Chapter 1: A Taste of the Shadows.

Started by Oath, October 31, 2024, 02:32:34 AM

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From the roof, Tombstone has a view of the street and the warehouse, there doesn't seem to be any activity outside currently, but you can tell that the warehouse is definitely occupied. It doesn't look like they're in a hurry to move the goods.

Sixes' drone flies over the building and spots a few more cameras and entrances on the sides of the building that had yet to be looked at. The roof has a couple of HVAC units on top, and what looks to be a service entrance for them.


     Hexen gets up when Sixes arrives on site and head over to their car. "Well guess we just need to wait for our fourth now. Doesn't look like there's anything magical that I can see from here."


Tombstone calls Hexen and Sixes " Hey there's no activity outside but the warehouse is occupied. It just seems like they are not in a hurry. Is our fourth here yet?"


Oktavia spends 2 hours recovering from registering the machine sprite, then sends a message to the group "I'm on my way, see you soon."


     Hexen checks his comlink for the heads up from Oktavia and sits up in the car seat instead of leaning back with an eye on the warehouse. "Okay, guess our fourth is on the way. How do we want this to play out?"


     After Octavia gets to everyone else Hexen gets into the back of the van. "Okay, I'm going to do a little more recon but I need to leave my body behind to do it. Just uh... please don't draw a dick on my face..." He says before sitting on the floor of the van and astrally projecting.

Astral projecting and going through the building to get general layout and a head count of living beings.

Assensing test
Rolled 6d6 : 5, 2, 6, 1, 1, 5, total 20

Sneaking test if needed
'' is not a valid dice string!


You find 10 individuals inside that seem to be moving product like warehouse workers would. You find that the overall warehouse area is broken down into a few different areas, a bathroom with several stalls, a small office with a handful of desks, a locker/break room and a room for additional storage that seems to be a little more secure than the rest of the warehouse.


     Hexen returned to his body and jolted back to the material. "Okay, looks like ten guys in the warehouse. No magic users or super borged out guys."


"Ok cool, so ten guys, four of us. Do we walk through the front door or try to draw them outside?"