[Amelia] Chapter 4: The Royal City of Mendernich

Started by Throndir, August 25, 2018, 10:07:18 PM

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Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Castle Courtyard
Date: Day 3 - Morning

Once you exited the castle, the morning rays greeted you. There were already people out and about. Some of the castle staff maids had begun retrieving water from a well nearby, and various armed guards were around who saluted both Matilda and Kurt as they passed by. Many of them didn't seem to be perturbed by your presence however.

On the fields of the castle were various people training with both magic and weapons. Though half of the people there had a matching outfit, the other half seemed to be in an array of different outfits and armors, along with weapons.

"Half of them are troops from our knighthood and state mages. The other half are from the Guild in this city. Unlike our previous world Erdesin, the Guild of this New World is a lot more pronounced. We had branches of our country's version of an adventuring guild in each city, but the Guild here seems to maintain a more active role in terms of the defense and patrol. There are a lot more adventurers too, but that is probably because of the war that has been happening for over a century here."

He pointed towards the various adventurers in mismatching armor.

"They are primarily adventurers from our own country... But since the Guild of this world wants to merge with the Guild in Bürsteig, they've sent a couple of their representatives here to get to know their new-found compatriots."

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Market Docks
Date: Day 3 -Morning

Eventually, you see the sea itself. Like what Matilda had mentioned before, it definitely did seem as if a quarter of the city was simply cut away.  From your vantage point, it looked like the various tall buildings that made up the city suddenly stopped.

"You can kinda tell where it was cut, can't you?" Matilda asked rhetorically. "When it first happened, the buildings at the edge that you see now was actually cut in half. Or parts of them anyways. Since then we've repaired most of it... Though there are sections of the city we haven't really begun it yet. Mainly the walls!"

Around you were various stalls and people going about their morning businesses. There were many people who were simply buying wares and foodstuffs. Most of the people had the same tone of skin, though you started realizing that Matilda's strange pink-colored hair wasn't something that was out of the ordinary. There were people with hair colors that seemed to span most of the spectrum. You also caught sight of some people who wore cat ears or some other kind of animal ears.

There were calls out to both Kurt and Matilda as well, directly referencing them. The siblings responded in kind, greeting whoever it was by their first names. When it first began, it was easy to assume that perhaps these people they were talking to worked closely with the castle, but soon enough it began to be noticeable that they seemed to be jovial and friendly with almost everyone they had come across.


"Hi Corina! I'm sight-seeing!" Matilda replied happily.

"With your brother?" Corina replied rather curiously. "And who is this?" She asked, looking towards you.

"Excuse me sir, have we met? You look... kinda familiar." She asked.


"They say I have a friendly face that people recognize." Amelia smiled warmly hoping her attempt at a voice was not laying it on too thick. "My name is Liam Atwell I'm training to join the castle staff as an herbalist and healer. The people in my village claim I have a lot of natural talent. The king seems to value healers a great deal so I was only recently given the opportunity to study and work here. I was looking to get a sense of my new home before I settled in and before I knew it I was being pulled along by these two."

[info]Bluff check for male voice
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+2 : 10 + 2, total 12[/blockquote]


"Yes... Both Prince Kurt and Princess Matilda are rather friendly when it comes to newcomers." Corina began eyeing both the prince and princess carefully.

"Liam Atwell, is it? That's... an interesting name..." A moment later she curtsied.

"Well then, I shall see you later then Matilda. My lord. Liam." With that she proceeded to make her away from the three of you, back towards the castle.

When she was out of ear shot, Matilda spoke.

"That's our head maid, Corina! She's the one who first taught me everything about maid-work. I don't think she recognized you? I think... She was giving me this awfully weird look. But no matter! Here are the stalls! I go here sometimes to buy things, or go on errands. Further beyond are the docks and the walls... Lets grab some breakfast?"


"You walking with a boy my age and your brother is probably enough to raise her eyebrow." Amelia laughed hoping to assuage Matilda's fears, even if Amelia wasn't sure she did that good job keeping up her disguise and voice at the moment. "Show me around the shopping district while we find breakfast for ourselves. What Shops are the most interesting or the most popular?" She asked looking down the busy streets with the steady din of city life and traffic life something about it felt deeply like home.

"What places stick out for either of you?"


"Brother can't help you here. He's normally busy with the soldiers!" Matilda said with a mischieveious smile.

"... That's not true! I know some places..." Kurt said attempting to defend himself. Matilda only smiled wider.

"Let's see... Have you had a crepe before big sister? Apparently the Isikawa Sovereignty have their own dish that they call a crepe too, but you get to hold it in a neat cone!"


"Crepes sound fantastic!" Amelia smiled "Ones with a lot of fruit and whipped cream are fantastic. Lead the way, Matilda." Amelia began to walk home not realizing that she was smiling like a loon without realizing for being able to be in a place that even remotely felt like home.


"Whipped cream?" Matilda asked, confusion written on her face. Kurt too beside her frowned.

"I understand the words you are saying my qu- Liam. But... what is 'whipped cream'?" He asked as well.

Eventually Matilda began leading the way through the crowds of people.

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Crepe Stand
Date: Morning

Soon enough there was a stall with a long line of people waiting to get to it. Beside you, Kurt was curious as well.

"I've heard about the Isikawan merchant who set up shop here selling their crepes... I've actually haven't tried it yet." He said, his eyes trying to see what the merchant was selling.

The merchant herself had dark hair and was wearing a white and red outfit. It reminded you of the Japanese shrine maidens back in your own world.

QuotePerception requested


[info]Perception check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+1 : 2 + 1, total 3[/blockquote]


[info]Perception: 3
The girl was busy trying to keep up with the orders, but she kept at it at a very fast and professional pace. She had multiple orders being cooked all at once, and she happily greeted each of the customers as they came and went. The crepes that she served seemed to be one of the same variety. It was some sort of orange fruit and jam that was served in it.[/info]



Amelia got in line for the food almost giddy at the chance of getting a meal like that of home. She didn't even take time to contemplate that the ingredients might not sit well with her system for several dozen reasons. From just being bedridden to the foreign ingredients that might not sit well none of that made it passed the lizard instinctual part of her brain demanded attention. It took all she had to patiently wait for her turn at the head of the counter.

"Good Morning, I'll take one, please." Amelia Smiled. She knew what it was like to be busy and be forced by the rules of customer service to chit-chat with the customers. Amelia right now could barely remember to try and act like a man let alone be able to work on so many dishes at once. The smells were enticing so many questions to the front of her lips, but she swallowed them down along with her own drool before it escaped her mouth. Now if only she could get a cup of coffee or tea to go with it.

[info]Bluff to maintain disguise if needed
This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d20+2 : 8 + 2, total 10


The girl looked up briefly, at you, she was about to turn back towards her cooking, but her eyes lingered on your for a moment. Like the rest, the words she spoke were different than the words that you eventually understood. However, you were able to catch slight nuances in her speech, making you think she spoke in an accent that differed than how Matilda and Kurt spoke.

"Indeed it is a good morning. Another sunberry crepe coming right up it is!" She said enthusiastically as she busied another station. Kurt and Matilda had come up too right after you, and the shopkeeper only smiled welcomingly and had begun more in the batch.

"Our princess Matilda is here too it seems indeed. Do you need a large batch like last time?" The girl asked.

"Nope! I just wanted to bring everyone in the castle one too back then... This time I'll only have you make three!"

"I see... Well, indeed I thank you kindly for buying such a large quantity. Helped me a lot, it has, to start my stall here in the market. Is he your brother?"

Kurt nodded.

"I'm sorry I haven't visited earlier... though I have heard how your new stall here is taking the marketplace like wild-fire. Who knew something humble as a crepe can be the talk of town... You are from Isikawa, correct? It always fascinates me that others can learn our language so soon... Diplomats are a given, but your command of Bürstein is remarkable."

"I try my hardest, I do." She smiled. Finally she looked over to you. "Indeed I see you have gentle eyes... I haven't... seen anyone like you I have."

Both Matilda and Kurt's eyes furrowed questioningly.


"Kind eyes?" Amelia laughed taking a step back to not block the line while taking a bite of her crepe. "My friends and family back home would want to say otherwise! I'm glad to see I haven't made an immediately bad first impression. I'm new to the big city as well so its good to know that there is hope for me yet to make a good impression.  My name is Liam, It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance miss-" she said the last part with a partially full mouth but she figured it wouldn't be totally bad form given the environment.


"Liam? My name is Kaneda Akari, it is." She suddenly stopped her busiwork with preparing the food, then reached over the counter to hold your hand.

"It is indeed a pleasure to meet someone like you." She said. You noticed that her eyes never left you, as if she was entranced.

QuoteYou can choose to avoid her reaching out to hold your hand, if you choose.


Amelia doesn't realize what is going on before it was too late and Akari already had Amelia's hand in hers. Pulling it back now would only cause a scene. "I don't want to take you to far away from your work I think your customers might riot if they think you are being pulled away by someone like me." Amelia smiled hoping to calm the two siblings to avoid making any kind of huge scene.

[info]I want to read her real quick while she is reading me
sense motive
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 4, total 4[/blockquote]

[info]can I get a description of what the crepe tastes like
perception if needed
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+1 : 15 + 1, total 16[/blockquote]


"Are you... are you a hero?" Akari asked her eyes strangely fixated on you, though she continued to hold your hand.

At that moment, both Kurt and Matilda spoke at the same time.

"He's just our new herbalist! Liam!"

"Liam's a friend from the country-side!"