[Rosalie] Chapter 2: The Velothian Dragons

Started by Throndir, August 06, 2018, 02:28:18 PM

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At that moment you felt the Euterpe move closer to you. She was perhaps just a foot away. A second later there was a sensation on your forehead; it was a kiss!

"The song in your heart is too precious to not let the whole world hear."

Location: New World
Date: ???

Euterpe's words echoed in your mind. You no longer felt her presence around you, and her lingering touch was no longer there. You were no longer in that forest of music.

Then words rushed into your mind.

[okay]You have gained a new title『Summoned Hero』
You have gained『Quick Learner』
You have gained『Mana Sensitivity』
You have gained『Translate All』
You have gained『Personal Status』
You have gained『Mana Capacity』
You have gained a new title『Neverending Power』
You have gained『Enchant』
You have gained a new title『Enchanter』
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You are now level 15. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]Instead, you were somewhere high above in altitude. The air felt thinner. Mountains in the far distance were easy to spot, along with rolling valleys and canyons in between them. The current area around you was relatively rocky, and you noticed that some glowing runes arranged in a circle around you was starting to fade.

You noticed you still had your guitar on your, strapped to your back. Along with that, you had kept the clothes that you had worn from back home.

Around you as well were a variety of women, each of them clad in different armor or clothing, all of them had their eyes trained on you. The closest one with green eyes and dirty blonde hair, along with red clothing spoke up.

"A girl?! B-but... t-that cant be..." The voice stammered.


Rosalie opened her eyes and was once again awe-struck at the scene in front of her. Never in her life had she seen such a sight. She hardly noticed the women around her as she tried to pick out every feature of the scenery. Her trance was broken by the voice of a girl.

She turned, surprised by the stranger. She flipped her hair out of her eyes before speaking to the blonde girl. "Uh... am I not supposed to be a girl?"

Well, that was certainly strange. Rosalie tried not to give the weird greeting too much thought.

"I'm Rosalie. Might I ask who you are and where I am?


"Valeriya... I'm Valeriya... But nevermind that! You are the summoned hero right?" She covered her face.

"N-no! I can't..." The girl started to blush more. You notice that the other women in attendance started whispering to themselves.

QuoteFeel free to roll Perception to try to hear them. DC 15.

"J-just when I finally got the courage to go through with this..." With that, she turned around and started running off.

"Valeriya! Wait!" One of the other women in attendance called out to her. "Please... please excuse my daughter, hero Rosalie. You must have a lot of questions... But please chase after her. When she has calmed down, we'll tell you everything you want to know."


"I don't know that I'd call myself a hero..."

Before Rosalie could even finish her sentence, the girl had taken off.

"Um... alright." Rosalie was unsure of what had just happened but she could at least do this much.

[info] Perception check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+6 : 16 + 6, total 22[/blockquote]


[info]Perception: 21
You can hear the other women whispering to each other about the fact they've never heard of a female summoned hero as part of their 'summoning ritual'. You also hear some of them saying 'poor Valeriya'. Yet others whispered fiercely to themselves saying 'It serves her right for taking so long.'[/info]Valeriya herself ran downwards the slopes. Where the top of the mountain that you were on overlooked the surrounding lands, the path  that Valeriya took was narrow and winded. You could see her ahead of you, and sometimes below you as the steps were indeed steep and winding.

QuoteAcrobatics requested for catching up to Valeriya safely.
Mental Resist check if you think your character has issues with heights.
If you choose not to follow her down, that's an option as well.


Rosalie did her best to ignore the whispers. She still wasn't sure what this whole thing was about. However she could at least go and check on the girl who had apparently summoned her here. She took a quick glance around the camp before taking off after the girl.

It didn't take long for her to notice that something felt different about her body. She felt lighter, every movement felt easier. She hadn't been in particularly bad shape before, but this was on another level. Maybe there is something to this hero thing...

As she peeled out of the camp, Rosalie tried to call out to the girl while navigating the winding path before her.

"Valeriya, wait!"

[info] Rosalie would not have any particular fear of heights. Acrobatics for chasing
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 16 + 8, total 24[/blockquote]


[info]Acrobatics: 24
You speed down the slopes with finesse. You found that it wasn't hard at all. The slopes were indeed steep and narrow, and it was amazing that you could go through it so quickly.[/info]If she heard you, she chose to ignore it as she continued to speed down the slopes. She was amazingly dextrous and fast. At first it seemed like she would continue to increase the distance between the two of you, but surprisingly, you managed to keep up.

She made her way to a cavern's entrance, though chose not to go in. The girl noticed and she plopped down on the grassy floor right outside. Her blush was still fairly evident. She tried avoiding your gaze, but you noticed she kept trying to stare at you.

"You are the hero right?"


After reaching the girl, Rosalie stopped to catch her breath. She didn't understand why everyone kept calling her a hero. In between breaths she replied. "That's what they told me." Rosalie had started to catch her breath. "You're pretty quick. I'm glad I was able to catch up with you. Why did you take off running like that Valeriya?"


"Rosalie right? Prove it. Say 'Status'. According to our legends, only those summoned from other worlds can do it... But what am I saying... you did appear from the ritual... I just can't believe its you." She sighed as she picked herself up, then made her way over to you.

You noticed that she began eyeing you meticulously, even circling around you as she examined you.

"I didn't want to go through with it... The tradition is stupid! But as the daughter of the Elder, this is my fate. This is what is required of me for my people..." She began to blush furiously again.

"It took me so long to get ready... I thought.. I thought it would be a man, like all the legends say..." She covered her face with both her hands again. "Instead, a woman?" A moment after that she looked at you straight in the eye and reached out to hold your hands.

"W-we have to form a contract."


The moment you said 《Status》 a menu appeared in your head. It was as if you could see a floating translucent screen in front of you.

[okay]Rosalie Park
Level 15

Condition: Healthy

HP: 28/28
MP: 340/340
STR: 18 +
DEX: 20 +
CON: 18 +
INT: 18 +
WIS: 10 +
CHA: 12 +
MAG: 22 +

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate All, Personal Status, Mana Capacity, Enchant

You have 3 unspent ability points.[/okay]


Rosalie focused on the menu that seemed to appear out of nowhere. I wonder what I can do with this. Her mind wandered towards the numbers, and also the blessings. I guess this is what my gift from Euterpe was... but what does it do?

[info] INT check for Rosalie to try to quickly figure out if there are ways to interact with the menu or if it just exists.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 20 + 4, total 24[/blockquote]


[info]Intelligence: 24
You realize that you can interact with the menu anytime you focus on something specific on there. Each of the words on the menu would open something up.[/info][okay]You have gained a new title 『First to Know Status』
You have gained +1 INT[/okay]A new title popped into your mind, and shortly after the Status Screen updated.

[okay]Rosalie Park
First to Know Status
Level 15

Condition: Healthy

HP: 28/28
MP: 340/340
STR: 18 +
DEX: 20 +
CON: 18 +
INT: 19 +
WIS: 10 +
CHA: 12 +
MAG: 22 +

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate All, Personal Status, Mana Capacity, Enchant

You have 3 unspent ability points.[/okay]


Rosalie quickly focuses on each of her blessing's names before going back to reality. She would have to explore the menu more thoroughly later.

She focused on the girl before her. "Looks like you were right, Valeriya, I do have a status. She had not noticed the girl taking her by the hands as she checked for the proof of being a hero. "What is this contract?"


[okay]Focus on『Quick Learner』

Focus on『Mana Sensitivity』
Ability to see magical glows, runes, and movement of mana.

Focus on『Translate All』
Ability to understand all spoken languages.

Focus on『Personal Status』
Ability to pull up the Status screen. Focusing on specific items will bring up more information.

Focus on『Mana Capacity』

Focus on『Enchant』
"Well..." She started to blush slightly again.

"To put it simply, forming a contract will bond us for life." She then avoided your gaze.

"A... umm... a couple of other things too." She once again covered her face as she blushed even harder.