Book 1 - Chapter 5: Have Sword - Will Travel, or How the West was Fun(dead)

Started by Asta, October 11, 2021, 04:22:38 PM

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[info] Reflex save[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 2 + 5, total 7[/blockquote][/info]


As soon as the slick puddle spreads under Thedrin's feet, his boots suddenly lose all traction. A simple shift in his weight while standing was enough to send his feet from under him and deposit his rear solidly on the floor.


     Thedrin carefully picked himself up from the floor and used his tail to retrieve from one of his pouches the vial they had picked up previously. "Your trickery is not enough to fell a true knight! Come at me like with honor!" He yells as he sprinkles the oil across his shoulders.

[info] Move Action: Stand from prone

Swift Action: Retrieve Oil of Enlarge Person

Standard Action: Use Oil of Enlarge Person on self[/info]


Immediately the enchanted oil began to take effect. The metal groaning audibly from the sudden enlargement Thedrin's armor, weaponry, and most importantly his body began to swell in size. When the effect had completed, he now stood at an imposing height matching the ogre across the room.

"Oh now you're right fucked!" Scathach called out, taunting the cultists before letting fly with two arrows aimed at the nearest one. The second arrow found its mark, sinking into the cultists gut causing him to slump to the floor.

[warning]Thedrin is now Large and gains the appropriate size modifiers.[/warning]
[okay]Scathach shoots Cultist 3, 7 damage. Cultist 3 is unconscious.[/okay]
[info]Cecilia to go.[/info]

[spoiler=Combat Log]
Roll20 Link
Initiative Order: Rhenri, Caster, Fighter 1, Thedrin, Scathach, Cecilia, Fighter 2, Ogre
Round 1:
Rhenri shoots Cultist 3, 5 damage
Cultist 3 casts a spell
Thedrin enlarges
Scathach shoots Cultist 3, 7 damage.


Cecilia stood with her brow furrowed in concentration. She got into her pouch and fiddled with some components and spoke in a measured tone. A moment later, a giant spider appeared out in front of the grease trap.

[info] using full round to cast summon monster II, for a giant spider:

I put a teal circle or whatever where it is supposed to spawn on roll 20, lasts for 4 rounds.



The spider, materializing out of nowhere, immediately scuttles upon its spindly legs towards the nearest cultist. Stopping out of arms length it swung its backside towards the human and sprayed a sticky web from its spinnerets. The cultist now trapped, attempted to wrestle free but was unable to slip his sticky bonds.

Striding into melee range with heavy lumbering steps, the ogre approaches Thedrin brandishing its greatclub. With a mighty swing the club hummed through the air and caught the paladin full in the side with a crushing blow, denting armor and cracking ribs.

[okay]Summoned Spider webs Cultist 2[/okay]
[okay]Cultist 2 attempts to escape from the web and fails.[/okay]
[error]Ogre attacks Thedrin, 12 damage[/error]
[info]Rhenri to go[/info]

[spoiler=Combat Log]
Roll20 Link
Initiative Order: Rhenri, Caster, Fighter 1, Thedrin, Scathach, Cecilia, Fighter 2, Ogre
[spoiler=Round 1]Round 1:
Rhenri shoots Cultist 3, 5 damage
Cultist 3 casts a spell
Thedrin enlarges
Scathach shoots Cultist 3, 7 damage.
Cecilia summons a spider that webs Cultist 2
Ogre attacks Thedrin, 12 damage[/spoiler]
Round 2:


Changing her stance, Rhenri let loose two flaming arrows from behind Thedrin.

[INFO]Current Stance: Leaping Spirit Dance (+2 AC and Reflex Saves, as long as Rhenri moves 10 ft.)
Swift Action: Change stance to Stance of the Piercing Rays
Current Stance: Stance of the Piercing Rays (+1d6 fire damage)
Ki: 3 points remaining
Free: 5 ft. step.
Full-round action: Attack Ogre, Murderous Insight (3 rounds remaining), Rapid Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, no soft cover penalties applied

[blockquote]Attack 1, roll 1 1d20+7 : 4 + 7, total 11[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Attack 1, roll 2 1d20+7 : 9 + 7, total 16[/blockquote]
[blockquote]piercing 1d8+1 : 3 + 1, total 4[/blockquote]
[blockquote]fire 1d6 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Attack 2, roll 1 1d20+7 : 2 + 7, total 9[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Attack 2, roll 2 1d20+7 : 1 + 7, total 8[/blockquote]
[blockquote]piercing 1d8+1 : 8 + 1, total 9[/blockquote]
[blockquote]fire 1d6 : 5, total 5[/blockquote]

Current AC: 19[/INFO]


Rhenri's arrows, traveling at an oblique angle in an attempt to shoot around Thedrin zip past the ogre and plink harmlessly against the ceiling of the mine. Meanwhile the cultist behind the pillar emerges with a hand-axe drawn and stalks toward your group.

[error]Rhenri shoots Ogre, miss[/error]
[info]Thedrin to go[/info]

[spoiler=Combat Log]
Roll20 Link
Initiative Order: Rhenri, Caster, Fighter 1, Thedrin, Scathach, Cecilia, Fighter 2, Ogre
[spoiler=Round 1]Round 1:
Rhenri shoots Cultist 3, 5 damage
Cultist 3 casts a spell
Thedrin enlarges
Scathach shoots Cultist 3, 7 damage.
Cecilia summons a spider that webs Cultist 2
Ogre attacks Thedrin, 12 damage[/spoiler]
Round 2:
Rhenri shoots Ogre, miss


     Thedrin Took the blow from the ogre and retaliated with a swing of his own. "Slay the greater beast and we can deal with the cultists after." He Says as he expends more of his power to heal the damage from the ogre's club.

[info]Standard Action: Attack Ogre[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 18 + 7, total 25[/blockquote]     Damage (Slashing)[blockquote]Rolled 1d10+4 : 9 + 4, total 13[/blockquote]
Move Action: Combat Advice to give Cecelia +2 to hit Ogre

Swift Action: Lay on Hands self[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 1, total 4[/blockquote][/info]


Thedrin's attack cut a wide slash across the ogre's chest, cleanly slicing its flesh and producing a figurative waterfall of blood. The beast roared in rage and defiance.

Scathach hopped out from behind her enlarged comrade and quickly fired two attacks, both sticking the ogre, but its thick hide stopped them from penetrating very deeply.

[okay]Thedrin attacks Ogre, 13 damage[/okay]
[okay]Scathach attacks Ogre twice, 3 damage total[/okay]
[info]Cecilia to go[/info]

[spoiler=Combat Log]
Roll20 Link
Initiative Order: Rhenri, Caster, Fighter 1, Thedrin, Scathach, Cecilia, Fighter 2, Ogre
[spoiler=Round 1]Round 1:
Rhenri shoots Cultist 3, 5 damage
Cultist 3 casts a spell
Thedrin enlarges
Scathach shoots Cultist 3, 7 damage.
Cecilia summons a spider that webs Cultist 2
Ogre attacks Thedrin, 12 damage[/spoiler]
Round 2:
Rhenri shoots Ogre, miss
Thedrin attacks Ogre, 13 damage
Scathach shoots Ogre, 3 damage


Logic dictates that a human can only be hit by a giant club so many times, even if the human is as stupid as Thedrin. Thinking it best to disarm her foe, Cecilia attempted a magic trick. She coated her fingers in a bit of butter somehow stashed in her reagent pouch, and focused on the ogre's great club, picturing it covered in grease.

[info] Using grease on the ogre's great club:
Reflex save of DC 15, if failed immediately drops the club, club will be slippery for 3 minutes.

Spells Prepared: Level 1: Mage Armor, Color Spray, Grease
Level 2: Summon Monster II, Web



With a thick coat of slippery grease suddenly manifesting on its club, the ogre struggles to retain control of its weapon. Through much effort however, it is able to keep its grip.

Elsewhere, the conjured spider sets upon the imprisoned cultist with its fangs, however despite his bindings, he avoids injury by merit of his armor alone. Continuing to struggle against the web, proves futile however and he remains stuck fast.

The ogre, enraged by Thedrin's savage cut, lashes out with another crushing blow from its greatclub. The force of the strike once again slams Thedrin like a charging bull causing a small trickle of blood to escape his lips with a cough.

[error]Ogre evades grease[/error]
[error]Spider attacks Cultist 2, miss[/error]
[warning]Cultist 2 is still trapped[/warning]
[error]Ogre attacks Thedrin, 12 damage[/error]
[info]Rhenri to go[/info]

[spoiler=Combat Log]
Roll20 Link
Initiative Order: Rhenri, Caster, Fighter 1, Thedrin, Scathach, Cecilia, Fighter 2, Ogre
[spoiler=Round 1]Round 1:
Rhenri shoots Cultist 3, 5 damage
Cultist 3 casts a spell
Thedrin enlarges
Scathach shoots Cultist 3, 7 damage.
Cecilia summons a spider that webs Cultist 2
Ogre attacks Thedrin, 12 damage[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 2]Round 2:
Rhenri shoots Ogre, miss
Thedrin attacks Ogre, 13 damage
Scathach shoots Ogre, 3 damage
Cecilia casts Grease to no effect
Summoned Spider attacks Cultist 2, miss
Ogre attacks Thedrin 12 damage
Round 3:


     Thedrin continued to swell with righteous fury as the ogre smashed through his guard once again. "Poacher, put an arrow through this brute's throat!" He yelled before swinging at the ogre's knee.

[info]Swift Action: Lay on Hands self[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 1, total 2[/blockquote]
Move Action: Combat Advice to give Scathach +2 to hit ogre

Standard Action: Attack Ogre[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 2 + 7, total 9[/blockquote]     Damage (Slashing)[blockquote]Rolled 1d10+4 : 4 + 4, total 8[/blockquote][/info]


Seeing the damage Thedrin took, Rhenri focused her ki again.

[INFO]Current Stance: Stance of the Piercing Rays (+1d6 fire damage)
Swift Action: Activate Horizon Wind Lancet (extra 1d6 damage on first attack only)
Maneuvers Used: Horizon Wind Lancet
Ki: 3 points remaining
Full-round action: Attack Ogre, Murderous Insight (2 rounds remaining), Rapid Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Horizon Wind Lancet, no softcover penalties applied

[blockquote]attack 1, roll 1 1d20+7 : 11 + 7, total 18[/blockquote]
[blockquote]attack 1, roll 2 1d20+7 : 12 + 7, total 19[/blockquote]
[blockquote]piercing 1d8+1 : 2 + 1, total 3[/blockquote]
[blockquote]fire 1d6 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]
[blockquote]horizon wind lancet, piercing 1d6 : 2, total 2[/blockquote]

[blockquote]attack 2, roll 1 1d20+7 : 13 + 7, total 20[/blockquote]
[blockquote]attack 2, roll 2 1d20+7 : 17 + 7, total 24[/blockquote]
[blockquote]piercing 1d8+1 : 7 + 1, total 8[/blockquote]
[blockquote]fire 1d6 : 6, total 6[/blockquote]

Current AC: 19[/INFO]

[spoiler=Horizon Wind Lancet]HORIZON WIND LANCET
Discipline: Solar Wind (Boost)
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instant
The tenets of the Solar Wind have taught the disciple how to place more force behind his attacks. The initiator inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage on a single ranged attack he makes this round. If the initiator is making multiple attacks in this round, this bonus applies to the first attack the initiator makes.[/spoiler]


This time, Rhenri's arrows struck true, and deeply. The fiery streaks plunged into the ogre's chest and throat and it coughed up a gout of blood before tottering to the side, dead.

The cultist that was moving from behind the pillar broke into a desperate sprint, waving his axe in a wild charge toward Cecilia heedless of the wider reach of Thedrin's enlarged sword.

[okay]Rhenri shoots Ogre, 22 damage. Ogre dies[/okay]
[warning]Cultist 1 charges Cecilia...[/warning]

[spoiler=Combat Log]
Roll20 Link
Initiative Order: Rhenri, Caster, Fighter 1, Thedrin, Scathach, Cecilia, Fighter 2, Ogre
[spoiler=Round 1]Round 1:
Rhenri shoots Cultist 3, 5 damage
Cultist 3 casts a spell
Thedrin enlarges
Scathach shoots Cultist 3, 7 damage.
Cecilia summons a spider that webs Cultist 2
Ogre attacks Thedrin, 12 damage[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Round 2]Round 2:
Rhenri shoots Ogre, miss
Thedrin attacks Ogre, 13 damage
Scathach shoots Ogre, 3 damage
Cecilia casts Grease to no effect
Summoned Spider attacks Cultist 2, miss
Ogre attacks Thedrin 12 damage
Round 3:
Rhenri shoots Ogre, 22 damage