[Rosalie] Chapter 4: The Dragonknight Ceremony

Started by Throndir, September 12, 2018, 08:25:44 PM

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Rosalie was taken by surprise. Valeriya had been so shy and so timid, yet now she was so forceful. Like everything else in this world, Rosalie decided to go with the flow. She pulled Valeriya closer herself. She doubted she would over-power a dragon but she might as well be active about it. After a few moments Rosalie pulls away and whispers. "This is the rest of the ceremony?"


"No..." Valeriya whispered back, a faint blush on her cheeks. She moved to the door then, and opening it revealed a bedroom. There was some amazing workmanship in the room. The walls themselves were carved from the very stone, but they were smooth and sharp cuts. Many of the furniture in there too held the same degree of precision and craftsmanship. The bed at the center of it all looked absolutely comfortable.

"You felt the mana right?" Valeriya said, moving her eyes back to hold yours. There was a slight elation to them. "The actual contract is basically that... I give you mana, and you give me yours. It leaves a mark on each other... Do you remember when I shared some of my mana with you, and you were able to see farther distances? Things like that... We give as much as we can throughout the evening and through the night... And once the process completes..."

She blushed.

"We'll be companions for life."


Rosalie took a moment to admire the fantastic craftsmanship of everything around her. "There was certainly a lot of mana. So we make each other stronger? What should I expect?" Rosalie felt a bit bad about asking such direct questions about what the entire process would do for her, Valeriya seemed like a fine girl but with the coming danger, it seemed like everyone had pinned their hopes on Rosalie before even meeting her, so she had to try to meet expectations.


"There are many things... You will share in some of the abilities I have. Seeing far distances is just one of them. We kinda took some shortcuts earlier when I first shared my mana with you... It's how I was able to speak into your mind. The protection from the wind and elements when you're riding on my back in my original form is another one of those benefits."

She took your hand as she began to lead you into the room. Once in, gently, she closed the door. Valeriya seemed fidgety, and her cheeks were still scarlet.

"So!" Valeriya laughed forcefully. "Do you want to start it now? Or maybe... later? Are you hungry? Or thirsty? I think I'm a little thirsty..." Valeriya moved to the table, pouring herself a glass of water. She didn't seem to be paying much attention to it however, as she poured the cup all the way up, eventually spilling.



"A lot of those abilities seem like they're very useful, it makes a lot of sense that the dragon knights would be so excited to have power like that." Rosalie paused as she watched Valeriya pour the water. "Valeriya, would you like some more wine to go with a snack?"


"Wine! Ahaha... yes... how strong can you make it?" She asked, completely embarrassed.


"That's a good question. Let's find out."  Rosalie focused on the jug of mana and consciously dumped in as much as she possibly could for her spell. "Oh water! Bless mine drink and make it potent! Enchant: Wine!" She poured two glasses of the drink, one for herself and one for Valeriya. "Cheers!


You purposefully overcharged your spell as you cast it, pouring in as much mana as you can into your attempt. Soon enough you created a wine that looked normal, but the moment you imbibed it, you could feel its effects almost immediately. It was the strongest wine you ever tasted. At the same time Valeriya did the same.

QuotePhysical Resist checks requested, using unofficial drinking rules.

[blockquote]Valeriya Physical Resist 1d20+11 : 16 + 11, total 27[/blockquote]


[info] Resist roll which is gonna fail fo sho

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 9 + 8, total 17[/blockquote]


[info]Physical Resist: 17
When you drunk the wine, it tasted absolutely amazing. It seems like the more mana you put into the spell, the more potent and better tasting it became. You felt a slight wave of nausea. You could usually hold your own well in real world, back during the feast earlier that day with the wine you first produced was strong, but you handled it better than you remember ever handling alcohol before. However, this new set was on a whole different level.
QuoteYou are now in Stage I for inebriation. You get +2 to all Physical abilities for the next 4 hours. If you take more alcohol in the next 6 hours, your Physical Resist roll will take a -2 morale penalty.

Glancing at Valeriya, you saw her fill another cup and poured it down her throat. She wasn't handling it very well.

"Ahaha... Thish ish amazing... Rosalie... Never tasted anything so good!"

She started pouring herself another cup, then held up the jar and poured a few more of the cups. She glanced at you and smiled stupidly, pushing one of the now-filled cups towards you.


"Valeriya, you should be careful, it's not good to drink too much." Rosalie took the cup t hat was pushed in front of her and sipped slowly. It would be rude to refuse. "it IS a pretty good drink though. Almost as good as whiskey. Rosalie had a warm smile. "We should have something to eat.


"I'm a dragon! I don't get drunk so easily!" She laughed, as she too began to down the next cup.

"There's... some snacksh that I have here somewhere... There's some meat stuff I have prepared since at first you would be a boy! And human boys like their meat."

"I'm so glad you're not a boy Rosalie... Maybe human heroes are better, but men make me sick! Did you know my shister was is going to do next year's ceremony? And all... the rest of those... knights! Aren't so knightly at all!" She complained angrily.

She wrapped her arms around your neck as she looked upon you lazily.

"But you're nice Rosalie... You smell really nice too... I'm a dragon! So I know!" She laughed again.


"I don't think all heroes are the same but I also get the impression that most of the heroic knights are already gone especially if what we saw is the best they have to offer. Hopefully we can push the enemy back enough that there won't need to be any more heroes." She paused, listening to Valeriya.

"I don't think that the knights would say I'm very nice after today, but I'm glad you think so, Valeriya.


"You're the best one there is." Valeriya said. She moved to the lantern then, and blew it out. The moment she did so, it was pitch black, but a moment after that some red crystals began to glow.

"Mana cryshtals." Valeriya explained. "They absorb some mana, and light up, and stuff."

Valeriya hopped on the bed.

"Come join me."

QuoteIncrementing chapter for the next morning.


Rosalie was surprised by the magic. There was a lot of stuff in this world that she could have never of imagined existing in her own. She did as she was asked, and joined her new companion. "As you wish, Valeriya.