[Jean] Chapter 13: The Evacuation of Tathi VIllage

Started by Throndir, April 28, 2019, 07:00:54 PM

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"This world is a lot different than the one I'm from so I can't answer any of your questions. However, I believe that I could take the dragon knights with me and see what we can salvage from the village. It might not be much but its better than letting the demons lay waste to everything. Who's willing to come with me?"


"And how will you bring back all the goods? If we can gather the titanium panels, that would be most beneficial." Karn then turned towards you.

"Hero, use your ability to bring forth as many magnesium as I might have had in the vault." Karn then turned towards the back of the caravan and shouted out her daughter's name. Once Amie was near enough he continued. "Amie and I can transmute the materials into a usable platform. Amie, I suspect you still know the composition of the lightweight magnesium alloy?" Karn asked to which Amie nodded. "Afterwards, Amie and I will accompany our dragon-riding hero back towards the estate."

Karn then turned towards you, expecting the requested materials.


     "As you wish."  Said Jean as he stopped the wagon train to call forth Karn's requested materials.  "Anything else you can bring back will probably help.  If the horde of demons is headed for the mountain we will probably need everything we can get our hands on."


"Didn't have a plan, just wanted to salvage what we could. As for your accompaniment, it is not up to me if one of the dragons is willing to let you ride along with them. Things are different than they are in your own world. However, since I am sure that they have empathy for the village and the situation, someone would be willing if asked. The same goes for carrying a platform as long as it is done in such a way that respects them."

Karn was silent, and it was hard to tell whether or not he was actually paying heed to Rosalie's advice. Soon enough the materials were dumped back on the ground in their metallic crates, each of the requested materials that Karn wanted. With a snap of his finger, he then had Amie help begin the process of transmutation. Seeing them work, you suspected it would take some more time until they were done.

QuoteJean is free to keep heading southwards with the caravan unless you want to stick around for longer.


     "Right, well while you guys do that, I'm going to keep heading back o the mountain.  If possible, could one of the priests fly back to the mountain as quick as they can and alert them to the approach of the demon army?  We should forewarn them as soon as possible so that they can begin making preparations so the quickest should go."  Jean took up the yoke of the wagons again.  "I'll see you when I see you."


"Ve heard the hero!" Vitaliya called out to the rest of the wind priests hovering in the air. One of the wind priests volunteered for the job, and shortly after that he sped off southwards.

You continue the journey southward, soon enough the road headed southwards suddenly disappeared. You realized that this was the border of the territory that was once 'Meldoran', to the new world consisting of Mt. Velothia. The trees took on a darker hue as well, and the forests were much thicker. There was no more road, so travel became tougher. There were multiple problems the moment the road disappeared. The ground was uneven, making it harder to pull the caravan through. Trees that were in the way meant that the wagons had to follow a specific route through them in order for the wagons behind not to hit any of the trees. There were various other obstacles too, such as streams and sharp changes in elevation.

QuoteOverland movement will be slowed down to x1/2 per Terrain and Overland Movement table.

Perception requested


[info]Perception Check[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+13 : 15 + 13, total 28[/blockquote][/info]


QuoteAn fyi, using Terrain rules for perception distance in relation to stealth.

As you moved further south, you caught sight of a movement, you paused immediately, but none of your other companions noticed it. When you stared closer you realized it had come from a tree about 50 ft. away. It seemed as if the branch itself moved. It was slight, but you were certain you caught the movement.


     Jean stopped at the movement.  He looked back at the villagers behind him and motioned for them to stay with the wagons.  "Who goes there?"  He said into the woods.  He checked his inventory to see if his spear was still there and if not summoning a new one.  He ventured a few steps forward, bracing with the spear. 

[info]If Typhoon Spear has faded away in the inventory summon a new one with same profile (+5 Enhancement, +1d8 cold damage) for 9 MP[/info]


QuoteI'll calculate your current MP from travel time if combat happens to start.

The moment you called out, there was no response. Though, you kept your eye on the tee branch that moved. Everyone behind you had stopped their whispering and talking, and the many villagers eventually came to a stop. A couple of them pulled out their crude weapons and began to look warily around them.

It was at this moment that a string of notifications appeared.

[okay]You have gained a new title『The Moving Tentacle』
You have gained +2 DEX
You have gained『Analysis』
You have gained a new title『Creator of All』
You have gained +8 WIS
You have gained a new title 『Just as Healthy』
You have gained +2 CON[/okay]


     Jean's attention flickered to the notification.  "Not now..."  He whispered as he kept his eyes on the tree branch.  He continued to inch forward, stepping lightly as he approached the tree that he had seen the movement from.  "Hey!"  He shouted again.  "I said: Who motherfucking goes there?"


You kept your eyes on the tree, but the moment it was about 15 ft. away, it, along with two other nearby trees suddenly sprang to life. its long and thick branches suddenly began to move directly headed towards your head.

QuoteRoll for initiative


[info]Initiative[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+16 : 16 + 16, total 32[/blockquote][/info]


QuoteI'll take care of this tomorrow, but roll perception as well


[info]Perception check[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+15 : 2 + 15, total 17[/blockquote][/info]