chapter 3: Herr Klein's 'Properties'

Started by Throndir, December 03, 2018, 09:44:35 PM

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"There's going to be a lot to take in... So let me just get it all out first. Yes... Let's see... From the beginning. Our world wasn't this world, if that makes sense. We called our planet Erdun. About 3 years ago however, the rest of the world suddenly changed. All of a sudden our bordering countries were gone. Trade routes that we had were no longer there. Even a large chunk of our country suddenly disappeared, well, most of it. The capital, and some other large cities stayed, but everything else suddenly vanished. Replaced by new lands."

"Our emperor then, panicked of course. But before we could really do anything or get our bearings as a country, we were attacked. Large, red, beasts, that the people of this world call 'demons'. Which... certainly they do look like demons, gathered in abundance to our north. Some flew high above, and some were small. They came in different sizes and shape. The emperor mobilized as many of his soldiers as he can, but amidst the chaos, he was assassinated. The succession crisis after that only added more fuel to the fire that was already burning. Our prince and princess... we kept them guarded, but at the same time, many of the people, specifically the nobles, wanted self-rule, and had attempted a parliament."

"Our commanders had sent most of the soldiers to defend against the oncoming tide of demons, of course. But it was back in the cities where we should have been..." She paused.

"We soon got word that our prince and princess were murdered in their sleep. One of the nobles had usurped control of one of the cities, and there was even more unrest throughout the rest of the population. We were already losing the fight on the front, so, what remained of our government then, pulled us back."

"But... it was a trap. One of the nobles must have made some sort of deal with the demons, since they were behind our lines. We weren't prepared for it, it was a bloodbath. Later on I found out, that most the other retreating platoons had the same thing done to them. We either had an informant, or those beasts simply read us too well. Either way... we never found out."

"Some of the nobility aligned themselves with the invading creatures. A 'demon general', one named Zehab Basu al Dazhum specifically. I'm not sure what exact deal they made... But soon after, the nobles made it public knowledge that if we sided with the demons we'd get to live. People were hesitant of course... But soon enough most of our government and city officials were rounded up. Then publicly executed. The same for our military commanders too. There were some soldiers who managed to escape by choosing to side with the nobles, but those who resisted, or those who had families that resisted, were taken in as slaves."

"I'm not sure if anyone actually escaped back then. We found out we were on a peninsula, and unfortunately, we had no settlements at all which were close to the shore. We had no navy, and the only route out through land was behind a wall of demons. But... We haven't really heard much news from the outside world since. Klein kept us in the dark, purposefully."


Hanako listened to the lengthy explanation with rapt attention. When it was finished she folded her arms across her chest and looked at the floor for a second, processing what she'd been told. "I see... That's quite the situation. So your country was trans-located to this world, there are demons, a bunch of traitorous nobles and your entire population are enslaved. Well, I'm not really sure how much I can do but I feel like I was probably called to this world to help out regardless of Klein's intentions. Before I came here some kind of giant creatures were actually invading my world, I didn't really get to see them attacking personally since I got hit by a bus, but if I'm here now and as everyone seems to say I'm a 'hero' then I should probably do what I can."

She smiled then, uncrossing her arms, and said "Well, first step is learning how to handle myself in a fight I guess. So shall we?"


"Giant creature? A... bus?" Trudy pronounced the unfamiliar word strangely.

"Well... First, what are you skilled in? Have you ever received training back in your world? But you mentioned magic was completely new to you, and according to our histories, past heroes were naturally gifted with magic. We can try that first if you'd like. We should at least see what elements you are compatible with."


"Yeah it's like a big... you know what it doesn't matter." Hanako waved away the question mid explanation. "Skills? Uhh well, I guess I can draw some? I can't say I received any training outside of a normal education by my world's standards. If you think magic is a good place to start, by all means lets start there."

She was eager to learn, not necessarily because she was particularly fond of the learning experience, but the draw of learning how to do something that was quite literally impossible in her world was fascinating. She hoped Trudy was right in that she would have a natural talent for it.


Location: Herr Klein's Estate - Outside Guest Bathroom #1
Date: Day 1 - Time: Late Night/Early Morning

Trudy furrowed her eyebrows even more.

"Drawing? Like... making art? Well... I'm not sure if that would be useful for fighting..." Trudy said hesitantly. "Anyways, let's find out what you're compatible with? Apparently other countries in this world don't really have an easy way to check, other than getting an individual to try casting spells. But for us, we have some stones attributed to the 4 elements that can check it. We don't have it for light or darkness though, but those two attributes are supposedly very rare."

"The problem is that we don't have any of those stones, and Klein was never concerned about finding out if any of his slaves were compatible with any magic. That's why he took us soldiers. We didn't need any training, and our handlers after we were captured would tell us what we were compatible with."

"Anyways, Klein may have some in the estate somewhere, but it might be best to start from the complete basics... Did your world use mana? If you had no magic, I assume there was no knowledge of mana either... How about we try to get you to do it?"

"Umm... keep in mind I'm not really a teacher for this sort of thing. But anyways, lets find a place to where we can sit down cross-legged and comfortably."

Location: Herr Klein's Estate - Guest Room #1 (Your room)
Date: Day 1 - Time: Late Night/Early Morning

Leading the way, Trudy eventually made it back to your room. She eventually sat down on the chair that she had first setup late last night when she fell asleep.

"Come and sit on the bed, it should be more comfortable... I'm glad it's night time, since we need to reduce as much distractions as possible. I'll at least start with the lesson for sensing mana, but don't feel bad if you can't do it right away. Some people take months to even get to this part, and some people never get it at all."

Once Hanako sits down, Trudy continues her explanation.

"First... close your eyes. Try to clear your mind from everything. Once you do that, try to look inwardly within yourself. What you're looking for is something like a pool. Or a sphere filled with your mana. Focus on your breathing and slow it down, be calm as you do so, as it should help trying to find it."

QuoteYou will find that you can easily sense it, feel free to describe it, or how your pool looks to you.


Hanako felt somewhat abashed that her skill set wasn't particularly suited for fighting, it wasn't her fault that up until the moments right before becoming roadkill Japan had been largely peaceful for the last 73 years. Sure she could have taken some martial arts but it wasn't exactly something she was interested in. Either way she could only shrug apologetically.

As instructed, Hanako closed her eyes and cleared her thoughts. In the stillness, after a few minutes of slow breathing she was looking inward into the inky darkness within. It was there she found it, though truly it was more of a feeling than a visual; a small pulsing of energy within her. She tried to make it clearer, something concrete, and after a while it took the shape of a small still pond within the void. It's mirror-like waters reflected the nothing that surrounded it, but on its surface the faintest blue glow shimmered just above the surface and above that little azure fireflies wafted to and fro.

"Oh, uhh... I got it, I think" she said aloud, eyes still closed.


"Already?" Trudy said shocked.

"Well... Okay... You actually did? I... wasn't expecting that, are you sure you haven't worked with mana yet? The summoned hero in our history was supposed to be great at magic, but I just assumed he went through a similar training regime as the most of us... We actually need the elemental stones now, or even just a mana crystal. It's the best way to figure out if you're able to pull the mana out."

"But... If this is that easy, then maybe... Well alright, lets have you try cast a spell instead then? It's a big jump, but... if it doesn't work, don't get discouraged, alright?"

"Once you can sense the mana, imagine holding that mana, and bringing it to your hands. You can use any part of your body, but it's just the way most mages do it. After that, try to focus and have a clear view of how you want your spell to manifest. It's based on the 6 elements, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light, and Darkness. You can do things like creating them from nowhere, or manipulating them in some way. The moment you think of how you want the spell to happen, words should appear in your mind."

"It's our goddess who watches over us that grants us these spells, and tells us what the words are to manipulate the magic. At least, that is how the more religious-folk see it as. No one really has any clear idea why though, it just happens that way."

"Try to cast a spell with one of the elements, and see if any of the other work too."

QuoteYou are able to use Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, but not Light and Darkness yet.

Read up the Elemental Magicka system. The invocation needs to first invoke a specific element, describe the spell, then lastly it releases on a Keyword. Once you decide on these spells, they'll be put in your character sheet. Once you run out of free slots, you'll have to learn more magic spells the harder way through a system similar to the Training system.


"Okay I'll see what I can do."

Hanako focused again, trying to conceptualize turning the mana into something else. She was hoping for something defensive, maybe to push away foes in a pinch. Sure enough as she began to form the very idea of pushing something away, words swam though her mind and she read them aloud, feeling the magic flow out of her.

"Be as the mighty gale, Air; a pressure to turn foes away; STURM!"

[info]Sturm: T0 Base: Cone 20ft, Air, Knockback, vs Physical Resist, MP cost 4, DC16[/info]
Realizing what she was about to unleash in the enclosed space, she quickly turned her hand to face away from Trudy as a gale-force blast of wind rocketed out of her outstretched palm.

"Shit!" she swore, shocked by her own actions.


The moment you cast your spell, a notification window appeared.

[okay]You have gained a new title『Spellcaster』
You have gained +1 MAG[/okay]
Trudy didn't know how to respond.

"It... took me a year to cast my first spell." Trudy finally said. "I was told that was fast, but..." She blinked a couple times.

"Hanako, you're amazing." She said sincerely.

QuoteWe can just pretend you cast enough of the other elements to confirm that you're able to cast the 4 elements. Until you figure out what exactly are the other spells you want. No need to fill all the slots in either.

"Okay... I admit I didn't have anything else planned to teach you when it comes to magic. This was... only 10 minutes..." She let out a soft laugh.

"I can't wait to see what else you can do... Anyways, you did tell me before it was okay, but... are you sure it's fine with you to call you Hanako? The other soldiers commented about that earlier while you were in the bath, it's not really a big thing... But, you're a legend, or something akin to one. Your existence I mean. It's been always said that the hero will be the one to save us in our time of need... And now you're here."

"We still have at least 4 hours before the contact comes... Since you mastered magic so quickly, any other things you want to try learning? Or at least that I can help you get started on?"


"I'm as surprised as you are to be honest. I wasn't expecting that."

She shrugged when Trudy brought up using her name, about how she was a 'legend', and how she would be a hero to save them. "It would be easier I think just to go by my name. I'm not one to stand on ceremony or use fancy titles, I'm just me. I'll do what I can to help but you seem to have more confidence than I do about what I can accomplish."

"Well, if we have time I guess whats left is giving me a quick look at how not to cut myself with a sword."


Trudy grinned.

"Alright, that I can do..." Trudy said "It's not the safest to be outside in the middle of the night, especially since we're trying to lay low... But there's enough room in the guestroom to do it at least."

She saw the sword that was decorated on the wall, then proceeded to make her way to it, and pull it off its stand. She examined the blade closely for a bit, then swung it around a few times. Satisfied, she headed back towards you, then handed you the sword, blade pointed down, with the handle extended to you.

"Alright, come out here to the middle of the room, so you have some space to swing it. Keep a firm grip on the handle. I want to see you swing it first. Then..." Trudy smiled genuinely.

"We'll start from there."

QuoteYou can describe the next training session or not if you want. Choose if you are doing Expedited Training, or anything else. I am assuming this is for learning Longsword Proficiency, correct me if that's wrong. Roll a Training check at the end of your post. Learn DC: 15, Required Successful Training: 8


Hanako took the sword, felt its heft, and tightened her grip on the hilt. After rolling her shoulder to 'ease out the kinks' she started doing some downward swings with both hands imitating kendo practitioners she had seen on TV once. It was harder than it looked and the sword was heavy, this clearly was going to take longer than magic.

[info]Normal training, longsword prof.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 1 + 7, total 8[/blockquote][/info]


Spending the the next few hours training, you did not make any progress at all. You were new to sword-fighting and it felt more as if you were stumbling your way with the training that Trudy patiently sat and taught you through. For one thing at least, your stamina kept up, the amount of activity you did over the last few hours would have tired you back in your previous almost sedentary life, but here, you were able to keep on going.

QuoteRough Status
Hanako: Uninjured, Drowsy
[include u=2]Hanako Dmg Taken: 0
Hanako Non-Lethal Dmg Taken: 3
Hanako MP Used: 25[/include]

It was nearer the end of the training when one of the soldiers came knocking on your door.

"Frau Hero, Trudy?"

Eventually, Trudy opened the door and peeked out.

"Most of us are awake already. We're getting a bit anxious with the slaver coming anytime soon... Does the hero have a plan? Some of us are thinking of trying to escape before it happens..."


"Oh I meant to ask, does he usually come alone?" with how busy she had been learning nothing about swordplay, she had forgotten ask a few crucial details that would help her form a plan. "If that happens to be the case, It would make it a lot easier to deal with them. If people want to escape then that's fine, but at the very least I need to see if I can get information out of him to release those still in the cells downstairs."

She had wanted to speak to everyone at once about their options after the slaver and the cells had been dealt with, but it seemed that some direction needed to be given now.

"Trudy, can I get your opinions on my three options for dealing with this guy? Persuade him to tell me how to open those cells, get rid of him and then go find the person who made the locks, or torture the slaver into telling us what we want to know. Again, that last option isn't exactly fitting of a hero but what goes around comes around as they say..."


The man shakes his head.

"He usually takes two armed slaves with him. Not that he has anything to fear from Klein himself. But there are many desperate folk in the city who would try to harm a slaver, even though they are legal. There's a lot of enmity between them..."

The man saluted.

"But Frau Hero, there were some of us who were unsure if a plan had been made yet, I'm glad you're thinking of how to handle it. I'll let the others know that they can try to escape if they wish, but in all honesty, its still safer here, with you the hero, than it is to try our luck out there. We might be able to avoid suspicion wearing common clothing, and leaving our uniforms here, but even that might be strange, as most people keep to themselves and indoors these days... With the demons blatantly walking out in broad daylight, and with the rumors of random folks being snatched up by slavers..."

"The slaver is as guilty as Klein is. Many of the soldiers Klein bought were from these contacts... How about... we plan for all three?" Trudy said.

"Try to get him to help us with the slaves first... If that doesn't work, then we torture him. And finally, if that still doesn't work, we'll get rid of him as the last resort. Slavers are all about money usually, but I'm not sure if I'm willing to trust any of them. If the found out Klein was dead, with a bunch of loose slaves in his estate... My likeliest guess is that he'd call the authorities and round everyone else up. I know there are at least a few of Klein's contacts that know he summoned the hero... There would be a chance that someone from the Demon General's army might come too."

"Anyways, those are my thoughts... But still, we'll follow your command." She held your eyes with her own. "Or at least, I will."