Logo Competition Voting

Started by Throndir, February 22, 2013, 04:23:56 PM

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I'll take in late submissions all the way til the 27th.  Voting ends on the 28th. March 1st we'll decide the winner.

Right now we only have a few submissions! Would like more... Well, vote away! I've allowed users to be able to change their vote, in case we have late submissions. I'll also remind those who voted in case they want to look into what other people submit and possibly change their mind.

Items to vote for

http://i.imgur.com/POe5Sj7.jpg by Caelbranht

http://i.imgur.com/U44OU4h.jpg by Caelbranht

http://i.imgur.com/nj9Fn05.gif by Milk

http://i.imgur.com/5WkczNV.jpg by Caelbranht

Likewise Cael, if you want to postpone submitting your logos, and giving me a chance to advertise the hell out of any and all artists I know for more competition I'm fine with that too! Needless to say next time I run a competition I need to be more proactive bugging people!

If you're interested in trying to whip something quickly before the 27th, take a quick read of this.


I like Milks logo, however I would redesign to be a vector animation :D

Noah Kiernokoff

This is your competition. You can go ahead with whatever you think is best.

I was dreaming the other day when a wise man appeared in my dream and told me this really cool idea of a new ancient cave design we can come up with. I guess I will make another one.

Much love,




Noah Kiernokoff

Dear Long Lost Relatives of Our Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather Noah,

Please gather ye ?round, for the fourth entry will now be brought forth! Ready yourselves for the beaming brilliance you are about to witness. It might overwhelm your soul into relative darkness. Do not ask me what that means. I am just typing things in lieu of He Who Serves Caelbrant, as He Who Serves Caelbrant is on a quest to find the most delicious apples the world has to offer Caelbrant himself.

Caelbrant?s third and final design study was suggested to him by a wise old man in one of his dreams. It is rumored that the wise old man was inspired by ancient cave drawings. Without further delay, the emblem represents a fantasy world clutched in the claws of a rising phoenix:


The spirits that only I can hear kindly request for you to reconsider your votes.


He Who Serves He Who Serves Caelbrant


Then I vote for the fourth entry.  (panda)


"A wish? Okay, genie, make me a ham sandwich."
