Sophie's Quest

Started by Neko, December 06, 2012, 11:01:38 PM

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But the woman was far too lost focused on the strange raven to have heard the halfling's cries. Her eyes were trained on the raven as it flew from them, flying towards the forest. Step by step, Annia kept making her way forward, pushing her legs as she attempted to catch up to the darting raven which was just a short length out of reach every time.

To the paladin it was almost a thrill, though, likely to many onlookers it would probably have been a strange sight. Seeing golden-armored knight chasing after a small flying bird with a halfling right behind. But in her eyes, the curious raven represented the promise to satiate her curiosity. True, if Annia thought about it for a long time, she would have realized that that part of her was something just a bit volatile, but as she ran on forward, she was glad she was allowed to do what she wanted, without the voice of her mentor telling her otherwise.

Maybe the raven would lead to treasure, or maybe it as really a fairy! Oh how Annia beamed at the thought, her mind racing just as fast as she attempted to keep up with the flying bird.


As they neared the forest, Mimic's connection to Sophie grew stronger, and he was able to communicate with her again. "I found help." He quickly told her telepathically. Instead of flying over the tees this time, he stayed low and followed the trail, knowing it would eventually lead to where Sophie had been ambushed. However, once they found the area he was positive they had been stopped at, he found no Sophie, or bandits. His heart sunk as he realized they must have taken her with them. Although, he had a slight hope that she had simply run home. Mimic hovered there for a moment...He heard it then, the sound of a high pitched female voice off the trail, and then a second, deeper voice (It was very possible the other two had also heard voices). "Come!" He called out to the warrior and halfing. Like usual though, all the two would have heard was a loud caw.

* * *

Sophie jumped, the sound of Mimic's voice suddenly ringing in her head. She sat up and glanced around. She quickly calmed herself down though, not wanting to alert the bandits to what was going on. "Mimic!" She thought. "We're off the trail now..." She continued to look around a bit more discretely than before. However, the lead bandit had noticed her odd behavior, and began watching her closely. "So uhm.." Sophie spoke aloud. "What's it like uh...being bandits..and stuff?" She hoped speaking would help Mimic, and whatever help he had brought, find her faster. Unfortunately, the lead bandit was having none of it. He kicked the cart, sending the girl an angry stare. "Shut it." He commanded. Sophie nodded, much too scared to disobey. "Be on your guard everyone." He said in a quiet voice. The group responded by readying their weapons. The ogre held his club, the hafling daggers, and the leader a small sword. A forth member of the group, one which hadn't spoken a single word so far, held a bow and arrows. It looked to be a female dark elf of sorts, and like everyone else, she was covered in dark clothing.


I now know the information I came here to seek out, but I do not want to act too hastily. The girl that is captive seems fidgety, it is almost as if she is expecting something to happen. I should bide my time a bit longer and see what happens. I do know, however, that I am ready to end these bandits at a moments notice if something goes wrong here.


Caw Caw Caaaaaw.

That was the only thing Annia heard as the tried keeping up with the raven that was flying away from her and deeper into the forest. It follow through the main road rather than undergrowth that she expected the raven to fly through, so the going wasn't as hard as she thought it would be.

She heard the voices then, the light voice of another girl somewhere deeper into the woods, followed by a resounding and lower pitched voice that had answered. It was hard to make out any of the spoken words, as the distance was still long.

Her myriads of thoughts of what the raven could show her was starting to shorten down, though she was still curious as to what lay at the end of the road. It was enough however, for her to suddenly remember something as she ran.

The halfling! She turned around to see the figure catching up.

She blushed as she put a hand behind her head and laughed forcefully. As the halfling neared she spoke.

"U-um, pretend I didn't do anything." She stammered as she glanced from the halfling to where the raven had flown off to, as well as where the voices were coming from.


"Forget it, sounds like that bird was leading us somewhere after all. Good choice." Kin says. "Though I didn't exactly pick up your sword..." Kin grins sheepishly, then creeps forward to look at the group through the brush.

"Great." He turns, "Looks like there are some stragglers from the last time the guild cleared out the bandits. We have some work to do...wait a second." He examines the faces more closely. "Is that...Ryine!? Oh, he's good, almost missed him!" Kin gets a little excited. "Oh the looks on their faces when we all jump in!" He turns around, this time with sparkling eyes, "Are you ready!?"
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


Mimic had quieted down, and landed silently on a branch nearby. He continued to stare in the direction of the bandits - although he was sure the hafling and warrior were aware of what he wanted them to see at this point. "We're here now." Mimic let Sophie know. She had no reaction this time. "They know something is careful." Sophie warned him. Mimic wished he could relay that information to the help, but knew his caws would do nothing but give them away.

Sophie glanced at the human bandit for a moment, an idea coming to her. "How about a distraction?" Mimic's feathers ruffled at her words. "Sophie, no, you-" Although Sophie was terrified, knowing help was nearby helped bring her spirit back up a bit. Before Mimic could finish his sentence, Sophie rolled from the cart and flung herself at the leader. Caught off guard, he stumbled, and fell flat on his back. The other bandits in the group looked at their boss and Sophie silently, the halfing of the group holding back a laugh.  Sophie rolled herself back onto her knees, but before she was able to stand, the human was already up, and pushed her back down with his foot. He held his sword at her neck, obviously infuriated and embarrassed at what had just happened. "Aww come on, they won't buy her if she's dead." The halfing complained. Although she had put herself in more danger, Sophie had successfully drawn all of the attention to herself.


Ryine's here? She scanned the group, but didn't see anyone that seemed to like the warrior she knew. Unless he happened to be in disguise?

The paladin grinned a moment later. Though, she had to admit, it wasn't as interesting as she once thought. There was no chest full of gold, no fairies, no interesting creatures that lay at the end of where the raven lead. All it was were bandits, and those things were fairly common on roads. That didn't change the fact that someone needed help however, and though a side of Annia was disappointed at the turn of events, her other more responsible side knew what she should do. Otherwise the teachings of her order would have not done its job, she knew just how much time she spent going over their laws codes of conduct. More than that though, Annia saw what looked to be an individual in distress. Which only proved the fact more when the bandit halfling mentioned something about people not buying their captured prisoner if she were dead.

She wasn't all too keen on fighting where death was a possibility, but as the bandit's captive rolled off the cart only to pounce and tackle down another one of the bandits, Annia knew now was the time to act.

"Are you ready!?" Her halfling companion had asked. Annia grinned.

By all means, she was more than ready.

"Five gold coins I save her before you do," was all the knight said as she proceeded to draw her katana and walk by the sides of the road, hidden by the thick foliage and trees, hoping to make use of the distraction.


I make my way over to the leader of the bandits and help them up. Now that this girl has tried something that seems like a foolish idea unless help is nearby, I decide to spice things up a bit. After the leader has made it to their feet, I grapple them behind with my sword at their throat.

"Remember that so called warrior you were talking about that ruined things for your slaver buddies? Yeah, that was me. So here I am in the flesh to ruin your plans as well. However, calling me 'that warrior' won't do. I am Ryine, and thanks to you I will be able to make another move on the slavers to hopefully end them for good this time. I know, I know, you are surprised that some simple bloke like me could trick you, but here's the thing I have delt with your kind for years. I know how you think, I know who you trust. I know how to be someone you trust. I might not be the smartest guy, but when it comes down to dealing with someone like you my level of intelligence is not a problem because you are also on my level. But you see, the local townspeople had been talking about a group of bandits that needed to be taken care of. I was totally just going to kill you outright, but then I thought to myself 'Ryine! You might be able to find out where those slavers relocated to assault them with an actual force this time, rather than just you going in alone.' It looks like it worked out in my favor, what do you know! But now I am struggling with something."

I press my blade up against the neck of the leader of the bandits.

"Do I kill you here, or turn you in to the law. Both would satisfy me, but if I let you live there is always the off-chance that you will escape or get a message out to your slaver pals, letting them know that a crazy member of the Guild of Galas'nor is about to bring the hammer down on their entire operation. While that might make destroying them a bit more 'exciting' it will be a lot more work. You have heard the stories. I killed over a dozen of those slavers in cold blood, so do you really think the blood of some two-bit blokes like you lot is gonna stick to my conscience and make me feel bad? If you think that, you are so wrong. So wrong in fact that it is funny."

I begin to laugh uncontrollably while my blade presses harder against the bandit leader's neck, drawing blood.

"You see, people think that I am a nice guy, and they are right. I never want to see a comrade fall to an enemy attack, I put myself in the way and take the blows, I do whatever it takes to protect them. But to scum like you, I am not a nice guy. I am one of your worst nightmares, the only kindness I can grant you is a swift death. For you see, you have wronged innocent people. That means, in my book, you do not count as human. You have no rights before me, I do not need to treat you with respect. Look at what you are trying to do to live your life. Selling a young girl into slavery? That will make you some money, sure but it won't be enough to sustain you and the cycle will just continue. This is a cycle that I am going to end with my own two hands."

The bandits look uneasy, as if they want to make a move. I look at the girl who is still under the boot of one of my former "companions"

"Let me make this simple. If you do anything to this girl, your leader dies. If you try to do anything to me, your leader dies. After your leader dies, I assure you that you lot will be next. It is a simple system, but unfortunately it is one that I feel you are too thick to follow. But like I said, I am a nice guy so I will give you a chance to understand what I am saying.


Simple, right? Do you think that you blokes can follow these simple instructions? Let's find out."

It has been a while since I have had to act this way, but in my earlier mercenary days this was common place. Logic is not my strong suit, so I have to resort to physical intimidation backed by some harsh words. It usually works, but when it doesn't I do not hesitate in drawing my blade and ending some lives.


"Why would she do that...there was no point unless she knew someone was nearby..." Kin spent time analyzing for a few seconds. "Wait, where is that raven, I haven't heard it in a don't think...! A familiar? Then that means the girl uses magic of some sort! I'm going in while they're distracted! And upon hearing the challenge, he couldn't hold back, "You're on!" With that, Kin dives into the camp out of the bushes, cutting down one bandit from behind.

Just as he does so, Ryine acted as well, with a very well done speech as he took one captive. "Damn it all, Ryine, you keep beating me to the good parts! Though good job clearing things up earlier. I'll hold back on the few insults that aren't deserved today." He grins, not understanding that that wasn't exactly a compliment. He tried.
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


The halfing's words had momentarily calmed the leader, reminding him that this all would have been a waste of time if he went forward with killing her. "Don't you ever - " Just as he went to scold Sophie, he froze. The feeling of cold metal was suddenly pressed against his neck. The other bandits froze as well, completely confused as to why a fellow bandit was pulling such a move. He listened to Ryine's words, the entire time not moving a muscle. He knew this whole thing was a terrible idea...those STUPID partners of his! The halfing had no idea how to keep her mouth shut! None of them could seem to do ANYTHING without his command first. When they did bother acting on their own, it always resulted in misfortune for the group. They were all. Brainless. Idiots. Unfortunately, he had no say in the matter. While he was the lead of this small group, it was the boss higher up that decided who went with who. The leader winced as the blade was pushed closer to his neck, and as a sign that he planned to make no further moves, he threw his own blade to the side, and lifted his boot from Sophie.

As if the embarrassment of being held captive wasn't enough, more enemies appeared, and proceeded to attack his fellow bandits. He watched from the corner of his eye as a halfing burst forth from the bush, and cut down the female hafling of their group with ease. She fell to the ground with a thump, now motionless...well, the leader almost wanted to thank the intruder for that.

Sophie managed to stand herself up, and backed away a bit, her heart racing. She had almost been certain the bandit was going to end her life. "Sophie! Are you ok?" Mimic questioned worriedly. He flew down from his branch, and began clawing and biting at the rope on Sophie's wrists. However, even a small task such as this was difficult for the tiny bird. "It's ok, I'm fine! back really hurts though." She reassured him. Unable to break the rope himself, Mimic instead landed on the girl's shoulder and rubbed his face against hers. "I'm so sorry I left you..." He apologized. Sophie moved behind one of the trees, wanting to make sure she'd be out of the way as the new arrivals fought. "Don't be sorry! You saved me! If you hadn't gone for help, who knows where I would have ended up." Of course, it wasn't completely over just yet.

Despite Ryine's threats from earlier, the ogre roared in anger, not willing to go down without a fight. He charged at the male hafling, his club at the ready. Meanwhile, the female archer took this chaotic moment to flee. She had no desire to get caught, nor did she feel any sort of loyalty toward the group.


The bushes were easily parted away as Annia appeared with her katana in hand. She had seen the dark elf in their group run off, but the paladin made no movement to try to cut her off. She had already changed her stance, planning to rush into the fray and help out her fellow guild member. Though there was little else that could be done as the halfling companion had dispatched the enemy halfling with ease. One of the bandits also had the another at his mercy. Which surprised Annia, but as she got a closer look to who he was, she realized it was Ryine.

Ah. So that's what our halfling meant.

She made a quick wave to Ryine.

"Raided any new tombs lately?" She said in jest, though there was hardly any time to get a reply as the ogre had engaged the halfling, rushing in with his club raised high. The match up was ridiculous at best, and she wondered how the halfling would manage. Then again, he had that huge sword.

Annia managed to get eye contact with the halfling for a moment as she made her way behind the ogre, careful to not provoke the creature, as well as to keep up her defensive stance. Everyone knew when ogres hit, they hit hard.


Kin rolled his eyes. Of all the...giant creatures are MY prey! "Damned, over-confident oaf!" Kin spouted as he almost easily parried the club by side-stepping and allowing it to slide sharply down the edge of his blade.

Knowing the brute's instinct, Kin then jumped onto the club while pulling up his own sword. The ogre tried to get his back up, but Kin jumped at the exact moment, pressing it down again as he was launched up toward it. From there, the halfling let the sword do the work, doing a spin forward and letting the blade fall and slice vertically down the ogre. If was almost like a child playing with a large, smelly toy. And breaking it.

"I was even going to let the rest of you live if you cooperated you dolt! The other guy isn't even dead! It's just a flesh wo-" He looks at the halfling he'd cut down, seeing he had actually severed an arm. "Ok, a little more than a flesh wound, but not dead! If you had just held it together, you would have stayed in tact. But now look at you!"

The ogre groaned, laying on the ground with a large cut directly down his gut, and the halfling literally standing on him, looking him in the face and yelling at him. He wasn't exactly close to death, but was hardly in any shape to fight anymore. Being bested by a halfling so quickly was enough to make the creature just lay there. Maybe even cry a little.

Kin sighs heavily, "Why do I even bother, they never learn." He looks up for the first time since he began his fight and rant. "Oh, right, other people. Anyone else feel like testing my patience. I got dragged away from a spar for this nonsense." Though that is true, I just downed their big brute. I'd like to see their reactions...he was pretty soft for an ogre, though.
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


Sheathing her katana once again, Annia couldn't help but grin.

I've noticed this for awhile now, but this guild seems... formidable. Annia didn't respond, but she agreed with her mentor wholeheartedly. In just a few seconds the group had managed to subdue the bandits. The halfling and ogre severely wounded, and the leader at the mercy of Ryine's sword pressed as his neck. Only one of the bandits escaped, but all things considered, they had at least done what they came here for.

That thought reminded Annia of their original goal, as she made her way to where she saw the bandit's captive disappear off to. Annia found her behind a tree, with her hands still tied with the rope. She looked young, though, Annia wasn't quite too sure of her exact age. She wore what looked to be a simple dress, something that the commoners would wear often. Annia noticed that it looked very much like a maid's outfit, though, a lot more shabbier, simple, and dirty, no thanks to all the action with the bandits most likely.

The knight pulled out her katana once again.

"Not going to hurt you." She smiled disarmingly as she noticed the raven from before sitting on her shoulder.

The raven must be some sort of pet. A familiar perhaps? Though she doesn't look like a wizard...

"Stretch your hands out and lie it against the tree. I just want those ropes off."


The bandit leader was struggling with the lower half of their body trying to loosen the grip without inflicting further damage upon themselves from the blade of my sword.

"I'm flattered that you see me in that way, dear leader, but I must warn you... I like it rough."

At that moment I took the hilt of my sword and bashed the bandit leader in the head twice, and his body went limp. He was unconscious.

"Well, that was a little too fast. They sure don't make bandits like they used to. They're all two pump chumps these days."

I decide to take this bandit leader captive to turn him into the local authorities, and hopefully derive a more precise location for the new slaver camp.

I briefly greet my allies who happened to show up, which had surprised me quite a bit, but my attention was more focused on the girl who had been taken captive by the bandits. I approach as Annia cuts the rope that binds her.

"What is your name, girl? Did you have some sort of aim before you were captured by this former band of brigands?"


The ogre charging had prompted the leader to struggle a bit, but he was rendered unconscious shortly after. There were no bandits left to challenge Kin, since the only bandit capable of fighting at this point was long gone.

Sophie jumped as the warrior clad in golden armor came around the tree. She was quick to spot the guild emblem though, which let her know the woman was likely on her side. Sophie did as the warrior had asked, sighing in relief as she was freed from the ropes. ?Thank y-you...? Sophie suddenly felt choked up. She had been so sure she wasn't going to get away. She did her best to shake off the tears though, so she could respond to the one who had disguised himself as a bandit. ?I'm Sophie.? She told him with a smile. ?I had planned to set up shop in town but...the bandits kind of ruined most of the vegetables so...? She winced then. As the adrenaline wore off, the pain in her back became more apparent. Sophie closed her eyes for a moment, a blue light surrounding her as she placed a hand on her back. Moments later, the pain was gone. ?Thank you all for helping me! I uhm...well, are you all alright? If you need, I might be able to mend your wounds.? The only way she could think to repay them was to heal up any wounds. But, after glancing around, it appeared to her they had all come out unscathed. "And're welcome to any vegetables that may still be intact."