[Rosalie] Chapter 4: The Dragonknight Ceremony

Started by Throndir, September 12, 2018, 08:25:44 PM

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"Alright, do you... remember?" She asked, she was still slightly slurring her words. "Move your mana... into me." Hesitantly, you felt Valeriya wrap and arm around your waist.


Rosalie focused, and summoned as much mana as she could muster. The more she could share, the better the bond would be so she might as well try to use it all.


"R-Rosalie!" Valeriya said hesitantly, as her face became flushed red. She started shivering from the assault of mana being forcefully pumped into her. You felt her hold on to you tighter, as tears started to form in Valeriya's eyes.

You couldn't tell if she was in pain or if she was enjoying it, but she spoke more insistently.

"Don't stop... Keep it going. Put... more... in. P-please..." She said, as she herself tried to send you her own mana. Though, it was by far not as much as you were pumping into her. The sensations were strange. It was relaxing, comforting, almost warm, but sensual and stimulating at the same time.

It felt easy trying to push mana into Valeriya. She was squirming under the pressure, but she continued to beg for more. She was breathing heavily from the attempt, as she was spending her own mana, tiring her out in the process. You felt like you could keep going however, that large pool of mana in you was hardly dented at all.


Rosalie was starting to wonder if there was anything in this world that could use all of her mana. She did as Valeriya begged, and continued to send mana her way.

[info]Continue to Chapter 5: Little Sister's Demand[/info]