[Charlene] Chapter 3: Dungeon Core 532

Started by Throndir, September 21, 2018, 01:31:09 PM

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The moment you 'clicked' on the banner, it went into a different screen. It went to a picture of a couple of cute girls wearing different types of outfits. Though, a commonality they all shared was they had some sort of cleaning or cooking tool on hand. There were girls in maid-outfits, in suits, girls that had sunhats and gardening tools, among others.

The only description you can find on it, was a simple sentence: "Have your own companion helper!"

The normal cost of the Helper Companion Gachapon was 250 gems, but it was slashes off, and next to it was only 10 gems, along with a large '96% Off!' sign. There was 10 seconds left on the 'flash sale'.

"Open cash shop? Umm... what do you mean? And what's kind of cool? Hellooooo!" The girl said, cocking her head to the side, then waving her hand in front of your face.


Charlie reads the banner description with a very unamused expression. She decides to not go for the deal.

"Why...why is this my life now..."

Charlie blinks when she sees the hand waving in front of her face. She had actually forgotten about the girl for a moment.

"Oh, sorry. I'm not entirely sure myself. These signs keep appearing before me and something said to open Cash Shop for more details. But that's not helpful to me. I'm not even sure how to use my powers, if I have any." Charlie scratches her head and slips her hands in her pocket as she turns towards the girl. "What do Dungeon Masters usually do? Like what made you try to summon one?"


"From everyone told me... Dungeon Masters are supposed to be totally different... Like I was told they're supposed to be really cool and suave. And sometimes scary! They are supposed to be completely obedient too..." The girl frowned.

"I'm really confused when you keep saying 'signs' and 'cash shop'..." But she pointed back towards the mirror-like doorway that lead to the cavernous area with the two rough men crouching down with weapons in hand.

"Dungeon Masters usually protect the dungeon... Me!" She said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "And these two humans have been sitting here for a few days already, stinking up the place! I want you to kill them! ☆"


"You can only be cool and suave if you know what you're doing. I don't so I'm just rolling with it. Am I supposed to be obedient? Do you have any power over me to make me obedient? I don't feel like I should be. Now if you paid me in gems I would be more inclined."

Charlie shrugs again. It seems like she was going to need gems to exchange for items in this Cash Shop that she has access to. She was hoping to have some magic or something. The Goddess mentioned mana...

"For someone who summoned a Dungeon Master, it seems like you don't know much either," Charlie gives her a smirk. 

"Cash Shop!" Charlie exclaims and brings the menu back up. "Have they done anything wrong for me to kill them? Are they just smelly?"

Charlies eyes hover over Weapons and Armor and she opens that menu.


"I do know things! I do! The others tell me things all the time! And also... Usually when I summon something, they follow my orders!" The girl puffed up her cheeks.

"Gems? Why would you need those?" The girl asked. "They are intruders! We're supposed to kill them! And they are smelly! One of them put his feet on top of my core!"

[info]Cash Shop: Weapons and Armor
All sorts of medieval weapons and armors were listed. But at the top were banners showcasing 'Legendary swords' at ridiculously high prices.[/info]
QuoteAll mundane weapons from Pathfinder/D&D are included, price in gems is the GP price divided by 10. Tell me if you are looking for anything specific.


"I'm not outfitted for someone to fight, and honestly I've never had training as a fighter." Charlie points down at her outfit which consists of a black sweatshirt, dark blue jeans, and brown high top leather boots. "I need gems in order to exchange for items."

Charlie was hoping for some ranged weapons cause she really didn't want to figure out if she could do hand to hand combat when it was already two against one.

"How the heck did I get that Flash Sale to show up like that...what if I...hmm..." Charlie closes her eyes and tries to think of some type of enchanted ranged weapon, like perhaps a crossbow, and maybe some type of special armor and will it to existence. "Come on give me some other deal thingy!"


"Gems can be exchanged for items...? I'm really lost. It's DP! You can exchange Dungeon Points for items! Look..." The girl sighed and took a deep breathe.

"Menu!" The girl then started to look through something in front of her, though, you couldn't see what.

"Weapons... Dull Bronze Dagger... Yeah this will work." The moment she said that, a dagger appeared in her hand. She then threw the object at you. The dagger looked old and worn. It looked cheap, and it felt blunt.

A translucent green window appeared in your vision.

[okay]10 DP used.[/okay]"Its the cheapest thing they had, and I don't have a lot of points..."

Attempting to think up of a sale did not work however.


Charlie looks at the dull dagger in her hands. It was more of a blunt object than dagger at this rate.

This thing costs 10 DP? Oh yeah, there was 30 next to DP when I said menu earlier... Charlie thought. She must be a lesser dungeon or something...and yet dressed so lavishly.

If this girl doesn't know what a gem is then maybe that's not the currency this world uses.

Opening up Cash Shop, Charlie goes to Currency Exchange to see how much DP equals for one gem and also how much GP equals to one gem.


The moment you opened the Cash Shop's Currency Exchange, you see a couple of options. The exchange rates were between 'Gold Pieces' or GP and 'Gems'. It seemed like the more 'Gold Pieces' you exchanged, the more extra gems you would receive as well. The various large advertisements for that was quite noticeable.

[okay]10 GP = 1 Gem
100 GP = 10 Gems + 1 Gem (10% more!)
1,000 GP = 100 Gems + 20 Gems (20% more!)
10,000 GP = 1,000 Gems + 300 Gems (30% more!)
100,000 GP = 10,000 Gems + 4,000 Gems (40% more!)[/okay]You could not find any mentions of 'DP' however.


Huh, guess the Flash Sale is maybe a once a day thing.

Charlie opens Weapons and Armor and looks for a Crossbow and some bolts. She also skims through the Armor list to see if they had anything she could buy that wasn't super expensive but also gives her some protection. Leather armor maybe? Would gauntlets help her?

"Do you have a name?" Charlie asks as her eyes wander over the Cash Shop menu.


There were some items that matched what you were looking for:

[okay]Leather Armor: 1 Gem
Studded Leather Armor: 2 Gems
Light Crossbow: 3 Gems
Heavy Crossbow: 5 Gems
100 Crossbow Bolts: 1 Gem
Combat Gauntlets: 1 Gem[/okay]
"I do have a name Dungeon Master! It's Dungeon Core 532. What's yours?"


"Dungeon Core 532? That's a long name. My name is Charlie. Well, full name is Charlene, but I prefer Charlie."

Charlie gives a slight bow, right hand over her chest and left going behind her.

"I do apologize for stalling. I'm still trying to figure everything out. Just give me a couple more minutes and I'll see about handling the intruders."

Charlie keeps in mind the equipment and opens up the Dungeon Menu again and takes a look.


The options for the Dungeon Master Menu had a lot more going for it than the Cash Shop. It seemed to cover everything from weapons, armor, food, clothing, to expansions for rooms, and traps, and even being able to summon monsters. All of them of course, at the price of 'Dungeon Points'.

The sections weren't quite as big as you imagined, but it was fairly large. For whatever reason, you noticed that the 'Chocolates' that they had on the list had different ranges of quality as well.

Each item on the list has a short 1 sentence description.

[okay]Dungeon Status
Dungeon Core 532

Core HP: 50
DP: 20
Core Location: Room 1
Territory: 60 ft. x 60 ft.
Rooms: 3
Paths: 0
Traps: 0
Monsters: 0
Intruders: 2

Dungeon Upgrades -> Expansion
> Dungeon Territory: 20 ft. by 40 ft.
20 ft. x 20 ft. Increase: 100
40 ft. x 40 ft. Increase: 400
80 ft. x 80 ft. Increase: 1600
160 ft. x 160 ft. Increase: 6400
320 ft. x 320 ft. Increase: 25,600
640 ft. x 640 ft. Increase: 102,400

Dungeon Upgrades -> Rooms
> Rooms: 1
Small Room (20 ft. by 20 ft.): 200 DP
Medium Room (40 ft. by 40 ft.): 400 DP
Large Room ( 60 ft. by 60 ft.): 800 DP
Jail Room: 300 DP
Add a Floor: 10,000 DP

Dungeon Upgrades -> Paths
> Paths: None
Underground Path (5 ft. wide, 15 ft. long): 30
Dirt Path (15 ft. wide, 3000 ft. long): 30

Dungeon Upgrades -> Traps
> Traps: None
Basic Trap Gacha: 200
Intermediate Trap Gacha: 1,500
Advanced Trap Gacha: 10,000
Pit Trap: 50
Arrow Trap: 50
Arrow Pillar Trap: 100
Lifting Net Trap: 100
Camouflaged Pit Trap: 200
Electric Arc Trap: 300
Avalanche Trap: 400
Flame Strike Trap: 500
Acid Fog Trap: 800
Flooding Room: 1,100
Shocking Floor Trap: 1,500
Rolling Boulder Trap: 2,000
Cone of Cold Trap: 3,000
Poisoned Pit Trap: 4,000
Malfunctioning Teleportation Circle: 8,000
Lava Flood: 10,000
Chain Lightning Trap: 12,000
Prison of Blades: 13,000
Gate of Wisdom: 30,000
Illusory Labyrinth: 200,000

> Active Monsters: None
Basic Monster Gacha: 100
Basic+ Monster Gacha: 1,000
Intermediate Monster Gacha: 10,000
Intermediate+ Monster Gacha: 100,000
Advanced Monster Gacha: 1,000,000
Advanced+ Monster Gacha: 10,000,000
Raven: 5
Rat: 5
Kobold: 10
Goblin: 20
Goblin Dog: 40
Small Elemental: 50
Golem: 100
Lizard Man: 150
Lesser Mimic: 750
Hell Hound: 1000
Medium Elemental: 1,500
Mimic: 2,000
Gargoyle: 2,500
Minotaur: 3,000
Hydra: 3,500
Large Elemental: 4,500
Wood Golem: 6,000
Huge Elemental: 7,000
Two-Headed Troll: 8,000
Greater Elemental: 10,000
Clay Golem: 14,000
Elder Elemental: 20,000
Frost Worm: 30,000
Fossil Golem: 40,000
Iron Golem: 50,000
Brass Golem: 70,000
Dragon (rank 15): 100,000

Dungeon Point Catalog -> Dungeon Items
Flimsy Door: 50
Sturdy Door: 100
Iron Door: 500
Durable Switch-Activated Iron Door: 1,000
Dummy Core: 5,000

Dungeon Point Catalog -> Food
Cup of Drink: 2
Bread and Water: 5
Cheap Chocolate Set: 5
Pastry Set: 5
Barrel of Drink: 5
Small Gourmet Chocolate Truffle Set: 10
Medium Gourmet Chocolate Truffle Set: 15
1 Day Rations: 15
Large Gourmet Chocolate Truffle Set: 20
Extra Large Heavenly Chocolate Set: 10,000

Dungeon Point Catalog -> Adventuring Gear
Leather String: 2
Pillow: 5
Heavenly Pillow: 10,000

Dungeon Point Catalog -> Books, Paper, and Writing Supplies
Pen and Ink: 5
Stack of Paper: 5
Journal: 5
Book: 100

Dungeon Point Catalog -> Clothing and Containers
Basic Treasure Chest: 5
Cheap Clothes: 8
Cheap Shoes: 10
Underwear (panties): 30
Underwear (bra): 30
Knee Socks: 70

Dungeon Point Catalog -> Furniture
Bed: 50
First-Rate Bed: 100,000

Dungeon Point Catalog -> Locks, Keys, Tools, and Kits
Shovel: 5

Dungeon Point Catalog -> Armor
High-Quality Steel Helmet: 170

Dungeon Point Catalog -> Weapons
Dull Bronze Dagger: 10
Sharp Iron Sword: 150

Dungeon Point Catalog -> Spells
Fireball Spell Scroll: 500
Earth Barrier Spell Scroll: 700
Create Golem Spell Scroll: 10,000
Teleport Spell Scroll: 50,000,000

Dungeon Point Catalog -> Material
Bronze Ingot: 10
Iron Ingot: 30
Steel Ingot: 100
Platinum Ingot: 400
Mithril Ingot: 1,500
Orichalcum Ingot: 5,000

Dungeon Point Catalog -> Treasure
Jewelry: Varies
1 Copper Coin: 5
1 Silver Coin: 10
1 Gold Coin: 20
1 Platinum Coin: 40
1 Mithril Coin: 80
1 Orichalcum Coin: 160
D-Grade Magic Stone: 10
C-Grade Magic Stone: 100
B-Grade Magic Stone: 1,000
A-Grade Magic Stone: 10,000
S-Grade Magic Stone: 100,000

Dungeon Point Catalog -> Magical Items
Enchanted Weapon: 10,000


"A couple more minutes?" Dungeon Core 532 puffed up her cheeks in annoyance. "But Dungeon Master! You cost me 1,000 DP! And you're telling me to wait! Fine! 5 minutes! Then I'm going to see if I can do it myself."


"I cost you 1,000 DP?! You could've used that to upgrade this place or gotten yourself some monsters. Or maybe that's cost for a brand new Dungeon Master, which I am. Wait, how do you get more DP?"

Charlie looks over the Dungeon Menu and her eyes linger on chocolates for a while when she remembers her bag.

"Oh, do you know what mana is? And more importantly how to use it?"