[Amelia] Chapter 1: Whisked Away

Started by Throndir, July 28, 2018, 11:24:51 PM

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"Of course, your majesty. They wouldn't put you in a special room like that one if you weren't very special!" Matilda teased as she began to uncover you, and help you up. Nyxolis had already noticed the commotion, and the cat decided to hop on to your shoulder, balancing himself precariously.

"We have a ritual passed down to us from generation to generation." Matilda said, continuing her explanation from before, as she helped you get up.

"In great need, we are to summon a hero. Apparently, most of the other countries that border ours tell us the same thing." Once the two of you were up, she began leading the way out of the room.

"The moment we, our kingdom of Bürsteig, appeared here, the other countries sent envoys to us, both to check on our kingdom, what we have to offer, as well as to verify if we had our own hero summoning ritual." Matilda then proceeded in guiding you towards the halls.

You noticed that the castle itself was finely furnished as well, though not as well furnished as the room you were just in.

"We did. It happened to be that the summoning ritual hadn't been used in hundreds of years as well. The moment we told them that, they had ordered us to start the ritual as soon as possible." Matilda made her way through some hallways and flights of stairs and finally lead to a room with a double door.

QuoteThe destination is the room beyond the door. This entire post can cover a conversation though, so if you want to ask questions in game, feel free to do so.


"So all of you have a similar ritual and they forced you to use it? Why would it have brought me across of all people?" Amelia said confused, from her reading, spells like this didn't come cheap, and even assuming it wasn't exactly the same across if all the nations the amount of energy required to break dimensions must be astounding. For every nation across the world not only to have a ritual but be forced to use it one after another like that did not bode well in the pit of her stomach. Someone was organizing something bringing all these people together and then presenting a problem they needed outside help to solve.

"What kind of trouble are you faced with that would require so many heroes at once?" She asked as the doorway came into sight. Assuming they were all heroes in the first place that was. She would have to be even more careful about what she agreed to she didn't want to end up on the wrong side of some super-powered world war. "Oh, and do you know where my things are? I didn't see anything I had on me when we left the room."


"Not all of us had a summoning ritual. Sometimes, it was only certain villages that appeared here, or even just a small part of some sort of larger empire. We would have had the same fate if not for the fact that a large chunk of our country was sent here. I'm not actually sure how the summoning ritual works. We just know how to activate it when it is needed, and a hero will appear before us. Apparently this world we are in is at work with demons. From what I was told, it's been going on for at least a hundred years now. Anyways, due to our arrival, the rest of the ruling nations here wanted more heroes in the war front. So, we initiated our own ritual. Imagine our surprise when you appeared! Your entire left side was bleeding. Your bones had been dislocated. Your arm was fractured..."

"We rushed you straight to our medical ward. Your... cat, that's what it was right? Followed along. We didn't know what it was, but since it came with you we figured he should be around."

"Our bonesetter tried his best, but we didn't think you would survive. The wounds were... grievous. Your body was running a fever. You were sweating, and I had to help change out your clothing... There was a lot of blood on it. We spent the night trying to stabilize your condition, and I stayed by your side through that first night...  I even fell asleep at the foot of your bed!" Matilda chuckled.

"The next morning... your external wounds were gone. I ran out to get our doctor, and he was amazed as I was. He took a look at your arm, and that too had made major recovery over a single night. There were still problems of course and bruising. You still didn't wake up either... It was strange. It was as if you were in a deep sleep."

"Finally you woke up this morning though... From what I can tell, you've made a complete recovery. The doctor said there could be some soreness, but it should go away. You really are a hero." Matilda said, at that moment, Nyx, who stills at on your shoulder meowed.

"Aww, the cat agrees! Does he have a name?"

"Oh, and do you know where my things are? I didn't see anything I had on me when we left the room."

"They're back in your room. We placed your items under the bed. There were some... strange things in there. The clothes we had to wash though, but they're back in there!"

QuoteLet me know whenever you want to move on to the next scene/open the door.


Amelia took a moment to stare at her blankly as the meaning of what Matilda said sank in for both good and bad. If the definition of definition the word demon was the same across both languages then there was going to be problems. Wait a second, how were they communicating she asked herself. The odds of people from two worlds developing similar enough languages let alone similar syntax was impossible to even guess at. Chalking it up to magic helped but surely there was some things lost in translation.

And yet despite how badly injured she was, how foreign she appeared, or other infinite obstacles that should have prevented her survival these people made sure she did. Not trusting her words or whatever magic was involved to convey the depth of her emotion she hugged the girl warmly. "Thank you for everything you did for me and Nyx no matter how small i'm Glad to know I wasn't alone." Releasing the girl quick unsure of etiquette she quickly continued. "Do you mind walking around with me a bit longer? Seeing a familiar face after this will be helpful."

Without waiting for a response she walked towards the door ignoring the lump in her throat intent on entering. She had her suspicions what kind of man Matilda's father was. And if she was right about their status then the next few minutes she would have to tread very lightly, and hope to whoever was listening she did not say something stupid.

[info]feel free to transition [/info]


[info]As you thought about the translation between yours and to what she was saying. You realized that you could barely make out that Matilda was actually saying foreign words. But as she spoke, somehow, you were able to understand everything she was talking about.[/info]The girl blushed slightly as you hugged her. But instead of being surprised, Matilda wrapped her arms around you as well, pulling you close in a tight hug. She had a huge smile on her face and genuinely looked happy.

"I don't have any older sisters." Matilda said as you released her. "I do have an older brother, but he rarely hugs me. The most he does is pat my head!"

"Thank you for everything you did for me and Nyx no matter how small I'm glad to know I wasn't alone."

Matilda smiled warmly at your show of thanks.

"You will never be alone, Amelia... Amie, can I call you that?" Matilda asked. When you asked whether she would stay with you for longer, Matilda nodded happily.

[info]Continued in thread: Chapter 2: The New Queen of Bürsteig

Feel free to respond to Matilda's request for your nickname on this thread before posting in Chapter 2.[/info]