[Hanako] Chapter 13: Start of a Journey

Started by Throndir, July 20, 2019, 02:07:58 PM

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"To protect my friends and family." He stated in a monotone voice.


"I see, did you witness that man assisting the slavers in any way?" Hanako asked indicating the man that had been drained. "What did the two of you do while enslaved, and why were you brought here by the slavers?"


"Yes." The man replied to the first question. "While enslaved we captured other travelers. We were brought here to capture other travelers."


"Willingly?" she asked, implying she wanted a clarification for both answers.


"No, not willingly. I was given little choice."


Hanako turned to her companions, "Opinions? If it's not too far to travel we could easily kill two slavers and simply let the enslaved go free. Resources are limited so they would be on their own, but that at least gives them the option of fleeing to another country."


"I... want to save them... I mean... If we can afford the time for the side trip." Trudy said. As for Kari, she nodded as well.

"If they be not demons... Then I shalt agree with Trudy."


"Alright, works for me." Hanako replied, then released her grip on the man's mind. "Good news, I'm going to let you go." A moment later, she made use of her blessing to release the collars on the slaves that Trudy had tied up. "Take what you can use from those corpses and then you're on your own."

Hanako paused a moment. There was an opportunity here that she almost let slip by, so she spun on her heel to face the men again. "Actually, since I've done you a favor here there's a little something I want in return. Tell me your names."


The one that looked like a satyr with the horns spoke first.


While the man you were questioning and had the ability hesitated at first still trying to wrap his mind about what had just happened to him, but eventually responded. "Roland."


"Grel, Roland, here's the deal: For as long as you stay in this country, I want you to keep your ears and eyes open. Do your best to stay alive, and one day someone may come to you asking for information. I want you to help that person. That day may never even come, but be ready for it all the same."

Hanako took the deactivated collars off Roland and Grel's necks. "You'll know who to give the information to when they tell you 'a girl's panties are as gentle as the sky'. Now take what you need to survive from these corpses. When we have left this place, forget you have seen our faces."

The last part of that statement was a magical command made with her blessing. Hanako actually repeated it twice, once for Roland and again for Grel because it seemed that only in times of real desperation was she able to influence more than one person at a time. When she was done talking, she cut them loose to let them scavenge for supplies and then conferred with Trudy and Minette about the best way to head to the northern camp.

[info]Requested Perception and Stealth rolls:
Per: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 3 + 8, total 11[/blockquote]
Stealth: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+14 : 12 + 14, total 26[/blockquote][/info]

[info]Whenever appropriate, the group will head north to the camp.[/info]


[info]Perception: 11, Stealth: 26
150 ft. away, you and the rest of your group were able to see the campsite along with the two slavers, and the 6 slaves. There were three wagons, two of the wagons had cages on them. One cage had 5 humans and demihumans, each of them with collars. The last cage seemed to have some sort of green-skinned woman. Lastly, there was 11 horses around the camp tied to various trees. The two slavers haven't yet noticed your approach.[/info]


Hanako motioned to Trudy and Kari that they should attempt to sneak up within 80 feet if possible and launch a surprise attack, hopefully killing the slavers before they could react. When the other two were ready, she began to creep closer while trying to stay concealed.

[info]Hanako is going to try to sneak up to the range for her rifle and then fire a shot, provided she isn't detected.[/info]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+14 : 18 + 14, total 32[/blockquote]
Attack, Rifle, vs AC:
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+16 : 18 + 16, total 34[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 10, total 10[/blockquote][/info]


QuoteMoving you up to 75 ft. instead, technically at 80 ft. you will suffer a -2 penalty, due to it being a full range increment,

None of the slavers noticed your approach, however, you did notice the green-skinned one in the cage look over to your direction. She didn't say anything though. Kari had crept up alongside the rest of you, though she had her own curved blade drawn. Trudy was fairly quiet as well and soon enough you were in range. Synchronizing your first shot with Trudy, the both of you fired at once.

Both of your shots hit the same target. The bandit was now badly wounded.

QuoteInitiative requested.


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 19 + 9, total 28[/blockquote][/info]


QuoteHanako to take turn.

QuoteOrder: Hanako: 28, Slavers: 21, Kari: 16, Trudy: 10