[Amelia] Chapter 2: The New Queen of Bürsteig

Started by Throndir, August 05, 2018, 10:32:26 PM

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Location: New World - Bürsteig Castle
Date: Morning

You opened the double doors of the room. It wasn't as heavy as you thought, and the doors swung easily. In front of you was two men. An older man who wore a golden crown above his head. The other looked to be someone perhaps just a few years older than you were. He was dressed in something that looked akin to a costume to you. Perhaps some sort of ball-gown suit. But you noticed there was a medal as well, signifying some sort of military lead.

"Father! Brother! Our hero has awoken! Well, that is..." Matilda behind you chirped up.

"Her majesty has awoken." Matilda corrected.


"Hello, my name is Amelia," she said awkwardly uncertain wether or not she should curtesy or bow and ending up doing neither as she stiffly moved forward. Cursing her nerves as she felt her hands shaking as she got closer. However, she managed to keep those nerves out of her voice as she continued. "It's a pleasure to meet you both, I wanted to thank you for everything you did for my and my friend here." She bowed feeling her cat's weight against her neck was comforting.

"I don't think i'll ever be able to repay you or your hospitality,"she looked up then trying to take stock of the room and the people in it. She would need to gauge things quickly and see if telling the truth was the right idea. She was not any kind of battle hardened veteran that much must be clear, but if they were expecting some grand display they would be disappointed. The only issue was the unknown consequences if she failed to measure up. The ritual was no doubt expensive she may not be able to repay it, and the idea of a prison cell was even less appealing.
[info] perception roll to get a better description of the named people and the room.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+1 : 9 + 1, total 10[/blockquote]

Sense motive to read the room and try to get a sense of things as this scene continues what kind of vibes she gets in general
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+1 : 9 + 1, total 10[/blockquote]


[info]Perception: 10
This room wasn't as finely furnished as the room you slept in. There were a couple of shelves filled with books and scroll containers, and there was a desk with a stack of papers on it as well. You noticed an ink set with a quill pen that looked like it had been just recently used. The older man wore regal clothing, along with a golden crown on his head. In your eyes, he looked like he was an actual monarch, or was attempting to dress up like one. The younger man with the silver hair had a gentle face and piercing blue eyes, but he stood at attention.

Sense Motive: 10
With both of the men along with Matilda smiling, the feeling you get was comfortable. You were not able to get any hunches that something is wrong with the situation.[/info]"Amelia. So that's the name of our hero." The older man replied.

"My name is Richmond von Engel the Fourth. It is indeed a pleasure to finally see you awake and well. To think it's only been two nights for you to be able to make a full recovery... Remarkable." He commented.

"I am Prince Kurt von Engel." It was the younger gentleman who spoke. "I believe you've met my sister, Matilda... She likes to pretend to be one of the maids of the castle." Kurt shot a glance at his younger sister.

"Hah..." Matilda said as she stuck her tongue out. It was then that Kurt moved up to you and attempted to take your hand.

QuoteIf you wanted to step away, or avoid him you can, no need to roll anything.

"Please allow me the first to officially welcome you as our new Queen." He said as he kneeled down, with his hand holding yours.


"What!" she said out loud taken aback by the sudden show of formality and the acquisition of such a title. Amelia did not have a chance to react fast enough before the younger man was kneeling and holding her hand. Taking a small step back she felt her face flush as she realized from the look in the eyes all around the room that they were in fact completely serious in that moment. She could feel her face becoming even more beet red by the moment.

"I can't be your Queen! I barely know how to drive let alone rule a country! I would have no clue what to do!" Then she looked up at the older man sitting on the throne and turned an almost ghostly white in that moment. It was then that she realized that the prince was holding her hand. He was so close and yet if she took a step back now she was sure she would fall flat on her ass as she tried to escape. Pulling her hand away gently.

"I'm sorry no matter how much help you gave me I can't marry your father. I'm younger than you are," she said frozen as her head swam feeling close to fainting, but she ground her heels in. Anemic or not she refused to seem like a week damsel in distress even if it looked like a strong wind might blow her over at any moment if she didn't get support from something.


"Good heavens, no!" The king said, laughing jovially. "You are the same age as my daughter, plus their mother wouldn't really approve either! I have abdicated the throne since two days ago to our hero."

When you started to feel like fainting, Prince Kurt von Engel noticed. He immediately swept in to prevent your fall.

"Ah... forgive me my queen. You didn't look very well." He said as he noticed your pale complexion, along with slight movement of your grounding your heels. "Would you like me to take your back to your quarters?"


What happened next occurred on auto-pilot for Amelia. From her perspective, she had lost her cat, had to run out into traffic, get hit by a truck, get transported to a foreign world, and be made royalty all in a matter of a few hours. That coupled with the impending exhaustion from the stress of it all made something snap in her causing an automatic flight or flight response from being touched so personally by the prince.

What he thought was her digging in her heels to keep herself standing changed in between heartbeats to a full-on judo throw. as she grabbed his arm as if to balance herself, only to twist like a dervish on her heel twisting him over her back and sending him sailing. It was a fluid easy motion that was over before anyone else including Amelia could respond.

"would you..."
kick out assalient's leg

"like me to take..."
twist and use back, and their own momentum to flip up into the air

"you back to your quarters?"
follow through and ...


It was the sound of him hitting the ground hard that broke her out of her trance as she finished her motion releasing a breath she had not realized she had been holding. She felt better grounded like she was back in control again, and it helped. It was only a meow from Nyx who had also been thrown that she realized she was still holding the prince's wrist.

She began blushing again and let his arm drop before jumping to keen at his side, "I'M SO SORRY!" she said quickly scanning over the prince like a mad woman to make sure she had not injured him. Babbling as she went, "I did it off of instinct! I'm under a lot of stress and the idea of ruling a country was so shocking that when you touched me, I just-" she cut herself off

"that's no excuse for nearly suplexing royalty Amelia you idiot! But at least you don't seem to be hurt-" it was then that she realized she made the situation even more embarrassing by almost completely stripped him of his shirt to check him for bruising. As they both sit their inches away from each other.

"I'm so sorry!" she yelled before jumping away and turning her back in an attempt to give him privacy.


[okay]Heroic Action Point Gained[/okay]Kurt slammed into the ground hard. With Amelia's fumbling, he found himself absolutely shirtless as well. His physique was toned, and just by a glance you could tell he trained hard to work for the body he has.

Kurt lay on the ground, completely stunned. His face a mix of shock and embarrassment. The Engel family then spoke up.

"Remarkable, absolutely remarkable." One commented.

"As expected of our hero!" Another replied.

"That... hurt." The last said.


[okay]Anime Transition wipe[/okay]

A Few Minutes Later--

Amelia took the few moments it took for the prince to regather and redress himself to consider her options while embarrassed she was generally less stressed by the display. Physical activity always did help her find her center when she felt out of control. She weighed her options carefully calculating risk and reward to each possible path. The only problem being that all roads pointed to one solution if she wanted to find out what had happened to her and if it was possible to get home to her family. She would not be able to do the work alone and if there was a war going on with powers she didn't understand she would need to take advantage of every opportunity that she was presented simply to survive.

"I've decided to accept the position as queen." Her heart was beating out of her chest as she said it. Taking an entire nation on her shoulders was not in the plan for this summer. She would have to play her cards just right. First, she needed help. She knew nothing about this kingdom its workings, it's economics, it's people, it's religions, or even if they would accept her in the first place and not just revolt as soon as the populace found out in the first place. She would need people that she could at least trust not to stab her in the back as soon as she was looking in the other direction. People with at least a passing ability to run a country themselves. Two of those exceedingly specific individuals were in the room with her that very moment. Having them around her would give her the legitimacy she would need to even attempt this.

What's more, she felt like it wasn't fair for her to just kick them out of their lives because she fell out of the sky and their father decided to give over their country and birthright to her. They deserved better, even if her solution was a Faustian bargain that meant a lot more work for them with none of the glory or lineage. But this wouldn't need to be a permanent situation. She could always try and give it back to them once she figured out how to get home.

Now just to sell it with as much weight as she could manage in the few seconds that she had their full attention, "However as my one condition to taking the throne in the first place. If it makes it easier consider it my first order as queen. I require the two royal siblings to stay on at the castle in whatever job best fits their skill sets be it, maid or royal advisor. They must work directly under me and fulfill the duties given to their new station. Of course, they have every right to refuse this condition but they must then be willing to abide by whatever decisions I make including dissolving the nation and its assets."

"Look you choose me for this, but I have no experience ruling. I don't know your reasons for abdicating your position, but you need me. So if I'm going to take  charge of everything for you then you are going to have to ante up more then just the crown." she was as stiff as a rod when she finished trying to sound authoritative was not in her wheelhouse and she worried it showed. It was to late to turn back now however not if she wanted to figure out what was really happening in this world


"Already taking the reigns, I see!" The old king nodded in approval, he turned towards both his children. "Matilda? Kurt? Do you accept these conditions?"

Both the Engel family children smiled wide, and they both clenched their right fist and placed it over their heart.

"I accept!"

"I accept!"

Nyx, who was still sitting on Amelia's shoulder meowed.

The king then nodded approvingly.

"Tomorrow we shall have your official coronation." The king announced. "It will be made public, so the rest of the city and those who made their way here to the capital can accept the transition. The nobles already know as well, but they should follow suit." Then he paused and looked you straight in the eye.

"There is a request I do have for you specifically. Not as the previous king..." Both his children looked towards him, the expression on their faces mixed with feelings.

"I'd like you to meet my queen."


She had not expected that to go as smoothly as she planned. That was why when they responded with such enthusiasm she was more than a bit taken aback. Then the king made his request, "of course I don't mind meeting her." Though from the tone of his statement and her lack of presence during the whole affair something didn't necessarily sit right. That being said, jumping into such a big decision still made her head spin. Thinking too much would not be to much help at this point. Luckily she could still change her mind if things went immediately sideways.


"Thank you." With that the king began leading the way out of the room.

QuoteThe entire journey could be a conversation in and of itself, if you plan to ask questions, feel free to do so, if I think its long enough, I'll be splitting the thread to a separate one to have that conversation.


-- before getting to the queen's chamber.
Amelia heard that strange dissonance in the voice upon the king saying "thank you" once again something about the tone and meaning made it that much more apparent that they were speaking two different languages. Maybe it was the fact that she was overloaded or the fact that she had to occupy her mind with something as they walked other than formulating a plan. She would have to figure out how that magic worked before she did anything too serious. She knew from her own schooling how subtle and intricate language was.

Chinese alone worked off of a tonal structure where the way in which words were said were more important than the actual words used. If she wanted to actually communicate and learn properly about this whole scenario figuring out the quarks of this filter, and learn either how to control it or compensate. Did it work for writing for instance? What if they used pictographs or some kind of numerical system that understood math entirely different from her home? It would be all worth checking on once she got a moment alone.

"My lord,?" She said awkwardly, "Do you mind expressing your thanks again? I want to check, but I think we are both talking a different language. Is there some kind of translation magic that is a side effect of the summoning ritual?" The idea of side effects of the ritual itself made a stone sink in her stomach. She has no clue as to what the magic, if it was magic, did to her or Nyx for that matter. " You are the only one I imagine who knows at least the basics about what brought me here to your kingdom. Do I have any control over what it did? Or a means of identifying if it did do anything?  My world doesn't have anything like what you claim to be your ritual. So I have no clue how magic works here. Or if there is any kind of standard means that it does work in the first place."

Amelia then looks out one of the windows in the hall realizing that she has not seen outside the castle walls. While taking in the vista she continued, "If this was from a video game back home I would have some kind of status screen to bring up to look at stats."

[info]I realized I should have gotten a look out at the city in thread 1 but I imagine there is no bad view from the castle just increasingly grand vistas [/info]


"Thank you?" The king said confirming, though he raised an eyebrow. When he said the words, with you paying close attention to it, you realize that he was actually saying a foreign word that you did not recognize. For some reason however, you were still able to understand what he meant.

"Translation magic... Why yes actually. I do remember hearing about that. Though, matters of summoning the hero and the ritual are usually governed by the church. From what I personally know, our hero summoning ritual goes back to many generations ago, and has continually been passed down. Its rarely used however, but the knowledge of at least how to enact the ritual has been kept."

The view of the city really made you think you weren't on Earth anymore. Though, there were a lot of similarities to Germany. At the very least much of the architecture that you saw resembled ones on earth, but there was no evidence of anything modern at all. It was as if the entire castle town was made to look authentically German.

The moment you said 'Status', a picture appeared in your head. It was like a translucent screen.

[okay]Amelia Reinhart
Hero's Servant
Level 6

Condition: Healthy

HP: 9/9
MP: 10/10
STR: 14
DEX: 12
CON: 10
INT: 12
WIS: 10
CHA: 12
MAG: 10

Blessings: Translate All, Personal Status, Pet Cat[/okay]At the same time, Nyx, who still sat on your shoulder, seemed to look curiously at you, his eyes seeming to pierce into yours. It wasn't something you've seen Nyx do before.



Let me know if this is wrong or needs to be changed to the more forested part of Germany or is to big or something[/info]

Amelia was glad she had been looking out the window in the hall as she stopped and was taken aback at the moment. One might excuse her for taking in the view for a moment in an unfamiliar land, instead of what was actually going on, which was her seeing an invisible screen in her head. She managed to gather her thoughts and her jaw off the ground once she felt Nyx's eyes piercing into the side of her skull. It was as if he could see it too, but that would be insane it would require some kind of mental connection for that to be the case. Then again if this screen she was seeing was the manifestation of whatever magic had brought her here perhaps he was involved as well.

She would have to test whatever this thing was once they both were alone. The list did mention a pet cat after all. For now, however, the term "translate all" caught her attention as to the source of what she was hearing. Assumedly it worked both ways.  "You said the head of the church would know more about the ritual? I would like to talk to them about somethings before I take any kind of position here anyway. Do you think it is possible for me to meet with a representative?"


"Father Barnabas. He was the bishop of our church here in our city... From what I gather, the rest of the Church of the Light didn't really like him very much. He once was the youngest cardinals in our history, until some events had him step down. When our part of the Kingdom of Bürsteig was sent here, to the New World, from Erdesin, it unfortunately left behind many of our dukedoms, including the religious city of Bremenburg. As it is now... Father Barnabas is our highest ranking clergyman from the Church of the Light, and he too, was the one who oversaw your summoning and participated in bringing you here as well."

"If you would like, after we meet with my queen, either Princess Matilda or Prince Kurt can show you to his office... He might be there."