[Leela] Chapter 3: Setting Out

Started by Throndir, December 06, 2018, 04:44:18 PM

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《Chapter 3: Setting Out》
Location: Domain of Roshandan - Roshandan Castle - Leela's Room
Date: Day 2 - Time: Early Morning

Stirring awake, you found Abi still holding hands with you sleeping away. Her breathing was rhythmic and peaceful. The contract should have completed successfully, but you didn't feel anything different. Instead of the normal morning sun that greeted you, it was a pale blue sun, though, the light was diffused, and continued to make the skies grey in tone.

A moment later, a green notification window appeared.

[okay]You have gained a new title 『Contract Holder』
You have gained +1 WIS[/okay]You heard some giggling sounds from somewhere nearby. It took you only a moment to realize they were imps.

"We shouldn't be here Leelashama would be mad!"

"Do you think the contract work?"

"The contract must have worked! Do you think we'll have one too?"

"I hope to have one! I want a contract!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

"Me three!"


Leela Steading

Consciousness slowly came to Leela as she lay in her bed. 'What a weird dream.' She thought to herself, keeping her eyes closed and imagining some of the scenes from the dream she had. 'It was like some weird mix of an RPG and isekai anime, though I don't recall every playing or watching anything like it.'

Suddenly, she realized she was holding hands with someone. At first, she thought it was Amy, since she was supposed to be with Amy for the convention. Opening her eyes revealed the truth of the matter. She jerked her hands to her face to rub sleep out of her eyes to make sure she was seeing things clearly. It had not been a dream. Here she was, sleeping on a bed with the little imp she had dreamed about passed out in front of her.

Leela heard the giggling and the not-so-quiet whispers and sat up in the bed to stare at the imps who had invaded "her" room. The young woman was most definitely not a morning person, something which these imps had the misfortune of finding out. She glared at the imps. People always used to comment "if looks could kill..." whenever they saw her glaring, and she was sure this was one of those kinds of glares.

"Get. Out." She ordered simply, not willing to speak any more than she had to until she had the chance to perform her morning routine.


Leela Steading

[spoiler="Intimidation"][blockquote]Rolled 1d20+11 : 1 + 11, total 12[/blockquote][/spoiler]


"I told you Leelashama would be mad!"

"She is mad! She is mad!"

"I hope she doesn't eat us! Do humans eat imps when they're mad?"

"I don't mind if she eats me!"

"No! I mind! I'm sorry Leelasama!"

"I'm sorry too!"

"Don't eat us!"

"Me three!"

Abi woke up from the ruckus. She blinked her eyes for a moment, then realized all the unexpected company.

"Everyone! You're not supposed to be here! You're not supposed to interrupt Leelasama! Leelasama will only let you in here if she says so! I bet Kuki is making food! Do you like to eat?"

"I like to eat! Is Leelasama still mad?"

"I really like to eat! This is breakfast!"

"Well, I love to eat! Eating is fun!"

"Eating is the best!"

"Maybe master Leelasama will eat breakfast instead of us!"

"I will eat the breakfast though."

"Kuki has food! Let's eat!"

"Me three!"

With that, the bouncing imps poofed into clouds of smoke as they continued to bounce their way out the door, and beyond.

Abi stood triumphantly on your bed.

"Did you see what I did, Leelasama? Leelasama, I think I'm getting better as your personal assistant!"


Leela Steading

Leela only continued to glare at the imps as they chattered between themselves about her being mad and them being sorry and if she ate imps. She had been about to say that 'yes, she did eat imps' when Abi seemed to wake up and decided to take action.

"Good job, Abi. You were very... diplomatic." The young woman replied after the imps had left and Abi had asked if she had seen. Her voice had its usual morning crackle to it that meant she needed to drink some water.

"Why don't you go and get us breakfast and some water." She asked, knowing the imp probably wanted to eat, too. And Leela had told Abi to only eat with her, so it would not be fair to make the imp wait until she was ready to eat. "If I'm not in here when you get back, wait for me to come back."

As Leela moved off the bed to head for her backpack, she realized she was still in her lolita dress. She had not thought to ask Zavan if there was anything she could change into before they had started the contract. The ribbon that had been in her hair had come undone in her sleep and had tangled with her hair and her clothes were all wrinkled from sleeping in them.

"Oh, Abi, if you see Zavan, could you ask him if there are any clothes in the castle that might fit me that I could borrow until I can make new ones?" Leela asked before the imp could poof away.

Reaching her backpack, Leela dug around in it until she found her hair brush and began her morning ritual. Spotting a mirror in the room, she moved over to it as she brushed her hair. That was when she noticed her eyes were red. Had she been wearing contacts with her outfit for the photoshoot? Leela could only guess that she had. But why had she not noticed them? Usually her eyes started to feel weird after wearing them all day at a convention. Moving in closer to the mirror to get a better look at her eyes, she could not see the edges of the contact lenses. She was afraid to try poking at her eye to pull them out, so she rubbed her eyes and blinked to see if she could dislodge them. Maybe they were just blending in really well. Unfortunately, that did not work. She was forced to resort to poking to attempt to move the lenses to the side to pinch them off. Leaving the contacts in was a bad idea and she did not want to ruin her eyes by wearing them.

"Hsss!" She held back a cry of pain. Poking the contact, she should not have felt that in the way she had. But it seemed she had not poked her contacts, she had poked her actual eye. And it hurt in the way that poking your actual eye hurt. She let her eyes tear up, hoping that rubbing her eyes with extra fluid in them might move the contacts that should be there. However, she felt no discomfort of a dislocated contact after rubbing them. 'They should be there, though! My eyes are blue, not red like this!' Afraid of what might happen if the contacts were still in her eyes and she had failed to remove them, she decided to attempt to remove the contact that should have been in her right eye. Again, she felt the pain of finger poke actual eye.

After recovering from her self-inflicted pain once again, Leela gave up. Being summoned as a demon hero must have done something that removed the contacts and changed her eye color. It was the only thing that she could think of. She would have to ask Zavan if such a thing were possible.

Still worried about her eyes, Leela picked her brush up again and finished what she had originally started. That done, she decided to go ahead and put the hair tie back in her hair. It would help to keep her hair out of her face. Smoothing out her outfit as best she could, the girl made her way down the hall to where she thought she remembered Zavan saying the bathroom was.

The bathroom was indeed where she had thought it was... But it was not quite what she had expected. 'Of course it would be a pot, did you think they had toilets and running water?' She scolded herself as she stared at the chamber pot with disapproval. After forcing herself to get over the fact that she had to use such a thing, Leela continued on with her morning routine. It was as she was leaving the small room that she remembered to check her status.

"Status." She muttered. She wanted to check and see how much mana she had after sleeping. Zavan had said that after running out of mana, she would fall into slumber. So that would mean that she had run out of mana at some point during the night. Knowing how much she recovered from sleeping would be important to know.


"Okay! I'll get some food from Kuki! I'll see if Zavan has clothes for you too! I like your clothes Leelasama! Leelasama, bye bye!" And with that she poofed into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

Opening up the Status menu, it appeared in a translucent green window.

[okay]Leela Steading
Summoned Hero
Level 25

Condition: Uninjured, Tired

HP: 69/69
MP: 48/89
STR: 24
DEX: 28
CON: 28
INT: 11
WIS: 15
CHA: 16
MAG: 36

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate All, Personal Status, Summoned as Demon Hero, Mimicry[/okay]
QuoteRough Status
Leela: Uninjured, Tired
[include u=2]Leela MP Used: 41[/include]


Leela Steading

So it appeared that she had regained a little over half of her mana back after... Well, she wasn't sure how much sleep she got. She was not even sure what time it was.

When she got back to her room, she looked out the window to try to guess the time. 'So... it looks like its still morning. If I was to put numbers to it, probably around eight or nine-ish?' Wow. She had actually woken up before noon without being woken up by her alarm clock. Imps muttering in her room probably helped with that, though.

If Leela recalled correctly, it would take a few days to get to the human settlement, so she would have plenty of time to replenish the rest of her mana at this rate and also be able to play around with her "blessings". She wondered if she could use the mana to cast spells, too. The more she thought about it, the more she wondered if maybe she should ask Zavan to go with her. Perhaps she could see if him going might cause him any problems with his normal duties. If so, then she would have to do without. If he could manage it, then she could probably learn a lot from him. Besides... She did not really know how to fight, so if things did not go well, she would pretty much be relying on the imps in her fighting and sneaking groups. It would be good if she learned some things for herself and she was not sure learning from the imps would be such a good idea.

[spoiler]Waiting for Abi to return with the food and her report.[/spoiler]


Abi suddenly poofs into existence in front of your face with a tray of food.

"Leelasama!" She giggles.


Leela Steading

"Ayahh!" Leela exclaimed at the sudden appearance of Abi in her face. Her body moved on its own again, shoving the imp away. She realized only too late that Abi held a tray of food.

Leela did her best to try to catch the imp and food from falling to the ground.

"Abi! What did I say about suddenly poofing in front of people's faces?!" She scolded the imp.

[spoiler=Dexterity][blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 8 + 9, total 17[/blockquote][/spoiler]


Leela Steading

[spoiler=Dexterity 2][blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 12 + 9, total 21[/blockquote][/spoiler]


Abi was suddenly flung but you managed to catch both her and the food before they fell. You were surprised at your own dexterity.

"I'm sorry Leelasama! I'm so sorry Leelasama! Leelasama I'm sorry!"


Leela Steading

"If you're sorry, then stop doing it." She told the imp, setting Abi down on the ground and the tray of food on the desk.

Sitting down in the chair, Leela eyed the food. She wondered if she could mimic Zavan's nail elongating ability again to cut up the fruits. Concentrating on doing so, she attempted it.

"What is that?" She pointed at the food that was not a fruit. "And what did Zavan say about the clothes?"


Abi sniffled one more time as she wiped her tears away.

"Okay Leelasama... Leelasama, Zavan said there are plenty of clothes to choose from! I didn't think we had that many, but we did!"

Abi poked at the gloppy food. It was a purple-colored pile that looked like it has the consistency of mashed potatoes. However, when Abi poked it, it seemed to jiggle like jello.

"One of Kuki's experiments!" She exclaimed.

Attempting to elongate your nails, they grew longer.


Leela Steading

Leela cut up the fruits as she had done the previous day. This ability was very useful. She hoped that she could continue using it. But hadn't her information screen said something about copied abilities only lasting one day? Maybe she should go ahead and ask Zavan to come along. Perhaps he could teach her how to do it so she could do it all the time. And if it wasn't something she could learn normally, then it would be useful to have him around so she could copy the ability from him.

"Where did he say the clothes are? Should I meet him somewhere? Actually, I need to talk to him anyways, so once we're done with breakfast, I need you to show me where he's at." She handed Abi one of the pieces for the cut up fruits before taking a bite out of another one she had in her hands.

She watched as the purple mashed potato thing jiggled, not sure that she really wanted to even try it. "What is it made out of?"


"Maybe it's yummy to you! I'm not sure if I like it! It tastes weird! Do you like it? Do you want to try some? I don't know! You should try! It's made out of something!"

Abi said as she reached up and took the offered piece of food. Not bothering to sit down, she simply began munching on the morsel.