[Amelia] Chapter 4: The Royal City of Mendernich

Started by Throndir, August 25, 2018, 10:07:18 PM

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"I'm no martial artist... But if you mean you fought with hands and feet, there are weapons like knuckles, gauntlets, and combat boots. Not the most popular of options, when most people stick with sword and shield, but they are an option as well."

"For our guild's mentoring program, we do assign a week of daily training, with the mentor paid by the Guild, they are contractually obligated to train whoever we send their way. After that week's session, new adventurers would have to continue to 'pay' for the training by taking on various tasks that we assign to them. The payment for these missions, instead of going to the adventurer, goes towards paying for the mentorship fees."

Kurt stayed in the lobby, while the girl continued to lead you deeper into the Guild Hall. Another receptionist took her place, who only smiled and nodded at the prince and you. Ilyaveere continued to lead the way. There was a locked set of doors, which she opened, which then lead to a set of stairs that went down to the basement levels. By your reckoning, the basements levels were fairly deep, and the stairs themselves continued perhaps 6 or 7 floors downwards. It was hard to tell.

"The crystal ball that I mentioned to you earlier is kept safe in here. Our own Erdesin Guild did not have such a thing, but it sure has made it easy for us to figure out which adventurers were capable enough for any of our emergency requests."

Once at the bottom of the flight of stairs, there were a few people who acted as guards, and they unlocked a set of doors, which you and the receptionist went through. At the center was a large crystal orb.

"Place your hands on the orb, and it will showcase information about you. We will then record that information, and give you an Adventurer Card, along with a rank plate."


"Let me think about the lessons, for the time being. I'll probably take you up on whatever I can't manage to find on my own. Which to be fair probably means I'll be signing up by the end of the week!" Amelia laughed while they walked taking in the inner workings of the guild. Which apparently consisted mostly of stairs though she wasn't sure what she was expecting.

As the pair continued to go deeper and deeper into the bowels of the guild hall she couldn't help but feel a bit antsy. Not only was she going into a place where no one would hear her scream if something went wrong. But this was also the first time she would be seeing any kind of real magic. She felt like a kid going down to Christmas morning, all the while a drunk uncle lay sleeping like a landmine on the couch. She was just waiting for that other shoe to drop and everything to go to hell in a handbasket. She really hoped she didn't end up breaking the thing or making a real fool of herself.

She just had to remember to breathe and keep breathing through the whole process. Then they made it to the orb room and they opened the door. She held her breathe even if it was just a large crystal ball on a pedestal. It was more about what it represented rather than what it was, but it certainly was pretty in its own right.

Stepping into the room she focused on moving her feet not allowing herself to shake with both excitement and fear at the prospect of using magic for the first time even if it was only for paperwork. And telling her just how unprepared she was for this world. Like an extremely judgmental bathroom scale. "Okay, you damn scale don't be an asshole like your brethren back home." She whispered as he grabbed the crystal with both hands.

[info]Can I get a description of the crystal?[/info]


The clear white crystal itself was spherical. It you were to guess, the orb was 2 feet in diameter, and it was sitting on top of a golden pedestal that held the orb securely in place. You did notice that the item was simply sitting in it, rather than being locked into place, so one could move it without the base if they chose to.[/info]The moment you put up your hands to the crystal ball, the white crystal ball started to swirl colors inside it. Eventually characters started appearing, one by one. Like before, when each character appeared, you couldn't quite understand what it said, but the moment the strings of characters formed complete words, you were able to understand the meaning behind each of the words.

Some of the words that flashed were:

Level: 7
Hitpoints: 10
Manapoints: 11
Strength: 14

Ilyaveere hurriedly started to write down the information on a notebook she held with her, her movements were quick and precise, and even though the words flashed by quickly, she was able to record everything down.

"Alright, that should do it! In about a week's time we'll have your Adventurer Card available to you. Though, sometimes we can get them earlier - it really depends on how much we need to process in the week. You can always swing by the Guild building to see where we're at with that though."

"Whenever you qualify for a rank up, we can then reupdate your information, along with giving you an updated card and rank plate. By the end of today we should be able to give you a temporary card though." In a locked drawer behind her, she opened one of them, then presented you a plate, with a string attached to it. It was a wooden plate with a carved emblem on it. The translation that usually works for written things didn't trigger for the character etched in it.

"This is a rank plate. Since you're just starting, you'll be receiving the wooden plate. As you gain recognition, and once our office here feels you qualify for the next rank, we will send the application on your behalf to the rest of the network, along with your list of deeds and accomplishments to merit the advancement."

She then stuck her hand out to you as if to shake your hand.

"Well then, Suzaku. As I've been the one to help you thus far, I will be assigned as your Adviser for as long as you're here in the city."

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

[okay]You have gained a new title『First to be a Guild Member』
You have gained +1 WIS
You have gained a new title 『Wood-Ranked Adventurer』
You have gained +1 WIS[/okay]


"It's a pleasure to meet you to Ilyaveere," Amelia said with a smile. "I'm looking forward to working with you from here on out." She warmly took the other woman's hand standing for the moment as equals at least in business for the moment.

"Though, I have been told I'm a bit of a troublemaker just so you are prepared in the future." Amelia laughed, "I'll do my best to keep it off your desk." She followed her new associate up the various stairwells until they made it back to the lobby where Kurt was waiting. Amelia stowed the plate away in her bag before they made it into the lobby proper.

"Well that was surprisingly painless, hope we didn't make you wait too long? They said I can come back later for a temporary card tonight, and I can get my proper card in a week or so."

[info]I'm fine ending things here since we know where it goes unless Kurt has questions etc.[/info]


"Well... Suzaku now. There is one more place I'd like to show you... It's relaxing and calm, at least for me. It's away from other people as well, and is adjacent to the castle. What do you think?" Kurt asked warmly.

QuotePost up the destination and things you want to do for the afternoon, and I'll start the next thread.


Amelia agrees to go to the park with Kurt.

The afternoon/ Night to do list

Early afternoon
The church - meeting Father Barnabas

Late Afternoon/ Early night
Closing time - Meet with Akari

Castle - Find Nyx and check on queen alone

Continue to Chapter 5: Father, Shrine Maiden, and a Heroic Kitten
