[Hanako] Chapter 4: A Slaver's Deal

Started by Throndir, December 10, 2018, 09:58:21 PM

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《Chapter 4: A Slaver's Deal》

A slave owner by the name of Sofia Leiningen visits. It was an attempted assassination attempt. However, she eventually left away on uncertain terms. Meanwhile, your conversation with her, triggered some knowledge, and you set about attempting to free the slaves yourself. Eventually succeeding, you also trained with Trudy, and met Klein's accountant, Minette.

Characters Met
Sofia Leiningen

Returning Characters

Birkensen Company
Klein's Assets

Finding out Klein's assets[/info]Location: Herr Klein's Estate - Living Room
Date: Day 2 - Time: Morning

"He's here! But looks like he brought four guards with him this time." One of the soldiers with a collar came rushing in the front door. Immediately the other soldiers took their position, each going out. There was already a soldier at the gate, so the remaining began to meet with the new guests. Trudy took her place near the front door.

Looking out, you see a horse-drawn carriage, pulled by two horses on front. There was a driver for the coach, and there was one guard who sat at the back of the carriage in the open. Another two guards were mounted on horses behind the carriage. You noted that these guards didn't seem to have any uniform, though they wore padded armor, and what looked like sabers on their side.

The carriage stopped at the gate, where one of your slave-soldiers opened the gate to let them in. The slavers went at a relaxed pace, but eventually the carried stopped at the front entrance of Klein's estate.

QuoteYou can state how exactly you want the soldiers and you positioned. Check roll20.


Well I guess its do or die time now...

Though she wasn't wearing any uniform, Hanako clicked her heels together the way she had seen soldiers do on TV hundreds of times before, then called out in as clear a voice she could to her compatriots. "Attention!" she yelled, emphasizing the last syllable to make it seem like an authoritative command. Then she waited for Klein's contact to exit the carriage.


One of the guards of the carriage went over to its door, and opened it. A few more moments a figure appeared.

"Herr Klein's slaves are as disciplined as they say..."

The woman who had come out looked to be finely dressed. She had blonde hair like most of the people you've seen so far. She had a shapely figure, and her large breasts were form-fitting. The guards that had tended to her all had collars on, though you noted that theirs looked different from the one Klein had.

"Oh, what's this? A dark-haired beauty for Klein's slaves? Having you dress up as one of our ex-soldiers too..." The woman seemed to shake her head, but chose not to say more on the topic.

She turned towards the younger soldier who had opened the gate.

"Tell your master Frau Sofia Leiningen has arrived... Tell him I have a important business that would be worth his while." With that, the woman handed the soldier a small bag. "As an offering, this is my first time meeting with him after all." She said as she winked at him.

She turned back towards the four of you at the door, along with the guards who started to flank her, they made their way towards you.


Dark-haired beauty huh, is that supposed to be me? Hanako thought.

"Thank you Frau Leiningen, for making the journey here. Please do come in and partake of our master's hospitality." she said bowing and gesturing as elegantly as possible to invite the woman and her cohorts inside. Then she turned to Trudy, "Please see that Herr Klein's guest is given our finest refreshments while I fetch our Master."

When she turned to open the door she shot Trudy a glance that said "Be very careful not to cause them suspicion" and hoped it got through to her. Once the door was open she proceeded inside, hoping that the woman and her entourage would come in and allow her own companions to fold in behind them. She motioned to the young soldier to bring the "offering" to her.

She would allow the woman to get comfortable while she "fetched Klein". Then after a few minutes would explain away his absence. Based on her demeanor alone she didn't seem like the type that would be inclined to altruism, but perhaps she would be inclined to take bribes. Failing that, she hoped her compatriots would be able to handle a fight.

[info]When possible Hanako is going to take a quick glance at the collars on Leiningen's slaves.
Knowledge, Slavery:[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+11 : 9 + 11, total 20[/blockquote][/info]


[info]Knowledge (slavery): 20
The collars on Leiningen's slaves were securely locked in place, however, unlike the collars that Klein owned, these ones you did not see the tell-tale glow of magic or mana on them at all. You weren't sure if there was any other effect or magic that might have suppressed that, but at least from your point of view, the collars Leiningen's slaves wore were not magical.[/info]The young soldier who took the bag proceeded to quickly make his way towards you, then handed you the item. He saluted once, then proceeded to step away from the entrance to make way for the guests.

"Frau Sofia Leiningen, welcome to Herr Klein's estate. If the five of you will follow me, I'll lead you to a lounge while we wait for my master." Trudy said as she kept her gaze down.

"We have some pastries, and some imported tea from our neighboring country, Isikawa, that you might find a liking to." Trudy continued as she began to lead the way towards the north wing of the estate.

"Crackers and tea? Prepare some for my slaves as well." Sofia said curtly, but moved on to follow Trudy nonchalantly.

"Your slaves too?" Trudy looked a bit confused, but recovered shortly after. "Very well, we'll prepare enough for the five of you."

While you disappeared to fetch Klein, Trudy and the other four soldiers would be entertaining the guests primarily by providing Sofia snacks and tea.


Hanako headed upstairs to 'fetch' Klein. As she went up the stairs she overheard Leiningen was allowing her slaves to eat as well, which must have been a strange occurrence by Trudy's moment of confusion. She walked all the way to the doors of his room before she stopped and opened the bag carefully to see what was inside.

Now what do we have here?


The moment you opened it, you saw the glint of gold and platinum coins inside. At the same time, there was a burning smell to it. You immediately started to cough.

QuotePhysical Resist save requested


*Hack hack* "What the hell?!" *Hack hack*

[info]Phys. Resist:
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 17 + 7, total 24[/blockquote][/info]

[info]If Hanako succeeds and doesn't pass out or whatever happens, shes gonna try and cinch the bag closed again.[/info]


[info]Phys. Resist: 24
You manage to close the bag tightly, the burning sensation started to leave your nostrils, throat, and lungs.[/info]


An assassination attempt, on Klein? Hanako's mind was racing with possibilities. The thumb on her right hand tapped furiously against each of her other fingertips as thoughts wheeled around the inside of her skull.

Could it have been for me? No, why would it? Is there a spy here? Who is that woman really, and what the hell is in that bag?

She stormed down the hallway, back down the stairs and into the lounge where the Leiningen and her men were having tea and snacks while her own companions stood watching them. She tossed the bag down onto the table and looked the woman dead in the eye and in a measured tone she said "What the fuck is this?"

She waved a hand to Trudy and her companions that they should be ready to fight, but don't make the first move.


The moment you came storming in and threw the bag at the table, Sofia's guards hands immediately went to their side, withdrawing their weapons. Seeing that, your soldiers drew their blades out as well. You noted that their reaction time was quick, they had their weapons drawn just a few moments after Sofia's guards had theirs out.

Sofia, on the other hand, was calm about the entire situation, even making a show about calming her own guards with one of her hands. Her guards, however, didn't quite put their swords down.

"A welcoming present for Herr Klein of course. After all, this is our first negotiations. I would like..." She stared at you carefully.

"... To make good first impressions."


Hanako was impressed by how quickly the soldiers had responded to the escalation and was thankful for it, she would make a point of thanking each of them personally if they managed to see the end of the day. To the woman she replied cooly, "Are you just a regular assassin or something more? Either way, Klein's been a pile of ashes out in the woods for over a day now. What's your game?"

She was mad, crazy mad, at the woman for nearly killing her with whatever was in the bag but more so at herself for not being careful enough to see it for the trap it was. On the other hand though, this turn of events might go better than expected. If this woman was already coming here to be helpful...


"He's... dead?" She narrowed her eyes suspiciously, but then relaxed and laughed.

"I don't see a reason for you to lie to me." She glanced at her four guards, then snapped her fingers. "Put away your weapons." She commanded and her guards followed suite, each one obediently putting their blades back in their scabbards, then moving back to their previous positions, whether it was sitting at the table, or on the chairs aligned on the walls.

Frau Sofia Leiningen grabbed the bag of coins, placing it gently on one of her hands.

"Since I've been exposed, I suppose there's no harm in telling you... Word has it that Klein managed to find himself a summoning circle, along with a mage who knew the summoning ritual..." Her eyes moved from the bag, and into yours directly.

"Keeping someone that valuable in this day and age where demons publicly walk our roads, with a puppet of a government controlled by one of those bastards, is quite dangerous, you see?"

"So... I simply had to make sure everything here was fine." She paused as she stood up.

"A dark-haired foreign girl, wearing our military's uniform isn't a sight you see very often... And you know word has it too, that he had planned to summon the hero just yesterday as well..."

"So... unnamed soldier of Herr Klein, tell me, are things here fine?" She asked carefully, her eyes studying you.


What a twist. Hanako thought, before making an exaggerated shrugging motion towards Sofia. "I haven't seen any heroes around here. So I would say yes, things are fine."

She motioned in kind to her own compatriots to put away their swords before addressing Sofia again. "I presume, that as long as things around here are fine that there aren't any issues with Klein's sudden desire to stay out of the public eye."

This woman was dangerous, but her motives were understandable, it would indeed be troublesome for it to become public knowledge that she was here regardless of how much she doubted her own status as a hero.


"I see, it's a pity that Herr Klein suddenly wishes to keep to himself. Perhaps the government bullied our dear Herr Klein away from summoning a hero too then? It would have landed him in all sorts of trouble at the very least. Perhaps even that it was Sofia Leiningen who showed him the error of his ways." Sofia said gesturing to herself in an exaggerated manner.

"Dear dark-haired soldier, can you imagine what the demons would do, if they knew a hero was in their midst? What terrors they would have inflicted on the remnants of our people? They would tear half the city to find him..." You noticed her eyes glancing towards you again. "Or her."

Finally Sofia placed the bag of coins on the table, and along with it was a card with text written on it.

"Leave it aired out in the open for a day." Sofia said. A moment after that she bowed.

"It looks like my negotiations were a success then. Herr Klein himself chose not to summon the hero, and being reminded of the horror the demons would plague upon him, decided to shut himself away from the world... Refusing any and all guests that would happen to want his audience."

"Since my business here is done, perhaps Klein's servants would show us the way out?"