Book 1 - Chapter 3: The City on the Hill

Started by Asta, July 23, 2020, 07:00:45 AM

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Location: Outskirts of Aite-Aerd
Date: Oaeksaber 8, Erstdey, 795
Time: 1200

Finally you start to come across signs of civilization once again. The vast ceaseless flatness of The Steppe grants you the ability to see quite a way off into the distance and off on the horizon you can see your destination begin to rise up into view. Surrounded by farmland, the low hill is topped by a roughly rectangular keep. Encircling the keep and the hill upon which it rests is a city of fairly impressive size, all things considered. Not a dizzying metropolis like Albion, but its population numbers nearly ten thousand, all living in tightly packed yet organized buildings. Surrounding the town proper, is a crenelated wall about 15 feet high, constructed of mortared field-stone several feet thick. Guard towers rise from the fortification at regular intervals, providing a strong presence of security. At the gates, smaller sprawling neighborhoods have sprung up along the roads leading into the town. These areas of settlement contain a variety of inns for travelers and merchants alike, who haven't been given clearance into the city proper yet.

It takes another hour of travel, past more farm and ranch land but eventually you find yourself riding up to the western gate. There is a small line of travelers applying for entrance into the town, it seems that for whatever reason security is tight today. Eventually a guard approaches you.

"State your names and business."


     "A castle! I didn't think I'd ever see an actual sign of civilization again on these endlessly flat plains."  Remarked Thedrin as they made their way through the outskirts of the city. As they got to the front of the line for entry he stood at his tallest and most dignified in order to exude an aura above the commoners that has come before them in line. "I am Thedrin Ashewake, a knight errant come from the town of Telan on a vital mission to meet with the Righ. This is my retinue. Now, if we could be granted entry? We have a gift for the Righ and must prepare for our audience so we don't have much time to dally here."


The guard eyed Thedrin up and down, leaning on his spear somewhat nonchalantly. "Knight errant huh... Pardon the inconvenience Ser, but the rules is rules, and the rules say you wait in line like everyone else. Road is dangerous these days, more than usual. Travelers need to be screened 'afore they come beyond the walls, and again, if you'll note... there's a line."

The line you noticed earlier isn't particularly long, but is comprised of several small groups of people, several of which bear the look of refugees; likely coming from isolated farms struck by goblins.

"If you don't have a permit of entry, I can't let you through. Just doing my job. You'll have to wait in line like everyone else to get processed. Afterward you'll be issued a permit, and you can come and go as you please. I'll let you know now its two silver a head."


     Thedrin tried to keep his jaw from slacking into an open maw at the idea. He looked at the bedraggled refugees he would need to wait for. He could see the tower that held his glory over the shoulder of the guard. "Fine." He turned back to the line. "I will pay the permitting fee of anyone willing to let us pass them in line. Who accepts?"


There were a few murmurs from the various groups, and for a minute some heated discussion among some. Finally, the back three-quarters of the line shuffled backwards to make room for your party. A member of the group now in front of you turned around and gave an apologetic shrug. "Sorry, we've been 'ere an 'our already an' 'tis almost our a go."

[info]The total for the groups that stepped back will be 30 silver.[/info]


     "Ugh, fine..."  Replied Thedrin indignantly as he rolled his eyes and took his group's position in line before impatiently tapping his foot as they waited.

[info]Will pay the 30 extra sp[/info]


After a half an hour of waiting, it is finally your group's turn to be processed. The procedure is fairly straightforward, involving a short questionnaire about your reason for coming and where you traveled from, as well as if you are bringing in any regulated items for trade. Overall it is surprisingly bureaucratic, but considering the ever increasing danger of the times, a reasonable precaution. Eventually you pay the fee required for your permit to enter the interior of the city and are sent on your way.

Past the gate you find yourself in the city proper. The streets of Aite-Aerd form an irregular series of concentric rings that surround the keep, which sits at the top of the hill on which the city was founded. The sights, sounds, smells, and bustle of urban life are on full display as people move to and fro conducting their daily lives. Being a large and well populated settlement, there are a variety of open markets, individual shops and stalls, inns, taverns, and tradesmen organized into different districts adjacent to areas where people live.

Cutting perpendicular through the concentric avenues are four streets aligned roughly with the cardinal directions, these serve as the primary way to approach the top of the hill, and thus the keep. You notice that at each "level" where the street intersects there is a large archway constructed with the same field-stone that the walls of the city are made from. These arches have large iron portcullises that can be lowered to prevent an invading army from reaching the keep.

"Ter the keep then?"


     "Of course, it's why we're here after all."  Replied Thedrin, eager to see the king of the Steppe.


"Don't y'all forget we're still hauling animal carcass with us. I wuden think no king, or otherwise any commander of soldiers, might take it to it as well if we're makin' our request with the stench of dead animals with us. Might think us to be some uncouth country-folk." Rhenri said throwing a sly grin towards Thedrin.

"Actually, I think a nice bath wuld do us all a mighty large favor to whoever we're takin' our plea too. Get off the grime of the road, afore all the tawkin' and all that. We cain't be in too much of a rush to lose an hour?"

[info]Suggesting to group to get an Inn/stables, park the horses, clean up a bit, and also sell the Hyena pelts/claws.

Assuming selling goes well, Rhenri divides the money earned from selling four ways, with Scathach taking the remainder due to doing the work in cutting.

Rhenri, Thedrin, Cecilia each take: 1gp, 1sp, 2cp (or 1.12 gp)

Scathach takes: 1gp, 1sp, 4cp (or 1.14 gp)[/info]


"She 'as a point." Scathach said, looking at the group's muddied clothes.


     "Hmm...  You have a point."  Said Thedrin as he looked himself up and down.  He had managed to try and keep his clothes a little better kept for this last leg of the journey but he could do with some fresh laundering to be in top shape to meet the Righ, not to mention the worse state of his companions.  "Laundry and baths it is then."


Location: Aite-Aerd
Date: Oaeksaber 8, Erstdey, 795
Time: 1300

After some time searching the city for a reasonably priced inn with reasonably priced baths and laundry services, you manage to find one dubbed "The High Table". Inside, the friendly staff informs you of the price for room and stable, as well as any other service you might require for your stay.

[info]Price per night with stable, laundry and baths included is 5s per person. Assume during this time, Rhenri manages to sell the pelts to someone in town.[/info]

[spoiler=Cecilia]Finally, after spending some time each day along the road studying the map and book (despite its obscure and sometimes encrypted passages) you manage to discern that the location indicated on the map is in fact very near Aite-Aerd.[/spoiler]


     After a bath and donning a freshly laundered doublet Thedrin spent some time preening himself in the mirror, making sure everything was as close to perfect as he could get before their audience. He had spent the time his companions had spent hawking their wares in the market to polish and oil the scales of his armor and its chainmail underlay. Finally satisfied, he awaited his companions return so that they could head for the keep.


[info]Rhenri first sells the animal parts, while at the markets, she buys these clothes is she finds them:

Outfit, Courtier's, for 6 gp
Assorted jewelry to complete the look for 50 gp.
Cloak, reversible (red and black), for 30 gp.

If not, anything that looks nicer than her current peasant outfit.

Next, Rhenri pays for the lodgingand spends time bathing. Afterwards dressing up in her new clothes.[/info]

After her bathing, she posed in front of a mirror, admiring her looks. It's been a long time since she'd been in a city as large as Aite-Aerd, so she made it a point to find some suitable clothes for the occassion. Not that she minded her old dress, in fact, those were probably more comfortable. But they were also worn and old, and indeed were part of her cover for being a simple peasant in the countryside. If they were seeing someone important, then someone who seemed outstanding in society was probably the best bet. Rhenri figured she might as well look the part, even if she couldn't have the same distinct demeanor as one of the nobility. Those sort of things was probably why Thedrin was with them.

She viewed her reflection through the mirror, trying to bring up an aura of an elegant and graceful lady.

"You're lookin' awful fine Ri." Rhenri said, throwing herself a wink and emphasizing the accent she was using. She paused as she thoughtfully considered her words. "... Or should I say 'mighty fine'?" Rhenri asked the reflection, repeating one of her rituals she had developed back in Telan.

[info]Rhenri will meet up with the rest afterwards.[/info]

[spoiler=Clothing references]Outfit, Courtiers
This outfit includes fancy, tailored clothes in whatever fashion happens to be the current style in the courts of the nobles. Anyone trying to influence nobles or courtiers while wearing street dress will have a hard time of it (–2 penalty on Charisma-based skill checks to influence such individuals). If you wear this outfit without jewelry (costing an additional 50 gp), you look like an out-of-place commoner.

As this outfit does not cost 10 gp or less, player characters can not choose this outfit for free when first beginning play.

Cloak, Reversible
This cloak has an outer layer of fabric and an inner layer of a different color. They are worn for the sake of fashion, in theater performances, or to aid a quick appearance change as part of a disguise. The price varies depending on the cloak's quality, with the low end being a simple linen cloak and the high end being made of silk or decorated with fur trim.


Gethering in the common room of the inn, you find that each of your companions has cleaned up in one way or the other. Scathach evidently had packed a change of clothes, that while practical and austere was clean and suited her. "Well, look at yer. Quite the outfit!" she exclaimed, commenting on Rhenri's own ensemble. With final preening complete, your party sets off for the keep. The nearest cross street isn't far from the inn, only taking a few minutes to reach.

The hill upon which Aite-Aerd was founded isn't particularly high, nor are its slopes steep, so the walk to the keep isn't particularly difficult. The city itself, though it is the largest settlement on the steppe, isn't excessively large either. The walled in portion spans a few miles in diameter, many of the buildings being close together and stacked two to three floors high. The people you pass seem to be living relatively relaxed and happy lives, most everyone you see has a smile or is chatting with a neighbor. However, on occasion you overhear a few people discussing the increasing trouble with monsters on the roads.

Eventually, you find yourself at the top of the hill, outside the keep. The field-stone and mortar building holds a commanding view of the surrounding area, allowing you to see out for miles across the flat plains. When you approach the main gate to the keep, a pair of armored guardsmen stop you.

"Hold. State your business."