[Amelia] Chapter 8: Mendernich Treasury

Started by Throndir, December 10, 2018, 04:52:01 PM

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《Chapter 8: Mendernich Treasury》
Location: Queen's Room
Date: Day 4 - Morning - Noon

You had a pleasant breakfast with Matilda, Kurt, and the King. You added Kurt and the King, and you managed to successfully include both of them in your Friend's List.

After breakfast you and the king made your way to the queen's room. To your surprise, you managed to add her to your Friend's List.


"Well let's see if this works," said Amelia she had asked the king to meet her in the queen's chamber in a few minutes after she arrived. She wanted to manage expectations if she failed to actually make a connection. But this was most likely her best chance at the moment at making any kind of headway with her current condition. She always wanted to make the king aware of what she was doing just in case it took to much out of her and accidentally collapsed

With her friend's list open she clicked on the queen's name hoping that it would let her communicate somehow despite the coma. After all, they did say that people in this kind of sleep were still able to think and dream maybe that would translate over whatever magic was slowly growing in the young teenage girl.

[info]Going to try to use friends list to make a connection with the queen of some kind.[/info]


The moment you clicked on her name, you couldn't hear anything, though you seemed to feel a presence, much like how you felt Nyx when you initiated the Friend's List communication with him.

"Did it work?" King Richmond asked anxiously.


"One moment let me focus," feeling that presence at the back of her mind she took the time to really focus on the Queen's name on her list attempting to tune everything else out but her name and that presence.

Thinking as powerfully as she could manage she thought into the void "Hello your majesty can you hear me, my name is Amelia. Though I imagine you know that. I was asked by your husband to see how you are doing. Please give me any kind of sign if you can hear me.


The moment you used your ability, you felt a bit more tired. There was a long pause, perhaps a few minutes when suddenly a voice spoke out into your mind.

"Amelia? That name... The name of the hero... " The voice in your head was gentle.

QuoteRough Status
Amelia: Uninjured, Slightly Tired, Diseased (x2, Days sick: 0, Successes: 0, Onset time: Evening)


Amelia visibly sighed in relief as she made her connection and smiled at the compliment even if it was unearned, "You are far too kind your majesty. I'm glad that I was able to make contact I didn't know if this would work or not, but don't worry we are all working hard to help with your condition. I doubt I have much time to maintain the connection, so if you have any questions or something you want to say I suggest you do it now. Any kind of insight you can grant me would be enormous boon.  And if you can tell me a secret only you and the king would know so that I can prove I made contact I will be in your debt."

Looking over to the king with his worried face she gave him a quick nod and a smile.


The queen replied slowly, as if it took her awhile to process what you had been saying. The voice that resounded in your head also seemed distracted, as if she had trouble focusing.

The moment you used your ability, you felt a bit more tired. There was a long pause, perhaps a few minutes when suddenly a voice spoke out into your mind.

"It's all... confusing. A dream you must be then... Dreams upon dreams." There was a soft chuckle that came from her.

"A secret that Richmond and I shared? Oh, when he snuck into my home when he was still but a prince... Caught in my bed by my father. Oh, to see my father both bridled with rage, and joy. Being the father-in-law of the next king, but seeing his only daughter in the arms of another... I wonder how he felt. My father never spoke of it to anyone, of course... Shame to the royal family wasn't something a count could bring up."

"Oh but mixed feelings... I would have for whether little Matilda or brave Kurt would find someone for them... I miss them... My king, my little princess, and prince... Perhaps my next dream would be of them..."


"I'm not going to stay long your Majesty, but you should know your family is working hard for their people and themselves. All of them are doing everything they can to keep things moving forward so they can reach you again. So please rest easy and don't stop fighting yourself one day soon you are going to wake up and all three of them will want to show you the world they made. They told me to tell you that they love you very much and think of you every day." It wasn't a lie she could tell even from the few days she spent with the family that they adored her. So she pulled on the memories of her own family. Her heart ached for them especially last night when she tried to go to sleep. She could only imagine what the pain would be like in their shoes.

"They want to take a cue from you and make their own dreams into reality, and I want to do the same thing. So you can place your trust in me."

gonna roll diplomacy to maybe get a moment of clarity and console her for being forced to sleep
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 13 + 8, total 21[/blockquote]

Once the connection faded the room was slightly spinning as she moved to lean against the king. She took a moment to breathe while clutching her head. "My apologies, it took a lot out of me to make a connection, and I think I'm coming down with something. But it worked your Highness, she talked to me. She thought it was a dream and was not the most lucid but she was there. She told me about the time that you snuck into her bed before you were married and her father walked in on you." She said smirking slightly seeing the older man in a slightly new light.

"I'm not sure how I am going to get her to wake up, but I told you I would do my best. Being able to actually talk to her is a huge step forward. We should tell Matilda and Kurt as well that their mother is okay and given enough time should be able to improve further,


It took her even longer to respond than the first time.

"My family... is working hard for everyone... That... that is beautiful. My trust in you? In you... The voice of Amelia... That name... the name of the hero."

"You managed to talk with her... Yes... that was... years and years ago now." King Richmond voice quivered, and he made his way to the bedside, kneeling down, he took the hands of his wife. "Eleanor... I miss you so." He said softly and gently.


[info]Moving to later in the afternoon

I want to leverage this into the king having a business meeting to do three things,

1) let me look at the kingdom's checkbook I will bring my laptop with the goal of building an economic spreadsheet.

2) I also want to get permission to check out the treasury or any kind of vault

3) give me permission and authority to act as a representative and negotiator for the crown during the meeting of the churches



In the King's office, you managed to open laptop, and start working, specifically setting as many battery-saving options as you can.

"Fascinating... An artifact from your world?" King Richmond asked as he looked at your screen. Of course the king couldn't understand any of the characters, or understand what you were doing either. The King proceeded to pull out the stacks of paperwork however.

QuoteGetting all this information, will take 2 hours. This is just for the bulk load of starting information.

"The vault? Well of course! You'll be the next monarch of our kingdom, it's only proper you get to see what's in it. Though... I do have to warn you, that since we've been having to pay reparations to the Felencorp United Alliance, it's becoming a bit empty..."

"Of course young queen! I trust Eleanor more than you can imagine. If she says the hero is to be the next monarch, that means handling these sort of things as well. I will always be around to help and advise though if you need... But I think once you get a reign on everything well, I will probably retire and take care of Eleanor."


"This is an all and one tool that people in my world has made to help with large-scale tasks that would require a lot of manpower otherwise to accomplish. Basically, think of it as a mechanical servant of sorts. Though it doesn't really have awareness outside of what you put into it. It makes math, in particular, a lot easier and will make picking out issues a whole lot easier."

Amelia while inputting all the information will explain the basics of how the system works and the power source and its limited lifespan like keeping a fire alive by adding extra logs in the form of electricity ect. I have knowledge engineering for the explanation and an economics skill to learn things if I need to roll anything. I assume the king will take the help action by explaining any expenses.

Once she gets a finished product she will write it down in her notebook so that when her pc does die her work is not dead.

"I totally understand that we are probably working on fumes but you brought a number of things from your world I imagine and I want to take personal stock of what we are working with. Who knows what treasure you brought with you from your world that might be a huge boon or be useful.

Speaking of taking stock of what we are working with we should set up a meeting of introduction with any remaining advisors. I met Conrad, Katharina, and Ragna all though not in the most official of capacities and everyone deserves a formal chance to take stock of me before I take any kind of control."

[info]Once done copying and compiling info I will head down to the vault to investigate and take stock of what we have.[/info]

"Speaking of taking the reigns, this meeting of the priests would be a great chance to prove myself not only personally, but also to the people as being worthy. Assuming everything goes well after the fact that would be the perfect chance to put my name forward as the next queen and you as regent. That way I'll have a public works achievement under my name instead of rising from nothing. I suppose I should take the first step before the Federation gets too suspicious.

And I'm sorry I don't think you are going to be retiring any time soon, I do have some plans for the meeting however that I would like to run past you and Father Ragna."

[info]She will talk about her plan to open up talk between the churches across the nations. Possibly even agreeing to open a new church of water for a god from one of the foreign lands. The goal is to build more connections so that the federation cannot just attack us without at least others complaining. Forming a bond of frendship with the various faiths will not only be good socially but also for trade as we stake our claims on the world stage.[/info]


QuoteMake note of your notebook containing that information. Along with the information in the laptop in your Items sheet.

The king eventually lead the way to the vault. It was deep within the castle. There was actually only the single way in and out which had to go through the actual throne room itself where the king sat during audiences. There were plenty of guards present as well, and soon enough a large double door was in place.

The guards soon opened the door, and after going through, the treasury vault was displayed. There were plenty of chests, though the king explained that they've been going through it quickly. Most of their actual funds were gone. The only thing that remained were treasures of the Engel royal family, along with national treasures. There were weapons and armors, but there was also a lot of jewelry and gems. The king explained that they haven't had a chance to liquidate and sell them yet. But that they probably need to soon.

The listened to your proposals and agreed to them.

"Fostering relations with other countries through religion... a splendid idea. Though, I admit, I know next to nothing about this Goddess of Water... Water itself is generally attributed to Goddess of Earth in Erdesin.

Our old Church of the Light wasn't very accommodating when it came to other religions. But Father Barnabas is more open than most at the very least..."


Amelia nods as she glances through the vault, this was like her own treasure box. Her instinct with antiques told her that she didn't want to give a single one of those pieces over just to be liquidated. This represented their homeland and what was left of their old culture to have to watch that all just turn to ash for the sake of making money hurt her soul. They would need this stuff to construct a history that would help them grow in the future.

"I want to avoid selling these relics as much as possible,"
She said to the King as she glanced through the various items with a practiced eye. "At a minimum, we should categorize what we have left and manage it so that we only let go of things that have less cultural value."

[info]I'd like to roll appraise to see if I can find anything really interesting. Magic Items, things that look like they have historical value, things that might have a practical use, things that look super cool.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+6 : 20 + 6, total 26[/blockquote]


"I'm glad you are open to the idea."
Amelia sighed with relief. "I know religion can be a touchy subject for a lot of people but I honestly think it is one of the easiest think that it is one of the best ways to start becoming a part of the global community. That and trying to figure out a product that only we can sell.

I'm going to run my plans past Ragna, but I also found a trump card. The girl who will be moving into the castle soon is a spirit maiden from the Sovereignty. Her understanding of their religious practices will be invaluable for the meeting in the next few days."

[info]After this I am happy to move on to that night get Matilda to get me some medicine and do a healing check for my first roll[/info]


[okay]You have gained a new title [Appraiser][/okay]Checking through the contents, along with the regular treasures which included armor, weapons, maps, gems, jewelry, and chests of coins. There were a few items that seemed interesting.

There was a displayed set of armor and spear near the center of the treasury. King Richmond explained that it once belonged to the first hero that their kingdom had summoned hundreds of years ago. It was what they consider to be one of their oldest artifacts that they have.

You had eventually gone to find Matilda, and telling her you weren't quite feeling well, she had run off to find some medication that could help. Returning to your room late that night you started to feel dizzy.

QuotePhysical Resist save requested