[Rosalie] Chapter 2: The Velothian Dragons

Started by Throndir, August 06, 2018, 02:28:18 PM

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"What are the other things?" Rosalie was a bit confused, as Valeriya seemed to be beating around the bush. Whatever it was seemed like it was quite the big deal to her, so Rosalie was trying not to be too mean to the girl.


"We'll always be around each other..." Valeriya said, trying to explain. "But it's more than that, you'll feel what I feel.. It's intimate."

"But I've put this off for long enough... as the chosen daughter of the Elder, I must ask of you, our summoned hero. Please form a contract with me!" She said as she bowed both her head and upper body, with her arms straight. She closed her eyes tight, and it was easy to tell that she was still blushing furiously.


Valeriya seemed to be quite worried about the whole situation. Rosalie remembered the people on the mountain and what seemed to be disappointment in Valeriya. If Euterpe sent me here, she had to have faith that I would be able to help with what these people are facing..

"Valeriya, I don't know what challenges you or your people are facing but I've been summoned here so I'll do everything within my power to help. I will form this contract.There's a lot I don't know about this world so I'll be counting on you to teach me about it."[color]


"There we have it Valeriya." The voice came from behind you; it was the woman from before. As you recall, she introduced herself as Valeriya's mother. However, when you did turn around, not only did you see her, but many large creatures. Some were hovering a distance away, some were perched on the rocks and cliffside - all of them were staring at you. They were dragons. Real dragons.

Their scales glistened in the sun. They were all of different colors and shades. From red ones, blue ones, even some stranger colors such as purple and pink. Each of them had reptilian eyes, and rows full of sharp teeth.

Valeriya's mother smiled.

"In a few hours the ceremony will be at the base of the mountain. My daughter and our hero. We'll see you there."


"D-D-Dragons?!" The sight of the beasts was astounding. Rosalie would never have expected to see such creatures. However, if they had followed the woman.
After taking a few moments to regain her composure, Rosalie continued. "I shall be there. Also, I don't believe that I have caught your name, may I have it?

After a few moments of thought, Rosalie asked a question of her own. "Would there be anyone that could perhaps teach me about the ways of this world, and of magic?"


"Vasillisa, great hero." The lady smiled and bowed her head slightly. She didn't respond to your next questions however, only glanced long and hard at Valeriya. After a few moments, she then turned and started walking away, towards the base of the mountain.

Soon enough, all as quiet, save for you and Valeriya.

"That... that would be my job." Valeriya said, she glanced at you, but blushed.

"That is, if you would have it, of course."


Vasillisa, I'll have to remember that

After Valeriya spoke, Rosalie felt a bit embarrassed. despite Valeriya being the one that summoned her to this world, she had the assumption that she was not a traditional magic user.

"S-Sorry. You didn't strike me as a magician, you looked to be more of a warrior. I'd love to have your help." Rosalie stopped to think for a moment. "What can you tell me about your homeland, Valeriya? Compared to where I am from, it is a very beautiful place. Also do you happen to know anything about what 'Enchant' would be in your world? I am supposed to be good at it but don't have the slightest idea of what it is or how to use it."

She wasn't sure if Valeriya would have all of the answers to her questions, but getting to know about the girl, her world and what her purpose here was before the ceremony would be a good use of time.


"I am a warrior!" Valeriya said. "A... magician?" Valeriya asked with a confusion, slowly pronouncing the foreign word.

"Are there many warriors back in your world, Rosalie?" Valeriya asked genuinely curious.

"I've never heard of Enchant before. But what I can tell you is that all heroes have special powers to them. They're like blessings from the gods themselves. Things that normal people can't really do. I know that there are some things that are always passed on, regardless of the hero though. Being able to understand and talk with everyone for example. Even that 'Status' ability I mentioned earlier."

"My homeland is what you see here around us. Velothia. It is where generations of people like me have lived - these mountains that make up our homes. Nearer the base of our mountain is an encampment we have for humans that visit. Beyond that is the first of the human cities of Velothia. It works out well for everyone, we have something they want, and the humans have something we want. In the end, everyone's happy."

Valeriya sat down on the grass again.

"I didn't... really want to do this contract thing. Being with some stupid and idiotic human sounds pretty bad. I don't think the men who come up to out peaks smell nice either. Elder Mother wants me to do this though, and I do understand that this is what's require of me for my people... It's just, a little disheartening, ya know?"

"I'm the strongest among those who haven't formed a contract yet. But... It's... a little stupid, and maybe old-fashion. But I didn't want to just get saddled up with someone I didn't really know. I don't see why everyone else is okay with it. I talked to the Elder before about it... And she just spouted this crap about 'duty'."

"Besides... sometimes those 'knights' that come up here, have these creepy eyes and stares. I'm not even sure why most of us put up with that." She shivers.

"There are a lot of different things you can do though once you form a contract..."

"Sit down... I want to show you something." Valeriya asked, her face starting to blush again as she looked towards the expanse from the high vantage point you both were at.


"A magician is someone who is talented with magic, at least that is what we would say in my world. Nobody could actually use magic though. We used a lot of machines and just had dreams of magic. We had a lot of warriors. There were many kingdoms you could call them. Mine had more people than you could count, hundreds of millions, and our army had millions of warriors."

She listened to Valeriya's  response about her powers. "Do you know how I might be able to discover what it does? If I am going to be here I would like to be able to help you with my powers."

"Velothia is very beautiful. What type of trade do you do with the humans?"

"It is like that in my world too. We are often pressured into doing things that we can't give our heart to by our families. I chose to go against what my family wanted me to do, and now I am here. My world is a lot different than yours so it doesn't compare to what you've gone through."

Rosalie sat down next to Valeriya. "What type of things can you do after you've formed a contract?" Rosalie waited for further instruction from the girl.


"A kingdom that had millions of warriors? Your people must have been powerful."

"Enchant sounds similar to a Keyword. It's what we say in order to release a spell. Why don't you try it? I can't guarantee that it would work... And there's no Incantation either? Usually you need one... But then again, your 'Status' ability, doesn't have an incantation either."

"Trade isn't quite the right word..." She grinned seeing your confusion. "What I meant was that the humans down below form a contract with us up here. They can soar through the skies. In return, they..." She blushed slightly.

"They give us children." She finally said. A moment later a thought struck her.

"N-now... U-um, you did agree to a c-contract with me. B-but! You are a girl too, so we can't really... you know..."

She laughed to herself a moment later. "This is the first time a human girl has formed a contract with the Velothian dragons, did you know that?"  She paused.

"Actually, of course you don't... you were just summoned."

Valeriya reached over to take your hand once you sat down beside her.

"Face what you see below us." Valeriya pointed downwards, to the base of the mountain. You could barely make it out, but there were buildings there.

"You probably can't see it very well from here... But much further beyond that is the first human city. Now... watch."

With that, you noticed a glow of red light flow from Valeriya's arm, to her hand, then to yours, and then up your arm. Once it settled in, you felt warm, it actually felt good.

All of a sudden you were able to make out each of the people down in the encampment below. Not only that, you were able to clearly see the city that Valeriya had mentioned.

Valeriya was blushing.

"Sharing that little we did... Usually that's only reserved for after the contract, but I think this was okay..."


Rosalie had a sudden realization. Everything made sense. "Well that certainly explains why you have been so embarrassed about everything. Might I ask why you have summoned a hero?" Rosalie purposefully ignored the discussion about children for now. But after learning about what the contract was about, Rosalie was not surprised that a human female had never formed a contract.

Looking down at the buildings, Rosalie was amazed after whatever Valeriya had done. "Wow, that was amazing! What other types of power do you have, Valeriya?"

After looking at the encampment and seeing the city in the distance, Rosalie decided to at least try to understand her power a bit better. "Well, here goes nothing... Enchant!


"Maybe I can show you more later tonight..." Valeriya blushed. "We're umm... not even in a contract yet..."

She shook her head, though there was still a faint tint of pink on her cheeks, she grinned widely.

"Rosalie, you're a bit forward aren't you? You've been summoned as a hero for multiple reasons actually... One is because the demons to the north and east are marching towards the human lands we protect to the south and west... There is a human country dealing with most of the demonic invaders, but our own kingdom fear they won't last for very much longer. Theirs is a struggle of constant war. At the very least we have the Antwarch mountains that act as a natural barrier."

"The... other reason is to start my transition to the role of Elder."

As you attempted to trigger the keyword, you saw glowing motes of light escape from you boosting forth. However, the motes of light simply circled around, as if they had nothing to do, and then dissipated.

"Did... it work?" Valeriya asked expectantly.


"Sorry, that's kind of the way people are these days." Rosalie gave a sly smile as she spoke.

"So we will be working with the human country to fight off the demons? It sounds like a story I read as a child, but here it is completely real. I hope I will be able to be helpful.

Rosalie watched the motes of light leave her hand and enter the air before disappearing. "I think I need to use it on something... it just kind of disappeared."   she reached back and grabbed her bass guitar, taking it off of her back and holding it on her lap, as if she were going to play. "Alright, let's try this again. Enchant!" She shouted the command while focusing on her guitar.


You focused on your guitar, and when you spoke the Keyword, the motes of light sped to the instrument, and they began swirling rapidly around the guitar.[/info]Suddenly, words popped up again in a new semi-green translucent window on top of the guitar.

No Spell or Ability used.[/okay]With that the motes of light dissipated again.

"So, did it work now?" Valeriya asked curiously. "I was curious about it when you first appeared... but is that your weapon?" She pointed at the guitar you had attempted to cast《Enchant》on.


"It didn't work but it looks like it gave me a clue. It said that no spell or ability was used, so I guess that enchant itself is not enough.  Do you know any spells that you could teach me?

Rosalie held up her guitar for a moment. "This? Nah this is an instrument for playing music. In my own world, my job was to play music and this is what I used." She smiled, thinking warmly of the times that she had spent with her friends.