[Jean] Chapter 13: The Evacuation of Tathi VIllage

Started by Throndir, April 28, 2019, 07:00:54 PM

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[info]Perception: 17
Apart from the tree 15 ft. away who was swinging its branch at you, and the two other trees around you who looked like they were beginning to uproot themselves, you didn't see anything else out of the ordinary.[/info]
QuoteJean to take turn.

Grid Map: https://app.roll20.net/join/3988538/rxP3dQ
Turn Order: Jean, Tree 1, Tree 2, Tree 3

Round 1


     "Weight Control!"  Shouted Jean, increasing the weight of his spear in time to raise it over his head with both hands to block the root swinging down at him.  He pressed with both arms to deflect the blow to the side and launched himself forward with his back foot, stretching his front foot forward as he arched his back to slip under another swinging root as he tried to glide under the guard of the tree and make it to the trunk where he trust with both hands.

[info]Immediate Action: Cast Weight Control to increase weight of spear by 6 steps

Move Action: Move towards tree and use Acrobatics to avoid AOO[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+26 : 11 + 26, total 37[/blockquote]
Standard Action: Fighting Defensively to attack tree (+21 Base, +11 Weapon enhancement, -4 Fighting Defensively)[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+28 : 4 + 28, total 32[/blockquote]Piercing Damage (+16 Two-handed STR, +11 Enhancement)[blockquote]Rolled 12d6+27 : 4, 1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 4, 2, 3, 5, 2, 2 + 27, total 64[/blockquote]Cold Damage[blockquote]Rolled 1d8 : 3, total 3[/blockquote][/info]


The tree made a low rumbling call as your spear thrust deep into the trunk of the tree. The strength behind the attack was powerful, and the fact that the spear was much much heavier than a regular one, meant that not only did it easily tear into the wood, it left a gaping hole as wood splinters exploded. It was injured. It retaliated, and on it second swing, its trunk managed to hit you. It managed to critically hit.

Ren had called out in alarm, but relaxed when she realized you weren't really that injured. Ren proceed to head towards the closest moving tree. The tree had attempted to swing at her, but it missed. Dalina on the other hand began to cast a spell.

"Goddess of Air! Your turbulent winds are a gale to your foes. Strike down your enemies! Air Strike!"

The slashing winds started to appear around the tree, chunks of its leaves and branches were torn off. It was badly wounded.

QuoteJean to take turn.

Grid Map: https://app.roll20.net/join/3988538/rxP3dQ
Turn Order: Jean, Tree 1, Tree 2, Tree 3, Ren, Dalina

Round 1
[spoiler]Jean attacks and deals damage.
Tree 1 fullround attacks Jean, with 2 attacks, 1 hits.
Tree 2 uproots itself.
Tree 3 uproots itself.
Ren moves to Tree 2.
Dalina casts a spell.[/spoiler]

Rough Status
Jean: Injured, Drowsy
Dalina: Uninjured, Drowsy
Tree 1: Badly Wounded
Tree 2: Uninjured
Tree 3: Uninjured


     Jean took the blow from the tree and withdrew from the the reach of the tree, somersaulting backwards outside of its reach  "Ren, Dalina!  Be careful, these trees are tougher than they look!  Keep at a safe distance if you can!  Summon Tentacle!" He shouted, calling forth a tentacle to aid them after he got some breathing room.

[info]Move Action: Move to location in roll20 using Acrobatics to avoid AOO[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+26 : 10 + 26, total 36[/blockquote]
Standard Action: Summon 200 ft tentacle with Power Attack, Cleave, Greater Cleave, and Combat Reflexes for 12 MP at noted location on roll20[/info]


The giant tentacle was summoned, and immediately attacked the nearest tree. Three of its four attacks hit. In that single set of attacks, one of the trees was splintered down the middle, it still surprisingly managed to move, but you knew it was near death.

The treants began to move, but they all triggered an attack from the giant tentacle. All of its attacks hit. One of the trees was completely demolished. When it died however, this time around no notifications appeared for any levels.

Ren unleashed all 8 of her tentacles as the slimeling was left behind on the wagon. All 8 of her strikes hit, though the damage seemed reduced slightly from the tree's thickness. She managed to injure it.

Dalina continued her attack on the first tree, the blades of air managed to finally cut it down. When that tree fell, the last remaining tree that Ren was in combat with suddenly stopped moving.

[okay]You leveled up.
You have gained a new title [A Tentacle for Every Purpose]
You have gained +2 INT
You are now level 55. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]
QuoteGrid Map: https://app.roll20.net/join/3988538/rxP3dQ
Turn Order: Jean, Tree 1, Tree 2, Tree 3, Ren, Dalina

Round 1
[spoiler]Jean attacks and deals damage.
Tree 1 fullround attacks Jean, with 2 attacks, 1 crits.
Tree 2 uproots itself.
Tree 3 uproots itself.
Ren moves to Tree 2.
Dalina casts a spell.
Round 2
Jean moves and summons tentacle.
Tentacle attacks Tree 3
Trees trigger AoO. Tree 3 dies.
Ren attacks Tree 2.
Dalina attacks Tree 1, Tree 1 dies.[/spoiler]

Rough Status
Jean: Injured, Drowsy
Ren: Uninjured, Slightly Tired
Dalina: Uninjured, Drowsy
Tree 1: Dead
Tree 2: Dead
Tree 3: Badly Wounded, Not Moving [include u=2]-54 HP[/include]


     Jean ducked around the earthen outcropping he had used to shield himself just a moment before and dived over a flailing tree root to stab at the trunk of the tree Ren and the tentacle had left wounded, hoping to finish it off.

[info]Move Action: move into range of Treant 3 using acrobatics to avoid AOO[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+26 : 17 + 26, total 43[/blockquote]
Standard Action: Fighting Defensively Attack Treant 3 (+21 Base, +11 Enhancement, -4 Fighting Defensively)[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+28 : 7 + 28, total 35[/blockquote]Piercing Damage (+16 Two-handed STR, +11 Enhancement)[blockquote]Rolled 12d6+27 : 6, 3, 5, 1, 1, 4, 6, 2, 1, 4, 2, 6 + 27, total 68[/blockquote]Cold Damage[blockquote]Rolled 1d8 : 7, total 7[/blockquote]
INT Check to try and figure out EXP[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 8 + 9, total 17[/blockquote][/info]


As you made your way to the tree, it remained still and unmoving. You struck out then, and just like the previous tree, you pierced a giant gaping hole into this one, causing the rest of the tall tree to fall down. Ren quickly went out of the way. There was no other movement in the trees.

[info]Intelligence: 17
From all the previous times you've been killing demons, and now to this. You were able to figure out a pattern. It seemed that if each thing killed had a set amount of XP, it would be split among the combatants fighting it. Not only that, it seemed to only apply to those who actually fought with the particular target. However, you couldn't tell anymore conditions other than that. You weren't sure if all it took was a single prick of damage, or if there was a set amount, or what would happen if there was someone in the group who helped in the fight but did not choose to do any damage, as such was the case with many of the demons back in the village.[/info]


     Jean stood up straight as the tree fell.  He looked at the shattered wood and poked around the chunks with his spear, looking for some sign of what might have animated the vegetation.  "Hmmm..."  He mused as he finished searching the trees.  "Ren is it me or is it just not as satisfying cutting down aggressive plants as it is slaughtering demons?"  He said as he walked back towards the wagons.

[info]Perception check to search the bodies[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+15 : 14 + 15, total 29[/blockquote][/info]


     As Jean was walking back to the wagons he stopped suddenly.  "Oh wait..."  He turned around and went back to the felled trees.  "Analysis?"  He said, focusing on the no longer animated plants.


The moment you spoke the keyword 《Analysis》 , two things happened. First a new screen appeared in front of you. It contained information about the tree. What kind of tree it was, the composition of the tree, how old it was, what traces of magic it had on it, among many other things. Along with that information on the screen itself, was the same information flooded into your mind. You suddenly knew how the tree was animated, and what did it as well. There was a type of magic involved. Though you didn't recognize what kind specifically, you did know that there was a concentration of mana that had lived in the tree before its death, which, even now, was quickly fading. The source of the animation seemed to come from the first tree that had attacked you. There was a tendril of mana going from it to the other two trees that were animated. And the moment you had killed that tree, that link was broken, thus the animation creased. It would have been closer to say that the other two trees were an extension of the first one.


     Jean looked at the display.  "Interesting..."  He looked at the spear and spoke "Analysis."  Then he looked at Ren and again spoke "Analysis" as he made his way back to the wagons.  "Alright party's over!  Just your average deadly trees.  Keep an eye out just in case though."  He yelled back to the villagers by the wagons.  As he once again shouldered the yoke and got started going forward, he looked up at Dalina and once again used 《Analysis》.


Analysis on Spear
You were able to determine that this was a spear made from an elemental magicka spell. You also knew exactly how effective the weapon was. From the fact that it had an enhancement property to it, all the way to the cold damage that it could deal. From the information you were provided, you also knew that it was affected by gravitational magic of some sort. You had stats on its exact weight, along with measurements of each and every part that made up the spear. If you somehow managed to get all the components to make the weapon, you felt as if you could manually create it yourself with the aid of magic. Even the application of cold damage was something that could be mimicked.

QuoteStats of spear in your sheet!

Analysis on Renenutet
The moment you spoke 《Analysis》while focusing on Renenutet, you got a full analysis of her as well. There was an energy within her, that you recognize as Ki from your training with the Wind Priests, however, her's seemed to be darkened or tainted within her. Her level of mana was low on the other hand. You managed to figure out how she hardened her skin too, it seemed like her cells were in a constant flux, which explained why they were able to morph easily. Along with that, there was another kind of energy you weren't able to identify, however, according to the information displayed, it described it as 'SP', and seemed to be related with how Ren was able to morph her tentacles into various shapes, and also turn them metallic. However, you didn't get a sense that the SP came from her, it was more as if she was making use of it.

QuoteRelevant information, assume information like this granted to you in the menu:

Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-Light vision; Perception +7


AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+8 natural)
PR 19, AGI 9, MR 8
Defensive Abilities  Resist profane 15


Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Full Attack: 8 tentacles +19 (1d4+13 plus grab)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks constrict (1d4+13)


Str 28, Dex 12, Con 32, Mag 11
Base Atk +12; CMB +21 (+26 grapple); CMD 32
SQ morphing


Morphing (Ex): As a free action, Renenutet can morph any of her tentacles to specific configurations allowing piercing, slashing, or blunt damage to be dealt by them. They can be used in a shield configuration as well, granting her and any other creature in her reach +2 Shield AC.

Iron Skin (Ex): As a free action, Renenutet can transform any part of her body to be metallic, granting her DR 5 / -.

Analysis on Dalina

Using Analysis on Dalina, she seemed to be like any other human. However, you were noted to the fact that the energy described as 'SP' you detected in Renenutet seemed to be much more concentrated in Dalina. And unlike Renenutet, the 'SP' seemed to originate from her.


     "Good to know..."  murmured Jean as he started the caravan back on its way.  He kept an eye out for any other sources of danger the forest might hold.
[info] Perception[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+15 : 6 + 15, total 21[/blockquote][/info]


QuoteIf we find Rosalie lagging too far, we can consider spawning side threads for random forest encounters, but I'll be proceeding forward with yours as normal and just hope everything fits in the end.

Your journey continued without meeting anymore of the trees from before. You notice the woods changed again, it was as if the type and species of trees changed from one kind to a different kind. The trees had been browning due to being in the fall, but as you proceeded to trudge through the forest, all of a sudden they changed into a sea of evergreen trees - much more similar to the ones that surrounded Mt. Velothia. As you were familiar with it, and it had been explained to you a few times, it was likely due to the effects of the Shifting.

It was during the travel through the evergreen trees that Dalina called out to you.

"Jean! I see the the rest of the soldiers on foot. I saw some movement earlier, but I wasn't sure until we got close enough due to the canopy. But that's definitely the rest of them..."

Location: Forests north of Mt. Velothia
Date: Day 7 (Jean), Day 9 (Rosalie) - Time: Some number of hours into travel

"Ahoy there!" Captain Charles called out after he and the rest of the soldiers were visible. Like planned, they carried with them plenty of wagons and horses. "The wind priest came into contact with us sometime back, we've been expecting you, hero. A couple of the wagons we brought were empty expecting something like this, so we can just harness those horses to these wagons instead, and lighten that load a bit. I didn't believe it when the priest said you were pulling these many wagons at the same time... But... I guess that's heroes for you."

He scanned the skies. "Just the wind priests. None of the dragonknights? That means Rosalie and the others are still trying to get materials from their refugees village then... I hope they didn't run into any trouble."


     Jean set down the yoke and stretched his shoulders.  While he was sure he cold probably have hauled the wagons all the way back to the mountain, it was still a nice break from the role of beast of burden.  "I believe there are some specific materials that Amie's family was trying to acquire.  It might take some time but their family magic seems to be pretty efficient so hopefully they wont take so long.  They also have the advantage of flight so they should be along soon."  He looked at the blood stains and bits of gore left on his robe from the battle earlier in the village.  "I don't suppose there is a river or pond near here that I could wash up at while you get the wagons and horses redistributed?  Got to look my best for a triumphant return after all."