[Diane] Chapter 4: Trade Capital, New Binmoor, the Silver City

Started by Throndir, September 21, 2019, 12:57:38 PM

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Anima mea

Diane watches silently as Kenver strides off, no mercy in her gaze.  Turning to Maban, "You should go after him, he needs to be calmed down and perspective often helps us deal with things, especially changes." Reaching over and putting her left hand on Maban's right, "I am being stern now, so that later, we potentially don't run into the loss of a break down in communications later and then a loss of people. Don't worry, Kayden and Hunt have their own adjustments to make in their lives that will make things easier on you as it will be an adjustment towards your style.  But, I can't stand this bickering."  Once Maban leaves she sighs softly, "Kayden, does being a leader ever become easy or is it just one headache after another?"


Maban nodded, his face apologetic, but he soon took off after Kenver.

"Being a leader isn't always the easiest. It took awhile for my own men under my command to accept my leadership without any snide remarks, or obvious attempts to undermine my leadership." Kayden said. "That said, the structure of the knights follows a certain chain of command. The Chynance mayors were no doubt, one of the most important individuals in their village, Even out of respect to you, the hero, they evidently have trouble. Especially one of them."

"Big sis, I wanted to share mom's cake with everyone..." Hunt said, his voice just a bit sad.

"Kay-Kay, the rest of the knights are already waiting inside with the cake, too!"

Anima mea

Diane nods as she listens to Kayden and simply let's out a sigh.  Turning to Hunt, she gives a smile, although her eyes don't quite pull it off, "Why don't you two go share the cake with everyone and don't forget to save me a piece.  I will be in in a a bit.  I just need a few minutes to clear my head and gather my thoughts.  And Kayden," she starts as she turns to the woman, "I needed today more than I let on.  I appreciate all of you,  the knights, the mayors and even dear Hunt, but sometimes I need time with another girl to discuss girl stuff."  Once they go inside, she turns away from the inn and takes a deep breath.  "Gaia, I know you have faith in me, I just wish I had as much in me as you do."


New World - New Binmoor - In front of the Silver Inn
Date: Day 5 - Evening

"Of course..." Kayden nodded. The knight hesitated momentarily a bit, before finally deciding to enter into the inn with the rest. The last thing you heard from them was Hunt telling the others how absolutely amazing the cake was, and how particularly excited he was to eat it.

There was no overt reply when you made your comment towards Gaia. Unlike the first time, didn't slow down, though whether or not it was a coincidence, the busy street did seem to quiet just momentarily, as a breeze of wind playfully flowed through your hair.

Anima mea

Taking solace in the breeze and the short quiet moment on the streets, she smiles, "Thanks, it's always nice to know you have a friend in the audience. "  Walking over to a bench outside the door, she sits down and just lets it all kind of sink in, the whole day was a mix of a pleasant diversion and strife.  Taking a deep breath, she closes her eyes and just rests for a few moments.

When she opens her eyes again, there is a fierce determination apparent in them.  Standing up, she smirks, "Might be time to go straighten things out with Kenver, Gaia knows I need him and I am fond of him." Opening the door, she walks in and walks straight over to Kenver, focused as predator on her prey, "Kenver, can I have a moment of your time?"


New World - New Binmoor - The Silver Inn
Date: Day 5 - Evening

Walking into the Silver Inn, you noticed that most of the other knights in Kayden's squad was here as well. Almost all of them seeming to be in happy spirits, with Hunt taking the lead and slicing a portion of the cake for everyone. The cake itself didn't look as extravagant as what the boy seemed to imply, some wedding cakes back on earth was indeed a lot more fanciful. The expression on the boy's face however was one that was both smiling and tearful.

"Don't worry Jule-Jules!" The boy was saying to another knight who had apologized for taking some cake just earlier. "I want to share it with everyone!"

As the crowd laughed, you narrowed your focus over in the corner was where your target was. Maban was talking to Kenver, with the latter looking rather annoyed at his calmer brother.

"-your vow as a priest." You overheard Maban say to Kenver through the noise of the crowd.

"Brother! I know the rites just as well as you do!" Kenver retorted, but at that moment he caught eye of you, and looked away. Seeing the shift in Kenver's attitude, Maban too noticed your approach. Maban bowed when you neared.

Quote"Kenver, can I have a moment of your time?"

Kenver eventually turned around to face his head towards you, then nodded slowly.

Anima mea

Diane looks him in the eyes, "Look, I realize this is no walk in the park for any of us, but I am absolutely doing my best to get us all together on the same page and working together." Reaching up and rubbing her right temple, she looks around, "I don't want any of us dead and I don't necessarily have time to hold all of our hands.  I don't even have time to hold my own hand.  I am literally adjusting to a world that I am learning new things about every day.  I just need..." Sighing softly, she just goes silent and growls, "Sometimes, this frustrates me so much... Before Kenver gets a chance to say anything, she grabs the front of his robes, pulls him close and kisses him fiercely.  Once she pulls back, "I've wanted to do that for weeks now and you frustrate me so, and you know what they say about passion and anger."


New World - New Binmoor - The Silver Inn
Date: Day 5 - Evening

The kiss took Kenver by surprise, and you could tell that he was processing what had just happened. A slight blush started to color his features, though he tried to remain stoic.

"I need to apologize." Kenver stammered once you pulled back. "My place as a priest of the hero is one of servitude."

Anima mea

Looking him in the eyes, she smiles, "I am going to be very clear with you.  If you hadn't fought back, we probably wouldn't be here right now."  Letting go of his robes, "However, I think it best we finish this in private at another time, I think Hunt has cake and I can't imagine keeping my girlish figure if I eat the whole thing, want to share it?" He steps away from Kenver and walks over to where Hunt and the rest are gathered, "Hunt, did you save me a piece of cake or do I need to fight someone for a piece," her tone is playful and a bit happier than it has been.


New World - New Binmoor - The Silver Inn
Date: Day 5 - Evening

Kenver nodded when you mentioned finishing it another time.

"With the look on Hunt's face, he seems both happy and dismayed his cake is being eaten. It's not as if you need to share it, but I suppose we can't let Hunt's generosity go to waste." Kenver stammered.

"Big sis!" Hunt exclaimed when you neared. "I saved you a piece of cake! For Kay-Kay, and for Kenver, and Maban too!"

"Thanks for the cake!" Ged, one of the knights who had shadowed you earlier said.

Hunt smiled at the response, but he began to cut a large slice of the cake, put it on a plate, and hand it over to you. You noticed him lick his lips and look at the slice hungrily.

Anima mea

Diane cuts the piece in half, picks up the smaller half, "Take that half and eat it Hunt, I think I can make it on this part."  Turning to Kenver she offers the cake, "Share it with me?  I mean, its only a couple of bites, but I figure, we can make it work." While she waits on an answer, she licks frosting off of the fingers on the other hand.


New World - New Binmoor - The Silver Inn
Date: Day 5 - Evening

"You can have more big sis!" Hunt responded, but quickly proceeded to drool over the chunk of cake that was leftover. "But if you ask me to eat it, I will! I'll always follow big sis." He said as he took back the half of the cake that was left.

Temporarily forgetting the fact that he was the one cutting the large cake, he instead proceeded to stuff his half you had given him into his mouth. Some of the knights around smiled, while those who had been drinking alcohol with their cake had laughed at the exchange.

Kenver who had been sitting quietly with his brother, noticed your approach again with the plate of cake. You noticed Maban nudge his brother with an elbow, and Kenver eventually sighed as he shot a quick glare towards his not-so-gentle brother.

"For as much cake as that boy seems to eat, it's a surprise he manages to keep so short." Kenver said as he began to use a nearby fork, to slice half of the cake on your plate.

Placing the piece of cake in his mouth, Kenver nodded.

"It's not bad, but the cake I make tastes better."

Anima mea

Diane chuckles at Hunt and nods, "Eat up, I can't imagine that you'll gain any weight as much as you're bouncing around off every surface!" Sharing a laugh with the knights, she pats the one she's interacted with the least on the shoulder, a muttered, "Thank you for helping me," given as she passes. Once she approaches the table, she smiles as Kenver eats the cake, "You remind me of one of the guys that works at the shop, all dour until he can't hold it in any more.  Besides, if you can make a better cake, then maybe once I get a shop set up and we get quarters somewhere, you can start on one for me?"  Before he has a chance to respond, he picks up the rest of the cake, getting her finger's covered in more icing, and puts it in her mouth.  As she chews, she looks at Kenver thoughtfully, "I don't know what the cultural standards are for a relationship, so do we court now or are we looking at something more serious?"


New World - New Binmoor - The Silver Inn
Date: Day 5 - Evening

The question had caught Kenver by surprise, so much so that for a moment he had blanked out as he stared at you.

A moment later though he grinned - the same one he usually had plastered on his face.

"My hero Diane, you're someone hard to read." Kenver admitted. "Warm, cold, then hot again." He was trying to be matter-of-factly, but the evidence of a slight blush on his features was all too plain to see.

Finally, in the middle of the busy Silver Inn tavern, with the knights carouling and some even starting to break into drunken songs, Kenver knelt on the ground, hie head bowed towards you.

"I am a priest of the hero, who and what I am is what you wish me to be."

Anima mea

Diane reaches down and grabs Kenver's hand and pulls him upwards, "I need you as an advisor, a friend and well, I think we've established that we're more than that, although, not too far in.  So why don't you tell me about your culture and we'll see where that discussion takes us?"  Pulling him down onto a stool beside her as she sits, Diane shakes her head, "I know you're formal, but you'll have to learn to loosen up eventually you know?  And as for the whole being hard to read thing, that's most of the women I know, we're very...fluid in nature"