[Amelia] Chapter 4: The Royal City of Mendernich

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Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Docks
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

"It sounds like you've taken on a huge amount of work on yourself. Building a whole fleet and trade routes are no small feat." Amelia said with a smile. "How are you faring with all of this are you having any kind of troubles?"

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Guild Hall
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

"What do you mean spawned? You're saying that there some kind of magical construct like a defense system to the dungeon?" There was that video game language again, though they seemed to have no concept of it themselves. If what they were saying about 'spawning' was true and was what she thought it to be then she might have an upper hand. After all, she enjoyed more than her fair share of video games and if she knew her stuff there were more than three rooms in that place.

"Sure, I don't see why not. It's important that I take this month to learn everything I can including what it's like being an adventurer." She was far less certain then she made herself sound. She knew all to well that she had no real talent for fighting. But Kurt could not find out about that little nugget of truth at least not at the moment. Besides the second reason was that she really did want to give it a try. Maybe if she put a team together with Nyx, Matilda, and Kurt the four of them could make a go of things. "Though, do you think I should use my real name?" she whispered next to him her breath on the back of his neck and ear. She did not want anyone overhearing them if she had any say in the matter.

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Park
Date: Day 3 - Noon

"When you said picnic I wasn't expecting this kind of extravagance!" She laughed for the first time of the day in what felt like a long time. She walked over to the cart and grabbed a plate along with a little from a few dishes, "Thank you both your effort isn't lost on me really. Though I don't take well to being spoiled to often so don't think I'll be buttered up so easily." She completely misread the signals that were coming from the whole affair as a sign of the castle attempting to curry favor with their new found hero. Instead of some kind of impromptu date. The problem being it most likely was the king's attempt to use his son to curry loyalty as much as actual emotion.

Sitting down again at the bench she was excited to try more of the food having grabbed a little bit of the pasta, the potatoes, and a beef dish. It was then that she realized that something was missing normally a meal like this would have had a cat purring around her ankles at home. "I wonder where that cat went."


Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Docks
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

"No kidding! It's hard work! If only my prince would give me more budget. To you know... effectively run this operation." The admiral smiled, but it was easy to tell that she was actually rather annoyed.

"It can't be helped Katharina... We are paying the Felencorp United Alliance in reparation fees ever since we arrived here. Budget is... tight. I've helped my father run through the numbers, and we'd have to end up cutting other things. We can only thank you for how much work you've put in. It's why you have all those medals..."

The admiral huffed.

"I swear... you'll probably have them make me a new medal, huh?" She rolled her eyes.

"I'm glad a lot of citizens are gung-ho about helping the country. Most of the workers are volunteers, but it isn't enough, you know? Not to mention the fact they are volunteers, means they don't have a reason to stick around. A full staff and crew. For each of our vessels, the shipyard, the docks, trade processing, and more accountants!"

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Guild Hall
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

"That is because it is a magical construct! I take it your world doesn't have dungeons either? In each dungeon is something called a Dungeon Core. Destroying one gives you a lot of experience, but the flip side is the dungeon dies and no longer spawns monsters. The dungeon we have near our city is protected in that we have laws to prevent the destruction of its Dungeon Core."

"As for your real name... It's up to you. It's expensive to have your name changed again at a later date, as it takes a lot of processing work for the Guild to get that information out to all other branches. Adventurers who later get married, at times, don't even bother with changing their names once they get married simply due to the cost. At the same time, there are people out there who use an alternate name in registration."

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Park
Date: Day 3 - Noon

"I'm... glad you're enjoying yourself." Kurt said, a slight blush creeping up to his features. He had been staring at you, but then chose to look away when he realized what he was doing, and proceeded to try out the foods as well.

Corina then nodded to the both of you.

"Is there anything else my lord, and Liam, would like before I leave? I will be back in an hour to pick up the remainders. The deserts, and tea are on the bottom-most shelves as well."


Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Docks
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

Funds seemed to be the issue that continued to rear its ugly head again and again across every conversation she had so far. Considering they lost more than ninety percent of their infrastructure overnight she was surprised they were doing as well as they were. The alliance must have given them substantial funding to even get them started lent alone sustainable. Even attempting to guestimate how much it would cost was enough to give her a headache. She would have to take a look at the books herself. While she was no real accountant she had seen her parents handle large amounts of money enough times that she could at least get a better sense of things.

"So how many expeditions into the ruined part of the city have you managed to make Admiral? I imagine it's difficult getting things up in one piece from the ocean bed using ships so you have to do it by hand."

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Guild Hall
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

"Right," Said Amelia with a nod. "I suppose now is as good a time as any to at least to get the paperwork started. Do you mind leading the way to the desk?" Amelia spent the time it took to cross the room to think of possible names. It was like choosing a username for a videogame and would have to be something that she stuck with at least for a while if not forever. She liked her name but if she was going to be queen using it long-term in public seemed like not a good idea especially if there were Felencorp assassins walking about. If she went into a dungeon using her real name and they put two and two together then it would be all too easy for her to get attacked. But using a name like Liam also didn't seem like a good idea.

She needed a moniker something punchy that represented her but might make her harder to find if people were trying to find her. She could go an infinite number of ways from some kind of reference or some kind of call back, but then something came to mind. This was in one way or another a kind of second life from several different perspectives and if she wanted to figure out her future she would have to be like a phoenix born out of the ashes. The fact that they came here through a crack in the sky also seemed appropriate.

So when given the option to sign her name she simply wrote 'Suzaku' as her name.

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Park
Date: Day 3 - Noon

"You've already gone above and beyond Corina really," Amelia said with a smile. "I'm not used to this kind of treatment, so I think we have it from here if you have other work to do."

"That is unless you need something Kurt?"


Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Docks
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

"We've completed most of our salvaging efforts during the first month of the catastrophe. Imagine suddenly finding out parts of the city simply vanished, and other parts were underwater! That said, the state helped out with as much as we could with the citizens that had homes that were now underwater, but it was only a small section of the district that found itself submerged. A larger chunk of the city simply vanished."

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Guild Hall
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

"Yes, let's go into the guild hall. The mission board out here are for most adventurers, while the offices, meeting rooms, and the class A and higher missions are found in doors. It's in there that we'll have you sign up as well."

The two of you began moving towards the entrance, and a couple of adventurers moved out of both of your way out of respect.

"That's the prince! The Two-Headed Viper himself..." One of the adventurers whispered in awe. Soon enough the two of you entered the building as the throng of adventurers parted. Kurt looked slightly embarrassed, but he didn't pay it much mind.

It was well-furnished. There were portraits of adventurers and other famous people on the walls, along suites of armors, and weapons. A mission board was at the end as well, though, it had less postings up than the one outside. Kurt lead you to the receptionist desk, and once there, a lady with strangely long ears greeted you.

"My lord! Unfortunately we don't have any missions at your caliber available, unless you're here for updating your adventurer card..?"

"No, no... You see, I'm here to introduce you to our newest adventurer-to-be." Kurt glanced at you.

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Park
Date: Day 3 - Noon

"Very well then. I will come back in an hour. Don't feel as if you need to stay til then."

QuoteWe'll move on to afternoon/evening scenes once we are all done with morning scenes.


Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Docks
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

"It's good to know someone so reliable is at the helm of the docks as a new citizen of this city." Amelia smiled, "Would you mind giving us a tour of the docks when I have a day off?"

"I won't lie and say I'm not interested in seeing how things like a navy work."

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Guild Hall
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

Amelia took note of the nickname that swirled around Kurt as they walked; this was not the time to push for an explanation. As the crowds parted and they walked into the back room of the hall she scanned the room with interest. Taking in the various paintings and general decor she could see an attempt at opulence that matched the castle. Those people allowed in this room on a regular basis were given a certain status and showed just how much money the guild had to throw around for those who made a name for themselves. There was a reason why they brought new members back here just before the joined up.

The arrival of who Amelia assumed was the guild rep and her ensuing greeting to Kurt proved that he was better in a fight then he let on. It was then that the thought came to her that she would have to lie on more then just her name during this process if she didn't want to raise suspicion.

As Kurt introduced her she held out her hand. "Greetings, I'm Liam, I'm new in town and was looking for a way to make some extra spending money and maybe get in better shape. Kurt suggested I try the guild out. You are?" Amelia said thinking it was better to set expectations sooner rather than later to make the inevitable lie more believable.

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Park
Date: Day 3 - Noon

With Corina gone, Amelia put down her plate and began digging through the cart for tea and tableware. Her parents sold more then their fair share of China, and she knew how to handle it. "Kurt are you thirsty I'm pouring?"


Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Docks
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

"Well, Liam, I thin it'll likely be when I have a day off. But I wouldn't mind you swinging by whenever you're free." She looked at Kurt.

"My lord, we really need to talk about my duties and extra hands... The Cannon Fire is set out to sail again in a few days, and I prefer to be guiding that as a captain..."

"Hmm... I'll talk to the king, you have my word." Kurt responded.

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Guild Hall
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

"My name is Ilyaveere. I'm originally from the Leafwood Forests, but I've served as one of the guild receptionist for a few years now. It's a pleasure to meet you Liam."

"The Guild of of this world gave us some artifacts to be used for registration as well." She glanced at Kurt. "This might be new to you, my lord, but what once would have taken a few weeks to distribute information between guild branches in various cities and countries, now take much less time!"

"I heard something about that... But I heard it's a Guild-only artifact, that's not even shared with the country? In some ways the New World's inhabitants are more advanced than we are."

"That is correct too... The Northern Felencorp Guild sent an entire troupe of adventurers and guards to keep it in safe hands while they transported it to us. They also had us go through a couple of renovations, to meet their security requirements."

"First is a large crystal ball that records an adventurer's strength in a couple of categories. That one Liam here will get to see soon, and the other is a scroll that we can write in, and have that information appear on other like scrolls throughout the rest of the guilds! If these artifacts weren't so closely kept, and if they were mass producible, they would revolutionize the world! Diplomacy, trade, letters... Can you imagine if I could simply write my father a message, and have him see it in a couple of minutes, rather than weeks?"

"Anyways, sorry for my rambling, Liam! Here's some paperwork..."  She proceeded to hand you a sheet. She then pointed to the wall, and arrayed on it was sets of quills and ink. There was also a wash basin nearby, along with some towels.

"Fill this out! There's an ink pad near the inkwells, just use your thumbprint for it."

On the paperwork, it listed various questions.

Given Name:
Family Name:
Date of Birth:
Current Age:
Eye color:
Hair color:
Adventurer Role:

Compared to the paperwork of your own world, this one was rather short and simple.

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Park
Date: Day 3 - Noon

"The tea is from Isikawa as well. It's something called a 'dancha' tea. We have our own kinds of warm drinks... but theirs are more refined, it's been becoming a popular thing among the nobility."


Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Docks
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

[info]Closing of the docks branch[/info]

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Guild Hall
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

Amelia looked over the paperwork curiously for a moment before speaking, "I do have some questions if you don't mind Ilyaveere before I sign. Many two, are there any consequences for filling out false information, and what in particular does it mean by team role?"

"I would rather not have some foreign bureaucrat hunting me down or something, but I'd rather not have some weird magical side effect if you get what I mean."

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Park
Date: Day 3 - Noon

"I'm not surprised, tea is very popular in my world as well for centuries," she said while pouring two cups. "Though it has competition from coffee. You know I might have some dried beans in my bag somewhere. Though it's not like we could grow any without magic at this point. Coffee and Milk would be a game changer for the country if we could figure out a way of getting our hands on a renewable source." Amelia said still trying to think of a way to make some extra cash. I'll have to see what I can do."

"That's for a ways down the road regardless. Well to your health, cheers!" she said holding out her cup for the customary action between friends.


Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Guild Hall
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

"False information? Well... We wouldn't really have correct information, if that's what you mean. For example, in case of your death, it may be hard to get in contact with loved ones. As for the Adventurer Role on there, that it what you would contribute to the group. If you were a front line fighter, you would mark that down, or if you cast spells, or if you were more skilled with archery, or even searching for traps."

"As for foreign bureaucracy, we take our privacy quite seriously. But there isn't any sort of magical effect like you're talking about."

Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Park
Date: Day 3 - Noon

"Kauf-fee? I've never heard of that before. It seems like your world has many wonders..."

Kurt also held up his cup.

"To yours, my queen. And for your leadership!"


Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Guild Hall
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

Amelia gave a small sigh of relief at the explanation, "That helps put my mind at ease thank you." Filling out the paperwork took all of a few seconds. "I'm new at this so I left the role portion blank I didn't want to place expectations on my performance that I couldn't back up because I was not suited for a role."

Given Name: Suzaku
Family Name: Saren
Date of Birth: September 23
Current Age: 16
Gender: Female
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Red
Adventurer Role: unKnown
Thumbprint: Given

"Here you go,"

[info]closing the picnic tab unless Kurt wants something.[/info]


Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Guild Hall
Date: Day 3 - Morning - Late Morning

Ilyaveere furrowed her eyes brows once you came back and you handed her the paperwork.

"Is this writing? What... language is this in? I can't read it at all." She responded as she picked the paper up examining the words on it.


Amelia smacked her palm to her forehead. "I'm an idiot. Sorry about that, I forgot you use a different writing system then what I'm used to. I learned how to read various languages but writing I'm out of practice with." Amelia pulled her hat over her eyes slightly to hide her embarrassment." Kurt, do you mind transcribing what I tell you? I can give my thumbprint at the very least."

As long as Kurt agrees she will repeat her answers verbally.


"Of course Liam..." Kurt said. Eventually, with you dictating what was said, Kurt did his best to transcribe what you said into their language. Phonetically spelling your name. When Kurt was writing, you noticed that the characters weren't one you recognized at all, but the moment he finished a word, something in your head made you understand what he was writing.

The receptionist finally picked it up and began to look at it.

"Hmm... Suzaku. The name sounds Isikawan actually. Though you don't look quite like someone from there... I assume this is what you meant by false information? Going by adventurer names or nicknames is common enough, I'm glad you didn't put 'The Great' in there somewhere though... It's something us Guild staff roll our eyes over." She laughed, but she took the piece of paper and placed it on a stack.

"I'll process this once we are done with the rest of your registration." The girl said as she picked herself up, and began walking around to open an entry way to the office, then beckoned you to come in.

"So Suzaku, you mentioned your Adventurer Role is unknown... Is it because you don't have a clear understanding of what weapons you will use, or how you will go about fighting?"


"That's basically the whole of it." Amelia said rubbing the back of her head, "I do have some hand to hand training across a couple schools, but it would be irresponsible to say that it would be considered any kind of fighting style."

"It would be irresponsible to say that I specialize in anything and couldn't use a lot of training. But I'm a fast learner, and I learn my lessons well. So I plan to spend what time I take adventuring to learn whatever I can. It's probably smart to pair me with people who are good with beginners."


"Well, that is a start, at the very least... Are there any weapons you would be interested in trying to learn? We do have a mentorship program through the Guild... Of course, if there is someone you would like to train you instead, that could be arranged... And the fact you are here with the prince, makes me think you have some connections..." She glanced at you.

"Anyways, follow me to the back Suzaku." She looked at Kurt then. "My lord, as always, this next part is confidential, so I'll have to ask you to stay here in the lobby."

Kurt nodded his head.

"Of course."


[b]"I'm open, honestly. Though if there was generally anything I like to be generally fast on my feet. If I could use a weapon to synergize off of what I've already trained in for the time being that would be ideal."[/b] Amelia said responding to the elf's first question.

"As for teachers they tend to be more picky about me rather than me about them if that makes sense. My parents were told early on that I'm talented but I'm a bit of a handful and eccentric making hard on them."
Amelia chuckled that dry awkward chuckle when you remember something embarrassing from the past.

When the other girl motioned her to the back air caught in Amelia's chest. This was the moment where she would have to think up a spectacular lie for Kurt. If the castle figured out on day one that she didn't have any kind of powers they would think she was a fraud and change her room to a suit in the dungeon. In those few seconds, her mind raced a mile a minute. Then just as quickly Kurt was told to leave the room and she could breathe again. She whispered a small thank you to the universe then went to follow the girl in earnest. "So how does this next part work exactly?"