[Diane] Chapter 4: Trade Capital, New Binmoor, the Silver City

Started by Throndir, September 21, 2019, 12:57:38 PM

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New World - New Binmoor - Silver Inn
Date: Day 5 - Morning - Bathhouse

Kayden frowned at first at your comment about incorporating pants, but she eventually smiled once she realized when you said was funny.

"For one of your stature, dresses would indeed be on that list."\

The next two hours were spent with Kayden telling you about the nobility, along with some of the things that were expected. Eventually Kayden did tell you that the leaders of the city expect to meet with you in 3 days time.

[info]6 hours left of Training this day. Also feel free to state any plans for the day so we can get to them.

Also updated your Calendar sheet to include the meeting at 3 days time.

Knowledge (nobility): 0/8[/info]

Anima mea

OOC: Going to use all of my training on knowledge nobility. While getting out and going to find a dress with Kayden. Let me know how many rolls I need.

Diane listens intently, although, most of this doesn't quite stick, but she tries to remember what she can.  Standing up slowly, she pulls her towel up and smiles, "Well, I guess it's time to go get a dress, although, can we get one as plain as possible in design, but I would like some room to mount a belt with at least my dagger and rapier if possible.  I trust you, I trust the boys and I trust the knights.  The rest of the people in the world, well, I simply can't trust them without a weapon, even if its just a dagger."

Drying off as much as she can and shaking some of the water free, she begins to walk over to the changing area, "Besides, we need a dress for you I daresay."  An evil smirk crosses Diane's face as she looks at Kayden, "If I have to wear a dress, you know I would expect you to show solidarity with me."  As she begins to finish drying off and looking towards her clothing.  For a moment, she stops and looks at Kayden, "I have a question for you.  What is the likelihood of being able to design a dress with chainmail between layers of fabric and very dressy boots with steel reinforcements in the heels, toes and bottoms?"


New World - New Binmoor
Date: Day 5 - Morning - Afternoon

[info]Shopping trip with Kayden! I'll want the following, and we can resolve the entier scene:

1d20+7 Training Check roll, 3 times, for the full 8 hours.
1d20+3 Diplomacy roll, for initial impressions from shopkeepers.
1d20+3 Diplomacy roll, for price negotiation for dress.
1d20+2 Charisma roll, for how well you get along with Kayden with potential rep higher increases.[/info]

"One such as chainmail might be difficult to cover... The basic chainmail armor covers your arms, your neck, and extends below the waist as well. I would suggest that a chain shirt would be possible, though it would be one with a tight fit... and I'm unsure how a corset would look with it without making you look too thick around the chest."

Anima mea

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 3 + 7, total 10[/blockquote] Training Check rolls
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 13 + 7, total 20[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 16 + 7, total 23[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+3 : 8 + 3, total 11[/blockquote] Diplomacy roll, for initial impressions from shopkeepers.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+3 : 19 + 3, total 22[/blockquote] Diplomacy roll, for price negotiation for dress.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+2 : 19 + 2, total 21[/blockquote] Charisma roll, for how well you get along with Kayden with potential rep higher increases.

"Perhaps I could use my ability to make the links thinner, but also change their materials into Stainless steel.  It would give me the same protection, with a more natural look."


New World - New Binmoor - Throughout the city
Date: Day 5 - Morning - Afternoon

Through the 6 more hours you spent with Kayden, either sitting on a bench, or shopping for various items (primarily a dress and some better fitting armor), she taught you much about the nobility of the area. However, you could tell that Kayden actually wasn't a very good teacher. Although you could tell that Kayden had a semblance of an education and training, she seemed a lot more stiff as compared with the Angwin brothers, especially Maban who seemed to be a lot more intelligent and wise as he let on.

Knowledge (nobility): 3/8[/info]

[info]Let me know if you are introducing yourself as a hero or going incognito[/info]

[info]You were able to negotiate with the price well. Any item you buy during this shopping session is 25% off listed price.

Kayden notes that you given a stipend from the government, through her. A typical classy dress can be worth up to 200 gp. Though you'll be able to find dresses that are up to 400 gp. State a list of things you buy, and how expensive the dress would be. Include any mundane weapons or armor, and any other adventuring gear you might want. If there are specific things you're looking for, let me know as well.[/info]

[info]Charisma (Kayden Reputation): 21
Although she tried to hide it at first, Kayden eventually did say, in a quiet and hesitant voice (with a very slight blush), that she enjoyed going out shopping with you. Of course a moment later, she became serious again, and repeated that you keep up the studying about the world, but specifically first the nobility.[/info]

New World - New Binmoor - In front of the Silver Inn
Date: Day 5 - Morning - Afternoon

It was around evening when the day's shopping was done, and you and Kayden made your way back to the Silver Inn. Waiting outside was Hunt, Maban, and Kenver. Each of them called out to you once they noticed you approach.

Anima mea

Diane, despite being in an unfamiliar city, seems to enjoy herself and shopping with Kayden.  Pulling Kayden to one side, she quietly speaks up, "I would rather not advertise I am a hero right now.  I would rather build a relationship with these people as myself rather than as a hero first.  If they know I'm a hero later then all the better, but I think if I am going to open a shop here to build steam engines and have a place of my own, then I'll need a close relationship with them.  Also, do you think we could talk some of the smiths and stove makers into selling us scrap?  I have an idea on how to potentially mass produce steam engines, or closer to it."  As she moves through various shops, she smiles and does her best to be as normal as she can with the merchants, but as she was still adjusting to moving in smaller spaces with her weapons belted on, she manages to knock over or nearly knock things over all the time.  Apologizing profusely at her clumsiness, Diane blushes and manages to pick out a paisley colored set of clothing and some plain brown boots. 

On a break betweem shops, having settled down on a bench, she looks at Kayden, "I have never had a close friend that's female, but if I did, I would have wanted her to be like you.  No nonsense and fun to spend time with.  We should do this once a week, at least once I start making money of my own.  Of course, I'll need you to put your foot down and drag me out of either the dungeon or my shop!" Laughing, she looks around the area they are in, taking in the surroundings, Diane reaches down into her belt pouch and sighs softly, "What is the nation's stance on spending coin on technology research?  Could I get them to give me a research fund to set up a shop and then after paying them back in technology developments, keep the shop as my own so when the war is over I would have a place to work and live?"  A wistful look crosses her face for a few moments and then she shakes her head, "Forget that last part, let's be honest, my desire to end all of this is going to put me on the front lines and I'll die.  Maybe if they let me keep it, you can keep the shop and convert it into a home for yourself."


[info]I've updated your inventory sheet with the items below, along with decrementing the stipend.

-Leather armor
-Dress (200 gp)
-Boots (steel toed)[/info]

[info]Diplomacy (Storekeep first impressions): 11
You didn't make a huge impression on the storekeepers. They treated you like a normal customer as you browsed through wares or bought items.[/info]

New World - New Binmoor - Armosmith
Date: Day 5 - Afternoon - Evening

[info]Color change for Kayden, due to updated forum skin, for readability.[/info]

"That looks good on you... Though..." You noticed Kayden glance at your choice of footwear, but she only frowned and didn't quite say anything further. "Since I planned for us to go to an armorsmith, we can talk to them about scrap metal. I'm sure they have plenty."

New World - New Binmoor - Armosmith
Date: Day 5 - Afternoon - Evening

"Sssscrap metal?" The smith asked. He looked like an overgrown lizard, that talked and wore clothing. This wasn't at all something you've seen before in the city, even though there were a lot of animal-like people. "Yessssss... A sssilver piece per pound if you want ironssss."

[info]State how much you want to buy of it.[/info]

New World - New Binmoor - Park
Date: Day 5 - Late Afternoon

Kaydan was silent as you spoke, she seemed to be wrestling with something in her head.

"I appreciate you enjoying your time with me, hero... And I suppose that is preferred over the bickering with the mayors back in Chynance." She eventually ended up smiling at you though after a few more moments of silence. Not really being able to eye you directly she proceeded to look away.

In a much more quieter voice she spoke.

"I enjoyed the day too. It's not often I get to relax like this." Kayden finally replied, you managed to catch sight of a slight blush on her cheeks. Maybe it was the realization that her face was getting warm that she quickly shook her head a moment later however.

"Anyways.... researching technology? That's a... weird way to string those words together. It's a very foreign idea. When it comes to research and studies, we learn things like mathematics, writing, dancing, proper postures and demeanor, how to act and what to say around the nobility... Which, on that note, we should get back to studying again."

"And don't say something as morbid as that. You're the hero." Kayden sighed, but she paused as she thought about something. "I noticed what you did with the armor... You turned the iron into steel? And then merging that with the dress seamlessly... That it didn't even look like you were wearing armor at all."

"I won't pretend to know anything about smithing, or matters of trade to the level of the merchants of our country. But even I can see the value in something like that. Sometimes you use weird words like 'steam engine', but I don't even understand what that is, or how that will help. But the clothing-armor? Or whatever you want to call it? That's a breakthrough, especially in these times."

"Part of my job as a knight of the hero, is to help determine and report back to my superiors where the best place for you to be is. The exploration of your blessings and magic should be done by the Chynance mayors, as per my agreement with those two, but if your powers are of no use to the front lines... Well, then that's something we should determine too."

"Don't misunderstand... It's not as if I'm pushing you into war. But I keep thinking about this country. My country. No... this entire world. If you had combat blessings like many of the other heroes in this world and were sent to the front, believe me, I'll do my very best to make sure nothing hurts you."

"Is the idea of a shop... That important to you?" Kayden asked, her tone of voice reverting back into seriousness, though, surprisingly there was a hint of compassion in there as well.

New World - New Binmoor - In front of the Silver Inn
Date: Day 5 - Evening

[info]Copy pasting this section continually until we come to it, or if it changes.[/info]

It was around evening when the day's shopping was done, and you and Kayden made your way back to the Silver Inn. Waiting outside was Hunt, Maban, and Kenver. Each of them called out to you once they noticed you approach.

Anima mea

Diane looks at the lizard man smith and nods, "Can you spare twenty pounds of scrap metal that would be suitable for making stoves?" 

Looking at Kayden she smiles, "I work over time to develop new things, technology.  Imagine having a carriage that moves by using a stove of sorts instead of horses.  Or a non-medical way to power a grind stone or even produce something called electricity to give light without magic, candles or torches.  Heck, I even have an idea of making armored carriages that move around the battlefield with ballistae or even cannons mounted on them."

She stops when Kayden mentions being morbid.  She reaches over and pats the young women's hand lightly, "Let's be honest, it won't be long until I will need to go to the frontlines and take test equipment up to see if it works. You are a sweetheart to want to protect me, but let's be honest, I have died once already.  I am not concerned about dying as much, when the time comes, but my dress and boots are to make sure that I am around until I feel I have done what I need to do."

When the shop comes up she grins, "I want a place to call my own, to work and research.  A place to live when I am not researching or traveling.  Finally a place where I can sit and write some papers in philosophy, law and physics.  I can imagine they can be used to educate any apprentice I have and from them if they make the level of master m, they can educate their apprentices.  I want to make the world better and safer."

Shaking her head, "I honestly think the best end for me is to end up with a shop of my own. One where I cam grow old, work and make a living on my own.  And spoil Hunt's, and maybe your children rotten from Aunt Diane.  Even the boys could marry and I could travel and go see their families as well."


New World - New Binmoor - Armosmith
Date: Day 5 - Afternoon - Evening

"20 poundsssss for a ssssstove?" The lizardman asked. He made an expression on his face, but it was hard to discern due to the large differences in facial features. "Maybe part of a sssstove? Repair? I can sell you 20 poundsssss if that's all. But it won't be enough for an entire ssssssstove. If you give me a location, I can... drop off more with a fee."

"20 sssssilver, or 2 gold." The lizardman stated. "Anything elsssssse?"

[info]Kayden would order the chain shirt mentioned in previous posts and/or any other weapons/equipment you might need from the smith. If there's anything else we haven't covered, or if you need more iron, just state so. The 20 silver will be taken from the stipend.[/info]

New World - New Binmoor - Park
Date: Day 5 - Late Afternoon

Kaydan nodded as you spoke.

"A stove-powered wagon... I don't think even our magic can do that, except perhaps the old Idorian kingdom before they fell from the demons. Those gifted with one of the attributes can do things like light torches with their magic, but giving such a convenient thing to everyone would definitely make everyone more equal. And that armored carriage might be something to bring up to my superiors, if only to convince them that your place in the war is better suited here."

"I still need to train you up of course... And once you become even stronger than I, or any of our elite knights, we may still be called out to the front. But if perhaps you sketch out these designs? I can include them in my report, or when you are called to meet with them, you can use it as leverage. A war machine as such that you described would be a boon to us."

"There is that Hero's Home that the Chynance mayors were so proud of." Kayden suggested. "Though that is only after they are convinced that your role researching is more beneficial than going to the front. However... New Binmoor isn't a bad place either. We have a strong economy in this city alone due to the dungeon that's a near limitless supply of goods. Here there are other researchers and much more industry than in Chynance."

New World - New Binmoor - In front of the Silver Inn
Date: Day 5 - Evening

It was around evening when the day's shopping was done, and you and Kayden made your way back to the Silver Inn. Waiting outside was Hunt, Maban, and Kenver. Each of them called out to you once they noticed you approach.

Anima mea

Diane smiles, "The twenty silver option will be fine for now.  I will let you get back to what I can imagine is more important work.  Have a fine day sir." [No further shopping]

Standing up and stretching, Diane feels a few joints pop and winces at one of them.  Shaking her head, "I can draw up most of this at least rough sketches to be sure.  Essentially, we will end up using coal, and water to produce steam from the modified stove or steam engine.  The steam is used to push pistons, which are in turn attached to a system of turning gears which then move the machinery needed to move and power the machines attached.  The personnel carrier, the ability to automate processes like a grindstone, bellows or even a mill.  Of course, where a river is nearby, I can go with something else more efficient and use the river to provide something called electricity to entire villages, as long as it's used for essential things and lights at night."

Diane prattles on about steam engines, hydroelectric power and even segues into potentially making something called a train to transport goods, vehicles and people across the country.  Shaking her head, "This must be terribly boring to you, much of it technical.  I'm sorry, I'm wasting our girl time with this.  What do you want to do?  What's something you like to do when you're in a larger city and you have the spare time.  I want to do something you like to do."


New World - New Binmoor - Armosmith
Date: Day 5 - Afternoon - Evening

[info]Inventory updated.[/info]

New World - New Binmoor - Park
Date: Day 5 - Late Afternoon

"I admit that I do not understand... Only that your ideas can perhaps help win us this war, and convince our leaders where you may better be suited in."

When asked about what she herself wanted to do, she simply shrugged.

"Training." She said simply. "Due to this assignment, I've longed to fight with my fellow knights in defense of this world. I let not the peace that is so easily seen here cause me to waiver in that belief."

New World - New Binmoor - In front of the Silver Inn
Date: Day 5 - Evening

It was around evening when the day's shopping was done, and you and Kayden made your way back to the Silver Inn. Waiting outside was Hunt, Maban, and Kenver. Each of them called out to you once they noticed you approach.

Anima mea

Diane grins, "How about I give you training of a different sort them, when we get back and everything gets delivered I will teach you about using steam engine technology.  Perhaps I can teach you, Hunt and the mayors a bit about it, so when I design something, you'll all be able to use it if needs require it.  I think you'll be an excellent student, you are afterall, dedicated."

As they continue walking towards the inn, they see Hunt and the twins and a grin breaks out on her face, "It seems that kismet is on our side wouldn't you say?"  Diane links her left arm through Kayden's right arm and pulls her on, "Come on, this will be fun, we can be sisters for a while, sharing out passions and interests.  You can help me be a better fighter and I can help you be a machinist!"


"Your training first." Kayden replied evenly. "If by chance demons were to appear tomorrow, ensuring you can take care of yourself is as important." She paused.

"But yes... Perhaps in our downtime, you can teach us about these things in your world that you speak of."

"Lady Diane, and Kayden." Maban called out.

As for Kenver, he stared at the two of you coming towards them.

"The gallant knight won the hero over?" He commented, only to be abruptly jabbed in the rib by his brother Maban next to him.

"Big sis! We've been waiting for you. Mom made cake!" Hunt exclaimed, his eyes bright and cheerful.

Anima mea

Diane grows quiet and stops cold at Kenver's comment, she slides her arm from Kayden's and smiles, coldly, "You must be afraid of competition! While we're at it, I know you don't necessarily agree with everything that's been going on and with Kayden in particular it seems, but let's get something straight here."  Marching up to Kenver and pokes him in the chest rather hard with two fingers, "I need you, all of you, but you and Kayden in particular to get along and drop this crap!  I don't have the necessary resources by myself or even with half of us.  So I'm going to need you to man up, make peace or by the Goddess herself, I will send your ass home!"  She steps back and glares directly at him, meeting his eyes, "Are we at an understanding?  Do I need to explain it to you further?!"

Looking back at Kayden, "Same goes for you, I need you to stop with whatever disagreement you two have and go forward as a unified unit.  The knights serving under Kayden work as a whole, I need us to work as a whole."


Kenver only stared hard back, lips tight, without saying much of anything. His red-colored eyes seemed to shine briefly, and a moment after that he turned around and strode straight back into the inn without another word.

Maban glanced back. "Brother!" Maban called out towards him, but Kenver still kept marching.