[Amelia] Chapter 4: The Royal City of Mendernich

Started by Throndir, August 25, 2018, 10:07:18 PM

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Amelia laughed, "While I'm flattered you think I cut such a gallant figure I promise you I'm no hero. I'm much more of the roguish thief." The laughter was perhaps a little too genuine in that moment for the fact that she realized that it wasn't a lie. She was not the hero, the true hero was Nyx after all according to the status screen the people that she was actually lying to was Matilda and Kurt earlier when she had agreed to become the queen. So in this moment, she was being the most honest she had been since she woke up.

Only to follow it up with an additional lie, "You see like my friends said I'm just a guy from the country. To be honest my parents forced me into the job to keep me busy and out of trouble. My hometown knows me as more then a bit of a troublemaker, a big fish in a small pond if you will. So instead of letting me lounge around hunting for tail as it were amongst the local girls, it was better for me to put my efforts towards a job. My grandmother was the local medicine women and she taught me all her secrets. Or at least tried to I'm not particularly special in that regard." She smirked rubbing the back of her head.

"So a fish out of water I certainly am. A hero that's even for my ego is a bit much. I'm just your regular teenager trying to figure out where they fit in the world." She said taking another bite of her crepe as she pulled back her hand.


"I... see... It does look a little different... But..." Akari continued to stare at you. "It's more... vibrant than the hero of Isikawa..." She eventually snapped out of it however and let go of your hand.

The crepe that you had just taken a bite into tasted good. It was sweet, and the berries she had used tasted like a much sweeter strawberry. As for other toppings in it, other than the fruit, it also contained a jam made from the same kind of fruit. Apart from being served to you in a cone, you've honestly had better crepes back in your own world, yet the people here were gleefully eating theirs with much abandon. Even Kurt's eyes lighted up as he started eating into his.

All in all, you would consider the crepe average. Perhaps even plain.


"I've been spending time with the hero recently for my training with the head physician the ritual has seemed to put quite a strain on their body. So maybe something rubbed off on me?" Amelia said trying to play off the encounter with something she hoped was believe able.

"What exactly did you see in me out of curiosity? it might help with my studies." She asked tilting her head looking at her own hand. She was surprised to find someone even passingly familiar with heros working a street crepe stand in a foreign country no less. She doubted this Akari was a spy but regardless it was worth milking what information she could.


"Ah... well, indeed I see you vibrant..." She said.

One of the customers in line called out.

"Excuse me miss, I'd like one too..."

With that, Akari apologized and started continuing her crepe creation.

"I close up shop later tonight... Maybe you can come back?" Akari asked hopefully. "Are you indeed staying at an inn while you are in the city?"


Amelia had to stop and think for a moment, this could be a trap. And it would probably end poorly regardless but this girl seemed different and she knew things about another hero that might be helpful in the long run "I can meet you here after you close sure I've got more work to do. The castle has me working hard, but if you give me a time and place I'll be there."

She would have to talk about the details with Kurt and Matilda later. She was not locking to be jumped or kidnapped today thank you very much. "I'll have to see if I can get out of more work." Amelia winked.

Once she found out where and when to meet She turned back to others. "Where to next?" She asked half eaten crepe in hand.


"Okay! A date indeed, it is." She said as she smiled one more time and started to help out the other customers.

You noticed Kurt frowned slightly, but he chose not to say anything. Matilda saw the exchange, and her eyes only lit up.

"It's not that easy brother!"

"What do you mean?"

Matilda continued smiling with her eyes, but she didn't respond and only grabbed your hand.

"Well... big sister, and big brother... Do you remember when Corina said she'll 'see me later'? That is actually her own way of saying that she expects me to swing by soon. Probably to help with something! Soooooo. I'll have to go!"

She then grabbed Kurt's hand along with yours.

"Now big brother, you have to lead Liam over here since he might get lost!" Matilda said matter-of-factly.

"What do you mean, lead?"

"You knooooow!" Matilda frowned, then sighed. "Do you remember the first time we were at the trading city back in our own world years and years ago? We both got lost in the markets... You lead me...?" Matilda said.

It must have clicked in Kurt's head, as the prince started to slightly blush.

"U-um... That is..."


"I'm fine with that," said Amelia with a smile. I don't intend to keep anyone from their work. You two have your duties as well so even getting to spend time with one of you today leading me around town is more than enough. She said with a big smile.

"I wanted to chat with you a bit alone anyway Kurt. Show me some places you wouldn't want to take your little sister!" She said that last part before giving him a mischievous wink up close. Almost to close as Amelia seemed to be directly in his personal bubble once again. Totally oblivious to any kind of personal response he might have because of it. Without a word, she moved up wiping a glob of Jam from the corner of his mouth before sticking her finger in her mouth.

"You missed a spot there," she said with a smile before leaning down and taking a bite of his crepe before he could react. Each was exactly the same and she found that more than a bit disappointing. "Well, shall we go hunting then?" She asked with a mischievous grin "Lead the way, my prince."


"A-ah... My que- Liam..." Kurt stammered as he started to blush a deep crimson. He had no idea how to react at all.

"W-well... I c-couldn't help but miss a spot! I-it was my first time eating a crepe in a cone..." He gulped.

"Yes, my first time! Even someone like me can make mistakes..." He tried putting a braver face on. "I just need to lead us! I'm the commander of our country's forces, I can do that! I can lead, yes I can!"

Without thinking, the prince reached out to grab your hand.

He paused for a second realizing what he had done.


Where Kurt might have imagined that Amelia would react or attempt to flip him again no counter attack insued. In fact Amelia seemed completely oblivious to the unspoken question or his embarrassment at that moment as she was partially lost in her own thoughts. His almost shouting his claims of military acumen that brought her out of her internal machinations. "There is no need to be nervous prince," she smiled using his title to keep up the facade.

"I'm just a rookie you are showing the basics to. Relax friend or you'll only end up stuff as a board when you are an adult." She good naturedly slapped his back unaware that Kurt was still holding her other hand. She hit him in a way that would force home to exhale and relax his shoulders.

I'm just another kid from outside the city nothing more. So it's no worries if we get lost or in trouble? I sure as hell won't know the difference." She led him further down the path they had been walking waving to Matilda as they went. All the while wrongly assuming that Kurt was embarrassed for not knowing the city as well as his sister and was nervous about screwing up. "This is your chance to unwind to you know take a few hours away from your duties. So why don't we see if we can't get you to let off some steam while we're at it! She laughed putting both hands now on his shoulders. Just point the way to our next stop where ever that is!"

The whole back and forth reminded her of hanging out with Jules. Though normally the roles were reversed and Jules would be getting Amelia's head out of a book instead of dealing with nerves. Kurt was going through a lot of trouble showing her through town. The least she could do was to make sure this was not work for him in the process. It would simply be ungrateful if she pulled him away from his duties to give him more busy work instead of taking this time walking around town to let his hair down a little. Plus if he relaxed he would be easier to read.

[info]she is going to keep up a kind of friend/bro-y deminor partially for appearances and partially because She think Kurt is freaking out do to nerves and this feels like home where she would be at home either dragging around or being dragged around by friends. She has a general excitement to be walking around the city with some one. Even if she is only an aqquantince she is being swept up in the home feeling and wants that for Kurt too.

After all this is following a generally similar pattern to her last hangout day back home.

As such she will generally push or pull him and be in general friendly contact with him the whole time going where he leads or to point out random stuff that catches her eye.[/info]

[okay]before we've left I also got the general time when the stall closes to meet akari [/okay]


Still blushing, Kurt eventually smiled and agreed.

"You're quite right Liam..." Kurt said.

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Docks
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

"It's a pity that Matilda couldn't come with us..." Kurt said as he brought you to the castle's docks. "Especially since this was what she wanted to show you the most. But perhaps she can give you a second tour some other day."

Before you was the docks of Mendernich. Most of the buildings looked new, and a lot of people were busy either loading or offloading various goods on the ships that were in the harbor.

"My sister mentioned some of this before, but when we first came here, a quarter of the city wasn't sent with us... Well, some of it was, which makes an interesting sight to see. There were parts of the city which were simply cut. The buildings themselves looked as if a very sharp knife cut through them. Likewise, because of the fact our city suddenly found itself as a coastal city, there too was parts that were submerged in the waters themselves. One of the main streets that lead to the district that was once here goes straight into the water. There's a museum my father funded as well that describes the event, along with items and paintings depicting what this area looked when the city was first brought here."

Kurt was ready to explain more, but a voice interrupted his explanations of the docks.

"Prince Kurt? What brings you here?"

The girl who spoke was dressed up in something similar to an Admiral's outfit in the navy. She was well-dressed, and the clothing itself looked clean. She saluted as well the moment she realized that both you and Kurt noticed her.

She came over to you then, then bowed low.

"Admiral Katharina, at your service!"

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Guild Hall
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

"This building is the Guild," Kurt aid as he motioned towards the ornately designed building in front of you. There were all sorts of people dressed up there. At least if the people at the markets could be considered cosplaying townsfolk, these ones looked like they were cosplaying knights, adventurers, and mages. There was a board posted outside of the building, and there were many looking over the various postings on it.

"Back in our world, the Guild served as like... a privately owned policing force. Actually... It would perhaps be better to describe them as workers-for-hire. They would do anything from taking up construction work, to finding lost items, or bringing something you need. In that regard they were a flexible type of company. However... In this world, the New World, the Guild serves a much more important role."

"Do you remember the adventurers back near the castle? The reason why I was having them train with us, was because the adventurers of this world, along with the surrounding nations, are at a level much higher than the adventurers of Mendernich. Though, that said, they are still no match for a true sword master."

"In this world, monsters and strange creatures are more rampart, due to the fact that countries and slices of land suddenly appear. Many times, these lands bring their own monsters and creatures apart from the demons. There are also various dungeons that can be found, even back in my world, Erdesin, we had dungeons that could be found and conquered. We actually have one in our city in fact, just outside our walls."

"Anyone who needs some sort of job done requests it from the Guild, and likewise the Guild would then find suitable candidates to complete it. At the same time, whenever an adventurer finds any treasure or goods, they can simply come to the guild to get it appraised and exchanged for gold. The prices aren't as competitive with what you might be able to get it if you peddle it yourself, though, of course, many adventurers aren't very keen with being merchants, so the services the Guild offers becomes a boon."

"Apart from the merchants, like Akari from the Isikawa Sovereignty that we met earlier today, we do have a lot of foreign adventurers coming by, if only to see how our city is like, and to exchange information. To them, our lands, are new after all."

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Park
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

It was a peaceful park, far enough from the rest of the city that it felt secluded if one were to imagine it so. But close enough, that it wouldn't take very long for someone to head back to all the various shops and things to see in the city. Kurt too had lead the both of you through an enclosed area surrounded by a gate, with a guard who had opened the entrance once he noticed Kurt. So where you were right now was much more secluded than the rest of the park.

Kurt motioned to a bench. There wasn't anyone else in the park at all, save for the two of you.

"This is my favorite place actually. This park. This part of is the one reserved for the nobility and their guests. The other nobles come here too at times, though, I think it's me who enjoys this place the most. My sister, Matilda, when she's free from her duties as a princess, maid, or outside of her swordplay training, she usually goes into town. As for me, though I join her on occasion, or make my own trips there, its this park that I spend the most time in."

Once the two of you had sat down, Kurt continued.

QuoteMention specifically if you remain standing!

"It gives me time to reflect, and sometimes I practice my swordplay too." Kurt said as he drew his blade out.

"What's it like in your world, Amelia?" Kurt asked. Then he smiled shortly after. "There's no one else in the park, so it should be safe."


Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Docks
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

Knowing that there was a museum talking about the history of the city and what currently remained did more than spark her imagination. The idea of going out into the harbor and diving for lost treasures or antics was the type of thing she dreamed of as a little girl. But looking at the ocean at that moment was more than enough as she watched the activity of the harbor as she thought that she might be back in her hometown if not for the number of wooden ships docked instead of large tankers and skiffs. She nodded along with his explanation taking in the details and listening to the chorus of dock workers.

So she saw the admiral coming before she arrived assuming by her garb that she was probably tied to the royal family in one way or the other. So she fell into a stance that was becoming all too familiar for today as she went about the usual introduction and explanation of Liam Atwell. With the now well-practiced bits out of the way, Amelia turned her attention back to the docks.

"I've never seen ships like this before since my village is ways from the coast are most of these foreign ships or are these the ones we've managed to build since getting here?" It might be a little weird for a guy from the country to be interested in ships but this seemed the best way of asking without drawing attention.

"Are they mostly fishing vessels or are we already doing a lot of trade with foreign countries? I imagine since we are so new to the region there are a number of threats we have to deal with in those waters." She tried her best and more honestly then she would want to admit to be excited about the prospect of see travel.

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Guild Hall
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

The hustle and bustle of the guild hall reminded Amelia of a train station, mixed with an office building, and her high school cafeteria rolled all into one. It was like stepping into a real life MMO guild hall; people wearing armor and weapons to their teeth were busy chatting, eating, drinking, and gathering information for up coming jobs. Mixed with the ever present smell of sweat and cheep booze it was both fascinating and an assault to the senses all at once.

At the mention of their being a dungeon however her eyes lit up. Like the cave of wonders a dungeon in a game represented a test for the worthy with the added benefit of treasure and glory to those who could get deep enough to line her pockets to survive. Just thinking about what time forgotten relics and heirlooms might be waiting to be found almost made her giddy with excitement,


She listened and watched the room as Kurt explained the ins and outs of how the organization functioned on a daily basis. Waiting for him to finish as they found some corner to stay out of the way. ""So, I assume the guild has taken ownership of at least a portion of your healers, blacksmiths, criminals, merchants, and possible recruits for themselves. But who if anyone actually does the logistics of running this place? Is it a state funded organization? If so do they pay taxes on what they get appraised in House to make up for the additional resources? Does the castle have access to their general records?"

"Speaking of resources, who outside the palace has the capital to pay for found treasure? Is there a separate merchant guild that represents the everyday artisans or is it just single ventures who have to balance their own books? Either way there must be someone rich or influential enough to be buying this stuff. I don't imagine them to be the subtle type?"

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Park
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

Between the docks and the guild hall it had already been a long day and Amelia was happy to sit for a while. The park was beautiful and serene the perfect place to take a break for a while and read. She just allowed Kurt's words wash over her as she tilted her head back and breathed in the air for a moment; she felt truly contented. When he pulled out his sword however, she sat forward both out of interest and a healthy respect for it's honed edge.

Marveling at it Kurt then asked his question about her homeworld. " I don't even know where to start answering that question," she said with a smile looking around just to double check that he was right and no one was around. "I suppose the short answer is that not everything about being a country bumpkin as Liam isn't a lie. Because even though I come from a big city I've seen so much already that is foreign to me I might as well have grown up out in the sticks. If you understand my meaning.

Though I suppose the basic foundation is the same. The people, the need to work, eat, pay taxes, and become famous all at their core seem the same from what I saw today. Even if the specifics are different. I suppose that all comes down to their being no magic in my world or anything that comes with it. Or at least there has not been in the open for a long time. The highest thing on the food chain is humanity, so the largest achievements and threat to humanity have been made by humanity too. Though weather and disease like to keep us humble as well.

Left to our own devices we've had to approximate magic with various technology and sciences using laregly guess work and trial and error since we were able to write things down in one form or another.

I hope that makes sense."
Amelia said frowning unsure of her own answer. "Here I can show you a bit of what I mean." Going into her bag she found it lighter as Nyx had jumped out along the way amongst their travels. He better not be getting into trouble she mumbled angrily while continuing to dig for a few things.

She pulled out her phone and her wrist watch hoping to show him pictures of Seattle and a means of keeping time.


Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Docks
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

"Most are other countries actually. Our fleet is actually still small compared to everyone else's, but we're building as many as we can as fast as we can! Most of the larger ships are trade vessels. The smaller and medium sized ones you see are our own, there's been an influx of fishers moving in from the countryside to Mendernich to take this opportunity."

"We trade primarily with 3 other countries, with two more further out, though the travel there is generally more risky. Apparently this land that Mendernich found itself on used to be territory of the Felencorp United Alliance, and they used to have a shipyard and docks here as well."

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Guild Hall
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

"Ownership isn't quite the word I would use... It's more like the organization has enough adventurers who seek out these sort of services... Healers, blacksmiths, merchants, and the like, so it naturally makes sense for other businesses to associate and tie themselves with the Guild. As for who oversees the guild, back in our world, Erdesin, there is a Guild Manager for each city branch which usually takes care of the Guild for that city. Apart from that, there is a Guild Leader who usually handles the affairs of the Guild itself. In our own city, both the Guild Leader and Guild Manager are actually the same person. Though, of course, the Guild Leader of Erdesin, doesn't necessarily have the same power as she did back in our old world. In the New World, it seems each Guild head, manager, or leader, whatever they choose to call them in their respective countries are relatively equal. The Guild Leader of the organization of this New World is one from the Felencorp United Alliance actually. Theirs being one of the oldest countries of the New World. They are an organization that spans various countries. The same was true for back in our world, which is why the integration of the Guild of Mendernich is transitioning smoothly with the Guild of this world."

"Each city treats their Guild in whatever way they see fit... Some provide them heavy support, while others are a lot more lax about it. For the most part, most countries see them as something beneficial. As for access to their records, we could attempt to levy our power as the governing power, but that wouldn't sit very well with the Guild Leaders. Adventurers are something most settlements would prefer to keep around, rather than not."

"The Guild has various contracts with merchants. Usually, adventurers themselves don't have the patience to peddle their own findings, and the convenience of having a Guild handle the trade transactions is just one of the services they seek. The Guild buys treasure that adventurers find at a relatively low price, then turns around and has various merchants sell them as wares with a cut of their profits. Individual merchants can definitely draw up a contract with the Guild, though, usually only trusted merchant enterprises are considered. No one really wants to be blacklisted by the Guild, as that cuts off a lot of potential clients, not just in one city, but every other city with a Guild stationed in it. There are various merchant coalitions however, we already have a couple of foreign entities setting up a spot here in our capital."

"The Guild's coffers seem to be vast, at the very least, with the integration so tightly with trade, adventurers, and treasures that come in, many times their combined wealth across the various countries would be more than some of the poorer countries."

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Park
Date: Day 3 - Noon

"I understand... Your world seems fascinating. We, too, have science and technology... But not to the level of these items." Kurt said pointing at the phone. "Clocks we do have... But the craftsmanship on this is spectacular. You could probably sell this for quite a lot if you chose to."

At that moment a notification appeared in a translucent green window.

[okay]You leveled up.
You are now level 7. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]Kurt looked at you bashly.

"I know you said not to bring you to a fancy restaurant... So I actually had the staff prepare us something out here instead... They should be here soon, I hope you didn't mind..."

QuoteChanging it to Noon for the time at the Park, we can assume the travelling to the market/dock/guildhall, would take enough time to warrant that.


Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Docks
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

What's the pride and joy of our fleet so far?"
Amelia asked the admiral as they continued to watch the workings of the docks. She wanted to get a closer look at the everyday workings but it was probably unwise to go walking amongst the traders and dock works. Looking over at the admiral she realized something, "Are you also doing double duty as the dockmaster admiral?" It was a position so far down from her pay grade as the leader of this new fleet in the making. But if they only had the one dock and had only been there for a few months there was a chance they had yet to really fill that position.

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Guild Hall
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

So the guild was like its own body that was worth not interfering with because it supports a large portion of the economy that was both positive and negative. While it meant that they couldn't necesarrily rely on the organization as whole if trouble appeared without an appropriate reward. On the other and possibly more important hand neither could anyone else really. That meant that going into a dungeon was generally safe from a political standpoint so long as it was in there territory. So they could try and get some funds by trying to dive deep in the dungeons and see what they could pull up to even the odds.

"How deep have the local adventurers gotten in the close by dungeons?" she asked Kurt with a smirk surely it was popular gossip when something was unearthed in the dungeon.

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Park
Date: Day 3 - Noon

Amelia thought for a moment sure they were currently sitting out in the open where they could be attacked and even if her disguise was successful it still might cause some issues. But the sugar from the crepe was starting to crash at this point so she could use a proper meal. It was such a nice day out anyway there was no way that things could go wrong " Those crepes only last so long, I don't see why we shouldn't eat something if we are going to keep exploring the city. Though, to much fanfare will draw some unneeded attention so we should probably take the basket from whoever is bringing it and then fend for ourselves."


[info]Points allocated
+1 to arcana
+1 to Engineering


Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Docks
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

"The ship that I captain is the pride and joy of course! The Cannon Fire!" The admiral grinned. "That said... it actually is the only ship we have built. We placed all our efforts into building one, and it had its first voyage just a few days ago in fact. The rest of our vessels... we were forced to purchase from Felencorp."

"I'm actually handling most of our affairs related with the navy. So it's more fair to say that I'm juggling many jobs all at once, though I do have some assistants."

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Guild Hall
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

"We have a single dungeon nearby. It's literally next to our city, on a hill. The dungeon itself is a cavern system, however, most of the monsters that it creates are low-level and rather weak. Both the Guild of our city, and us, 'protect' that dungeon though. For the guild, it's a place to send the weaker adventurers to get experience, and for us, it gives our city another reason for adventurers to start their bases here."

"The dungeon itself isn't very large... It's 3 rooms, and it usually only spawns goblins. It's the perfect dungeon for starting adventurers. That said, further out across our territories are other dungeons. Unfortunately most of the ones that our adventurers from Erdesin had explored, weren't brought along with us when we were transported here. That phenomenon... we were told is called a 'Shifting', brings along new lands, and oftentimes those would bring in new dungeons as well. Other countries too have their own dungeons..."

"Why don't we... consider getting you registered for the guild? Believe it or not, I'm actually a Guild Member as well."

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Park
Date: Day 3 - Noon

"Alright... Very well!" Kurt said, happily smiling that you took his suggestion. A few minutes later, a familiar face appeared. It was Corina, pushing along what looked to be a cart full of dishes.

"Hello again my lord." Corina saw you as well, and for a brief moment her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, though she didn't say anything about it. "And to you, too, Liam."

She curtsied, then proceeded to push the cart further. Soon enough she was in front of the two of you, and she began to display each of the items on it. The dishes were sliced potatoes with spices of some sort, different types of sausages, some sort of noodle dish with cheese on top, some sort of breaded meat dish, a beef dish, among others.