Book 1 Chapter 3.2 - Beneath the Barrow

Started by Asta, November 09, 2020, 05:14:11 PM

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[info] Expending another charge[blockquote]Rolled 1d8+1 : 7 + 1, total 8[/blockquote][/info]


Scathach shrugs in response to Thedrin's question. "Maybe? Should we check those bodies?"

Bodies aside, now that you are no longer distracted by combat you can take in the details of the room. Much like the first one, this chamber is also decorated with some ornate carvings on the walls. The room has two exits, besides the door you came in. One to the south, again another wooden door, and to the east another stone doorway without a handle. The stone door also has a glyph etched into it, though it differs from the one in the first room.


     "You may if you wish. The picking over of a battlefield is beneath a knight." Said Thedrin as he walked back to pick his hammer back up. He looked at the second handless door. "Another of these peculiar doors... Wizard? Does the glyph mean anything?" He asked Cynthia as he flicked a bit of rotted skin of his armor that had snagged on it during the battle.


Cecilia approaches the glyphs, getting a closer look at them to see if she can decipher them as she had previously.

[info] Knowledge Arcana:
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 1 + 8, total 9[/blockquote]


"Yer loss." Scathach said, and began rummaging through what little remained of the zombie's clothes. A few moments later, she stood back up holding two small gold amulets set with green stones. "Could be worth a bit o' gold."

Meanwhile, Cecilia's examination of the runed door proves less than educational. Beyond knowing that the inscribed mark belongs to the same archaic magic notation system, there isn't much else revealed. However, there is an easy to notice hollow below the rune that looks as if it was designed to hold something.

[info]Obtained two gold amulets, identification will be needed to determine price.[/info]


     Thedrin looked over Cecilia's shoulder as she inspected the door. "Perhaps the hole is for a key..." He looked to Scathach. "I don't suppose you've managed to find a key on the bodies?"


"Naw. Just the pendants. Maybe we missed something in the last room?" Scathach replied with a shrug.


"Well, while y'all are lookin' to figure that out, that door over yonder's callin' to me." Rhenri stated as she moved southwards towards the wooden door.

[info]Stealth to move quietly
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 16 + 8, total 24[/blockquote]

Perception for traps on door
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 9 + 7, total 16[/blockquote]

If no traps are found, Perception through the door to hear what may be on the other side (like putting an ear up to the door)
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 8 + 7, total 15[/blockquote][/info]


After a search, Rhenri finds a distinct lack of traps. Straining to hear through the wood reveals the sounds of silence on the other side.


     "Perhaps the key is in the possession of the wizard's corpse. Which I hope isn't behind one of these stone doors. It would beg the question how whoever buried the mage managed to get them interred in the first place and then leave without the key. Unless..." He looked to the crumpled zombie bodies. "They didn't." At this he shrugged and once again hefts his hammer onto his shoulder before pushing open the next wooden door.


Beyond the wooden door to the south is another hallway, fairly long, and twisting. At one point it seems to double back on its self a short distance before continuing on to yet another stone door also marked with a new glyph. Like the ones before it, beneath the etching is a small space where an object might fit.


     "More hallway..."  Observed Thedrin as he walked down the corridor. "Such a long walk for so little. I was expecting something a little more grand."


"We dunno what's behind those doors though. Oi still say we missed something."


     "Perhaps, what truly surprises me though is the lack of any evidence this wizard actually did anything. No frescos, no poems listing his deeds inscribed in the walls, no gold, no statues. How do we know this wizard didn't just die reputationless and without a single copper to his name?" Thedrin continued to ponder out loud a he pushed on the next door.


The glyphed door resists Thedrin's attempts to push it, remaining steadfast in its hinge-less frame.

"Maybe he was humble. Strongest folks I know don't usually show off. Anyway, not lookin' like were gonna get through that door or any of the others without a key of soom type."