[Rosalie] Chapter 4: The Dragonknight Ceremony

Started by Throndir, September 12, 2018, 08:25:44 PM

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Rosalie gave Valeriya a once over. "Not what I expected your formal wear to look like, but it looks nice." She paused for a moment. "So since I'm the hero, does that mean I get to go first?"


"Yes... The Elder and the captain usually are the ones to kick things off... But..." She pointed at the figure who was walking towards the stage that was setup. It was Valeriya's mother. Behind her arrayed in a long half-circle line, were many other dragons, though all of them were in their dragon forms.

"Due to an unfortunate incident, our captain will be sitting out for today's ceremony, though he will still be attendance."

You heard Valeriya snicker to herself beside you, and nudged you. Valeriya then reached out to squeeze your hand, then started to move away towards where the other dragons were, she transformed shortly after after taking her place. Valeriya's mother continued.

"As accordance to our tradition and celebration of our coexistence with the Antwarch Kingdom for hundreds of years, we celebrate again this day our Oath Ceremony." She went on to describe the relation between the humans and dragons, how in times past wars were declared amongst them. She described the forming of the first treaties, the first Oath Ceremony contracts to be formed. She described that a great hero of the past lead the way to forging the pact between humans and dragons. She described how important the ceremony holds, along with reminding everyone in attendance that the ceremony itself is a decision for life, and one that does not break easily. Finally her speech concluded.

"I'm sure many of you have heard, but this year we have a special guest who will be partaking in the Oath Ceremony. It is the Summoned Hero of the Velothian Dragons... Rosalie! Due to her position and status, she will be first to go through the ceremony."

You picked up some murmurs of discontent coming from the group of knights near you, some had even shot some glares as well.

"Now... Rosalie. Please come up to the stage." The Elder said, beckoning you up the stage.


Rosalie took in the sounds and sights of the ceremony. She had never attended something quite like it. She fought the urge to laugh thinking about the captain in his stretcher, and managed to maintain her composure. When her name was called, she did her best to make her way to the stage with poise, before stopping in front of the elder and whispering. "What do I do next?"


"Move to each of my people behind me, look at them in the eye for a few seconds, then move on to the next, once you've decided who will be your companion, then go up to them." The Elder whispered back. "It's more for the tradition anyways... The rest of us know that Valeriya is supposed to be your chosen... In times past, each dragon would showcase a skill for a knight to choose them, but none of the recruits, other than you, have sparked their interest..."

QuoteYou can describe the next scene if you'd like, or I could do it, if you really want we can go through each dragon's descriptions, or if you're looking for something specific...


Rosalie did as she was told. She walked up to each of the Velothian people, attempting to move with grace and purpose. Then looked them in the eye with a friendly smile. After passing each of them in the same manner, she returned to Valeriya's side and whispered "Did I do it right?" [/color]


"Yes... Now... instead of whispering to me, kneel down and proclaim loudly asking me to partake in the ceremony with you." She said blushing while trying to avoid your gaze.


Rosalie got down on a knee. "Valeriya, will you partake in the ceremony with me?!"She shouted, Valeriya had told her to proclaim loudly after-all. She could at least follow that small instruction.


"Shush!" Valeriya yelled, her face already turning red. Even though Valeriya expected it, and was even the one who told Rosalie to say it, she couldn't help but blush at the sudden announcement.

"You have chosen Valeriya, if no one else contests this decision, henceforth you and Valeriya will proceed with the ceremony." Valeriya's mother said. Her voice seemed to carry throughout the rest of the audience.

"I contest!" One of the knights said. You recognized him and his voice. He wore the same uniform as everyone else, though you realized he wore something like a... crotch guard. "I told you before Valeriya, you're mine! And you, so-called hero, hah, I'm not sure how you managed to get Captain Charles in that stretcher, but I'm sure it was just a fluke!"

"I contest your choice! And ask the Elder to act as arbitrator for the dispute!"

The Elder nodded, as if unsurprised.

"Very well... As dictated by tradition, it is a round of combat, until one side admits defeat or is incapacitated. Rosalie come to the clearing behind me, and you as well, sir knight."


Rosalie sighed and followed the elder off to the clearing. She already knew what the outcome of this battle would be, and didn't understand why this 'knight' had to be so stubborn when he already knew that she could defeat him easily. "I heard that i'm supposed to have a sword fight, but am I allowed to use magic? I'd hate to keep the other knights waiting."


"You are both allowed any ability or magic or skill to use." Valeriya's mother said.

"Hah! I had one of my henchmen cast an anti-lightning spell on my armor earlier... Even if you can toast Charles from  a surprise attack, it's not going to do anything to me! Now, Elder! Tell us to start!" He exclaimed as he gripped his sword tightly.

The Elder looked towards both combatants.

"The battle begins!"

QuoteInitiative requested. Knight rolled a 15 total.


Rosalie thought this man was a fool. Revealing his strategy before the battle had even begun.

[info] Initiative.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 3 + 5, total 8[/blockquote]


"Now relinquish her!" The man yelled at the top of his lungs as he charged forth. The man moved surprisingly quickly, his blade leading the way, he managed to drive it into your shoulder. You felt the pain keenly, it was the first time a sword had ever pierced your shoulder. There was blood starting to stain your borrowed coat.

The man grinned.

"Now yield!"

QuoteRough Status
Rosalie: Injured, Refreshed


The blow landed and Rosalie winced. She had been hit before, but nothing quite like this. He could have his single moment of triumph, she supposed. She listened to the man, trying her best not to laugh at his request. She failed. Giggling she replied. "Nah, i'm good. Thanks though. She did her best to focus. "Oh fire! Flames of my soul, gather and create. CONJURE FLAMES!" Rosalie poured as much of her mana as she possibly could into the spell.


[info] roll for touch attack (oops)
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 5 + 8, total 13[/blockquote]


"Fire?!" The man exclaimed, he was about to strike again, but your spell unleashed, burning the man a wreath of flames. The fires burned through his clothing, and the man was seared and unconscious.

The battle had literally been just a few seconds, and most of the knights had their jaws dropped wide open. The dragon girls themselves applauded, and some even looked jealously at Valeriya who had been chosen by you.

Suddenly a stream of notifications appeared in a translucent green window.

[okay]You have gained a level!
You have gained a level!
You have gained a level!
You have gained a level!
You have gained a level!
You are now level 20. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]

"Is there anyone else who would challenge Rosalie's right?" Valeriya's mother asked the crowd.

It was dead silent.