[Amelia] Chapter 5: Father, Shrine Maiden, and a Heroic Kitten

Started by Throndir, September 26, 2018, 04:08:59 PM

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"Not as amazing as we need right now." Amelia clicked her tounge in annoyance despite the praise because it had only proved her worst assumptions to be true. "Regardless of what this power is or is like, it did not fix the actual problem. Takeru is still sick he just recovered a lot of his lost energy and any physical damage the illness caused. That's far better then it not working at all," she said tapping her foot. "and the healing cuts down the risks of complications a great deal. But the actual illness will need different attention or to be allowed to run it's course. Most likely both."

"Well it's always better to understand the limitations of an ability like that. So continue with the care you were giving to your brother before. At least it will make it easier for you both to move to the castle in the short term." Amelia sighed then as exhaustion began to set in both from the hour of night and the dissatisfaction of her plan not working.

"If it's okay with everyone I think we should leave things there for tonight. I could very much use some sleep today has been a long day. Kurt do you mind leading us home?" She yawned at that last part.


"Move to the castle? Truly, do you have power to do that?" Akari's voice widened, and her eyes moved over to the prince.

Kurt simply smiled and nodded.

"Our kingdom will do everything in its power to help the hero and their goal." He then turned towards you. "Yes, we shall head back..."

"Indeed I am grateful prince and hero... Why not stay for dinner?" Akari asked.


"I'm sorry, I would, but I already have plans for tonight. They are not really something that I feel like I can renege on considering everything that is going on. Though with what I imagine the future is going to entail we are going to be spending so much time together you are going to get really sick of me." she said with a laugh.

"So take at least tonight with just the two of you and make sure you think everything over. I don't want anyone working with me to feel like they are being forced into it. Good night Akari. I'll see you in the morning."

[info]Amelia will take her leave; to go have a late meal with the king before heading off to bed[/info]


Location: New World - Bürsteig - Mendernich - Mendernich Castle
Date: Day 3 - Late evening

After leaving Akari and Takeru at their place, and going back to the castle with Kurt, eventually the two of you went to see the king, who was already deep into his mountain of paperwork. Matilda was there as well, just chatting with the king and eventually the four of you decided to have a late dinner. Matilda herself was the one who prepared it, even though both the king and the prince seemed to not quite fully approve of the fact Matilda was doing the work.

It didn't take her long to prepare the food and to serve it out, and soon enough everyone was at the table eating the food. Nyx had come with you as well who, by now, was treated as 'the hero's strange pet'.

"So I heard the three of you had went out to the city... Tell me Amelia, how is Mendernich?"


"The city is still trying to get its feet under itself after coming to the new world. If I'm honest I can see a lot of similarities between the both of us," she said with a laugh. "I think the city has a great deal of potential in a number of different areas."

[info]Amelia goes through the various things that she had experienced today. Everything but offering Akari a place in the castle.[/info]

"Speaking of potential your eminence, I met a girl and her brother that I would like to bring to the castle. The two of them were looking for medical help that I was able to provide. The healing didn't work on the illness but it did work on the physical damage things like exhaustion and damage." She let the implications of her meaning sink in for a moment. The king would want to know that any help she could give to the queen at the moment was limited.

"Though I did offer my help at a price, their insight regarding the Sovereignty would be a large help. Along with figuring out how to cure that illness. I would like to move them to the castle."


"The Isikawa Sovereignty? Well, you are to be our next monarch... You have yet to meet the advisers as well, but I suspect that will come in due time."

The rest of the meal continued as normal, along with some of the maids who had served food, including Corina who you recognized, there was only you, the prince and the princess, along with the king. Soon enough the meal was completed without much further interruption, and soon enough the group had parted ways.

Eventually it was just you and Nyx.

"Do you have any plans for the late evening Amelia?" Nyx paused.

"I've actually been going out on my own the last couple nights."


"I'm free at the moment, lead the way." said amelia curious what her cat might want to show her.

[info]Amelia will follow nyx whereever[/info]


"Nothing extremely special." Nyx said, explaining. "The city itself is relatively peaceful from what I noticed. Back in Seattle it wasn't always a good idea to lounge around in the middle of the night, but the people here feel safe. There are some giant rats in the sewers though... Earlier today as I was exploring while you were out with Kurt I managed to figure something out from one of my abilities. The one that is ''Energy Transfer". I think it's easier if I show you...

Nyxolis looked at you slyly.

"Want to hunt some rats?"


"Sure I suppose if anything it will be good to map the sewers." said Amelia trying not to imagine what a fantasy sewer would be like.

[info]Continue to Chapter 6 - Mendernich Sewers[/info]