[Arc 1: Class 2-E] A New Day Dawns

Started by Mysticsage, December 05, 2013, 05:46:20 AM

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[spoiler]Class 2-E
Oath, Asta, Throndir, Neko
The teacher enters the classroom slowly carrying a hand full of papers. Some students groan slightly after seeing who it is. Mr. Smith one of the school?s history teachers. He has gained a reputation for his dry humor and general edge that has made him popular amongst some of the female students and hated by the male students. He threw himself slightly disheveled and yawning into the chair behind his desk.

?Listen up guys, there is an announcement I?m supposed to read you:?

?Dear students,

Welcome to a brand new year at Washington high. We the faculity and parents cannot wait to see what you make of yourselves this year. We hope to provide an environment for personal growth and achievement that will pave a path to your future selves. To further this endeavor we are instituting a new mandatory extracurricular program that is to come in affect immediately. Students will be required to join and participate in a maximum of two clubs. The decision on what clubs to join must be made within the first few days or your homeroom teacher shall do it in your stead. Please keep in mind that due to the number of students that must be serviced that all choices once med are final and cannot be changed under any circumstances. We hope this change will make the year a memorable one.

All the best in the New Year!
   PTA and The Principle?

"I was told to tell you that you can sign up at the notice board right outside the class room and that homeroom will be extended for first period so that you all can have a look.?

Slowly he yawned as he finished, ?So there you have it I would get thinking if I were you guys.? Some people broke into groups others still directly left the classroom looking to get their spots quickly. Others still seemed not to have been paying attention at all sleeping or holding back as if out of nervousness. Glancing around there looks like there are a number of people willing to talk or you could go look directly at the board.

[spoiler]Npcs can onlt pick one club at the moment sorry if that was confusing[/spoiler]


"Issac! Any idea what you will be doing?" Ardelia questioned her childhood friend as she was thinking about what to do herself. As she spoke, a group of students came over to Issac. "Nah.. I will think of something though." After his brief response, the group of other students began talking, mostly to Issac about the situation, so Ardelia got up to go investigate, it would probably be more productive than listening to people who had no idea what they were talking about.

Leaving the classroom seemed to be the right idea, looking at the notice board only a handful of students seemed to be around it. Silently sliding into position next to another student, she began examining the board.

Art, basketball, cooking, drama, fencing... Gymnastics, kendo, library, modeling, newspaper... Ping pong, rugby, sewing, tennis, wrestling... Wow, there sure are a lot of clubs, I guess there really is something for everyone. But what should I do? Ardelia was a bit conflicted about the decision that had to be made. I wonder what a library club would do... Well, at the very least I like books so it probably would be okay, even if it wasn't my favorite thing. So I guess that can be one of them.

With the first choice seemingly done, Ardelia was trying to decide how to balance it out when she remembered her mother's constant nagging about how she didn't do enough exercise. Well... I guess I could try kendo? From what I have seen being super strong doesn't always make you better at it so maybe I could find a way to be good. Stopping mom's nagging would be a nice bonus though.

Perhaps she was making her choices too fast, but Ardelia seemed confident with her decisions and proceeded to sign up on the notice board in the proper spots. She went back inside the classroom, and Issac was somewhere else. So instead she plopped down in her seat by the window and looked out of it, waiting for something interesting to happen.


Isaac came back into the classroom rubbing his head as if he had the beginnings of a headache forming. He plopped back down in his seat and glanced over at Ardelia.

"To many choices Lia, there are just too many choices. I can't decide, you do it for me!" he said before throwing his head on his desk on top of his arms.

"Just pick something interesting!"
He said his voice muffled.


"Well, if you say so." Ardelia had the perfect clubs in mind for her dear friend. She smiles at Issac and hands him his fate.
"Alright, you are going to join the boxing club. That way you can learn a few things and maybe protect Noel and I if we ever run into someone that wants to rob us."

Issac seemed to groan in protest, but it isn't like he had any better ideas himself. So this would be his fate. It seemed some more people were starting to come to decisions themselves, and Ardelia went back to idly gazing out the window.


With the end of the announcement Lilly rose from her seat and strolled quietly out to the hallway to look at the club listings.

Nope, nope, no, uh-uh, boring, pointless, blah... Oh here we go. Her eye had stopped scrolling on the first interesting choice in the entire list. Tai Chi could be nice, low stress I would think and good physical activity. I could use a little of that. After looking over the rest of the list she settled on calligraphy, it seemed like it might be something worth doing. She pulled a pen from her pocket and signed her name in a loopy script.

The task at hand complete, Lilly walked back into the classroom and headed back to her seat. Settling in, she leaned back and let out a long slow sigh before casting her gaze out upon her classmates. Eileen was in her class again this year, that was nice. She knew a few others in the room also, but not as well. For a moment, she felt a strange sense of familiarity with the dark haired girl with the mismatched eyes, but the moment passed.

Lilly pulled a small book from her bag and thumbed through to her bookmark. Eileen looks busy, so I might as well take the chance to read.



Looking around there are a number of people around busy in conversation. Looking over you get a pang of recognition looking at a slightly taller girl talking with a guy while looking a book over. Otherwise, Isaac is busy mulling his fate over and the teacher sneaking a nap at his desk. A short kid about you height with a young face is glancing at the board in the distance as he pushes his glasses up. That's when you here the story about Alicia. Not everyone is having an easy time of it for certain. Maybe you should talk with someone, Then again you have some time maybe going to check on Noel would be a good Idea you could only imagine how he is fairing having to make such a big discussion on his own.   


"Hey there Lily," said a familiar male voice looking up you see it is in fact Luke as you look up from what he you were reading. "Can you believe this whole mandatory club thing" he said sitting down in the empty desk next to you. At least least they have a lot of option's right?" Luke was without his usual hangers on. Perhaps he had somehow been put in a homeroom without any of them?

He let out a sigh "I ended up choosing something fast without really looking.So what do you think do thin do I look like a member of the Judo club? I'm not even sure what Judo is really hopefully nothing to strenuous. " Looking over his short yet really thin form he fir the musical or poetry type, and your pretty sure he had asthma from the stories you had heard from your sister.

"At least I'm fairing better then some," he said looking in the direction of a girl seeming to almost be completely in tears at the news. The girl with short blonde hair and a medium build was creating a little bit of a scene but was going unnoticed by most do to the strange announcements.

"That's Alicia by the way as rumor has it she's having relationship issues, apparently some guy has fallen for her and follows her around. She must be worried that whatever she picks he'll follow. "

Luke said the last part just loud enough for some of the others (players) to hear

"I wonder what she'll do?"


Lilly stuck the bookmark back in it's proper location and adjusted her glasses.

"Uhh, Im pretty sure Judo is a martial art Luke. It's the one where you throw people around. If you're looking for something that isn't too tough you may wanna reconsider."

While she spoke she looked over at the fussing girl Luke had mentioned. Alicia She repeated mentally, so she would remember.

"Has he been really weird about it? Or... forceful?"

Lilly mulled that thought over a little. Only in a high school could there be drama like that on day one.


Serena had entered the class, her gate like that of a model on the runway as she took her seat near the front. Her hair had been carefully styled for the first day ? A cute bun, while the remainder of her golden locks rested against her back. She had waved to her classmates, a kind smile gracing her lips.

Serena listened intently to their teacher's announcement, her elbows resting on the desk, her head carefully placed on the top of her hands. They would have to join a club? Anxiety washed over Serena, although she kept a composed exterior. This would be a major decision for her...If she wanted other students to continue looking up to her, she'd have to pick carefully. Surely picking something that would give her a good image, over what would be the most enjoyable, was the smartest move. But, at the same time...could she deal with something she disliked for the whole school year?

?...All choices once made are final and cannot be changed under any circumstances..?

She pursed her lips. Whatever she picked, the idol was sure she'd be able to come up with a good reason as to why she had done so.

Serena was quick to make her way to the club board, her eyes scanning the options in a rather frantic manner. ?So many...? She mumbled, a hand resting on her chin. Something athletic was sure to impress the students ? But Serena really wasn't into sports. Test prep seemed like a smart idea, but that simply sounded way too boring. ?Music club?? Her eyes lit up, her name being scribbled under it within a matter of seconds. Would they be playing instruments? Would she get to sing? Either way, she wasn't going to pass that one up. ?One more to go...? She thought, the second decision taking quite a bit longer than the first. There was one club she kept coming back to, however. Flower arranging. Serena adored flowers, and it sounded like a calming activity. She carefully signed her name, hoping more than anything that she had made the right decisions.


None of the happenings in class really caught Ardelia's attention so she decided to go and see how her brother was doing. He was never good at being decisive, and tended to go with the flow. She felt inclined to see what was going on with him. She got up and left the class room, she saw Lilly talking to a classmate and waved as she went by, noticing that she had a book in hand, curious what Lilly had read but that could come later.

She went in the hallway and made her way over towards the area where the senior classes were held. Standing in the hallway confused, Ardelia looked around to see if she could spot Noel, as she had forgotten to ask him what class he was in. A lot of unfamiliar faces went by in the halls, but she continued to work towards the notice board that seniors seemed to be gathered around to check if Noel was there.   


The alarm went off. He had wanted to sleep in this morning, and he had been planning to, at least until his father started yelling loudly in the house about seemingly random things. Turning off the alarm clock, it didn't take long to figure out that the man was drunk. It was still so early in the morning too. Between the Campbell siblings there was always an unspoken rule of getting away from either of their parents when they were in such a mood. The parents were volatile, and though he had preferred to stay home that day, it was simply better to leave the house. His sister had already left - she was usually the first one out, but Brian ran into his brother at their door. The kid was already tidying up his backpack, as well as tying his shoes.

"Take care a'right?" Brian said. His brother simply nodded.

"Mhmm, I don't think dad is himself."

"You know how it is." Brian shook his head as he himself took his belongings; which really was his shoes and coat. He ruffled his brother's hair, and a minute after that they had went on their separate ways.

Nothing in school really had ever interested Brian. When the teacher finally read the announcement, Brian was only half-listening. However, he instantly perked up when they mentioned that clubs were going to be mandatory. The hell was up with that? Making clubs mandatory? And to make it worse, he had to join two of them? If there was anyone in the class who would have preferred to not be in one, that was most definitely Brian. But to his credit, Brian did go up to the board as he skimmed through it. He wasn't really expecting to find anything, and he figured that he'll just sign up for something to appease the school. He doesn't have to go to the club meetings anyways. Besides, the clubs can say they have more members, don't they get extra funds or something?

He was just about to sign up for one of the listings, when one of the clubs caught his eye; the cooking club. He remembered all the trouble he had in middle school when the other boys in class found out he was into such girly activities, but since this is new year, perhaps things would be different. That didn't stop Brian in making sure no one else was paying him any particular attention however. Discreetly as possible, he took the pen and scribbled his name on the paper. Choosing another random club, he went with Art, it looked the easiest out of all the other options after all. He walked away quickly after that was done, meaning to go back to his desk.

As he finally sat down, Brian couldn't help but get excited. Not for the Art club, but more so for the Cooking club.



In a sea of much larger seniors you barely make out Noel?s outline to the front he is talking to a redheaded teacher with a stern build. He was one of the Science teachers and the only Physical Education teacher. His name was Mr. Halbert if you remember correctly. You never really paid attention during gym and you did not have him for science and your glad for it. Noel seems to break away from the conversation as another student approaches the adult. Noel pulls himself away from the crowd only to spot you at the back.

?Hey Lia. How?s it going? You actually here at a perfect time I was just talking with Mr. Halbert about what club I should join any ideas??

In the background you can see multiple senior girl?s glancing over and giggling and pointing. Then June can be seen as if at of nowhere batting them away from looking at him.


Luke?s face paled visibly as he coughed a little at the revaluation. ?Maybe I made a wrong choice, but there is the whole cannot be changed rule.? Luke couldn?t help but chuckle at himself.

As for Alicia, ?Jude?s a fine guy just over eager and awkward. Alicia is just not good with boy stuff apparently.?
Luke continued to complicate his predicament. ?So what do you think I should do??


As you renter the classroom after signing up for your clubs, Alicia looks up from her blubbering and almost throws herself at you.

?Serena thank god you?re here you?ve dealt with boys before you?re the only one I can turn to!? She blubbered into your chest. You knew her as a bit over dramatic, but she did seem distressed over something.

?Its this guy Jude Robins!? She cried ? He?s a complete slob and smells like dung, but he just keeps petering me. I want to join the tennis club but if I do so will he and then I?ll never be rid of him!? she blubbered softly so only you can hear a few seconds longer before composing herself.
?Then I had an idea! What if someone signed him up for something else like something I?ll never be able to see him in. Bo one is allowed to make changes so he couldn?t argue right? OH, you?ve got to help me Serena you?re the only one who can! You have to sign him up for some club you? re worldly you?d be able to choose best! You?re my best friend so you?ll help me right right?? she continues to whisper.

Shoving a pen in your hand?s she goes to run back in her desk, before turning back ?You?re a real life saver I?ll wait till you?ve made your choice before I sign up for the tennis team. So now you?re stuck with Alicia Oloski?s mess.


From your seat towards the back of the class you notice a small and somewhat chubby kid set down next you. Bruce Drake you think his name is. ? I wonder what I should choose?? He mumbled to himself just loud enough to here ?I?m tired of being picked on!?

Thinking it over your mind also wanders to a hangout spot on the grounds were a group of your friends hangout while skipping class. There would probably be someone there you could talk to if you wanted to chill.


Lilly was still watching Alicia while Luke was speaking, not because she was trying to ignore him, but because at that moment another blonde girl entered the room and Alicia had practically pounced on her. Alicia was jabbering quickly at the other girl and Lilly didn't bother to try and hear it, she was too distracted by another weird feeling of familiarity. Why do I think I've seen that girl before?

Waving the strangeness away she turned back to Luke.

"About signing up for Judo? I'm not sure, maybe they can make an exception and let you find another club?

She brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes.

"It may not be all that bad though, you could look at it as a learning opportunity. A little exercise wouldn't be too bad either would it?"

The flow of conversation had shifted away from Alicia and her problems with Jude, but Lilly didn't let the issue drop completely from her mind. Where there were problems, she had almost always found herself there trying to solve them. It was the byproduct of her sisterly mentality. She was more than sure that she would end up involved in this trouble sooner or later.


Ardelia was a bit confused, it seemed like everyone was relying on her to choose their clubs for them, but she figured it couldn't be helped. She thought for a bit about what would be a good for Noel. Noticing the girls that seemed to be talking about him, she had an idea.

"Well, Noel, you could try the 'Student Morale and Togetherness Club' since so many people around campus seem to look up to you or respect you. Maybe you would be a good fit for keeping everyone in good spirits." Ardelia didn't know he if would take her idea or not, but since he asked she had to at least give an opinion. It at least definitely seemed like everyone knew who he was so it was a good start.


Re-entering the classroom, Serena was taken by surprise, immediately finding herself ambushed by a fellow classmate...Alicia. Serena was very careful about how close she got to people ? But, with Alicia, for whatever reason...the girl had become attached to the idol almost immediately. Was it just in  Alicia's nature to be clingy? Serena couldn't be sure.  At times, she wondered if there were motives behind Alicia's friendship. But, despite the not so mutual feelings of best-friend-ness, Serena still tried her best to comfort the poor girl though. The two sometimes gossiped and hung out, it would be wrong to just ignore her pleas. She carefully gave Alicia a pat on the head, smiling down at her. ?Calm down.? Serena said quietly, her tone more kind than commanding.

So, Alicia was having boy problems this time (Her problems seemed never ending...). Despite popular belief, Serena rarely dated. She might have made up a date or two, but her actual experience was incredibly limited. She cocked a brow as her blubbering ?friend? forced a pen into her hand. No, no, and no. Serena wasn't going to take such a risk. Surely the boy would notice if his signature was magically forged onto the club sheet? What if he complained? What if she got caught!? Usually, Serena preferred staying out of trouble. The first day of school was not the right day for mischief.

For just a moment, an odd feeling washed over Serena...like she was being watched. Sure enough, when she glanced around the room, she found a short haired blonde with glasses, looking in her direction. Serena quickly broke away from her gaze, remembering the situation at hand.

Marching over to Alicia's desk, she handed the pen back. ?Listen, I'm not going to jot his name down...? Serena whispered. ?I'll go talk to him myself. Don't worry, I won't mention you. I'll make sure he doesn't join tennis club, though.? She finished with a smirk. Serena had seen Jude before...then again, she had a slight familiarity with most of the students.

Once she was able, Serena would find Jude.


The kid next to him was taking the whole choose-your-club way too seriously. Sure, it might look like that you'd be stuck with that particular club for the rest of the year, but it's not like they'd force you to do anything right? Brian was musing to himself. He had never really joined any clubs in the past, but he did feel for the guy beside him. He himself had been picked on during middle school, though to him, that usually ended up in fist fights, detentions, and home calls.

Bruce Drake was the small tubby kid in class. Less then average appeal, though Brian never really held that against anyone. He hadn't seen the kid get picked on, but he could see why others would do so.

"Don't choose too hard. There were some pretty easy-going clubs on the list. Got anything you like doing?"