Book 1 - Chapter 4: Forward, to Conflict

Started by Asta, February 20, 2021, 01:58:18 PM

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"Hmm," Scathach grunted in affirmation but said no more.

A thorough search of the shaman reveals nothing more of importance. The staff the creature wielded was clearly ensorcelled to function as a wand, but it seems that the charges were expended during the battle.

After some time, Captain Maddox and his retinue arrived. "Fortune and skill were on our side today," he said while eyeing the carnage around the battlefield. "Minimal casualties and a thorough route, I don't believe we lost a single man today. The four of you were a formidable asset, I'll be sure and send commendations to the Righ."


     "Should we perhaps send the shaman's severed head in tribute? Preserved with magic of course." Asked Thedrin as he tossed the spent staff to the side. "And what of the goblin king or whatever is at the head of all this? Surely a single shaman like this wasn't able to rally an entire army."


"I doubt that will be necessary," Maddox replied with a raised eyebrow. "We've seen no indication of a higher authority among their ranks that would imply some kind of 'goblin king'. If such a creature existed, one would imagine it would be present to command its forces. Still, it is highly unusual to see them as organized as they were. Perhaps there will be answers within the cave."


     "A proficient enough commander need not take the field if their subordinates loyalties are assured." Replied Thedrin. "So what is the plan for seizing the cave? Lay siege until they starve?"


"That's what I'm getting at. Goblins dont organize. Even the more militant hobs are so prone to infighting they never become larger than small bands. The shamans command a degree of fearful respect, but goblins and hobs detest magic in all its forms. Its unnatural they would even be following one in the first place. There is something very wrong here."

Captain Maddox massaged the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger before making an inaudible comment to one of his adjutants. The soldier saluted sharply and departed before the captain continued speaking to you. "There's been no sign of additional forces near the mouth of the cave. I'm going to have scouts probe it and see if we need to move in with force. If not, we'll do a broad sweep of the cavern and see if something within can help explain why the creatures would mass as they have. Did you discover anything on the body of the shaman?"


     "Nothing really except some kind of fetish." Replied Thedrin as he took the necklace out of the belt pouch he had stored it in. "It appears to have been enchanted to glow but that seems to have faded with the shaman's death. I assume it's some kind of badge of office, if you could call soothsaying animal dung an office."


"Hmm," Maddox hummed in response, but said nothing more.

Twenty minutes later, the scouts returned from the cavern much more relaxed than when they entered. "Cave's all clear sir. Smaller than the entrance would imply. Nothing left inside but the refuse and leftover equipment of the goblins." The scout snapped a sharp salute and then continued; "Oh, we did find this though."

One of the scouts produced a small rectangular wooden box, perhaps six inches on the long side, much like what a noble would keep his pipe kit in when not in use. The container had but one form of decoration on the outside, an emblem embossed with gold. The symbol was a lidless eye, set in a square that had been turned forty-five degrees so that its corners pointed to the cardinal directions, a series of lines radiated from each edge of the square and the eye looked as if it was crying a single tear that had been colored by small garnets. It gave the impression that the tear was meant to be blood.

The scout holding the box opened the lid to reveal a collection of the same deep violet crystals that had been on the shaman's necklace. They glowed with the same perplexing anti-light as the others had. "Strange things eh sir? Told the men not to touch them, seem dangerous," The scout leader said, before the box was shut again.

"I see. Well, we can have the mages take a look later, our friend here said he found the same things adorning the shaman," Maddox nodded in Thedrin's direction. "Was that all?"

"There was a large panel of stone along one of the back walls, looked to have been carved mural of some sort at one point but the work is so old there's hardly anything left of it. That's the long and short of it."


     "I'm sure it's nothing but the ruins of some vain goblin that believed the caves to be a vast empire and not some damp hole. Hardly worth investigating." Replied Thedrin dismissively.


Upon hearing about the mural, Cecilia perked up. "I've got a suspicion that the mural will have some sort of importance, I'd like to go investigate. Would anyone like to accompany me?"

It wasn't often that an opportunity to study something of cultural significance came along. She had no clue what it could be. Did the goblins make it? unlikely. It could be a remarkable discovery and she had to find out more.


"If you need someone to watch yowah back, I'm game." Rhenri said, nodding towards Cecilia.


Cecilia, Rhenri, and Scathach take off into the cave entrance accompanied by one of the scouts, leaving Thedrin to his own devices.

Beyond the entrance to the Maw the floor slants downward at a gentle angle, descending into the earth. The cavern walls are limestone worn smooth by time and dripping water. After about five minutes of walking at a leisurely pace, the cave levels out and opens up into a wider hollow. You are unsure of the precise dimensions as a natural space has irregular walls, but its clear that you would be able to fit a large number of people here quite comfortably. The hollow is littered with the refuse of the goblin army; garbage, discarded weapons, and general filth are piled in places near the walls and the smell is ripe. A few passageways branch off from the central chamber but the target of your search is along the back wall.

The mural in question is a bas-relief carving set within a cut rectangle about fifteen feet long and ten feet tall. Though much of the carvings have been destroyed either by design or from time its fairly evident that the work was not done by goblin hands. The surviving contents of the mural depict a handful of figures near a large structure of some type gesturing outwards at a section of the carving that has been destroyed. The next image in the series shows smaller figures that give the impression that they are traveling somewhere, their backs bent in hardship. The remaining carvings are too damaged to get a clear understanding of the imagery.


"it is a real shame that more of this carving isn't intact, it looks like it would have been quite the story. Perhaps we should ask around about this first bit with the grand structure. If we can figure out what and where it is, there could be an adventure to be had."


"Any magic?" Rhenri asked Cecilia as the archer began to look over the mural.

[info]Initial perception, then take 20 if time isn't a problem, to search for anything that might be out of the ordinary.
[blockquote]Perception 1d20+7 : 5 + 7, total 12[/blockquote]

General knowledge check if the images depicted is anything familiar Rhenri might have heard or seen before.
[blockquote]Intelligence 1d20-1 : 10 - 1, total 9[/blockquote][/info]


You detect nothing noteworthy even after expending more time for a thorough search.
The imagery of the relief stirs nothing in your memory.[/info]

"Wouldn't that be something?" Scathach commented, looking at the damaged carvings. "Maybe the Righ has one o' them court wizards or somesuch that knows something, or a library at least. That's a thing rich people have yeah?"


With nothing more to be found, the three that descended into the cave return to the surface and rejoin Thedrin and Captain Maddox.

The captain has ordered the expeditionary force to set up camp near the cave entrance once all the goblin corpses have been disposed of and begin the march back to Telan the following morning.

Location: Telan
Date: Naev 10, 795
Time: 1200

The return of the expeditionary force is met with much cheering from the townspeople. The subjugation of the goblin menace has lifted a heavy weight from the town and celebration is obviously in order. A feast is quickly prepared for the valiant defenders of the realm, and much rejoicing is had.

At some point during the celebrations, Maddox takes your group aside. "The four of you work rather well together, I appreciate your efforts during this assignment. If you would be inclined, I have a request of you. Though the immediate threat of a goblin horde is no more, the defenses of the town are in need of shoring up. Part of the mandate set by the Righ was to ensure that Telan remains properly defended when the Dark Time arrives in a little over a month. To that effect, the expeditionary force will be remaining here for the time to construct new palisades and ensure no harm befalls the townsfolk. This leaves me with the issue of reporting the victory over the goblins to the Righ, which I would ask you to do in my stead. Private Calcote would be sent with you as well." The captain pauses, waiting for your reply.