[Rosalie] Chapter 1: End of the Tour

Started by Throndir, August 03, 2018, 05:51:27 PM

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Location: Washington - I-90 Highway - Snoqualmie Pass - Eastbound
Date: Year 2020 - August 3rd - 11:42 PM

"Guys. You know I hate driving. Look at all this rain! We really should have stopped at the last town." One of your band members spoke. He was the one driving the bus along US Route 101, or the Oregon Coast Highway as its currently called.

No one paid him much attention though, each of them were busy either talking with each other, or simply having fun with their music and instruments.

The driver groaned, wishing he could be back there messing around as well.

Location: Washington - I-90 Highway - Snoqualmie Pass - Westbound
Date: Year 2020 - August 3rd - 11:49 PM

Carl G. Forest's Property

The truck driver grinned as he admired the nameplate he stuck on a bobble-head toy. It was a little hula girl. His truck wasn't the sturdiest of the bunch, so it was amusing to him as he stared at the little bobble head. The pitter-patter of the rain storm went in rhythm as well with the girl's dancing. He found it absolutely adorable.

This was the last leg of his journey before he had to find a rest stop. He had technically already passed his limit for driving hours, but he wanted to get a couple more hours anyways.  Besides, he didn't expect to be caught, and everyone did it anyways.

As he blew up a piece of bubble gum into a large pink bubble, that's when he saw something absolutely strange up in the sky.

[spoiler]"What in the world..." He said as his bubble popped. The summer night sky was just as you expected. But it was the streaks of white light that seemed to spider its way across the heavens. It wasn't lightning. If it was, it would have flashed and disappeared moments later. No, this was something else.

To Carl's eyes, it looked like the very sky was cracking. He's seen enough broken windshields to know what they looked like.


Location: Washington - I-90 Highway - Snoqualmie Pass - Eastbound
Date: Year 2020 - August 3rd - 11:42 PM

"Dude, take a look at the right. No really guys! Take a picture!"

QuotePerception requested.


Rosalie looked out where she was directed. It had been a common theme through-out the trip, someone seeing a nice bit of scenery and pointing it out to everyone else. "Let's see what it is this time" She rested her bass against her chest and looked out the window, looking forward to another breathtaking sight.

[info] Perception [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 10 + 4, total 14[/blockquote][/info]


[info]Perception: 14
The cracks in the sky stretched for miles across the sky. Your eyes were naturally drawn to the centerpoint. You could barely make it out, but there was something metallic and shiny that seemed to poke out of it.[/info]Location: Washington - I-90 Highway - Snoqualmie Pass - Westbound
Date: Year 2020 - August 3rd - 11:42 PM

As Carl watched, the crack in the sky seemed to break further and further, and get bigger and bigger. Suddenly pieces of the 'sky' began to chip away, getting replaced with a strange pitch darkness that clashed with the blues of the night sky. He could barely make it out, but something seemed to be sticking out of it.

He was too engrossed in looking at it, that he didn't have time to see the oncoming bus.

"Well, shi-" Carl blared his horns as he began attempting to steer away.

It was too late.


Looking up at the sky, Rosalie was awe-struck. She had no words to describe the scene before her. She was snapped back to reality as the horn of the truck blared. She looked ahead and saw the truck. The trailer was turned 90 degrees across the highway as the driver lost control in the weather. The trailer of the truck slid into the bus with force. The bus slid across the remaining lanes of the highway and hit the barrier. The metal groaned as it broke. Rosalie looked out her window to see the bus tilting over. "OH SHIIIII-" The bus rolled over and down the hill, smashing through trees on the way down. Rosalie was thrown around the cabin, hitting windows and metal as the bus went down. A blow to the head caused her to lose consciousness, and everything went black.


Location: ???
Date: ???

The sounds of piano echoed in your dreams. Light notes rising and falling. The melody in sync with the harmony as the song progressed. It wasn't a tune that you recognized at all, and with those sounds of music did you find yourself waking up.

Only when your eyes finally opened did you realize that the music was no part of any dream at all. Your back against a tree; the ground was soft, warm even. Comfort and peace was what it felt like. A strange purple glow covered your immediate view. A piano was situated at the center; the source of that enchanting sound.

On the piano was a girl with her eyes closed as both her hands moved in tangent harmony, though each piece contributed to the whole. She was a masterful player, that much was evident. There was emotion and depth, and even you, sitting at the base of the tree could sense it.

She had golden blonde hair. Tattoos covered her arm, and left side of her face, with the figure accentuated by her form-fitting dress. She wore what looked like a pair of headsets. By all accounts, she was beautiful.

She opened her eyes then. Unnatural golden orbs stared at you. She grinned when she realized you were awake, but continued to play.


Rosalie was sure she had died. There was no way that she could survive a crash like that. Everything was warm, and she heard music. She was enveloped by an aura of warmth and kindness. Perhaps this was the afterlife? She had never really given it much thought, living in the moment. Nobody expects to die young. Everything was still dark, but perhaps she could open her eyes.

As she opened her eyes, it was overwhelming. The scene before her was beautiful and the brightness caused her to squint while she took her time to adjust. The woman at the piano could not be described as anything but beautiful. Her smile was warm and welcoming.

Rubbing her eyes to make sure that it was not merely a dream Rosalie spoke. "Where... am... I? Her words were slow, still in awe at the beautiful scene before her. I was sure that I had died....


"Yo!" The pianist greeted when she finally finished her song. She stood up then, and started making her way towards you.

"You, Rosalie, are in the afterlife. That unfortunately means that you have died." It didn't take her long to close the gap, and shortly after she held out a hand for you to use to pick yourself up with.


There was a moment of hesitation. The girl's presence was overwhelming, yet somehow felt ethereal. After that moment, Rosalie extended her own arm and grasped the girl's hand and pulled herself to her feet. The girl's response didn't surprise her. With all she could remember, she had definitely died so this was only natural.

"If this is the afterlife, why is it just you and I?" She paused a moment.  "Or.. do you watch over this place? Who are you exactly.


QuoteRelinking the music from before. This reads better with it!

The pianist grinned as she helped Rosalie up.

"I don't always talk to passing souls. Usually... I simply guide them as they move on to their next destination. Normally, you would have kept passing through to wherever you would have gone next; we would have never met. But see here Rosalie. You're a special one."

"Instead, you're here. This little place that I call my domain: music. You're the only one here because you're the only one that needed to be here. There are many of us, each with our own little space like this. Each with a domain that we cater to, that we've chosen. If you are to ask us who we are? Well, that's..."

She paused as if thinking about the question.

"Over the millions upon millions of years I've been around, I've been given many names. I kinda lost track actually. It's different for us, you see?"

"Take your everyday animal. They know when another animal is one of them, when something is friendly. Maybe they know that the big large thing with sharp teeth is something to avoid. They identify one as friendly, the other one as scary. That's the limit of their understanding."

"Next take you! You know what can be scary, or what can be friendly and nice. But you also can understand what makes up a person, and you give them names to identify them. For example... Claire is your mom. Mr. Roberts is your teacher. Olivia; your friend. Jack is that guy who picked on you in elementary. Stupid Jack!" She giggled, but she calmed herself shortly after.

"For us, we know our true natures, and those others of us. We simply are. I am simply who I am. And you are simply who you are."

"Music is my domain, Rosalie. Those that resonate with it, resonate with me. And when I look upon you, I see a girl resonating with that melody."

In her hands appeared a guitar. It was your guitar. She reached out, as if handing you the instrument.

"Will you show me that melody that resonates within you?"



Rosalie stood in silence, a bewildered look creeping across her face. The domain of music... Yet she is the only one that was here. Did her friends not die as well? They all dedicated themselves to music as she did herself. It seemed like she wouldn't get any further answers to her questions from the way the dialogue went. As far as Rosalie was concerned, there would be time for questions later, for the time being she seemed to be stuck here. "I think I understand what you're trying to say, but I'd rather call you something than 'you' What was your favorite name?" She hoped she would get a response.

As the conversation went on, Rosalie became more confused. This talk of other beings was a bit over her head. She nodded in simple agreement. Even though she didn't quite understand, she was in no position to disagree.

When her bass materialized out of thin air, Rosalie's jaw dropped. When the girl reached out towards her once more, Rosalie grabbed the bass with a sly smile and confidence. "You played for me, as a musician it is only right that I return the favor. Rosalie closed her eyes and began to play, her body relaxing with each strum of the strings.


"My favorite name... If I were to pick then, that would be Euterpe. The people who gave me this name called my sisters and I The Nine Muses. It was poetic. To them, I was the Goddess of Music." Her golden eyes blinked, then stared off as if she was remembering times past fondly.

When you had begun playing music, Euterpe simply sat on the ground that was covered pink petals. She sat cross-legged, with both of her arms behind her to act as support. As you played, the goddess couldn't help but bob her head in rhythm to the music. When finally you finished, Euterpe had a glowing smile on her face.

"Splendid Rosalie!" She congratulated the bass player.

"As expected of one who had such large destiny ahead of her." Euterpe grinned. "So, what do you think? You ready for the next step?"


After she finished playing, Rosalie looked down at Euterpe, who genuinely seemed excited about her performance. She listened intently as Euterpe spoke. "Euterpe, you're too kind. It wasn't anything so impressive. Just a girl dedicated to her hobby. She paused a moment to consider. "What would the next step be in this case, if you don't mind me asking. You said that I'm dead, I don't think there are any steps left to take.


"Yo Rosalie, didn't I say you were special?" She grinned.

"Your old life is gone, but a new one still awaits. As for your next step, simply close your eyes." The Goddess then reached for your both of your hands, holding them with hers.


Rosalie had to hold back a chuckle but smiled as Euterpe spoke. "Alright, I'll take your word for it..." She closed  her eyes and gripped the Goddess' hands.

[info]Continued in Chapter 2: The Velothian Dragons[/info]