[Hanako] Chapter 11: Relationships

Started by Throndir, February 25, 2019, 03:45:08 PM

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"Thou art harboring a demon. Tis likely that thou hath already been fooled by one such as her." Kari said in her monotone voice.


Hanako frowned. "Fooled into doing what? Keeping her locked in a room under guard for most of the day? Keeping a slave collar on her that is specifically designed to work on demons? Fooled into letting her do housekeeping under close watch? If I thought she was a threat, I could have compelled her to do anything the way I put you on your knees! Don't mistake me for a fool valkyrie, I spent half of my life living alone and neglected by society and my own parents! Do not think for a moment I lack the ability to see that in another person. She is a runaway from a society that didn't want her!"

She was whipping herself up into a rare public fury.

"If it weren't for the merciful grace of an actual god sending me to this world, I would never have had the chance to ensure that people that need help, people like the person I was not even two weeks ago, get the same mercy!"

She stopped pacing, spun to face the kneeling girl and crouched so they were face to face. Dangerous, considering that Hanako wasn't even sure her powers were enough to really keep Kari in check.

"Who are you, and what is your problem!"


[info]Requested diplomacy:
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 14 + 5, total 19[/blockquote][/info]


[info]Heroic action pointed earned[/info]
There was silence for a few moments, but eventually the valkyrie spoke in that familiar monotone voice.

"Very well then." The valkyrie said. "Shalt this valkyrie let thee proceed with peace. Pray that thou is correct in thy judgement."

The rest of your companions continued to watch in silence from the confrontation. Some of them continued to have their weapons drawn, but there was at least one of the soldiers who sighed in relief from the valkyrie's words.


"Great! Now we're making progress." Hanako said with a smile, instantly flipping to the practiced outward face of a model Japanese citizen. "Unfortunately at this juncture I trust you about as far as I can throw you. Which I doubt is very far. So we're going to relocate."

She waved for some soldiers to come into the room. "We're going to take a little walk down to the basement, and before I release the commands, you're going to go in a cage. I didn't want to have to do things this way, but as the expression goes: Once bitten twice shy. And you've already bitten me twice."

She stood up and turned to the rest of the group and bowed. "I apologize for that disgraceful display, it was very improper of me to lose my temper like that. Now, let's all move to the basement shall we?"

[info]Presuming there's no problems everyone should head down to the basement and Kari is going into a cell. Not going to bother rearming the lock to explode, but it should be locked mundanely. Non-combat inhabitants of the house are to stay away, and Hanako will have soldiers stationed at the entrance to the basement. Everyone that's down there will remain at least ten feet from the cell if possible. Hanako will also grab a sword and one of the non-magical pistols from the armory.[/info]


QuoteThe Stand Down, Kneel, and Speak commands are still in effect, she is unable to do otherwise until you stack another command on top, or cancel Kneel (and hope she decides to follow). Cancelling commands do not cost mana, so I'm assuming you are letting go the Kneel command.

When you cancelled the command to kneel, with the valkyrie being prodded forward, she soon followed after; not that she had much choice. As for Akime, she continued to have her borrowed blade drawn, much like the rest of your soldiers, but the swordswoman decided to stay behind Falah through much of the journey. Falah herself looked to be completely uncomfortable as her eyes darted back and forth from everyone around her. She whimpered whenever someone gave her a hard stare, and eventually she proceeded with her eyes downcast. You felt Falah reach out for the hem of your shirt. This caused a minor stir with the soldiers, until Trudy calmed them down.

It was tense. The atmosphere around both Falah and the valkyrie was compounded by the fact that you had been injured. Just glancing around, many people looked confused. The most conflicted seemed to be Trudy and Akime. The former, worrying over Falah, while the latter, worrying over Kari.

Soon enough, the group started to file their way towards the dungeon that was kept downstairs. Out of insistence from Elyse, not all of the cages had been put away when the firing range was created in the basement. It was there that Kari was thrown in. It was Elyse herself who eventually locked the cage.

Kari turned around and stared back at everyone. Her face was completely impassive, and her eyes were glazed over.


"This isn't out of maliciousness, I hope you understand. Please do not attempt to escape or I'll be forced to do something drastic." Hanako said to Kari.

She turned to the rest of the group. "Get ready I guess."

She drew the pistol from its holster, even though she knew she still couldn't quite shoot straight yet, but it was better than being unarmed. Hanako then looked at Falah, who clearly was still scared about the entire ordeal, and apologized mentally.

She gave the command. "You will answer questions when asked, and will tell no lies or half-truths."

[info]Hanako also readies a swift action to activate Kari's collar if it looks like shes going to cast a spell through the bars, or break out.[/info]


Like before, Falah's eyes glazed over. Everyone kept a close watch on the valkyrie though, but as the spell wore off and her eyes started to focus, she only continued to glare at Falah, but at least continued to sit.

[include u=2]Hanako MP used: 12[/include]


"Go on." Hanako said, thankful that Kari hadn't immediately done something to indicate she was going to attack. "Ask her anything you want to get rid of your suspicions. She is literally incapable of lying. You know she cant ignore my command."


"Praytell demon," the valkyrie began, emphasizing the word 'demon'. "What reason dost thou hath for being herein, gracing the company of the Refedorian hero?" As she spoke, you heard Minette begin to translate for Akime, though she eventually shook her head and told her that she understood Felothian. Falah was able to understand and respond back just fine however.

"Hanako saved me, she was willing to offer a place for me and be my friend. The Birkensen Trading Company had me captured already, so I couldn't be there anymore." Falah responded in a monotone voice.


The valkyrie thought for a moment.

"Would thou have left if thy could from this Birkensen Trading Company? Wouldst thou have killed to do so?" Kari continued her line of questioning.

"If I could have left them I would have. If they got into my way, I would attack them until they weren't." Falah responded. There were some murmuring from the soldiers.


"Leading question." Hanako said, matter-of-factly and loud enough for everyone nearby to hear. She fought back against the urge to yell "OBJECTION!!" and point dramatically.

"She was being tortured for research, anyone would have done what they could to escape."


"Tch." Kari said, eventually being forced to nod in agreement. "Very well, this valkyrie wouldst hath done the same. Then praytell, has thou killed afore?"

"I have not." Falah said immediately. The valkyrie seemed to frown a bit, not expecting the response. This caused her to  pause for a few more moments, thinking of more questions. Eventually she thought of one.

"What are thy plans for the rest of thy stay here?" She asked.

"I plan to enjoy my stay here, be able to make friends with as much people as I can, learn as much as I can from everyone, and try to show people that demons aren't bad."


"Praytell, dost thou have plans to kill any being currently herein this estate?"

"No." Falah replied immediately again.

"Who art thou loyal to?" Kari continued to press again.

"Friends." Falah said again almost immediately. Another avenue of attack was shutdown, and Kari continued to think. Finally, she continued to press.

"Dost thou have anyone to talk to, or report to who isn't herein this estate right now?" Kari asked.

It was at this moment, that you saw Falah hesitate, even though her face was still neutral and impassive, she wasn't speaking immediately. Moments went by, and her response was surprising.



"Fuck me." Hanako groaned to herself.

"Who?" she asked Falah.

Please let this be nothing...