Chapter 03 - The Vaults of Altaerein

Started by pringerbeam, July 07, 2021, 09:41:37 PM

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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 9 + 5, total 14[/blockquote][/info]


[info] Belsarus to take turn[/info]

Encounter Info
Roll20 Link

Initiative Order: Belsarus, Skelton 4, Melody, Skelton 2, Skeletal Hellknight, Alak, Riven, Skeleton 3, Skelton 5, Skeleton 1, Spira




Belsarus moves in quickly, aiming to strike down one of the skeletons before it has a chance to react.

[info]Moving 25 feet and swinging twice at skeleton 1

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 14 + 8, total 22[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d6+4 : 6 + 4, total 10[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 18 + 4, total 22[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d6+4 : 3 + 4, total 7[/blockquote]


     Belsarus's attacks shatter the old bones of the skeleton, causing it to collapse to the floor no longer animated.  One of the other skeletons steps in from Belsarus's side and swings its sword at the halfling back and forth but fails to hit.

[okay]Belsarus hits and slays Skeleton 1 [/okay]
[okay]Skeleton 4 misses Belsarus[/okay]
[info]Melody to take turn[/info]

Encounter Info
Roll20 Link

Initiative Order: Belsarus, Skelton 4, Melody, Skelton 2, Skeletal Hellknight, Alak, Riven, Skeleton 3, Skelton 5, Skeleton 1, Spira

Skeleton 4 misses Belsarus
Belsarus slays Skeleton 1


"Necromancer? We have no idea what you're talking about mister Skeleton!" Melody complained as moved into the room and immediately started into spellcasting.

[info]1 Action: Stride into room
2 Actions: Cast Divine Lance on Skeleton 4
[blockquote]divine spell attack 1d20+8 : 17 + 8, total 25[/blockquote]
[blockquote]good damage 1d4+4 : 2 + 4, total 6[/blockquote][/info]


     The ray of light blasts through the skeleton's ribcage and causes it to collapse into another pile of inanimate bones. "Ha! Nice try! No mere perfidious scoundrels could trick a hellknight captain!" Announces the skeletal hellknight. "Men! Charge the spellcaster and give me an opening!" In response one of the skeletons runs past Belsarus into striking range of Melody and swings its blade at the cleric, missing once but managing to draw a line of blood on the backswing. The skeletal hellknight itself then dashes forward surprisingly fast, getting into striking range of melody where he swung with his halberd over the shoulder of the other skeleton. The blade of the halberd bites into Melody with a crushing blow. More than that, the undead's baleful gaze pierces into Meldoy and pain wracks her body.

     Alak, surprised at first by the skeletons and their uncanny speed raises his mace and tries to bash the skeletal hellknight in the knee before trying for an overhead smash. His gambit fails and the skeleton manages to parry both of Alak's attacks with his halberd before yelling. "Traitor! I knew the citadel could only fall to treachery!"

[okay]Melody slays Skeleton 4[/okay]
[okay]Skeleton 2 misses Melody[/okay]
[error]Skeleton 2 hits Melody for 4 Slashing damage[/error]
[error]Skeletal Hellknight critically hits Melody for 14 Slashing damage[/error]
[info]Melody to make Will save[/info]

Encounter Info
Roll20 Link

Initiative Order: Belsarus, Skelton 4, Melody, Skelton 2, Skeletal Hellknight, Alak, Riven, Skeleton 3, Skelton 5, Skeleton 1, Spira

Skeletal Hellknight damages Melody
Skeleton 2 damages Melody
Melody slays skeleton 4
Skeleton 4 misses Belsarus
Belsarus slays Skeleton 1


[info][blockquote]Will Save 1d20+10 : 2 + 10, total 12[/blockquote][/info]


     Pain courses through Melody's body and causes involuntary convulsions to wrack her.

[error]Melody gains Stunned 1[/error]
[info]Riven to take turn[/info]

Encounter Info
Roll20 Link

Initiative Order: Belsarus, Skelton 4, Melody, Skelton 2, Skeletal Hellknight, Alak, Riven, Skeleton 3, Skelton 5, Skeleton 1, Spira

Skeletal Hellknight damages Melody, Melody is Stunned 1
Skeleton 2 damages Melody
Melody slays skeleton 4
Skeleton 4 misses Belsarus
Belsarus slays Skeleton 1


Seeing the talking skeleton land a sickening blow on Melody  he growled, "won't let you get away with this you overgrown chew toy! Let's see how talkative you are when you are missing a few pieces!"

His words were soon accompanied by the sound of his stretching lupine jaw as he rushed to meet the Hellknight from his unprotected flank.

Action one rage - gain 5 temp hp and 2 damage lose 2 ac 17

A2 Move to flank with Alak

A3 Bite

[info]Bite attack flanking
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 7 + 8, total 15[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d10+6 : 3 + 6, total 9[/blockquote]



     As Riven moves to flank the hellknight skeleton, the nearby lesser skeleton takes a parting swipe at the half-orc that gets a cut into his leg. On top of this, the skeletal hellknight is no slouch and despite having it surrounded, the canny foe avoids Alak's threats and manages to take Riven's bite on one of the sturdy plates of his armor. The other two skeletons follow up into the fray. The first takes a pair of swings at Belsarus but misses. The other shuffles up to Alak with a pair of swings of its own and one manages to get past his plate armor.

[error]Skeleton 2 uses a reaction and deals 6 Slashing damage to Riven[/error]
[error]Riven misses Skeletal Hellknight[/error]
[okay]Skeleton 3 misses Belsarus 2x[/okay]
[error]Skeleton 5 deals 5 Slashing damage to Alak[/error]
[info]Spira to take turn[/info]

Encounter Info
Roll20 Link

Initiative Order: Belsarus, Skelton 4, Melody, Skelton 2, Skeletal Hellknight, Alak, Riven, Skeleton 3, Skelton 5, Skeleton 1, Spira

Skeleton 5 damages Alak
Skeleton 3 misses Belsarus
Riven misses Skeletal Hellknight, Skeleton 2 damages Riven
Skeletal Hellknight damages Melody, Melody is Stunned 1
Skeleton 2 damages Melody
Melody slays skeleton 4
Skeleton 4 misses Belsarus
Belsarus slays Skeleton 1


Spira took a step forward, pulling a pair of prepared vials from their spot on her bandolier. After a quick shake to stir up the contents, she hurled it over the top of Alak's head at the skeleton directly in front of him.

[info]Stride (5ft.)> Draw/Strike Bottled Lightning> Draw/Strike Acid Flask

Both attacks on Skeleton 5

Bottled Lightning
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 3 + 7, total 10[/blockquote]
Damage: [blockquote]Rolled 1d6 : 2, total 2[/blockquote] Lightning damage and flatfooted until end of Spira's next turn. 1 lightning splash damage to everything around Skeleton 5 but Alak.

Acid Flask
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+2 : 16 + 2, total 18[/blockquote]
Damage: [blockquote]Rolled 1d6 : 6, total 6[/blockquote] persistent Acid damage and 1 acid splash damage to everything around Skeleton 5 but Alak.[/info]


     The skeleton manages to batter the first bomb out of the air with its shield, avoiding the brunt of the crackling electrical arcs that snap out from the shattered bottle but leaving it open to the following bomb that splatters it with acid that begins to steam and eat through its bones.

[error] Spira misses Skeleton 5 with bottled lightning, splash damage still applied to all targets in the area[/error]
[okay] Spira hits Skeleton 5 with acid flask, splash damage applied to all targets in the area[/okay]
[info]Belsarus to take turn[/info]

Encounter Info
Roll20 Link

Initiative Order: Belsarus, Skelton 4, Melody, Skelton 2, Skeletal Hellknight, Alak, Riven, Skeleton 3, Skelton 5, Skeleton 1, Spira

Spira deals splash damage to Skeleton 2, 3, 5, Skeletal Hellknight, Skeleton 5 gains persistent damage
Skeleton 5 damages Alak
Skeleton 3 misses Belsarus
Riven misses Skeletal Hellknight, Skeleton 2 damages Riven
Skeletal Hellknight damages Melody, Melody is Stunned 1
Skeleton 2 damages Melody
Melody slays skeleton 4
Skeleton 4 misses Belsarus
Belsarus slays Skeleton 1


Belsarus swung his blade at the skeleton between Alak and himself.

[info] attacking skeleton 3, if it dies moving 10 ft and using second attack on skeleton 5.

attack 1: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 6 + 8, total 14[/blockquote]
damage: [blockquote]Rolled 1d6+4 : 4 + 4, total 8[/blockquote]
precision damage: [blockquote]Rolled 1d6 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]

attack 2: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 8 + 4, total 12[/blockquote]
damage: [blockquote]Rolled 1d6+4 : 3 + 4, total 7[/blockquote]
precision damage: [blockquote]Rolled 1d6 : 2, total 2[/blockquote]



     Belsarus is able to finish off the skeleton before Spira's acid has a chance to melt what's left of its bones but as he advances on its nearby ally, gets caught by a swing of its blade and fails to keep up his assault.

[okay]Belsarus damages and slays Skeleton 3[/okay]
[error]Skeleton 5 reacts and deals 7 Slashing damage to Belsarus[/error]
[error]Belsarus misses Skeleton 5[/error]
[info]Melody to take turn[/info]

Encounter Info
Roll20 Link

Initiative Order: Belsarus, Skelton 4, Melody, Skelton 2, Skeletal Hellknight, Alak, Riven, Skeleton 3, Skelton 5, Skeleton 1, Spira

Spira deals splash damage to Skeleton 2, 3, 5, Skeletal Hellknight, Skeleton 5 gains persistent damage
Skeleton 5 damages Alak
Skeleton 3 misses Belsarus
Riven misses Skeletal Hellknight, Skeleton 2 damages Riven
Skeletal Hellknight damages Melody, Melody is Stunned 1
Skeleton 2 damages Melody
Melody slays skeleton 4
Skeleton 4 misses Belsarus
Belsarus slays Skeleton 1


The halfling cleric let out a painful yelp as the skeletons' weapons bit into her, one of them digging deep enough that Melody felt like she almost blacked out from just the pain alone. She couldn't share the undead's gaze either, and Melody felt strangely almost lethargic. Biting her lip from the pain, she focused enough to chant a quick prayer of healing on herself.

[info]Action 1-2: Cast a spell: Heal
[blockquote]Rolled 1d8+8 : 5 + 8, total 13[/blockquote][/info]

[spoiler=Heal reference]Range varies; Targets 1 willing living creature or 1 undead
You channel positive energy to heal the living or damage the undead. If the target is a willing living creature, you restore 1d8 Hit Points. If the target is undead, you deal that amount of positive damage to it, and it gets a basic Fortitude save. The number of actions you spend when Casting this Spell determines its targets, range, area, and other parameters.

Single Action (somatic) The spell has a range of touch.
Two Actions (somatic, verbal) The spell has a range of 30 feet. If you're healing a living creature, increase the Hit Points restored by 8.
Three Actions (material, somatic, verbal) You disperse positive energy in a 30-foot emanation. This targets all living and undead creatures in the burst.[/spoiler]